Monday, 22 August 2022

The Magical Properties of Water - Part Two.


The Hagal-Rune is made up of four Ken-Runes if we see there being two variations on the right and two variations (reflections) on the left. The rune is made up of the 'Life-Rune' and 'Death-Rune', and thus tells us that this rune represents a harmony of opposites, or a balance of opposing poles. The Hagal-Rune and Ken-Rune contain the mysteries of the Heil-Force or Hvarena - the 'Glory of Light'. I thought that I would mention this before going any further, after having taken a quick read of the Book by Masaro Emoto.

Firstly, this is not a review of the book, nor does it acknowledge the world-view of the author, nor his ideas on how the world can be changed. This post is about the ideas that he has come up with in regard to the properties of water, which makes up some 70% of the human body, and is thus of vital importance to us in our lives. Some time ago I made a post on one of the blogs, which I cannot now find so it may have been on the Guerrilla Survival Blog which has had some removed over time. This post mentioned Viktor Schauberger and his research into the properties of water; in this I mentioned using the Ur-Rune chanted over a glass of water, and also that it is worth trying to create a 'vortex' by swirling the water around in a bottle - which I remember being ridiculed by 'Maggie Benn' of Radical Britain. This book actually suggests something similar! 

To summarise the book, the author and his colleagues experimented with water using the spoken word, the written word and using classical and heavy metal music. He also experimented with using suggestion and command, so let us now review this so far -

Spoken word using such terms as 'Love and Gratitude' (positive) - clear-formed crystals.

Spoken word using abuse such as 'You Fool!' (negative) - chaotic forms.

Spoken word using suggestion 'Let's do it!' (positive) - well-formed crystals.

Spoken word using command 'Do it!' (negative) - barely formed any crystals.

Ignoring the water altogether (negative) - formed no crystals at all. 

Classical music (positive) - well-formed crystals.

Heavy Metal music (negative) - chaotic crystals.

Our problem here is that we cannot verify these experiments ourselves, since he admits that to start these off he had to hire a very accurate microscope, beyond our means to do so. Were the experiments in any way guided by suggestion, which is something not mentioned. But I think that we can safely assume that these are an overall pattern to go by; certainly Classical Music is harmonious, whereas Heavy Metal Music is chaotic, since we know that the tone was changed deliberately decades ago. 

One important point was that when the word 'Satan' was used (in both English and Japanese) this produced the shape of a ring and 'eye', something that is quite remarkable; the 'command' produced a similar shape. These, I feel, are points to ponder upon, since clearly words are not arbitrary and have a positive or negative effect upon water - and thus humans (and all life). 

'That which can be seen has no form, and that which cannot be seen has form'. - Hamyashingyo, Buddhist 'Wisdom and Heart Sutra'.

This seems a strange statement but it is seen to be true when we realise that we can 'see' objects, but what we cannot see is the 'vibrations' (energy) that any object is formed of. Thus, the vibrations are the 'form' of the object, which we cannot see. Everything vibrates, everything produces sound. Anything on the same frequency, or the same ratio of that frequency resonates

For water to be 'pure' and 'alive' it must be moving water, like the brooks, streams, rivers, lakes and seas. Where water 'springs' up from the ground this was held to be a sacred place by all cultures; energy-points are found wherever we find underground water - this can be found by dowsing. Stagnant water and tap-water (with added chlorine) is not 'live water'. There are some who think now that water originated as ice in space, and we do know that some comets are made of ice; this, of course, was postulated by Hans Horbiger.

There is one point that I do feel that he has seen as important, and that is gratitude, which he sees as double the energy of 'love'. We have heard the various calls for 'universal love' that will heal all ills, but we hear nothing much about 'gratitude', which in a way is very important. Take this simple 'Food Blessing' used within Woden's Folk -

Earth that did this food bestow,

Sun that made it riper grow;

Dearest Sun and Dearest Earth,

N'er will I forget that worth.

This very simple food blessing shows gratitude to both the Earth that gives to us the food, and to the Sun that ripens it for us to eat. Far too few people are grateful for what the Earth gives to us, nor for how the Sun gives so many powerful things - and all of the other life upon the Earth. The hardened hunter is far closer to Nature, and far more grateful to Nature than those who moan about killing for food, the latter being mainly city-dwellers who have no appreciation of Nature. When we grow our own food we become more grateful for what is bestowed upon us by the Earth and the Sun. Compassion for all life is not pity from whence the modern drive against the Natural Order stems. 

We can learn what is said here from the Gifu-Rune, because this is a Rune of Giving, but it is also a Rune of Receiving. This is a two way process by which one gives and one receives. We give gratitude for the gifts that the Gods and Goddesses give to us; this is done in our rites, where we give an offering in exchange for their aid an guidance. This is also done to the Mother Earth - 'This gift we give in exchange for the gifts you give to our Folk.' Perhaps we do not give enough importance to what is being dpost one, since the intention is what counts here. This is something to ponder upon.

Master Shioyu, a Shinto Priest, mentions 'Ghost Particles' which border between the third and fourth dimensions. Words spoken with determination (i.e. Will) have a very strong power because these gather 'Ghost Particles', making it possible to accomplish things in the three-dimensional world. Incantations, in the Japanese Tradition, are taken from the 'Spirit of Words', from which the energy derives. Sound is vibration, and vibration is obviously picked up and recorded in water. From this idea the formula used by Albert Einstein was altered -

E = MC2 which is Energy = Mass x Speed of Light (2).

