Thursday, 28 July 2022


The name, or title, Frea or Frey is said to mean 'Lord', and yet I cannot find how this meaning actually fits the title. The word 'lord' is English, coming from an Old English 'Loaf-Ward', and would be a translation from the Norse to English, thus perhaps not being totally accurate. From what I can find the word 'frey' comes from the IE Root *per- which means -

  • forward,
  • through,
  • in front of,
  • before,
  • early,
  • chief,
  • first,
  • toward,
  • against,
  • near,
  • at,
  • around.

The root itself gives rise to the Latin words -

  • primal,
  • primary,
  • primeval,
  • primitive,
  • prince (i.e. 'he who takes first place').

Since we find no 'p' in the Germanic Tongues we have to look for similar words beginning with 'f' -

  • Old English forma meaning 'first'.
  • English 'foremost',
  • Old English fyrst, fyrest meaning 'first', from Germanic *furista- meaning 'foremost'.

It would seem clear to me that the essence of the term frea/frey means 'first', 'foremost', or 'primal', rather than 'lord'. The word 'lord' is used over and over again in the Judaeo-Christian bible and may thus have been an influence upon the translation, but for myself I would suggest that this is a rather vague title, and one that has for so long held us back in our knowledge of who the God Ingwe-Frea is. 

Although I cannot put my hand on this because I have forgotten the source-book which I found it, but I am almost sure that Tolkien translated the term 'Ingwe' as the 'first' or the 'primal' from an Elvish Tongue. If so both the words 'frea' and 'ing' mean the same originally. In Tolkien's works Ingwe was of the Vanyar - Race of Elves - and was the 'High Lord of the Elves'. Of course, we know of Frey as the 'Lord of the Elves' and the term 'Vanyar' is close to 'Vanir' - the Race of Gods. 

The word 'fire' stems from an Indo-European Root *paewr- giving rise to the Old English fyr. Directly, it gives rise to the Greco-Latin pyr/pyre from the Greek pur. In doing this post I referred back to my own work Ar-Kan Rune-Lag - The Aryan Secret Way which, had I looked back to my own books, given an earlier insight into this subject. There are certain roots which now confirm some of the findings that have come up about Ingwe -

Germanic Root *fer/*far meanings 'destruction', 'reversal' and 'completion'. 

Germanic Root *fer means 'to lead', and gives us the German word Fuhrer.

Germanic Root *ferthuz means 'a place for crossing over' and this is significant in that the use of the term Pontifex (a term of the Roman Empire, taken over by the 'Pope' or 'Pontiff') means 'a bridge' or a 'crossing over'. 

Old English fah means 'radiant' or 'bright', again linking to fire and light, aspects of Ingwe. The Icelandic Poem uses the term 'sea's flame' and also 'serpent's way' for the Fehu-Rune. More often than not rune-workers associate the Feh-Rune with the god Frey - and thus to Ingwe. In most Indo-European Cultures fire is the Primal Element - this is of extreme importance to us. When we look at Krist and the 'Holy Spirit' we find the latter linked to fire and thus light. 

The Feh-Rune is sometimes linked to Wild-Fire or Primal Fire - the 'First Fire'. The 'conflict' of Fire and Ice was the Creative Act in Norse Mythology. It is the heat that melts the Ice that starts off the process; heat itself suggests movement and expansion. 

I have linked Ingwe with Agni after Hamasson suggested the AGNI-INGA idea; if Agni was the original form of Shiva, as suggested by Sri Aurobindo, then Agni is 'The Destroyer', the God of Destruction and Re-Creation. Like Shiva (Rudra) he destroys by fire, of course. So Ingwe is both the Creative Fire and the Destructive Fire, bearing in mind that destruction is always followed by a new creation. From the roots covered here this all suggests that Ingwe is the Primal Fire-God, and this aspect of Frey has not come to light before. In our own English Mythology (what we have of it) Scef brings the 'Fire-Taper', hence the reason I see Scef and an Incarnation of Ingwe. Indeed, we seem to be on the right track here since Hengest is an Incarnation of Ingwe (as the name suggests) and of the 'World-Ravager', taking up the Word of AEtla as 'The Destroyer'. 

The Greek god Prometheus is said, at least by H.P Blavatsky, to have a name derived from the pramantha which is the Swastika. The word can be broken into pra-mantha and thus 'first turner' (this is the root of the meanings for 'mantha') and thus connected to the World Mill, to Mundelfore ('First Turner of the Mill-Handle') or Waendal as we know him to be. Again, Prometheus is a figure who stole the Fire of the Gods to give to mankind, an act which Zeus punished by chaining him to a rock in the Caucasus Mountains. There he had his liver pecked out every day, which healed itself ready for the next day's pecking. (*) 

(*) Here, it seems, the Ancient Greeks knew well that the liver is the one organ of the body that can completely regenerate itself. I was recently talking to a local woman who works in the NHS and she mentioned that the doctors had diagnosed her liver as being too far gone to do anything with. After a period of drinking pomegranate juice and coffer, both of which she said is good for the liver, when they checked again before a 'transplant', the liver was completely regenerated! I have no reason to doubt her honesty. 

The kindling of the Nyd-Fire is an act meant to invoke Ingwe, as was the case with Agni. Wood-on-Wood is the usual means to do so, though Flint-on-Flint or Flint & Steel are also ways of starting a fire by natural process. 

On the Firestone (White Stone of Ing) Ingwe is linked to the Ken-Rune and thus to Fire in the sense of this particular rune-stave. This rune is connected (with the Haegl-Rune) to the Heil Force (Hvarena) and to the Necklace of Fire belonging to Freya (sister-wife of Ingwe). This is the Serpent-Fire linked to the Fiery-Serpent 'Shining Ones' who were clearly the Race of Elves. From my own experience of seeing one of the Elven Folk he emanated a Blue Fiery-Light - shimmering blue-white light - maybe 'Blue Blood'? Ingwe is related to Sacral Kingship, as is the Ken-Rune. Many English names were and are derived from aelf/alf meaning 'elf'. 

Don Miguel Serrano speaks of the Igneous Blood, the word itself deriving from the same root as 'Agni'; the Fiery-Blood of Ingwe pulses though the veins of the Ingefolk. That we find the names of both Frea and Ingwe meaning 'the first', 'the foremost' or the 'primal' infers that we are dealing with a far more ancient god-form than most people would think. 

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