Friday, 30 December 2022

Bloodline of the Grail

It is my belief that the "Holy Blood - Holy Grail" idea that arose, where the Bloodline of the Grail referred to that of Jesus Christ, was meant to prepare the way for a World Religion. This came about not only through Dan Brown, but also through 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' by Michael Baegent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln - whoever they purport to be. Whatever the motives concerned with spreading this idea, it would most certainly aid in the restoration of a 'Jewish Messiah' which is the basis for the World Religion. 

The basis of this whole thing lies on totally shaky ground and nothing more than speculation. The Bloodline of the Grail is that of the Merovingian Kings how were Sigambrian Franks who conquered the Gauls and ruled over what we now call France, named after them. It seems best to explain the blood-role here, since this is the key to understanding the whole thing -

"Sons of the Merovingian Blood were not 'created' kings. On the contrary they were automatically regarded such on the advent of their twelfth birthday...Power was simply assumed, as by sacred right...He was a ritualised figure, a priest-king...."

The Holy Blood & The Holy Grail.

The Merovingian Kings were regarded as the Sorcerer Kings and various magical artefacts were found in the graves of some of them. These Sorcerer Kings were polygamous, and this was even allowed after their conversion to Christianity - and this is important since they were originally Heathen Kings who were later converted. 'The fortune of the dynasty rested in the blood and was shared by all who were of that blood.' Marrying beneath their 'status' seemed to have no difference, their blood was so pure that it could not be sullied - this is a very, very strange thing. 

For Germanic Tribes of the time, the Merovingian Franks created a very high civilisation, and a very high level of learning amongst the nation. They migrated into Belgium and Northern France, in the area of the Ardennes - an important point perhaps. The Ardennes is named after the Goddess Arduina, and the name 'Arden' can also be found here in England; it is most likely that the name 'Arduina' relates to 'Idunn' in some way, though this is a guess. The Merovingians claimed descent from Troy, hence (it is said) why there are Trojan names such as Troyes and Paris in France. Another source has it that the Merovingians were descended from ancient Greece, in the region of Arcadia. Some Greek legends tell that Troy was founded by Arcadians - so there may well be no conflict here. 

'It is just possible that, in the Merovingians, we may have a dynasty of Germanic Heerkonige derived from an ancient kingly family of the migration period.'

The Long-Haired Kings - Wallace-Hadrill (p. 203ff).

Had the authors stopped just there and considered their own quote it would seem far more obvious that we are here talking not of a Jewish Messianic Bloodline, but of a Germanic Heerkonige Bloodline. They even went further into this mire by quoting another very obvious connection to a Germanic Heerkonige -

'Like most Merovingian rulers, Dagobert had at least two capital cities. The most important of these was at Stenay, on the fringe of the Ardennes. Near the royal palace at Stenay stretched a heavily wooded expanse, long deemed sacred, called the Forest of Woevres. It was in this forest, on December 23rd, 679, that Dagobert is said to have gone hunting. Given the date, the hunt may well have been a ritual occasion of some sort. In any case what followed evokes a multitude of archetypal echoes, including the murder of Siegfried in the Nibelungenlied.'

The Holy Blood & The Holy Grail.

Amazingly, the authors here equate the death of Dagobert with the death of Siegried, and yet still do not make the obvious assumption - that the Merovingian Franks were the Wolsungas! Even some of the names  suggest this, since a son of Dagobert was Sigisbert, Sigi being the 'Sire of the Wolsungas'; even the name Sig-ambrian Franks suggests the same. Was this whole thing done deliberately, or was it just one error after another? We may never know, but it does further the aims of the Global Agenda. (We find the title 'Sigi-' in names associated with Herman the Cheruscan, but this is not the subject of this post.)

The murder of Dagobert, seemingly at the behest of Pepin the Short, in reality brought an end to the Merovingian Dynasty, paving the way for the Carolingian Dynasty and the 'Holy Roman Empire' that arose from it. But this was a part of this Germanic Heerkonige, since we find traces of the Wolsungas here in England (Walsingham), and their offshoots the Wulkfingas (Wuffingas of East Anglia), and Haddingas (Scottish Lowlands). 

The origins of the Merovingian Franks lie in a strange legend about their founding king - Merovee, Merovich, or Meroveus. The name itself is connected to water and to the sea (OE mere etc.). When already pregnant by her husband, King Clodio, Merovee's mother went swimming in the ocean. There she is said to have been seduced by a sea-creature, a bestea Neptuni Quinotauri similes - a 'beast of Neptune similar to a Quinotaur'. He was thus born of 'Two Bloods' - now this reminds me of legends from the area of Sumer-Babylon-Accad where the 'Double-Headed Eagle' stands for Two Bloodlines. 