E = MC2 which is Energy = Mass x Consciousness (2)

Something else was mentioned which is obvious really but rarely thought about, since our power of transmission is the mouth which we have one of, and yet our powers of reception - the nose (smell), the ears (sound), the eyes (sight), and the hands (feeling),  - we have two of. I'll add to this a thought. Maybe we have lost the ability to transmit through telepathy - through the thoughts. But even if few can actually receive telepathically, this does not mean that other species of life, and such things as water, cannot receive our thoughts. If we think on this, and apply it to the most vivid dreams we have, especially this that have a message to give, we never see the giver of the message say anything - we receive it telepathically. 

One of the experiments was not done in a lab but was done with a large gathering of people taking part in a ritual done by a Shinto Priest. This was done by a muddy lake, whose waters slowly cleared after the ritual was performed. This is obviously the power in numbers (mass x consciousness). In a Telegram post I mentioned the ideas put forward by Fiona AEdgar (Astrologer) on the subject of 88 Lion's Gate Portal which is clearly not what those promoting it are saying. This covers the 'Dog-Days' (Sirius is the 'Dog-Star') which are known to be scorching hot days of drought. Clearly not a good thing to invoke! Despite the fact that many of those involved in this know not what they are doing, someone behind this does know what they are doing, and using the power of the 'mass' to do their work - the power of numbers.

Going back to what has been said about the Armanen System, we see here how a complete runic system was based upon the shape of the Hagal-Rune - the Hex-Crystal. Since all of the shapes made in the frozen water this is the natural form of the 'snowflake' and the 'frost' - frozen water. If we take it that this comes from Cosmic Ice which comes down from space, then the shape itself represents Cosmic Ice or the 'hailstone'. This is a static form, but when subject to heat or warmth this becomes a fluid form - water. Our Forefathers in ancient times, living in the Northlands, put great emphasis upon the polar-opposites - Ice & Fire. These were the very things that emerged in the beginning within Ginnungagap; it was movement which set things in motion. Ice is static, whereas fire is expanding, moving outwards. 

The 'Mother-Rune' is the rune from which all runes emerge; each rune is an aspect of the whole, of the All. This infers that everything is interconnected, as our Forefathers knew as the Web of Word, and which quantum physics is today beginning to realise. Everything has consciousness, everything is consciousness, and everything has memory; we have seen here the idea that water holds memory, but there are many other things that the ancients knew that held memory. Moving water is also linked to energy-centres of the Earth, this was known by the ancients; Underwood suggested that these energy-centres were based around a 7-coils or 3 1/2-coils, i.e in ratio to the Number 7. Of course, the 3 1/2 coils reminds us of the Kundalini-Force or 'Serpent-Force'. This water flowed under the Earth in subterranean currents. 

This, of course, brings up the question that if this 'Earth-Energy' is connected to water and to what some see as 'Dragon-Lines' ('Serpent-Lines') can there be a connection between the Serpent-Force in the body of humans and that of water? Of course, the water-currents of the Earth would correspond to the blood-currents around the body. This water flows below the surface of the Earth, so maybe we are looking at a kind of 'parallel' blood-flow in the human body. The 'Fire-Serpent' is the energy-flow within the water/blood - 'Fire-in-Water'. 

I'll not go any further with this now, since we have diversified enough at this stage, but I think this should give food for thought on how water is affected by sound and no doubt by thought. This is perhaps something we should consider in regard to our work, and to the struggle we undergo as a Folk.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

The Magical Properties of Water - Part One


This post started when Steed ('The Fyrgen') sent me a piece based upon a book called The Hidden Message in Water by Masaru Emoto. I have downloaded a copy of the book but not as yet read it, though this is not a drawback here since the post here is based upon a certain aspect of this work and not the whole content of the book itself, though this may come later if it proves as good as the clips I have already seen.

The crystal-shape shown above was a photo taken for an experiment in which 'love and gratitude' were directed into water which was then frozen. Masaru Emoto says that these shapes are far more pronounced when using natural water rather than tap water, which is something that we know since the use of natural water is used for blots because it is 'Living Water'. Our bodies, I am led to believe, are made up of 70% water, and thus his experiments should concern us all since sound obviously has an effect upon the water. This affect is either positive, when an ordered pattern such as this is made, or negative, when a chaotic pattern is formed. Thus, words are a very powerful tool, either for good (in the right hands) or for evil (in the wrong hands). 

Woden hangs upon the World Tree, Iggdrasil, for Nine Nights without food nor drink, pierced by his own spear, after which he screams out the 'Cry of Need' - AEPANDI NAM. As I have said before the term AEP seems to be cognate to the Babylonian AP(su) and Sumerian AB(zu), as well as the Sanskrit APAN, all of which refer to 'water', but in the sense of the 'Waters of the Nether-World'. So, the Ancient Runes were recovered from the 'Nether-World'; in this respect we can see this as Woden tapping into the Blood-Memory, since it seems that water has the property off being able to hold memory. We can see this more clearly in the Well of Mimir - the 'Well of Memory'. 

The shape seen here is found in various forms in the experiments on frozen water that has been spoken to in a positive way, and this seems to prove the validity of the Armanen Rune System devised by Guido von List, since his work was based entirely on the Hex-Crystal which he called the Hag-All and has also been called the Krist-All. The Norwegian Rune-Poem states that 'Krist shaped the former heavens' under the Hagal-Rune, a rather strange thing to say. This may refer to the Krist of Atlantis mentioned by Miguel Serrano, in which case this may refer to the 'former world' - Atlantis. 

