Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Thule - The Polar Centre


The Path of the Sun from East to West each day and each year is the 'reality' that we see but this is not the only 'reality', since the Sun is the Still Centre around which everything turns, just as the Sun is at the middle of the movement of the Signs of the Zodiac. With the Yule-Point being at the bottom this is where the Sun is 'renewed' each year, just as this is seen in the daily path of the Sun. 

What we need to recall here is that the Solar-Cycle existed only after the end of the Golden Age of Being, whence Becoming replaced Being. The aim has to be to reconnect to Being, whilst still being subject to the Cycle of Becoming. To 'stamp Becoming with Being' as Hegel stated. This is why Miguel Serrano pushed the theme of the Swastika as the 'Swastika of the Return' - to Thule. Thule has to be awakened in the Blood-Memory. Thule here is at the North. Hel, the Goddess of Death, was reached through the north of the world - nidr ok nordr liggr Helvegr - "down and north leads the Hel-Way". North is seen here in the context of the Solar-Cycle.

The Ring is here symbolic of the Folk, at the Sacred Centre of which is the Sun-King. The Sun-King radiates energy and force outwards; the centre is everywhere, the circumference nowhere. This is far different in structure than the Pyramid-Structure of the Globalists, where 'they' form the top parts, and 'we' are all at the very bottom. The Sacred Ring is based upon energy and force from a Sacred Centre - Thule. The Sun is here the Immovable Mover, that which is still, around which the movement of the Folk-Wheel turns. 

It is my own belief that Bael-Daeg is the Black Sun, held in the Nether-World (Hel) through the Cycle of the Ages, after the sinking of Thule and the ending of the Golden Age. The term bale can mean 'fire' but in a special sense of 'to blacken with fire'. It is thus a 'blackening', hence the Black Sun. One of the symbols used is the Black Swastika, another the 12-spoked Black Sun. The Old English daeg means 'day', in the sense of a 24-hour day, thus its use at the end of each day of the week. It thus means Day and Night. Bael-Daeg in Norse Mythology is not seen as the daily Sun 'dying' at the end of each day and rising anew the next morning at Dawn. He returns only after Ragnarok. 

The Black Sun used here may hint at this being held in the Nether-World by the twin Nyd-Runes, Nyd or Nith being the Nether-World. It is significant that Bael-Daeg plays no part whatever in any of the Norse Myths, except for his death at the hands of Blind Hod, aided, of course, by Loki the Trickster. There is no hint of a daily cycle of the Sun, but in Greek Myth it is Helios that is the Sun-God, and Apollo is the God of Hyperborea - the Far North. It seems we have the Golden Sun and its 'Death and Rebirth' and the Black Sun which sinks with the sinking of Thule-Hyperborea. The Black Sun is the Hidden Sun, it is the Midnight Sun. 

Sunday, 17 December 2023

The Mythical Year

Midsummer The Midday Sun - High God



 Midwinter - The Midnight Sun - The Son


Today's calendar is a mix of Solar and Lunar Calendar; we have 12 'months' (Moons) each having either 30 or 31 days, bar for February which has 28. There is no real sense here because it uses the Lunar Year of 365 days (364 really) but a Solar Year in regard to the parts of the year ('Months'). However, this was also true of the Anglo-Saxon year where Bede (a Christian monk) tells us they worked by nights and moons, and yet starts off the year with a Solar Date - December 25th. He also says they too cut the year into 12 parts ('Months') thus also using a Solar Year. If they used a Lunar Year it would be cut into 13 parts, each month being 28 days, making 364 days in the year. Not sure whether they used a 7-day week (as the Greeks and Romans did, as well as the Jews who used this from Genesis in the Old Testament), but the 7-day week is used in a Lunar Year, since a month is 4 x 7 days = 28 days. 

What I am trying to do here is to construct a Mythical Year - a Solar Year - named thus because it does fit with the Solar Myths. This will then be fitted to a pattern of runes that fit the Daily Cycle and Yearly Cycle of the Sun's Path. To do this I use the Sun-Wheel which is a four-spoked wheel representing the four parts of the year we use today, but within it the 2-part breaking of the year into a Light Part (Summer) and Dark Part (Winter). 

