Friday, 11 February 2022

Hope is Kindled.


"The third image that I want to give you today shows how again a new king arises in the distance. And he is of our Blood. His name is 'HOPE' because he closes the sources of evil. And every sign of heaven (Tiw's Kreis) gives him a year, the first half of it in peace and the second in war. However, the sources of evil break out again, and they shower the young king with Blood and Fire, from above and below and from all sides. Thus, he perishes. And the name 'HOPE' falls with him."

The Book of Sajaha - 9:8.

For a prophecy made by the young Seeress and Priestess of Marduk at the Esagila Temple in Babylon around 2,700 years ago this is remarkably accurate. It relates to the 'Ride of the Wild Hunt' that marked the Yuletide of the Great Year Cycle, and the 'Twilight of the Gods' - 1933-1939 (six years of peace) and 1939 - 1945 (six years of war). The 'Young King' perishes under a hail of Blood and Fire in the Gotterdamerung. But......he brings HOPE into a world of growing darkness.

However...."Then the Darkness completely seizes power in the world. The blinded people sacrifice in dull temples of the impure kind. Schaddein (Prince of Shadows) determines the course, his priests of the lie rule scornfully over the Earth. Only the heirs of the heritage of Babylon, Assyria and Persia (Iraq, Syria and Iran). However these became weak long ago. The victory is far off. There is no new king anymore." (Book of Sajaha - 9:9).

This is yet another remarkable prophecy since it names three of the nations which have stood up against the New World Order, and that they 'became weak long ago' (lost the Power of the Blood). Then comes the next stage -

"However, a Strong One will shake up the remnants of the Heirs and wake some up. Like a Comet which suddenly gives a sign. However, the victory is far off, and there is no new king."

Book of Sajaha - 9:10.

Sajaha speaks of a time which suggests the period of Judaeo-Christianity which oppressed and slaughter the Heathen Folk. This prediction tells of them 'offering false sacrifices', also 'cutting girls' hair', and 'burning the wise' - all of which was done in the 'Witch-Hunts'. What we often overlook here is that the torture, murder and 'burning of the wise' is a typical blood-sacrifice to Shaddein - 'Their thoughts are emptied, their spirits are sick, and their souls are deformed. Their gods slurp their blood, burn their flesh and eat the hair of their women. And they kill a great many." (Book of Sajaha - 9:7)

I'm not going into the 'Third Sargon' here since I have covered this before, but will now use the term HelgiH for the 'Avatar of Woden'. Helgi Hjorvarthson, Helgi Hundingsbane, and Helgi Haddinga are Warrior-Archetypes, they are Archetypal Heroes. They are each we to a Valkyrie-Maiden - Svava, Sigrun and Kara. And, we are told in the Eddas, they are each incarnated again into the next one - Helgi Hjorvarthson as Helgi Hundingsbane, Helgi Hundingsbane as Helgi Haddinga. In other words, after death and their entry into Valhalla, a Training-Ground for the Divine Heroes, they incarnate - at Will - as the next HelgiH to continue the struggle here in Middle-Earth. Helgi Hundingbane incarnated at the start of the so-called Age of Iron, when wars and conflicts were kindled on Middle-Earth. The archetype of Helgi Hundingsbane has arisen again in this era to continue the Eternal War against the Forces of Darkness and Chaos. We live today in the Age of Ing - the transition period between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.

Helgi the Hound-Slayer is slain by Dag which is a word meaning 'Day'; it seems thus clear that this Warrior-Archetype will be 'slain' at the 'Day-Break' of the Age of Aquarius (The Water-Jug), opening the way for the Last Avatar in Helgi the Haddinga, who is HelgiH the Second reborn or resurrected as HelgiH the Third (The Third Sargon). 

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