All too often the Hagal-Rune is said to mean 'hail', this being a destructive form of energy; however, like all runes it has polar-opposite meanings, and this rune can mean heil or hael - health, healthy, wholeness, wholesome, hale & hearty etc. This is a very positive rune, and this is proven when we see the frozen images of water that has been the subject of positive sound vibrations. Emoto also tells us that natural water, when soft and harmonious music is played to, also shows these type of images when the water is frozen. The opposite would thus apply when chaotic music is played. The shape itself is that of the 'snowflake', i.e. frozen water, as well as that of ice when it freezes. These occur naturally so this seems to suggest that the rune-pattern was used by studying the pattern of frozen water; the positive meanings of the rune are clearly correct in relation to the shapes formed, since the negative sound creates chaotic forms without any clear pattern or order. 

The Nine Glory-Twigs are based around the Hagal-Rune in its snowflake form, as seen here; the whole thing can be fitted into a Hex-Crystal shape, just as the Armanen Runes derive from the Hex-Crystal. This is the 'Mother Rune' in both cases, the 'womb' out of which the runes emerge; this is an important point, since the womb is filled with water. The runes emerge from the 'Waters of the Nether-World'; the pattern must be there is the water, but can only be seen when the water is frozen. 

Some of the importance of this was pointed out in the Telegram posts which highlighted this work -

1. The importance of sound in ritual,

2. The importance of water in ritual.

Thus, 'baptism' was never something that was of trivial importance, since the 'Holy Water' used had the property of holding the memory of the act. The sound of the ritual is important, since it is this that is held in the 'memory' of the waters used. Of course, the Sacred Mead that we use in our Wodenic Rites is made from water, and thus subject to the same type of properties; the 'blessing' of the Mead-Horn (as we know anyway) is thus no trivial act but a Magical Gesture. 

I think it should be pointed out that in doing something like this the speaker has to be sincere when he is saying the words, and really mean what he is saying. This would come out in the tone of the voice which is of extreme importance. By chanting the words Waes thu Hael! over the Sacred Mead we have been using this knowledge unknowingly, for this passes into the Mead (water) to be drunk by those in the Sacred Circle. In truth, what is a Magical Act is here something within Natural Law, that the water carries the 'message' for us in its 'memory'. 

This brings us to a point which has only been accepted by 'fringe' science, and that is the fact that memory is not held solely in the brain, but exists outside the mind. Memory should be seen as being 'consciousness' which is not restricted to the human brain, but which can exist in all things - as the ancients knew. Science is actually beginning to find out that memory can be passed down from one generation to the next, thought the DNA Code. Thus, water is a kind of 'conductor' for the memory, just as copper wires act as a 'conductor' for electricity to move. 

We can see here also a clear link to Ingwe who is the god-force (energy-force) that moves in the sap (i.e. the 'waters'); he also moves in the blood (i.e. the 'waters'. When Miguel Serrano speaks of the Blood-Memory he is thus speaking of the Ancestral Memory which is held in the DNA, and which is related to the movement of the blood around the body. In the Legend of Sheaf we find that he is 'sent by the gods' and travels in a small boat 'over the waters' or 'from the Great Deep'. There is a deep mystical link here whence the 'waters' should be seen not only in a physical sense, but also in the sense of an animate energy

Of course, we can thus relate these ideas to the ALU-ULA Formula, since 'ale' is an intoxicating drink made from water. This, it seems, would thus be a magical force related to 'ale' and thus 'water'. The IE Root *alu- gives rise to terms that refer to 'growth' and all plants, herbs and trees need water as their basic requirement or they wilt, wither and die - we can only go for around 3 days without water. Maybe ALU is thus related to the passing of memory since it has been found on funeral urns: this seems to be a very complex formula with various different meanings. The central rune, Lagu, is that of water. Ancestors - Water - Primal, the three basic meanings of the runes of ALU. Maybe the ALU-GOD is the 'Ancestral God' - Woden. On the other hand this could also apply to Ingwe, especially since this is connected to growth. Or maybe we should not to try to 'categorise' our gods and goddesses. 

Sunday, 7 August 2022



Frey and Freya were not only brother and sister but also man and wife; this was, we are told in the Eddas, a trait of the Vanir-Gods. The names 'Freya' and 'Frigg' seem to stem from the same root-word, so we can assume that Freya is not only the brother and husband of Frey, but also 'The Mother'. We find recorded the name of Frey and Freya's father, Njord, but not of the mother; yet Tacitus (Germania) tells us of a Goddess Nerthus who was worshipped by certain Germanic Tribes including the Angles. However, I am not a language scholar, but I have read that the name 'Nerthus' is male. This could be a misunderstanding, or perhaps another way to emphasise the lack of 'The Mother'. Whatever the case, Nerthus is a Goddess of the Underworld, as the name suggests. What we are dealing with here is perhaps not so much the physical 'waters' but the AEP (AP/AB) - the 'Waters of the Netherworld'. 

In the Vedas, Agni is sometimes referred to as Apam Napat - 'apam' being the 'Waters of the Netherworld'. Indeed, we have here Ingwe-Frey as almost always associated with the 'waters', and Agni almost always associated with 'fire'; and yet we can see here that both have association with Fire and Water, or more precise 'Fire-in-Water'. In Norse Lore Ingwe-Frey is associated with 'Water', and in Vedic Lore Agni is associated with 'Fire', linking the two together we see things in a different light. 

