Saturday, 18 March 2023

The Woden Folk-Religion


After some days of deep thought I have come to realise that the Esoteric Wodenism must be now split from the Exoteric Wodenism. This has already been done in regard to Woden's Folk (Esoteric) and the Woden Folk-Community/Woden Folk-Religion (Exoteric), but we need to go further now. The two have to be linked together, that is obvious, but they must also each now take a different path in a deeper sense. 

Contrary to modern ideas, religions were originally founded because humans were never 'created equal' and each is at a different level of spiritual evolution. Thus, the religions were created for those who were 'uninitiated' and therefore needed some form of spiritual path through which they needed guidance. It was only later, and with the decay and degeneration of a religion that the priesthood used it for their own power over others. In today's world we can see how the world-leaders, and those who follow them blindly, have a deep contempt for the 'people' - this is also true of some who oppose those in power unfortunately. 

It is also true to say that we are today in the transition period between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius, and thus neither in one nor the other. The Age of Pisces (which we are leaving) is the 'Age of the Hanged God' (Woden or Christ), whilst this age we are in now is the 'Age of the Crowned and Conquering Son' (Woden-Wid-Ar/Ingwe). Just as there are remnants of the Christian Era, there are also remnants of those who adhere to Odin-Woden-Wotan as the 'Hanged God', and who still stick to the Viking/Anglo-Saxon era. This has to be so, since we are in this transition period, and in the Era of Dissolution and Chaos. These are the dying religions of the old era, the Age of Pisces. 

It is essential that this Archetypal Image, of 'Jesus Christ' hanging in shame, dejection, humiliation and defeat is replaced by the image of Wid-Ar - the Crowned and Conquering Son. But since this is not happening today then it will remain the work of the few Woden Initiates to introduce this into the Folk-Religion at the right time. In the meantime to work to invoke the Power of Wid-Ar as the Age of Ingwe is spread. 

The Woden Folk-Religion must now continue as part of Odinism, Wotanism, Asatru, and the other Northern Heathen movements that promote the Viking/Anglo-Saxon/Germanic Heathenism. It will thus be a Folk-Religion that attracts into it Northern Heathens, but must remain Folkish in essence and form. It will thus be based around -

  • A pantheon of Gods and Goddesses.
  • Elves, Nature Spirits, Land-Spirits etc.
  • The Forefathers.
  • Cosmology based upon Norse Myth, Germanic Lore, and Anglo-Saxon Lore.
  • Based mainly on an English Folk-Religion & Folk-History.
  • A Folk-Religion open to all Folkish Heathens.

The Esoteric side - Woden's Folk - will deal with the Rites and Rituals for the Folk-Religion, which will remain as they are now. The 'Sword of Wayland' will be produced by Woden's Folk and will promote the Woden Folk-Religion (as it does now). Thus, there need be no real change here, except for some very small ones needed as this evolves.

The Armanen Initiates, Adepts and Masters were taken up in a new current that foresaw a New Age, and thus a complete change in terms of religious ideas. It is this current that our Esoteric side follows, and it is this that now needs to be seen as different from the Folk-Religion, in that it is clear that only a small minority of people are open to the New Current; this seems clear when we look at other groups and individuals, most of whom are not in tune with this New Age Current. So, our esoteric side must now be taken up, not by a religion, but by an Esoteric Order, and this we shall base around -