From this we can create an eight-spoken wheel that is used as our own Wheel of the Year Rites. Keep this in mind here, but for the time being keep the four-spoked Sun-Wheel in mind for what I am going to say now. The year starts at Yule or Midwinter (Middle of Winter) which is at the bottom of the Holy Wheel. This is marked by the Daeg-Rune, a Rune of Change, and a rune which marks the point where the Dark Path ends and the Light Path begins, where the Sun starts to move upwards again on its Waxing Path. Keep in mind that the Sun here 'stands still' for 3 days on December 21st-22nd, and then starts the upward path on December 24th-25th. This point is clearly the 'Reborn Sun'. 

The Waxing Sun (Upward Path) begins the 'Way of the Gods' and moves upwards through the Summer Evennight around March 21st. In the Daily Cycle this point is the Dawn, in the Yearly Cycle it is the start of the Summer (if we ignore the Spring as we do the Autumn in this). At this liminal point the Light and Darkness are in balance. The rising of the Sun at this time is marked by Venus (Eostra) in the East, the Sun rising after Venus is seen. Eostra is the Goddess of Dawn and the Goddess of Summer (Spring if you wish). The Waxing Sun reaches its high point at the top of the Holy Wheel - this marks Midsummer. Here, again, is a point of change, and this is marked by the Ger-Rune or Ar-Rune (Eagle-Rune). Here, once more, the Sun 'stands still' on the horizon for 3 days on 21st-22nd June, and then starts her downward path on 24th-25th June. This highest point is Midday in the Daily Cycle. 

The Waning Sun (Downward Path) begins the 'Way of the Ancestors' and moves downwards through the Winter Evennight around September 21st. This point in the Daily Cycle is the Dusk, in the Yearly Cycle it is the beginning of Winter. Again, at this liminal point the Light and Darkness are in balance. Here, in the West, the Evening Star (Venus) appears first as the Sun moves down into the 'Nether-World'. Here it reaches the point where it began, at the lowest point - Yule. In the Daily Cycle this is Midnight. 

The Ger-Rune is placed at the Midsummer and Midday point, but it also represents the Light-Dark daily-yearly cycle. The alternative Elder Futhark stave shows the movement of the two cycles clearly. The Chinese Yin-Yang Symbol is even more precise with this. Ger which is said as 'Year' also means 'harvest', but this point cannot be seen as a 'harvest', but it is the end-point of the Waxing Sun and thus in a sense the point of 'harvest'. 

If we see Bael-Daeg as the Sun-God then he is 'wounded' at Midsummer, his might waning until we reach the Winter Evennight where he 'dies', moving down into the Nether-World until he reaches the lowest point at Yule. Here, Bael-Daeg becomes the Midnight Sun which is reborn or 'resurrected' at this point. This is symbolised by the Holy Swastika - the Fylfot - which is Bael-Daeg in the Underworld - the Black Sun. 

"The Sun of Midnight is ever the Son!"

In line with Archetypal Myth the 'Sun of Midnight' is 'The Son' - of the High God - born at the Yuletide of the year. Thus the Archetypal Krist who is born on December 25th is the 'Rebirth of the Sun' ('The Son'). Since the Midsummer Sun (Midday Sun) stands highest in the South, the Midwinter Sun (Midnight Sun) stands to the North (Thule). The Archetypal Krist is thus the Krist of Atlantis (Miguel Serrano) and not the 'Jesus Christ' of the Middle-East. This is the Solar-Krist that 'shaped the former world' - before the Great Flood. 

Bael-Daeg seems to also be Pol whose must have been the Polar-God of the Primordial World. It seems right to link him to the Midwinter since this is also marked by the Daeg-Rune. The Greek Apollo is a Sun-God, but in other Indo-Aryan areas the prefix 'A-' created an opposite (as Hamasson pointed out once where 'Brahman' becomes 'A-Brahman' (Abram/Abraham). If so, then it may be that A-Pol-lo represents the Midsummer Sun, whilst Pol represents the Midwinter Sun. Originally, of course, Pol was the God of the Pole - the North Star. 