The word 'pyramid' can mean 'Fire-in-the Mid'; this has 4 sides, each one a unilateral triangle. The Number 4 can thus be equated with - Fire. There is another number equated with Fire & Kingship - the Number 27 (3 x 9). Man's ancestor is Ash and the Ash-Tree, Iggdrasil is known as a 'Measurer' - the 'Measuring-Tree'.We measure in numbers which hints of the importance of the numbers concerned with the World Ash. Firstly we have its 3 roots, which may be in fact 3 x 3 roots - i.e. the Sacred Number 9. Iggdrasil means, I believe, the 'Steed of Igg', which directly equates to Sleipnir who has 8 legs - the Sacred Number 8 (2 x 2 x 2). The Number 9 and Number 8, when multiplied make 72, a number associated with the Precession of the Equinoxes and the Circle. 

There is nothing in the Christian texts to suggest that their Jesus Christ has 'Five Wounds', and yet this came into Christianity later, used on the banner of Saint Cuthbert, so it must have originated somewhere. The 'Five Wounds' do however come into Njal's Saga where Hoskuldr Hvitanesgoti is cut down by five killers whilst sowing in a field. He wears a scarlet robe and is associated with a chest that contains the robe and the blood from the five wounds. (There is another Hoskuldr who has 16 wounds.) Scarlet, it seems, was associated with the corn and  corn-growing, and in these ideas we find a similar tale of Osiris in Egypt. Osiris is a 'God of the Corn' or 'God of Grain', who (in some versions) is cut into 16 pieces, put together by Isis and Nepthys after which Isis mounts the body and Horus the Avenger is born of this. (Osiris = As-Ar). 

In one Egyptian Text we find that Osiris is the animating-force behind the inundation of the Nile each year, this being the only way that crops could grow in such an area. In one version Osiris is cast away in a boat - this fits with our own Scef. As the 'God of Grain' Ingwe-Frey is also associated with the waters, as I have said earlier. Of course, going back to Part One of this post, the cutting down of the 'God of Grain' can be found in the famous Folk-Song, John Barleycorn. In this he is also associated with 'water' and with 'fire'. 

On the subject of Iggdrasil and the 'Measuring-Tree' we have also the Skapker Heidrunar which is the 'Measurer of Heidrun' - the Goat-Constellation of Capricorn. This, it seems, is the 'Northern Gateway to the Gods'. Capricorn is associated with the Winter Sunstead and Yule, the turning-point of the Solar-Year. In The Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland Einar Palsson outlines some of this stuff in far more detail, and sees both the chest holding the Scarlet Robe & Blood and the Skapker Heidrunar as the 'Horn of Plenty' - the Womb of the Great Mother and Womb of Creation. Without knowing any of this at the time, back in the spring of 1997 when the Hale-Bopp Comet was seen in the Northern Skies I had the dream that this was 'sent by Morgana' and that 'Capricorn - the Horn of Plenty' was important.

The Skapker Heidrunar is the horn that nourishes the Einheriar after their daily battle and dying-to-rebirth. This suggests that it is this that revives the Einheriar that they may continue the Everlasting Battle. The 'Horn of Plenty' is clearly associated with the harvesting thus directly to Ingwe-Frey. Einar Palsson may well be on the track here, but I cannot as yet see where this links to the 'Holy Grail', although this does act to regenerate the Royal Kingship and the Land. We may have to look a little differently at the Myth of the Einheriar, since this could be seen in a different way.

Valhalla, as I have said before, is a 'training-ground' for Woden's Chosen Warriors, where they fight each day, die each day and are 'resurrected' to fight again the next day. Here the Skapker Heidrunar contains the Sacred Drink that 'resurrects' the Divine Heroes. Maybe we should extend this to their role in the Eternal Conflict (Everlasting Battle), since they go the 'Way of the Gods' by going to Valhalla, and from there being reborn at will to fight again here in Middle-Earth. In which case we can see the Skapker Heidrunar as containing the draft that is given to them in order that they can be reborn again and again into this Eternal Battle. 

At some point in the Cycle of the Ages, Tiw lost his 'right hand' in order to bind (for now) the Fenris Wolf. It was necessary for Woden Initiates to take the 'Left-Hand Path' in the Warg-Age or Kali Yuga, since this is the 'Road to the Immortals'. During the Kali Yuga it seems that Sacral Kingship was lost to the 'Warrior Kings' who were thus lacking in the priestly side, and thus lacked the philosophical side of Sacral Kingship - the Priest-Kings. We can perhaps see this in the split of King and Priest (Magician) - Aragorn & Gandalf, Arthur & Merlin etc. We can perhaps see this in the split between the Right-Left Brains in mankind, which reflects what is going on at a different level. The balance has been lost in favour of the Left-Brain or Rational Mind. At the ending-point of a given civilisation ego-centredness takes control; but the ego is necessary and not to be destroyed, but has to be transmuted into the Absolute I (Serrano). 

Friday, 5 August 2022



We must remember when dealing with Ancient Religions that they always worked at two distinct levels - the Lesser Mysteries (Exoteric for the Mass) and the Greater Mysteries (Esoteric for the Initiates). The Lesser Mysteries would have been based around the physical cycles of Nature, the yearly death & rebirth, whereas the Greater Mysteries would have been based upon the Quest for Immortality - the Quest to become the God-Man. I think that we can find this in our own Germanic Mythology, and will try to outline this here. 

