Sunday, 30 October 2022

The 'Eco-Warrior'.

"Youth activism is increasing worldwide, being revolutionized by social media that increases mobilization to an extent that would have been impossible before. It takes many different forms, ranging from non-institutionalized political participation to demonstrations and protests, and addresses issues as diverse as climate change, economic reforms, gender equality and LGBTQ rights. The young generation is firmly at the vanguard of social change. There is little doubt that it will be the catalyst for change and a source of critical momentum for the Great Reset." 

Klaus Schwab - WEF.

Groups such as Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil are known to be financed by the same Global Corporations and Global 'Elites' that they profess to be against. They are not at all concerned with their actions resulting in arrest, since not only are around 1 in 10 actually charged, but they have the funds given them to pay any fines. Not only that, there have been occasions recently where the British Police have asked them, whilst blocking a road, if there is anything they need, since the British Police (whose job is to remove them) would get them what they needed! Not really surprising since the British Police are now a bloody joke! No wonder the British working people did what the police should have done -

It is noticeable that the Extinction Rebellion logo is a Daeg-Rune placed in such a position as to become the 'Hour-Glass' - symbolic of time. A knowledge of the Occult would be hinted at here, just as the Peace Movement used the 'Death-Rune'. The slogan 'Rebel for Life' can mean more than one thing, and is probably intended to do so. Their actions are not, as they profess, going against The System, they are doing the dirty-work of the Global Corporations and Global Bankers. This is why they do not care about how they upset the public, since they have no need of the public to back them - their ideology is already being put into effect by the Globalist Governments. 

Let us stop and think about this. We have a 'global crisis' due to 'global warming' (or now 'climate change'), so we need to panic and push into effect 'green' measures immediately (we have 12 years to do so). These 'green' measures mean stopping farming (*), switching from gas, oil and wood-burning to solar & wind power, and other measures they deem necessary. So, due to 'global warming' changes have to be made which mean that millions will starve through lack of food-production, and millions will die through lack of heating! Only an idiot - or a Marxist Communist - could think up that one! (For the sake of it, since there is debate on the numbers, we can guess at around 100 Million people who died under Communist Regimes, the largest being Soviet Russia and China - most died of starvation or were murdered in cold blood.)

(*) A young, weak-looking, spindly middle-class youth on one of the 'green' protests actually stated that farming needs to be stopped! Where does thus brainless idiot think he is going to get his food from? Too much money, too much time, and not enough brain!

Eco-Warrior or Eco-Commie?

'Youth activism' is certainly increasing world-wide, and that is because the likes of Klaus Schwab are behind the funding and organisation of the middle-class, bourgeois youth who have the time to do these things. As I said, what they are protesting about is already being put into place by the governments who are controlled by the Global Corporations and the Global Bankers behind them. In this case they are a 'controlled opposition' that is there to push what they are supposed to be opposing. Very clever stuff! And, of course, they do the work of pushing all this into the minds of the people, day after day, week after week....This 'green' stuff is continuously in the minds of the people above anything else now; it has overtaken the 'Covid Terror' as the latest means of controlling the masses. 

We can see the vast difference between how the British Police (and elsewhere too) act when confronted by protest. The 'anti-lockdown' and 'anti-vaccine mandate' protests were viciously suppressed, as is any comment by individuals on certain key issues that go against The System. The 'eco-warriors' are treated with kid-gloves and even given help in what they are doing - which is not only unethical but illegal in some cases. 

This new 'Green Religious Crusade' - which is what it amounts to - has become about as boring as the Judaeo-Christians who continuously spout about 'The end of the world is nigh!' Indeed, these have taken the place of a religion they no longer need for control. Like the Inquisition and other repressive measures, it is today becoming illegal to question the 'Green Crusaders', as yesterday it was blasphemous to question the 'Holy Bible' (sic!). It is no longer 'God's Word' that is sacrosanct, it is the word of the Eco-Scientists. 

On this subject there is now growing 'scientific evidence' that plant-based foods can stop heart problems, and no doubt other problems will be found that this applies to. These are, coincidentally, of course, just coming to light as the Global Corporations (Bill Gates being a prime driver) are buying up farmland in order to use high-production agribusiness to supply fake meat (sorry 'plant-based foods'). This would be GM foods I would guess since they would need to do so due to the high production needed for a world food-chain. 

Of course, not everyone will wish to do the switch from meat, so there will have to be an 'incentive' - which is being applied right now as mentioned. But, there will still be those who refuse to budge for one reason or another, so the addition of some chemical-formula that creates an 'allergy' to meat will have to be put into the meat supply. This, of course, would be in the mass-produced market, so there will still be small meat suppliers that are free of this - for a time anyway. This begs the question - why are there so many 'allergies' from our food today, one example being around milk products? Bill Gates is said to own the production of 'fake milk' for babies, and to have been behind a drive to warn women that breast feeding is dangerous to them. It seems that these 'allergies' centre around products that the Global Corporations wish to get rid of, and change to unnatural products which will replace them.

Here, of course, is the key, since this whole drive is not to 'Save the Earth' - to save Nature - but is totally destructive of everything upon the Earth. As usual, the Great Deceiver and Great Lair has done a fine job in twisting the minds of people to do the opposite of the Global Aims. We can see this in the replacement of human labour with robots and now Artificial Intelligence. 