  • A New Cosmology that accepts that there has to be a 'Great Thought' that existed from the beginning, since nothing happens without a thought manifesting first. We can accept that there existed a Void - Ginnungagap - which is 'magically-charged', a term that is vague since it means nothing really, except if we see this 'magical charge' being something like *alu- and thus the Ali-Father, All-God, All-Father, or Ilu-Father, i.e. the Great Creative Spirit also known as Ur-Alda, Uralten, Ar Var Alda etc. 
  • Thus we have the Unmanifest (0) which becomes Manifest (1), and then becomes a duality (2), from which springs the Trinity (3). This is the basis of most ancient religions and cosmology.
  • The Gods and Goddesses are those of our Racial Gods, the Gods of our Folk: they manifest from the Great Creative Spirit. Woden becomes 'All-Father' since he is a God that evolves and just like some Hindu Gods, he becomes the 'High God'. Gylfaggining makes it clear that the 'All-Father' is the Eternal Spirit, whilst Ragnarok shows that the Gods die and are resurrected in the New Age and New Earth. 
  • The Great Creative Spirit manifests power through the Black Sun, the Sun of the First Earth or 'Former World'. It is the Power of the Black Sun that will resurrect the Arya, the Sun-Man or Superman. This, again, is not accepted by all Northern Heathens. 
  • Wid-Ar is the Crowned and Conquering Son and his Archetypal Image is that of a Warrior-Leader, riding a White Horse, carrying a Flaming Sword, and bearing a shield on which is the White Dragon of Ingwe. At this time we see him as Wid-Ar the Silent since he has as yet not uttered 'The Word' that will bring all of this into existence. 
  • On August 11th 1999 the Solar Eclipse heralded the conception of the Age of Ingwe - the Age of Heroes - but it also heralded the resurrection of Ingwe, which is why the Mysteries of Ingwe have appeared in these times. The White Stone of Ingwe revealed that the 'Gift of Ingwe' is Fire, and thus the knowledge that Ingwe is the Vedic Agni came to light. As a Primal God of Fire and Light he is not the same as the Ingvi-Frey we find in Norse Mythology, which tells nothing of this to us. Ingwe is Sheaf, and he is also linked to Hama (Heimdall) whose role he overlaps - these are similar archetypes. Again, these mysteries are not widely taken up, nor held by most Northern Heathens.
  • In this Ingwe is linked to Waendal, to the Fire-Twirl (Swastika), to the Ned-Fire, and also to Krist, which we shall look at in turn. He is the 'Son of Man', of Tuisto ('Twister' = Fire-Borer = Pramantha = Swastika). 
  • We thus see Woden as having stepped down from the Gallows-Tree after recovering the Holy Runes from the Well of Memory. The 'Father' becomes 'The Son'. 
  • Ingwe is the Solar Krist. This is certainly not something taken up widely, since modern heathens tend to reject anything that seems 'Christian', even when it hides Heathen Secrets. The early Christian Church openly stated that Krist existed long before and historical figure - Solar Christianity was Heathen! Krist was born on December 25th, Agni was born on December 25th, Mithra was born on December 25th. Even the Christian Bible holds this secret, since Krist is visited by 'Three Wise Men' or 'Three Magi' bringing him Gold (Kingship), Frankincense (Priest) and Myrrh (Justice). We have a Helgi who was born on December 25th, and at the birth were the Three Norns. The 'Three Wise Men' are the three stars of the Belt of Orion, named 'Frigg's Distaff' by the Saxons. The distaff - Spinner of Fate - and the Old English name for this time - The Mothers' Night (Wyrd Sisters). The Sun 'stand still' on December 22nd (Solstice-Sunstead) and is 'reborn' on December 25th - the Birth of the Sun, and the Birth of the Sun-King. The Myth of Agni is the 'Birth of Krist'. This is why we hold to this concept, even though it is rejected by most Heathens.
  • The Mysteries of the Last Avatar, which form no part in most modern heathen groups or individuals. HelgiH, Wid-Ar, The Hooded Man etc. form the central core of our esoteric work. In this we hold faith with the Avatar who held back the Forces of Darkness, and sowed the 'seeds' of the New Order that is coming about for the New Age.
  • This is the 'Age of the Son' - the 'Age of Heroes' the transition period between two world-ages.
  • Whereas the Folk-Religion is there to aid the survival of the Folk, the esoteric work is there to aid the evolution of the Folk into the Superman, the God-Man, the Sun-Man, the Arya etc. 
I hope this is made clear here, since it is now important that we put together what has been done over the last 25 years into a working Esoteric Order using the Black Sun Symbol and the Widdershins Swastika (Swastika of the Return), as well as other Sacred Symbols. The Ar-Kan Rune-Lag will continue to be developed into our own 'Inner Working System'. 

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