Friday, 18 February 2022

Prince of Darkness


As Folkish Wodenists we no doubt get criticism for using 'Christian' terms, but this shows an ignorance of what exactly is 'Christian'. Here I am going to look at the Prince of Darkness - Shaitan. I use the term 'Shaitan' and not the usual 'Satan' because this is the right term to use. Shaitan is a name that originated in Persia (Iran) within Zoroastrianism. This is a very early and ancient Aryan Religion, so it is not Semitic in any way - except through later distortions perhaps. Shaitan is a name of Ahriman - the Evil Spirit of Darkness. 

Ahriman is the animated phantom of the collective Evil of the imperfect lights - souls with a deficiency of Divine Knowledge - the Urvans. Angra Mainyu is another name of this Prince of Darkness. Shaitan is the vilest embodiment of the Evil Spirit Daevaaum Daeva. The name 'Shaitan' comes from Shid-a, meaning 'defect', 'deceit', 'treachery'. This is the densest aggregation of defect or monstrosity of Evil. Shaitan is 'Shaida-an'. 

We need to beware here, since there is a Shaedan (Khshaetan) who is an aspect of AHU - the Highest Divine Power. He is Shaedan-Shaed or Khshaetan-Khshaed. AHU is the impersonal, unknowable, unnamable Absolute One. His name means 'Lustre of Lustres' and he gives rise to the personal deity Ahura Mazda. AHU is the equivalent to the IE Root *asu- meaning 'spirit', 'divine' and 'light'. AHU means 'It is', and we can perhaps liken this to the biblical 'I am that I am'; this term is used because the Great Spirit or Highest God is unknowable, and cannot be named. 

According to the source that I have used, the Manual of Khshnoom, Zarathustra lived around 7,551 BCE, some 9,000 years ago. This also tells of the destruction of Airyana Vaeja around 10,000 years ago. Waves of Aryans swept out of the North after the catastrophe that destroyed their Ur-Homeland. This catastrophe was caused, it is said, by the ice in the North melting and causing the Earth's axis to tilt. 

The Babylonians called Shaitan by the name Shaddai/Shaddain/Schaddain, and he is the Old Testament figure of 'El Shaddain', mentioned twice in Genesis. He is the 'Prince of Darkness' or the 'Prince of Shadows' - the 'Dark Lord'. What figures like Zarathustra seem to have been doing is to reorganise an Ancient Aryan Religion in order to purify it. Another reason seems to be that it is at times necessary to make sure the knowledge of these Dark Forces becomes clear again in order to counter their work here in Middle-Earth. In the Norse, Anglo-Saxon and Celtic myths we find a constant war between the Gods and Giants, but nowhere is this clearly defined as 'Good' against 'Evil' - in fact many people who work with these see no real battle between these forces.

One of the main Anglo-Saxon scholars, J.R.R. Tolkien, appeared again, at a critical time of the Cycle of the Ages, to set things straight when he wrote Lord of the Rings where the 'Dark Lord' appears as Sauron. He also revives the knowledge of the Iluvater - Ilu-Father - the 'All-Father' in the sense of the Highest God, also known as Eru. (We'll not go into that here but Eru may be akin to Iring, Irmin - maybe.) The Germanic Folk had Wr.Alda or Uralten as the Highest God, and there is the 'All-Father' who is equated to Woden but who may originally have been the unknowable God. 

There has to be a 'Creative Spirit of Light' and Racial Gods, and the Norse and Anglo-Saxon pantheon are our Racial Gods. That is why they are 'worshipped' in the sense of us trying to emulate their great deeds, and their low deeds which we have to go though in order to correct our mistakes. When we speak of the names Wr.Alda (Primal Ancient One) and Uralten (same) they are both from 'UR' - Primal. In the Manual of Khshnoom there is an assumption that 'ur' means 'wide'; it does mean 'our' so this seems right. That it is 'wide' suggests that it permeates and penetrates everything. 

It is important that we not only make it clear that this is a battle between Good and Evil (in the sense of the opposite to 'Live' - anti-life) and that we need a clear-cut division between the two opposing forces - no grey areas now! The term 'Daeva' in Persian would be that of the 'Dasyus' of Aryan India, a word meaning 'to divide'. The word 'Aryan' means 'to fit together', that is, the Aryan opposes this divisive force and tries to correct the Rita by creating the Haeldom. 

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