I will start with Ingwe-Frea here who is seen as a 'God of Fertility', a 'God of Virility' no doubt of both crops and within man too. But Ingwe is the 'Divine Spark' within Man, the 'Divine Son' sent by the Gods to mankind as Scef-Ingwe in the beginning, the God of the Grain, since he has a Sheaf of Corn under his head. Here we can see him as alike to the Egyptian 'God of Grain' - Osiris. Scef-Ingwe or Ingwe-Frea can be seen as the 'God of Grain', and his role within the Vanir-Gods or Elven Folk could be symbolised by the Serpent - the earth-bound creature. Thus the most ancient Serpent-Cults and their links to Earth, Nature and Land. 

It is usually accepted that these cults were of the Sacral King who was slain each year to be replaced by another Sacral King, thus the Yearly Cycle of the Earth, and maybe why Frea is called the Ar-God - though there is also another reason for this, as I will show. In this Slaying of the Sacral King we often find that he is slain by his brother, whose wife is then taken by the brother as his own, as he takes over the role of kingship. This is linked to Sovereignty where the Sacral King is 'married' to the Sacred Land, and when he is slain by his brother it is the brother who marries his wife - Sovereignty at one level. But....have we not seen this series of events before, but in an altered form?

Why does the author of Beowulf replace the native English Divine Ancestor - Scef - with the Danish Scyld? Because this is set in Denmark, or is there another reason for this? Scyld is the progenitor of the Scyldings, the Danish Royal Line that replaced the Cycle of the Death of the King with hereditary kingship. So, this was a different concept, and one it seems that was through the Cult of Woden. Since it is very doubtful that the 'new' cult replaced the old one because it was abhorred by the yearly (or periodic) 'king-slaying' then there has to be another reason for this. The author of Beowulf did, however, show the continuum here rather than a 'replacement' (as some would have it) by making Scyld the 'Son of Scef'. The Symbol of Scef-Ingwe is the Sheaf of Corn whereas the Symbol of Scyld is the Sun-Shield; this is a very important point since it represents a New Order and a change of era.

Where have we seen this 'king-slaying' before? The Myth of Hamlet (Amleth-Amlodhi) which, by Shakespeare, was set in Denmark. Here the myth is exactly the same, with one fundamental difference - 

The king is slain by his brother, and the brother takes the wife of the king and the kingship; but...the king's son vows to take revenge upon his uncle, and plays The Fool so that the uncle is not suspicious. 

This is the Mystery of The Hooded Man which forms the basis of Folkish Wodenism. This is the New Order that must have taken place at the end of a world-age, which changes things considerably. This is not the 'Nasty Aryan Theory' where these warrior-elites warred and defeated a peaceful, nature-loving people, for it is a change of order necessary due to the cycle of the ages. Ingwe now becomes 'The Avenging Son', and for very good reason as we shall see. 

The link between Ingwe and Denmark is important, since we know from the Old English Rune-Poem that 'Ing was first seen amongst the East-Danes'. Angul and Dan are said to have been brothers too. Also, Ing is said to have gone 'eastwards', the word est meaning either 'east' or 'back' - suggesting that his journey was not once but twice - perhaps eastwards after the sinking of At-al-land, and westwards back to England through Hengest & Horsa. 

Now, what appears to be the case here is that we have a change of 'world order', a change from the 'Peace of Frodi' to a warlike period whence the Warg Age sets in for real. This does not infer an 'invasion' from outside, nor a new set go gods, but an internal change in which the gods themselves transmute into a new form suited to the New Order. We may well see this in the figure of Helgi Hundingsbane whose birth is that of a Warrior-Hero, used in by the Wyrd Sisters (Norns), and prophesied by the Speech of the Ravens. Clearly, his mother is rather taken aback at the prospect, knowing that Helgi has been born to break the 'Peace of Frodi' and to wage wars and conflicts at the start of the Warg-Age or Age of Iron. This may also be found, perhaps in the Song of Rig where Rig-Earl's destiny is to take back the 'Eden-Lands' - the 'Eighteen Manors of the North'. This does not infer an 'invasion' in the sense of a new people, but in the sense of Germanic Folk under a new Folk-Leader taking control in order to enforce the New Order - necessary because of the Cycle of the Ages. 

In the Myth of Knit Mountain we find Woden shape-shifting into a Serpent in order to gain access to the mountain, where the auger - RATI - is used to do so. I have also shown how the term 'Rati' was used of Hama (Heimdall), and thus, like Agni aiding the gaining of the Soma, here Woden is aided by Hama (in this case Ingwe who is a similar archetype - as I will show). Woden sleeps with Gunnlod, who sits in the 'Golden Chair', for three nights in a Tantric Love-Rite, and thus gains the Sacred Mead from Suttung the Giant ('Son of Sutt'). To escape, aided by Gunnlod, he shape-shifts into an Eagle. Here we have the imagery of Iggdrasil - the World Tree, with the Serpent (Nid-Hogg) ate the base, and the Eagle at the top. The term 'Did-Hogg' would refer to the Underworld Serpent, but importantly here described as a 'hogg' - Boar. The 'Messenger of the Gods', who runs up and down the World Tree (here also representing the Fire-Serpent) is, I feel, Ingwe, which seems to be underlined when we see the name RATA-TOSK where 'tosk' is 'tooth' or more precisely 'tusk' (of the Boar, the Symbol of Ingwe), and RATA (like AGNI-INGA) is the reflection of ATAR which is the Aryan Persian name for the Sacred Fire. The imagery of the Serpent (Earth-Bound) being transformed into the Eagle (Heaven-Bird) is thus the transformation of the mortal into the Immortal. 

