Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Herne - The Horned One


Herne the Hunter - the Horned One - is the 'Lord of the Trees'; he is the 'Spirit of the Trees', the 'Spirit of the Wealds' - the Woodland God. Most of what we know of Norse Lore comes from Iceland, a very different area than here in these islands. Here, in ancient times, most of these islands were covered in forests, just as in Germania. When the English regained their control of their ancient lands they would naturally have connected to the 'Spirit of the Land', and in doing so they would have connected to Herne the Hunter, an aspect of Woden as the Woodland God. This is where the figure of Robin Hood arose, this being a remembrance of Woden as the God of the Forests.

Herne's Oak - Woden's Wald

Woden's Folk arose from The Hooded Man Mysteries which arose as the 'Robin of Sherwood' series was being shown on TV. Folkish Wodenism is unique in this way, since it was never a 'revival' of an antiquarian religion but arose from the awakening of The Hooded Man Archetype here in England. I was working and living in North Wales and had experiences of Woden I have related before; these were on January 1st 1989, 1990, 1991. After these experiences my wife (at the time) kept having recurring dreams that I had to go 'down to the Long Man', and just at the right time I was offered the chance of voluntary redundancy, so I took this and used the cash to move to East Sussex. On October 31st 1993 I had the dream of 'The Hooded Man Prophecy' which started to change things completely.

In the Spring of 1997 when the Hale-Bopp Comet was in the Northern Skies I was given the HelgiH Mysteries which turned out to be based around Helgi Hundingsbane who is also The Hooded Man Archetype. My youngest son, Lee Edmund, was born on December 6th 1998, at home on the floor of the living room; as he was born Marina (my wife then) had a waking vision of a Stag-Horned figure towering over her - Herne the Hunter. Earlier in the year I founded Woden's Folk on the Hooded Man Mysteries.

Gildas the Monk said the Britain held the 'balance of the whole world', thus the meaning of the 'balance of the Powers of Light and Darkness' held within Albion. These islands are the Eternal Battleground of the Power of Light (White Dragon) and the Power of Darkness (Red Dragon). This is why the Last Avatar will appear here in England, and (like the last figure of Robin Hood - Robert, son of the Earl of Huntingdon) he will be of the English Aristocracy. Before the Last Avatar appears the second figure of The Hooded Man must die. This is the Archetypal Myth that is playing out now, in our times. It is shown in the HelgiH Mysteries where Helgi Hundingsbane is slain by Dag (Day) with the Spear of Woden (*) before Helgi Haddinga can appear as the Last Avatar. 

(*) Only Woden can intervene to slay his 'chosen', so Helgi Hundingsbane is slain by Dag, who wields the Spear of Woden. Like Helgi, Siegfried is slain by a spear - both are Wolsunga Mysteries.

"In the past lies that which is to come....." All last night this thought, taken from the 'Robin of Sherwood' series, kept coming back into my mind. When I awoke this morning I understood what this was telling me; the future of Woden's Folk lies in our past - in The Hooded Man Mysteries. This is what we were founded on, and this is what we have to do now - go back to the very beginning and revive the rites and rituals that we started with, rites based around the Robin of Sherwood series and The Hooded Man Archetype. These we have not used of late, but we shall do again, and the honouring of Herne the Hunter. 

The coming English Awakening will come through the awakening of The Hooded Man Archetype. This archetype is awakened in the Astral World first, from whence it manifests here in Middle-Earth. It has to be awakened in the Folk-Soul of the English through the use of Archetypal Images such as the above, through slogans hurled like 'Fiery-Arrows' into the masses, to awaken those who hear the Call of the Blood. The Spirit of the Woodlands awakens through the archetype of Herne the Hunter - this is the aim of the 'Fires of Revolt' that will take place on December 23rd 2022. 

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