Stepping back and looking at this carefully, the intelligence and academia - the bourgeois middle-class - have been completely brainwashed, and this is down to the education system from birth to university (and then into the workplace) which has been carefully infiltrated and subverted by an Anti-Life System. Fear and terror have been induced in the idea that we (?) are destroying the planet, which is not true. To add to this there has been a growing obsession with 'health' and 'food' which has been used for the purpose of this control - and this is even found in the 'opposition' to this Globalism. One thing that this physical 'health' obsession does is to divert attention from the spiritual side of Man. Taking control of people's 'health' by telling them what they can eat and what they can't eat is yet another means of control

There was a massive drive for 'fitness' and 'health' by building fitness centres in every town and city; things are slowly changing to the opposite as they now begin to promote the overweight 'hero'. Aldois Huxley foresaw these 'fitness centres' and the like, which, of course, would be provided by the State System, and thus controlled by the State as a means of the 'bread and circus' of the masses. 'Fitness' is yet another part of a set program, and this can change as the need arises - to its polar-opposite if necessary. 

"Compare yourself to who you were yesterday....Not to who someone else is today."

Jordan Peterson (Sent to me by a Friend and Folk-Comrade over the pond.)

This is such a profound statement, and has more of a ring of sense in a world of nonsense. We would be best served, I feel, using common sense now, and not listening to 'experts' - many of whom have an agenda to serve. 'Experts' have risen rapidly since the advent of the World Wide Web, where everyone has their 'fifteen minutes of fame' (**). The problem lies, I feel, in that these scientists that have an agenda will not always be truthful, in fact usually the opposite, so they cannot be trusted in what they say. And the 'experts' on the other hand that feel different have no scientific qualifications, nor the equipment, to prove what they say is wrong. We have to rely on our common sense

(**) A saying attributed to Andy Warhol, but originally it seems down to Nat Finkelstein. We see this in our times when everything is fleeting and short-lived, rising and falling as quick as they rise. 

It seems that the only way that we can go as individuals, and better still as small groups working together, is to consider what we can and can't so - 

  • Try to grow as much of our own food as possible in order to have healthy and nourishing food for energy. Try to learn how healthy food can serve the mind and spirit as well as the physical body.
  • Try to become as self-reliant as possible, especially on food, water and energy. Cutting off as much reliance on the State System would be an advantage for everyone. This can be done to some extent through small solar-power and wind-power, as well as going back in time to some of the low-tech stuff used then.
  • Keeping as fit as possible is certainly a good thing and a necessary part of a healthy life; twinning this with some kind of Martial Arts Training is even better since it helps to become self-disciplined and self-aware. Adding the Esoteric Martial Arts make for a more harmonious individual. Group-training is a further step towards aiding our struggle. Paul Waggener, Operation Werwolf and the Wolves of Vinland have a good set-up in my opinion, but this way of life may not be for everyone. For those, like myself, who are on a low income (pension in my case) keeping fit is not out of the question - I have small weights, enough for my age and short stature, a punch-bag and martial arts stuff left over from when I used to train regularly at a club. Also an 'exercise bike' left at my place when my daughter left home which I use (without being plugged into the electricity since this costs money). 
  • I am not going to start preaching on the 'evils' of alcohol, since it is down to the individual as to whether you do this. Yes, modern beer and wines are no doubt full of chemicals, but there are alternatives to the giant beer-companies, and also home-brewing without chemicals. Mead is a part of Heathen Culture, and a glass of beer at the local English Village Pub was part of our social culture - which is now being destroyed. I would not like to become part of the crusade that is destroying the English Pub! The village pub was the hub of the community at one time, and this is being lost. Moderation seems the key - as in everything to do with health.
  • In regard to healthy eating, there are things we would like to do, and things that we have to do - I am afraid. We need to be practical in our thinking; yes, tinned food is probably not that good for us, but in a dire emergency it is needed - since it is the one thing that will last a long time. Yes, those with the ability, and the time, to preserve their own home-grown food will be one up, but not every one of us can do this - especially if we are tasked to do other things. Most of us are working-class people who have to work to live, and thus do not have the time, nor the money, to become as self-reliant as others. Most do not have the land, nor the resources, to become fully self-reliant at this time - and this will not get any better due to the Global Agenda we have in stock for us. 
  • Try to become as creative as possible, and take advantage of the hard times we are going through to 'push' oneself to do so. Hardships and struggle produce creativity. I find it best to recognise that we can no longer live as we have been doing, and have to start to think in terms of simplicity and living in a more simple way. 
  • Many people have 'big ideas' that when put into practice do not work; we should try to consider this with our plans. As a Folkish Group we have Folk-Moots and Camps, where we sit around a campfire, even when it is cold and wet. Yes, we have put up a tarp to sit under, or have some form of shelter to keep dry, and a fire for warmth. But.....try doing this as an individual, alone in a woodland in the cold and wet, day after day. Or even with a family, which would bring with it the greatest problems since children may - in this age - not be so happy about having to do the likes of this. Since my kids are grown up and have left home to fend for themselves (and the wife well before) I have retired and have time to get out to the woodland and try this out. Fine in the summer months, not so good during the cold and wet winters we have - especially the wet weather here in England. Looking at this it seems the creation and strengthening of groups is the best way forward, sharing the problems and having others (of like mind) to talk to in the times when it is impossible to keep busy. The group-consciousness would overcome some of our future problems.
There is much more that I could say, but this will have to wait until another time; but we need to work together if we are to survive, and to get back to Nature in opposition to the false 'Eco-Warriors' whose actions will aid the destruction of Nature and everything that is natural. The Globalists target the young because they are easier to manipulate and change their ideas; but there is also another class of young people - the non-bourgeois class - who can think for themselves, who can see the problems clearly, and who can see beyond the bombardment of propaganda, lies and deceit. Those who are active and love the outdoors will look for something to join, to get involved with others of like-mind. This will form the basis of future Folk-Communities - but we do not have much time!

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