I believe that this is the key to this, that the shift from the Earth-Bound Cults to the Sky-Gods was a necessary change of order which had to happen at this particular time because of the evolutionary drive towards Man becoming the God-Man - the Quest for Immortality. This was perhaps why, in the first instance, there had to be the First War in the World, between the Aesir & Vanir, because they had to be a fusion of opposites in order to create a new form for the future transformation. We can perhaps see this in the Tir-Rune which is the Rune of Balance & Harmony; Tiw loses his Right Hand, and thus the Tir-Rune becomes Lagu which is the Left-Hand Path, the path we need to take to be able to undertake the Quest for Immortality - the Path of the Hero. 'Peace and Plenty' have no place here in the Warg-Age, as we can see today; struggle and strife are the norm in these times, and this is the only means that the evolutionary purpose can take place. The 'Gods of Peace and Plenty' have to transmute into the 'Gods of War and Struggle'. 

We can perhaps see this theme in the Myth of Baeldaeg, where the Sun-God is not the god of the yearly death-rebirth as found in the classical myths, but he is slain and will not return from Hela (Odainsacre) until after Ragnarok. Through the Merseburg Charm where Baeldaeg's Foal (Pol's Foal) has its legs 'broken' we can see that the symbol of Baeldaeg in the Underworld is the Swastika, which is here the symbol of the Black Sun since it is the Sun of the Former World. When the feet are healed by Woden, and Baeldaeg's Ring is returned, the symbolism will change to the Solar-Wheel. The 'broken' Fylfot ('Foal's Foot') will become the Sun-Wheel - an Eternal Circle without Beginning or End.

We can find a connection here to Idunn, the Goddess of Regeneration and of the Apples of Immortality. In the Myth of Idunn we find a strange statement, that she placed her 'splendidly-washed arms around her brother's killer', which suggests a link to the Vanir-Gods (Waene). Idunn is a daughter of Ivalde (Wade), so her brother would be Orwandil the Archer ('Arrow-Wandil') (*), whose son is Amleth (Hamlet). Thus, like Frey and Freya, it may be that Idunn's 'brother' is also her husband, a peculiarity of the Vanir-Gods. In the same lineage we find the change of order in that a little further down the line Amleth '('The Son') avenges his father to take the throne which is his by right. The Royal Line then passes from father to eldest son which remained in force until modern times of 'equality' when this is not seen as 'fair'. (**)

(*) Rydberg sees Orwandil as being Egil the Archer, which seems quite feasible; he is the brother of Weland the Smith. 

(**) In regard to this being 'unfair', this is not the point, since by passing it to the eldest son by right (unless, of course, he was not fit to take it) the land and property was held in the family to be passed on again. When the land and property were shared then it would be lost forever to the family, which is how things degenerated in time. Sharing it meant more likely selling it to share the proceeds - losing the land in the process. 

To sidetrack a little, it may well be that we have a link between the Vanir-Gods and the Wolsungas, since we find this 'sister-husband' chain used in order to keep the Royal Line going. There is also the 'Apple' given to Rerir by a handmaid of Frigg when he is old, which regenerates the line again. This suggests the Apples of Idunn. There is also another point here which concerns the Gral Mythos as given by Wolfram von Eschenbach; here he mentions the hero - Parsifal ('The Fool') - comes from Waels often taken as 'Wales', but more likely refers to the Waelsingas (Wolsungas). According to Richard Wagner's Ring Cycle the Wolsungas were a Divine Race sired by Woden. This suggests a change of role for the Vanir-Aesir, a transmutation into a New Order. 

The Royal Line of the West Saxons (Wessex) traces back past Woden to Scef-Scyld-Beow ('Sheaf' - 'Shield' - 'Barley'). This may not have been added for no good reason, for it gives a clue that Woden (AEsir) came at a period of transformation after the 'Peace of Frodi' and the Vanir-Gods rule. Obviously, Sheaf and Barley refer to the Corn-Gods or Corn-Spirits, and in the Lesser Mysteries to the Ar-Cycle - the Yearly Cycle. These are vegetative forces, and here may well be the clue to the Greater Mystery, since it is this vegetative force that the Aesir-Gods need in order to be able to transmute from the earthly state to the Immortal State. This is why Man developed the 'I' or 'Ego', in order that it can be strengthened and transmuted into the Absolute I (Miguel Serrano). This is the Left-Hand Path (Lagu) of the Divine Heroes - those who feel this in the Blood-Memory. 

Ingvi-Frey is actually associated with barley since Gerda sleeps with him in the Grove of Barri ('Barley'). It may also have been that Frey was seen as having a Barley-Wreath around his neck. There is a play-on-words when the 'Neck of the Corn' phrase is used, since the Old Norse word for 'sheaf' is 'nek' or 'neg'. In Norse Myth Byggvir means 'Barley-Man', and this become Pekko of the Finns, and a similar tale to that of Scef can be found in the Kalevala as Samsa Pellervoinen, who comes as a boy-child in a 'corn-boat'. 