Now, according to the works of Richard Wagner the Wolsunga Royal Line was spawned by Woden himself in the forests of Germania. They were created as a Divine Race of the Gods. What is a 'Quinotaur'? The '-taur' part clearly refers to 'Taurus the Bull', and we do finds bull's horns in Merovingian graves; 'quino' refers to the number 5, a number often associated with Mars or Aries. Where Aries and Taurus overlap (I believe) is around April 21st, which is the founding-date of the Roman Empire, founded by Romulus and Remus. Since these 'Divine Twins' were by legend descended from Aeneas who fled the destruction of Troy, then their connections to Troy may not have been made up. We seem to have connections with these Divine Twins in the East Anglian Dynasty of the Wulfingas, an offshoot of the Wolsungas. 

'And they all supposedly bore a distinctive birthmark, which distinguished them from all other men, which rendered them immediately identifiable and which attested to their semi-divine or Sacred Blood. This birthmark reputedly took the form of a Red Cross, either over the heart - a curious anticipation of the Templar blazon - or between the shoulder blades.'

The Holy Blood & The Holy Grail.

For now, we shall overlook the links to the Knight's Templar and to the Templar Cross, but this will form part of a later section. The more important point here is the birthmark between the shoulder blades since this mark formed part of the Myth of Siegfried when he bathed in the Blood of the Dragon. One of the main features of the Merovingian Kings was that they were called the Long-Haired Kings, and to cut off their power the Judaeo-Christians cut off their hair! The legends surrounding them featured the magical arts and wondrous features that seem to have come down from much more ancient times. 

The famed Spear of Destiny was not that which 'pierced the side of Christ', since it has been dated to hundreds of years after the death of the Christ (if this ever happened). It dates, not surprising, to the time of the Merovingian Franks, and indeed the Tribal Spear was in fact the prime symbol of the Merovingians, as it was with the Langobards further South. The legend of Merovee and that of Romulus and Remus do have something in common - Merovee was also sired by a 'sea-monster' whilst Romulus and Remus were sire by the god Mars. It is also very strange how the legend of these twins was referred in East Anglia by the Wuffingas, who actually claimed descent from Caser - Caesar! 

San Graal - 'Holy Grail'; Sang Real - 'Royal Blood'. This play-on-words used in the French rendering has often been pointed out, and yet the significance of the 'Sacred Blood' is rarely delved in to - except by such Armanen Masters as Don Miguel Serrano. Clearly, there is a link between what I have said here of the Merovingian Kings, and that of the Wolsungas, and the link seems to be - the Knight's Templar. Wolfram von Eschebach's works on the Grail not only seem to link this with a Sacred Bloodline, but also to the Wolsungas. In this he mentions a figure called Waels being connected to the Grail; this has been taken to refer to 'Wales', but the word Waels forms the basis of Waelsingas which was an Old English form of the Wolsungas. Eschenbach's works also seem to hint that the 'Guardians of the Grail' are the Knight's Templar.

I think here we need to take into account that the accounts at different times of a search for a physical object - be this a Cup or a Stone - may well have been a clever means to hide the underlying true nature of 'The Grail' - the Sacred Bloodline. We must not, however, dismiss the links to the symbolism of the Cup and the Stone, just recognise that underlying all this is the search for a Sacred Bloodline. I would also like to point out that it may be a mistake to take the usual course of seeing such 'secret societies' as the Knight's Templar and the 'Freemasons' as all being connected to a Global Occult Conspiracy. Maybe some lodges worked for the Dark Forces and some lodges worked for the Light Forces, which would explain some of the problems faced in researching this. 

Certainly, from what we find in Germany, the Knight's Templar, or the remnants of this after its suppression, seem to have taken a far different line than the Freemasons (in the main). And we do have the historical record that there was a split between the Knight's Templar and the Priory of Sion with the 'cutting of the Elm'. The historical record of this seems to suggest a conflict between the English and the French over the cutting down of a tree - seemingly more symbolic than actual. But it is perhaps significant that it ia s tree, and this case the Elm-Tree, that is involved here (this will come to light when a research of the Nine Sacred Runes added by English Adepts is looked at more carefully.)

There is also a legend that the Knight's Templar, after their suppression here in Europe, sailed to America, and in one case took with them the Holy Grail. Now, this being more a Sacred Bloodline it makes far more sense than a physical object being carried over to the 'New World. In regard to this I am going to relate a very strange thing that I came across on YouTube yesterday (a 'coincidence' when this research was being done). This relates to a video by Robert Sepehr from the US, and to the removal of the statue of the famous Confederate General - Robert E. Lee. 

