Saturday, 20 August 2022

The Magical Properties of Water - Part One


This post started when Steed ('The Fyrgen') sent me a piece based upon a book called The Hidden Message in Water by Masaru Emoto. I have downloaded a copy of the book but not as yet read it, though this is not a drawback here since the post here is based upon a certain aspect of this work and not the whole content of the book itself, though this may come later if it proves as good as the clips I have already seen.

The crystal-shape shown above was a photo taken for an experiment in which 'love and gratitude' were directed into water which was then frozen. Masaru Emoto says that these shapes are far more pronounced when using natural water rather than tap water, which is something that we know since the use of natural water is used for blots because it is 'Living Water'. Our bodies, I am led to believe, are made up of 70% water, and thus his experiments should concern us all since sound obviously has an effect upon the water. This affect is either positive, when an ordered pattern such as this is made, or negative, when a chaotic pattern is formed. Thus, words are a very powerful tool, either for good (in the right hands) or for evil (in the wrong hands). 

Woden hangs upon the World Tree, Iggdrasil, for Nine Nights without food nor drink, pierced by his own spear, after which he screams out the 'Cry of Need' - AEPANDI NAM. As I have said before the term AEP seems to be cognate to the Babylonian AP(su) and Sumerian AB(zu), as well as the Sanskrit APAN, all of which refer to 'water', but in the sense of the 'Waters of the Nether-World'. So, the Ancient Runes were recovered from the 'Nether-World'; in this respect we can see this as Woden tapping into the Blood-Memory, since it seems that water has the property off being able to hold memory. We can see this more clearly in the Well of Mimir - the 'Well of Memory'. 

The shape seen here is found in various forms in the experiments on frozen water that has been spoken to in a positive way, and this seems to prove the validity of the Armanen Rune System devised by Guido von List, since his work was based entirely on the Hex-Crystal which he called the Hag-All and has also been called the Krist-All. The Norwegian Rune-Poem states that 'Krist shaped the former heavens' under the Hagal-Rune, a rather strange thing to say. This may refer to the Krist of Atlantis mentioned by Miguel Serrano, in which case this may refer to the 'former world' - Atlantis. 

All too often the Hagal-Rune is said to mean 'hail', this being a destructive form of energy; however, like all runes it has polar-opposite meanings, and this rune can mean heil or hael - health, healthy, wholeness, wholesome, hale & hearty etc. This is a very positive rune, and this is proven when we see the frozen images of water that has been the subject of positive sound vibrations. Emoto also tells us that natural water, when soft and harmonious music is played to, also shows these type of images when the water is frozen. The opposite would thus apply when chaotic music is played. The shape itself is that of the 'snowflake', i.e. frozen water, as well as that of ice when it freezes. These occur naturally so this seems to suggest that the rune-pattern was used by studying the pattern of frozen water; the positive meanings of the rune are clearly correct in relation to the shapes formed, since the negative sound creates chaotic forms without any clear pattern or order. 

The Nine Glory-Twigs are based around the Hagal-Rune in its snowflake form, as seen here; the whole thing can be fitted into a Hex-Crystal shape, just as the Armanen Runes derive from the Hex-Crystal. This is the 'Mother Rune' in both cases, the 'womb' out of which the runes emerge; this is an important point, since the womb is filled with water. The runes emerge from the 'Waters of the Nether-World'; the pattern must be there is the water, but can only be seen when the water is frozen. 

Some of the importance of this was pointed out in the Telegram posts which highlighted this work -

1. The importance of sound in ritual,

2. The importance of water in ritual.

Thus, 'baptism' was never something that was of trivial importance, since the 'Holy Water' used had the property of holding the memory of the act. The sound of the ritual is important, since it is this that is held in the 'memory' of the waters used. Of course, the Sacred Mead that we use in our Wodenic Rites is made from water, and thus subject to the same type of properties; the 'blessing' of the Mead-Horn (as we know anyway) is thus no trivial act but a Magical Gesture. 

I think it should be pointed out that in doing something like this the speaker has to be sincere when he is saying the words, and really mean what he is saying. This would come out in the tone of the voice which is of extreme importance. By chanting the words Waes thu Hael! over the Sacred Mead we have been using this knowledge unknowingly, for this passes into the Mead (water) to be drunk by those in the Sacred Circle. In truth, what is a Magical Act is here something within Natural Law, that the water carries the 'message' for us in its 'memory'. 

This brings us to a point which has only been accepted by 'fringe' science, and that is the fact that memory is not held solely in the brain, but exists outside the mind. Memory should be seen as being 'consciousness' which is not restricted to the human brain, but which can exist in all things - as the ancients knew. Science is actually beginning to find out that memory can be passed down from one generation to the next, thought the DNA Code. Thus, water is a kind of 'conductor' for the memory, just as copper wires act as a 'conductor' for electricity to move. 

We can see here also a clear link to Ingwe who is the god-force (energy-force) that moves in the sap (i.e. the 'waters'); he also moves in the blood (i.e. the 'waters'. When Miguel Serrano speaks of the Blood-Memory he is thus speaking of the Ancestral Memory which is held in the DNA, and which is related to the movement of the blood around the body. In the Legend of Sheaf we find that he is 'sent by the gods' and travels in a small boat 'over the waters' or 'from the Great Deep'. There is a deep mystical link here whence the 'waters' should be seen not only in a physical sense, but also in the sense of an animate energy

Of course, we can thus relate these ideas to the ALU-ULA Formula, since 'ale' is an intoxicating drink made from water. This, it seems, would thus be a magical force related to 'ale' and thus 'water'. The IE Root *alu- gives rise to terms that refer to 'growth' and all plants, herbs and trees need water as their basic requirement or they wilt, wither and die - we can only go for around 3 days without water. Maybe ALU is thus related to the passing of memory since it has been found on funeral urns: this seems to be a very complex formula with various different meanings. The central rune, Lagu, is that of water. Ancestors - Water - Primal, the three basic meanings of the runes of ALU. Maybe the ALU-GOD is the 'Ancestral God' - Woden. On the other hand this could also apply to Ingwe, especially since this is connected to growth. Or maybe we should not to try to 'categorise' our gods and goddesses. 

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