We find the link with Scyld ('Shield') in the tale told of the monks of Abingdon, but here there is added that a 'Lighted Taper' is to be found at the head of the Sheaf of Corn. This is where the connection to Ingwe (Agni) can be found, since it suggests a 'Fire-God'. Hama (Heimdall) is also a 'God of Fire', and connected to the Brosingamen Necklace of Freya (Sister of Ingwe). We are not talking here specifically of a 'sheaf of corn', but the 'Spirit of the Corn' - the spirit or force that animates the germination and growth of the corn. The 'shield' is also found in the 'Winnowing Basket' used to sort the seed from the chaff - the 'wheat from the chaff' as we say. The 'wound in the thigh' (Ingwe has one meaning of 'groin' or 'thigh') is the separation of the seed (generative power) from the main plant. A good way to view this is the famous song - John Barleycorn. Of course, the name 'Beowulf' means 'Bee-Wolf', but Beow, Son of Scyld, means 'Barley', so the name Beowulf could also mean 'Barley-Wolf'. The author of the Beowulf Saga may well have had this in mind.

As the Ar-God Ingwe relates to the Black Sun - AR - and thus to the 'Former World' which was taken from the physical dimension after the Great Catastrophe, and is in the 'Inner Earth'. In the Armanen Rune System (*) the Ar-Rune is the 'Rune of the Aryan' and the 'Rune of the Eagle', and here we see the inference of a transmutation from the physical yearly cycle to the possibility of the Immortality of Man - from the Serpent to the Eagle (or Winged Serpent). Ingwe (Serpent) thus transformed into the 'Fire-Serpent' symbolised by the 'awakening' of the Kundalini (Ken-Force). Thus, in the Old Testament (which has been taken from heathen sources originally) we find the Fiery Serpent helping Man (Adam & Eve) to eat of the Tree of Knowledge (develop the 'I' or 'Ego' and thus know 'Good & Evil') and then of the Tree of Life (thus becoming 'as gods' - Immortals). The whole process was kicked in the teeth by Shaddain-Jehovah until the 'Solar Krist' came to give to 'him that overcometh to eat of the Tree of Life' - to carry on the striving for regaining of Immortality and the recreation of the ancient Solar-Man.

(*) This may indicate the High Knowledge known by the Armanen Initiates, since the Yearly Cycle at its physical level now becomes the 'Quest for the Immortal'. Linked to Ingwe again is the fact that the Ar-Rune is also the 'Primal Fire'. That this tells us that at this time, in this way, the rune-meanings were changed to suit a New Order, and this fitted in such a way as to adapt the system for the evolutionary change that was coming - the 'Coming Man'. 

In the Book of Sajaha we find the Babylonian Seeress telling us how the ancient magical powers were lost with the fall of the Primeval Empire (Thule). As the downward Cycle of the Ages progressed (regressed) these ancient powers became harder and harder to attain, and only Adepts and Masters could so such things. This is where the use of mind-changing plants were used to access higher (or lower) states of consciousness; the Red-Capped Mushroom was one way, as well as Belladonna and Henbane (Witchcraft), and also used was a mind-alterant and another highly poisonous substance - Ergot. Ergot is the basis of LSD and is a fungus found on Barley and Rye; it is possibly the basis of the Kykeon, the ritual drink used in the Mysteries of Eleusis. The final meals of some of the 'bog-men' found in Denmark contained Ergot. (The subtle sound-mystery ER-GOT and AR-God may also be relevant.) 

The image of the cross-legged horned god holding a torc and serpent, found on the Gundestrup Cauldron in Denmark is that of 'Cernunnos' - however, since the figure of 'Cernnunos' appears only once - in Gaul - then this one is more likely to be that of Ingwe-Frea. We do know of the worship in Dorset of a pillar, a stag and a snake but not of its origins. However, a horned god holding a noose can be found on one of the Horns of Gallehus. The figure here is of the 'Lord of Animals', a very ancient figure indeed. (The cauldron is actually thought to be 'Scythian' and not 'Celtic' as scholars maintain.) 

Ingwe-Frea is the 'Wagon-Borne God' and he is clearly associated with Bootes, Arcturus (Arctur - The Once & Future King) and the Waen (Woden's Waen) which is the Waen of Ing too. His father is said to be Njord, who is likely linked to the Goddess Nerthus - Goddess of the Underworld (from an IE Root *ner- meaning 'below' or 'beneath'). 

A vessel associated with Immortality and Regeneration is the Skapfer Heidrunar which contains the Sacred Drink given to the Einheriar in Valhalla, that which rejuvenates them each night. The name means 'Measuring Vessel of Heidrun', she being the northern name for Capricorn; thus, this is the 'Horn of Plenty'. I am here reminded of a vivid dream at the time of the Hale-Bopp Comet when I was told that this was 'Capricorn - the Horn of Plenty' and was 'Sent by Morgana' - i.e. Comet Hale-Bopp or the Bab-Komet (Baphomet). Capricorn is the 'Northern Gateway to the Gods'. 

(To be continued....)

Thursday, 4 August 2022

Racial Unconscious


The famous Swiss Psychologist, Carl Jung, started his fall-out with Sigmund Freud over an interpretation of a dream. In this dream he visited a room in a modern setting, then going down a flight of stairs to another room, this time in a much older setting, and thirdly going down a flight of dusty, old stone steps into a type of basement or cellar in which bones were scattered around and two skulls. Freud interpreted this as Jung have a wish to kill two people (the two skulls presumably), but Jung saw this as being connected to the three levels of the human mind -

  • The top room being the Conscious Mind,
  • The second room below being the Subconscious Mind,
  • The cellar or basement being the Collective Unconscious.
The problem we face in dealing with Carl Jung's work is that much of it has never been published, and what has been was in many ways altered to suit the growing reluctance to tell the truth. From what I have read Jung's 'Collective Unconscious' did not refer to that of the whole human race, which is how his work is today portrayed, but he believed that each race had its own 'Collective Unconscious', or what we would call 'Racial Unconscious'. This is a far different thing, and I think one of the reasons Jung and Freud broke their friendship and went their separate ways.