With the BLM riots and destruction came the moves to destroy all vestiges of White Culture, and the special target was the Confederacy and its history, even though slavery was never the real issue here. In doing so the statue of Robert E. Lee was taken down to be destroyed; however, as with such blatantly evil moves, everything is not always as it seems. From what I can gather the press and media made mention of a 'time-capsule' found underneath this statue that seems to have contained the following -

  • An 1878 almanac.
  • A book of fiction (not known).
  • A British Coin.
  • A photo of James Netherwood, a master stone mason who worked on the pedestal. 
These were buried, I believe, for 134 years. However, according to Robert Sepehr, something of greater importance was pushed aside, and this he seems to prove with a clip of the video of the opening of the 'time-capsule' and the search through the contents. A parchment that was opened appears to contain a complete list of 'Commanders' and 'Members' of the Knight's Templar. I have mentioned this in passing since it could well prove to be of importance at some future time. 

Going back to what I have been saying about the Knight's Templar, there is also a curious reference to a set of relics -

'...A great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, and constituting the image of a woman. Inside were two head-bones, wrapped in a cloth of white linen, with another red cloth around it. A label was attached, on which was written the legend Caput LVIIIm. The bones inside were those of a rather small woman.'

Le Proces des Templiers (p. 208).

In the secrets of the Priory of Sion we find that this head is called CAPUT LVIII but the 'm' appears as the Symbol of Virgo the Virgin. This name means 'Head 58 Virgo'. There is yet another Templar tale in which a Skull & Crossbones are found and guarded by a Knight's Templar. It seems this may date back to the Twelfth Century and to Walter Map, though it is here not connected to the Templars. The 'Bearded Head' - Baphomet - is also connected to the Templars, and is well known. The 'Severed Head' features in Heathen Myth long before the Knight's Templar. 

Arduina is a Goddess of the Ardennes, part of Belgium, Luxembourg and France; she is a Huntress depicted riding a Boar. Here she seems to be much like the Norse Skadi except for the skis and the snows, but also akin to Freya since the Boar is her symbol. Supposedly a Moon-Goddess (which most seem to turn out as in modern times), she is likened to Diana, though Diana and Artemis may be linked more to Venus, as is Freya. Arden was a district mainly consisting of Warwickshire, but also parts of Staffordshire and Worcestershire, and the place name (and others) occurs in Henley-in-Arden. Shakespeare's As You Like It was set in the Forest of Arden, and his mother's maiden name was Arden. We have thus clear connections between Arduina and areas of England. Ar-duina, as I have said, could be linked to Idunn, variations of a common Germanic Goddess. (Caesar states that most of the Belgae (Belgium) were of Germanic descent.)

In regard to the Wuffingas (Wulfingas) of East Anglia and their links to Caesar and to Romulus and Remus they do have names in their Royal Lineage suggesting a 'small boat', just like the 'trough' in which Romulus and Remus were placed to escape the wrath of Amulius, younger brother to the father of the twins - Numitor. Here we have yet another Archetypal Myth, since it is the uncle who deposes the brother and then it is the son who avenges the father - the Myth of Hamlet! Then we go on to the slaying of the brother (Remus) by the 'Immortal Twin', who goes on to conquer and found an Empire. In the Myth of Romulus and Remus a Sacred Fig-Tree is involved. 

The Forest of Woevres which was the place where King Dagobert was slain, pierced with a spear no doubt, is in the Ardennes. As far as I know the name 'Woevres' relates to the Serpent, but I believe that is is also connected to the Serpent-Currents that move on the Earth. Being in the area of Lorraine, which once was in Germany, the German name was Waberland, a name that appears top relate to 'weaver', and maybe thus to the Wyrd Sisters. In regard to the Serpent Currents mentioned here I am reminded on a Goddess that was honoured by the Iceni Tribe of East Anglia - Andraste - a name when broken into And-Raste contains the Raste which was a Sacred Measurement used in Germania. She was also supposedly related to the Moon, and her sacred animal was the Hare. Interestingly, she was also a War-Goddess associated with the Raven, just as the Waelkyrge are associated with the Raven. 

I have strayed a little here, but the themes remains of the Sacred Bloodline of the Grail, and the next stage in this research will use the Ar-Kan Runes which contain the Four Hallows and the Grail Runes. Indeed, in the Yr-Rune we also find the Mystery of the Three Royal Lines of the Angles - Wolsungas, Wulgingas and Heardingas. Stenay - the Sacred Centre of the Merovingians, could be based upon 'stone', as in Steyning where we find the White Stone of Ing (also in the Nine Sacred Runes of the Ar-Kan). Just down the road to Steyning is Bramber Castle, once the site of a Templar Castle. 

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