Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Light in the Darkness


There can be no awakening unless we all make it happen; only through putting all our time and effort into this struggle will the Folk be awakened and the Triumph of the Will come about again. World War II was the 'Yuletide' of the Great Year Cycle of 26,000 years; it was the time of longest darkness, and now the True Light is beginning to wax once more, reborn from the Darkness of Midwinter. But, like the time of year in the yearly cycle, this period is one that is the most destructive; winter is always the most destructive period and we are now in the 'Great Winter'. This lasts from Yule to the Summer Evennight, but as prophesied time has been speeding up, which is something no doubt we all feel now. Things are going faster and faster - and time leads to the end, so for all this drive towards a World State, we are headed for the end of an era and the destruction of the Old Order. 

The 'Ride of the Wild Hunt' took place between 1933 and 1945 - six years of peace and six years of war - as shown in the Sajaha Prophecies. This period was an era of destruction-to-recreation, with this destruction bringing with it the 'Seeds of Rebirth' for a future time, even though this period would be ruled over by the Dark Forces, and the Lord of Shadows would manifest upon the Earth to take control after his Servants of Darkness had prepared the way. The 'Seeds of Rebirth' would create a New Order when the time would come; this will be at the start of the Age of Aquarius. 

We can see for ourselves that the virus-infection has its impact during the winter months in the main, and this applies to the Great Year Cycle when the hardest impact is during the winter-period, the time we are going through today. Even though we have gone through the 'Rebirth of the Sun' at the Yuletide, this time of the cycle is the worst and most destructive. We do not need scholars and academics to tell us these things, we are living through these times and witnessing this for ourselves. This is the reason why our Folk today are threatened with destruction, but we should look to the positive side of this, since it is a challenge we face in order that our Folk evolve to the next level - to the Man-God!

And what a challenge! We face the most overwhelming odds, and we will need to fight for our lives to get through these times. But - we fight together! I have been involved in this struggle for nearly fifty years now, and whatever the outcome I have been proud to have met and worked with so many decent and good folk amongst our own. Some I have met personally, some I have never met, but whom I class as Folk-Comrades and personal friends, who have helped along the way with their ideas and their knowledge - and their support. 

"To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Tree of Life." - The Aryan Krist. 

This struggle is not about me, it is not about us, it is about our children, and their children, and their children....Woden hung for Nine Nights on the Tree of Woe, in an act of self-sacrifice, given up himself to himself in order to gain the knowledge needed to aid the stricken Folk in their hour of need - which we have reached now. We should never become 'down' during these times, since these times have been set as a challenge for us - an evolutionary challenge. 

From the start Woden's Folk was set up as an English Movement but with the knowledge that this struggle is a world-wide struggle for our Folk, and those of other cultures and races too. We have to struggle and fight for our own, it is to our Folk that we have a duty and responsibility to help through these Dark Times. Our work has widened over the years, since many more Folk of the Nations have supported us through their looking to Folkish Wodenism as a way forward in this great struggle. We are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder in this struggle for freedom, and we hope that what we do helps other Folk-Nations to awaken to the Call of the Blood.

Have no doubt on this, this is a Sacred Blood Struggle, the struggle to purify the Sacred Blood in order that the next stage of our Folk-Evolution can take place. This is beyond the comprehension of most, but it is an important concept that has to be taken into account - even though it will certainly evoke criticism, ridicule, and even outright attack. Many of our people out there are struggling to keep their freedom, but have no guiding light to lead them; they flounder in an ocean of chaos and disorder, without the guidance and leadership needed to create a viable opposition to this tyranny. What is lacking is ideology, idealism and a true weltanshauung that makes for a Spiritual Revolution and a Spiritual Movement that will ensure the survival of the Spirit of Man. It is clearly noticeable that, where these are lacking, the Global Powers are able to use and manipulate existing opposition to their own ends. When a movement has a strict ideology, ideals, and a weltanshauung that opposes the Dark Forces then it cannot be used and manipulated - even if they may try to do so! 

When the NHS workers protested against having to have the 'jab' it became clear that they represented one out of twenty NHS workers. This gives the State System the ability to criticise them for being such a 'minority', whilst the other nineteen out of twenty had done their 'duty and responsibility'. So even though the State backed down they could not resist 'rubbing their noses in it'. But...one out of twenty is 5%, which is the exact figure we would expect it to be, for this is the percentage of people who will fight for their freedom against such oppression - it does not change! We can expect no more than this, at such a time, to go against the current - it is such a small percentage that creates change - not the masses.

"Duty and responsibility" - when have we ever heard such nonsense from a ruling power that has no duty nor responsibility for its own people? They 'speak with forked tongue' as the saying goes! Their lies will come to roost! Here in England we are in a time of 'calm' which is not so in many other countries; this is not time to sit back and wait! Calm comes before the storm! The only way that we can all have any kind of impact is if we all try to put that little bit more into what we are doing in this struggle. We shall never be many, but the few can have far more impact if each one works at a 100% level. We owe it to our families, to our children, and to our friends and Folk-Comrades.

When this whole farce started it became clear that the more the people back down the more oppressive the regime became. This is not surprising, everyone who has recognised the role of the bully recognises that whenever one backs down the bullying gets worse. It was one of the Bronte Sisters (not sure which) that said that the only way to treat a bully was to hit back - harder! This was a long time ago, and attitudes have changed, not for the better either. In everything that happens today we have to try to see how the 'Hidden Hand' is working, because the one thing that features throughout these times is that they also seek to control the opposition. This is where we have to recognise what they are doing.

Woden's Folk was created nearly 24 years ago now, on April 23rd 1998; we have remained true to our ideals even through a period of attack by the British Press, an attack that tried to stop our use of ancient sites used by our Forefathers. We are always been targeted by the 'Leftist' section, but not as much as other groups because of the nature of our work - they try to attack the political sphere in the main. But as a religious movement we shall certainly be the prime target in the future, when their World Religion needs to come into force. 

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