Wednesday, 1 March 2023

The Creation Myth


We are told that Niflheim and Muspelheim existed from the beginning, and between them Ginnungagap - the 'Gaping Void'. Niflheim in the North is the realm of the Ice-Giants or Frost-Giants, being the Realm of Ice, and symbolised by the Is-Rune. To the south is Muspelheim which is the realm of what we are told is the 'Fire-Giants' or the 'Fire-Giant' named Surt. Ginnungagap is the 'Magically-charged Void', i.e. it has within it the Creative Consciousness, the ability to manifest from that which is unmanifest. 

There is a problem with Muspelheim, since we are led to believe that it is the home of 'Giants', which we would naturally see as the Joten. But when we look more closely, we are told that it is the source of all Light, the source of all of the heavenly bodies that light the Earth - the Sun, Moon and Stars. We should not think in terms of the physical fire that we use, but here in a sense of the Spiritual Creative Fire, the Source of Creation. Here, from this realm, this Creative Fire acts upon the Ice of Niflheim, melting it, and from this action of Fire and Water (melted ice) there springs the First Being - Ymir. 

The so-called 'Fire-Giant' - Surt - we are told by Snorri is the 'king of eternal bliss at the southern end of the sky'. He also asserts - '...there are many good abodes and many bad; best is it to be in Gimle with Surt'. Now, Gimle is the Highest Heaven, the only world that will not be destroyed at Ragnarok, and it is the dwelling of All-Father.  It is Loki that leads the Joten-Forces against the Gods, but it is Surt that is the Destroyer of All - the Gods and the Joten. He leads the Sons of Muspell in order that the worlds will be cleansed by Fire, and then by Water that will put out the Cleansing-Fires. 

The Ur-Fire or Creative Spiritual Fire is the first element, and in the original Blots of the Odinic Rite was written of Fire - 'the First Mystery and the Final Mercy' - which acknowledges the Germanic Lore of the Creation and Destruction of the worlds by Fire. This Spiritual Fire that creates all life, all souls, and also the Vail-Force, originates in the spiritual world of the Ninth Heaven, and these forces enter the material world through the Black Sun. 

The First Being is named Ymir, a name that means 'Twin', and he is the same as Tuisto/Tuisco whose name can also mean 'Twin' (two). Here we cannot but think of the god named Tiw who can also be seen as 'Two' or 'Twin', and whose name can mean 'Shining'. In fact, in our runic row we have Tiw - Mannus - Divine Twins, all related to the idea of Twin Brothers. Woden-Will-Weoh is the Triple-God that 'slays' Ymir, from which the material world is created; this role is done by Manu in the Hindu Texts. Since Ymir appears with Audhumla, and Audhumla licks the salt blocks out of which appears Buri, it seems feasible to think that Buri and not Woden-Will-Weoh are the ones to 'slay' the Primal Being. When we look at the German version we have Tuisto (Ymir) and his offspring Mannus, rather than his twin as it should be. Then we have the Hermiones, Istvaeones and Ingvaeones, all of which seem to relate to the Aryan Caste System, instituted by Manu in Indian Lore. Like the Myth of Manu in India, the Creation-Myth and the Divine Order Myth are fused together as one - since they are both based upon the same foundation, As Above - So Below.

We thus have the three-fold division of Ar-Ist-Ing and that of Woden-Will-Weoh/Woden-Hoenir-Lodhur. But the role of Buri is here taken by Woden who has become the High God. The name Tuisto can also mean 'to twist' (to turn, to coil) and is thus related to Spirit; the name Tiw could also have the same meaning. The essence of this idea of Ymir-Manu could be that this is a Female-Male unity which is the same as the Babylonian Ilu-Ilua, and the 'Baphomet' in its true form. Thus, the material body of the Cosmos is Female, and hence the connection of Yima with the 'Land of the Dead', since Hela rules this region. 

This may be borne out in the Third AEttir of the Rune-Row -

Tiw - "Twin" - The Female-Male Union.

Beorc - The Female.

E(o)h - The Twins, both Female and Male.

Mann - The Male (Manu).

In these first four runes we have the origins of the Creative Myth; here it is the male-female unity that become the duality of male-female. Of course, this is but one meaning of these runes, and of the 'Divine Twins'. Here, rather than the Triple-God Woden-Will-Weoh/Woden-Hoenir-Lodhur and Ar-Ist-Ing as the offspring of Mannus, we have the 'son' (offspring) as Ingwe (Ing-Rune). Ingwe is the 'Son of Man'. There is also a hidden piece related to Tiw losing his Right Hand, bitten off by the Fenris Wolf. Symbolically this is the Tiw-Rune losing its Right Hand, thus becoming the Lagu-Rune; it can be no coincidence that the Lagu-Rune appears in the same AEttir after the Mann-Rune. 

It is also perhaps no coincidence that in the Myth of Agni he is first hidden in the Waters, linking this to the Lagu-Rune which precedes the Ing-Rune. Agni is called Apam Napat - 'Child of the Waters' - and it is he 'through who shineth without fuel amidst the waters'. Apam Napat (Agni) is associated with the Fiery Hvarena ("Solar Matter") which is related to Kingship and Luck ('Heil'). Apam Napat hides the Fiery Hvarena at the bottom of a Lake (Water). So, our rune-row hides the Mysteries of Creation. The Edel-Rune could thus be related to the idea of the 'Noble Race' (Arya) that springs from this Creation. The Daeg-Rune is here related to 'Day' and to 'Light' - the Day-Spring or Dawn of our Race. 

Lagu - The Waters, in which the 'Fiery Essence' is held (Kingly Race). 

Ing(w) - Ingwe, the offspring of Manu, the Birth of the Light-Born and Fire-Born.

Daeg - The Day-Spring, the Dawn of our Race, the emergence of the Arya, the Edel-Born. 

Edel - The Noble-Born Race (Arya) and also the Primaeval Homeland of Thule-Hyperborea-Airyana-Vaija. This is the AEtherial Realm at the North Pole.

Going a stage further, in relation to the 'Fiery Essence' that is that of the High God, kept and given by the Goddess Freya, this is the Bros-Ing-Mene - the 'Necklace of Fire'. If we swap round the Edel-Rune and Daeg-Rune (which is something that can be found in some rune-rows) to Edel-Daeg then the Ing-Rune (Sacral King) and the Edel-Rune (The Homeland) are together, as the Sacral King has to wed 'Sovereign' (the Land) in some mythologies. This 'Sacred Marriage' gives rise to the Daeg - the land is thus infused with the 'Divine Light of the Gods'.

In order to have harmony in the Cosmos, and thus harmony in the Society of Man, the Divine Order must be present, that is, that the Society of Man must reflect the Divine Order of the Cosmos. Hence the reason that a strict hierarchical order of Kon-Earl-Karl-Thrall must be maintained at all times. The modern subversive idea of 'equality' thus breaks down the Divine Order, thus creating disorder and Chaos. It is essential that this Divine Order is recreated, no matter what people today feel 'should' be done to create a 'fair' society. Being 'fair' does not come into this, being RIGHT is what matters! 

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