Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Fire of Ingwe

Ingwe is the God of the English, who gave his name to the Ingefolc; but, of course, he is a God of the Folk, and in my own research is so similar to Heimdall/Hama as to be the same, or at least a similar archetype. We see Ingwe having the following roles and names -

  • Ingwe/Ingus/AEngus.
  • Heimdall/Hama.
  • Scef (Sheaf).
  • Rati the Borer.
  • Rata-Tosk - Messenger between Gods and Men.
  • The Fiery-Serpent/Fire-Serpent/Kundalini.
  • The Aryan Krist - Krist of Atlantis - the Haeland (Saviour).
  • God of Fire.
  • God of the Will.
  • The Shining One.
  • The White God.
  • The equivalent to Agni of the Ancient Vedas.
  • Ingvi-Frea - 'Master of Inga'
  • Good of Force and Fire.
  • God of Force and Energy.
  • God of Light and Fire.
  • God of Friction-Fire (Two-Sticks) or the Pramantha (Swastika).
  • God who establishes the Divine Caste System.
  • He is the 'Son of Man(nus)'.

These are just some of the roles of the god Ingwe; he is also the God of the Sap (plants) and the Blood (animals/Man). 

His symbol is the Ing-Rune - the DNA Spiral and the Twin-Serpents; he is the 'Divine Spark' within Man - the Immortal in the Mortal. His totem animals are the Ram and the Boar, and he is associated with Aries the Ram. The Ram's Horns symbolise activity and creative energy. The Boar is an Aryan Symbol used by all branches of the ancient Aryan Race. 

Ingwe is a Solar-God, the Boar's Hairs represent the Sun's Rays - the Sun (Sunna) is Feminine, the rays that descend to Earth are Masculine. The Avatar, who descends from the Gods, is a man-child, but he comes from the Sun-Goddess and represents Her here on Earth. 

The Cult of Ingwe centres around the Cult of Fire; kindling the Need-Fire invokes the God of Fire - it needs intent though to do this. This is usually Wood-on-Wood either through the Fire-Sticks, Fire-Bow or the spinning of the Pramantha, where the Sacred Fire is kindled at the axle-centre of the wheel. We have done this with a Ferro-Rod and Knife, with the rod held straight and the knife at a 45% angle to the rod - in the shape of the Nad-Rune -


Kindle the Need-Fire by Fire-by-Friction.

Make an offering of Mead and Bread to Ingwe.

Chanting of the Sacred Word - The Ing-Rune would be suited to a Rite to Ingwe. (Chant 'Ing-we' with the emphasis upon the 'ng' sound.) 

**** Here I would recommend using the chant Ing-we rather than Ing-waz since the 'z' sound would take the emphasis from the 'ng' which is the Root-Sound.

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