Before Ragnarok Woden consults the Head of Mimir - the Severed Head - which had been given the power of speech by the Gods. In an old Ulster Myth the Ulstermen are unable to defend themselves against an enemy because they have fallen under a curse. The only thing that breaks the curse and awakens the Ulstermen to their plight is when a severed head is brought into the camp on a shield. This reminds me of the 'two skulls' mentioned in the dream of Carl Jung, which were in the cellar with some 'bones'. 

The 'Death's Head' or Totenkopf is made up of a skull and crossed bones, hence the 'Skull & Crossbones' associated with sea-pirates (with the patch over the right eye, which suggests Woden). The crossed-bones is a Gifu-Rune or 'Gift-Rune', and here we need to look deeper into this mystery. In experiments on rats (which I certainly do not endorse) it has been found time and time again that they have a 'Racial Memory' which stores memory and passes it to the next generation of rats, and then to the next generation again. This suggests that this is so of mankind too, and that a kind of 'Racial Memory' is stored in the DNA Code and then passed on from generation to generation. 

The Ing-Rune is the Double-Helix of the DNA; this is made up, as we see here, of two Gifu-Runes - 'Gift of Ing'. The same meaning applies to the Edel-Rune and the Gar-Rune. Edred Thorsson (FUTHARK - A Handbook of Rune Magic) gives the following meanings for the Edel-Rune -

  • Ancestral Property.
  • Nature, Inborn Quality.

Both the 'Ancestral Property' (Edel-Land) and the 'Nature' or 'Inborn Quality' of an individual are passed on from generation to generation. This is the 'Gift of Ing', and is the concept 'Blood & Soil' which is the meaning of this rune; the Ing-Rune is the 'Rune of the Blood'. 

I suppose the Edel-Rune could also be seen as a skull (diamond) and bones (X), but this may be taking this a bit too far. The rune itself is also an 'enclosure' and again the 'gift' is that it is 'gifted' to the next generation. This goes also for the 'Gift of the Blood' (Blood-Memory) which is passed from generation to generation. Of course, if we only knew how to access this 'gift' then we would learn things a lot quicker in life. 

It seems obvious from Jung's dream that the Skull & Bones are thus symbolic of the Racial Unconscious (Race-Soul) and thus a 'gateway' into this level of consciousness. We could now equate these three levels with the 'Three Cauldrons' and add one more piece to the ALU-Formula -

First Level - 'Now' - The Head Centre (ANSUZ) - The Conscious Mind.

Second Level - 'Olden Time' - The Heart Centre (LAGU) - The Subconscious Mind.

Third Level - 'The Cellar' - The Hara-Centre or Base-Centre (UR) accessed by the Skull & Crossbones - The Racial Unconscious or Ur-Consciousness. We should note that the Ur-Rune can also be seen in terms of 'our', i.e. a collective, in this case the Collective Unconscious of our Race. 

In terms of the HALU-Formula we can see the Haegl-Rune as being the centre above the head, and thus representing the Super-Consciousness - this, of course, being Above Time - Eternity. 

The one thing about the dream of Carl Jung is that it can give us a means of trying to connect with the Racial Unconsciousness by using the images that he had in the dream, the three levels, each one with a different 'room'. It is noticeable that the third level (bottom level) was down a flight of stone steps, because this was exactly as the dream I had some months ago about Shiva the Destroyer. Here I went down a flight of spiral stone stairs into a 'cellar' (same image') where the god Shiva was starting the Dance of Destruction wielding a Mighty Sword in a kind of 'whirling-dance', spinning around and around. He was chanting a war-chant, the words of which I cannot recall, though I recall these being rather 'non-PC'. Also, of importance that I had forgotten, this dream came in the night after I had watched a YouTube video where a Hindu Guru was chanting a Shiva-Mantra! 

The Welsh version of 'The Son of The Mother' - Mabon, son of Modron - is the 'Divine Child', whose name 'son of' is the same as Ingwe. He is the Son of Sovereign - the Sacred Land - when he appears as the 'Divine Child'. He is 'imprisoned' 'hidden' or 'lost' and in a sense we can perhaps equate this with the 'Racial Unconscious' which is truly 'hidden' or 'lost' to us, until we access it through esoteric means. Mabon can appear in Middle-Earth as a Warrior-Hero, hunting down the corrupt, a Poet-Seer whose prophecies show a pathway in a confused world, or a Sacrificial King who brings justice to a war-torn land. To find the imprisoned Mabon it is necessary to consult a series of animals, (*) until the Salmon recalls hearing the sound of a child in a stone castle. The 'stone castle' itself is an Archetypal Image, just like the 'stone cellar' is an Archetypal Image. 

(*) This is a sort of regression where we are taken backwards through the Cycles of the Ages until the lost 'Divine Child' is found in the Stone Castle. In fact these ideas came to me yesterday when I did a meditation in which I went backwards through everything that I had done that day. Somehow this seems to have triggered these ideas, after seeing something about the dream of Jung. I am here reminded of the Widdershins Swastika which moves backwards against the flow of time, and which can be seen as a kind of 'regression' taking us back to the Origins, in order to fulfil our Destiny.