This Mythical Solar-Year is clearly a 'wheel' or 'ring' which would be made up of 360 parts (360 degree ring). This is broken into two 180 degree parts - Light and Dark - and further into four 90 degree parts (seasons). We can now mark the 12 'months' of Light and 12 'months' of Dark with the 24 Runes of the Elder Futhark. We start at the very bottom with Feoh (comes after Daeg) and this would be one o'clock in the Daily Cycle, moving to the Dawn which would be Ken, then to the Midday which would be Ger, through the Dusk which would be Beorc, and down to Midnight which would be Daeg. 

The Yearly Cycle would be just the same, but each 'month' would have two runes, one for the first half, one for the second half. Thus January would have Feoh-Ur, February Thorn-Os, March Rad-Ken etc. The Beorc-Rune lies at the Dusk, which may seem odd for a Rune of Regeneration, but this point is the start of the Winter, and in some way thus a 'new beginning'. 

The Edel-Rune is here put as Number 23 and not Number 24; but this is the Rune of Thule (At-al-land later), and the Primordial Homeland. Thus, the Mythical Year shown here leads us back to the Primordial Homeland - Thule. This is the time of an 'ending' and a 'new beginning'. As a turn-rune the Daeg-Rune is placed here, but it should be seen as being switched with Edel to create another hidden meaning. 

Of course, this Mythical Year can be seen as a 'Nature-Myth' in that it is a yearly cycle of the seasons, but it is also a 'Legendary Myth' or 'Historical Myth' in that it paths the downward movement of the Folk away from the North Pole - Primordial Homeland - to the North-West, and then southwards and eastwards to the Southern Part of the planet. Then it paths the upward cycle as the Folk-Wanderings took us back into Europe and Northern Europe. The 'Historical Myth' follows the same path as the 'Nature-Myth', they are two levels of the same symbolism. This, of course, uses the Elder Futhark of 24 Runes, the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag 33 Runes is used for the Inner Awakening of the Fire-Serpent since it links to the 33 bones of the human spinal column. 


1. The Daeg-Edel change may also be linked to the 23 1/3 degree pole-shift that sent the Earth's Axis off centre, thus shifting 'Thule' from its True Place. 

2. The Egyptians, ruled by their Solar-Kings of the Ancient Solar-Race, at one stage used a 360-day Solar Year.

3. The Number 360 (as 36) is part of a number-order 36 - 72 - 144 that has very ancient roots. 

4. There are 60 seconds in one minute, and 60 minutes in one hour. In one 12-hour period there are 43200 seconds, and in 24 hours 86400 seconds. The Sacred Number 432 appears in this sequence. The Great Pyramid is said to have been built to the scale 1 : 43200, and is also said by some to represent the Northern Hemisphere. 

The Wheel of the Year links the Solar-Wheel (+ Cross) with the X-Cross, with the rites of the X-Cross being near to the middle of the Four Main Rites -

Midwinter - Wali's Day (Feb. 14th), Summer Evennight - Dragon-Slayer (April 23rd) or Walpurgis Night (April 30th), Summer Sunwend - Thingstead (August 17th), and Winter Evennight - Ancestral Rite (November 11th). 

Using this Wheel of the Year each eighth part would have 3 Runes, thus creating the 24 Rune-Wheel. Starting at the bottom (Yule) we would have - Feoh-Ur-Thorn, Os-Rad-Ken taking us to the Dawn-Sunrise in the East. The rest is clear. 

We have here a Runic Form suited to the Solar-Ring and to the Mythical Solar-Year which runs with the Teutonic Myths. The four points of the year Midwinter-Dawn-Midsummer-Dusk would be marked by the Holly-King - Dawn-Goddess - Oak King - Dusk Goddess. 

Thursday, 7 December 2023

The Pure Fool


This post sprang from watching a 'Children's Tale' called Ash-Lad in the Hall of the Mountain-King which was a breath of fresh air to watch in such an age of degeneracy. More than a 'Children's Tale' it is Folklore, even more, it is Eternal Myth, and it served to awaken these ideas by watching it. I have watched it only once, so there may be errors in some of what is to come, but I shall try to keep this as short as possible, since the tale needs telling first. 

A family of father and three children lived in a wooden house deep in the woods; the youngest of the three children was rather a simpleton or fool, and whatever he did seemed to mess everything up. In a large palace nearby lived a beautiful Princess who was coming up to her eighteenth birthday; however, should she not wed by the time she was eighteen the legend held that she would be taken by a troll - The Mountain King - who lived in a vast hall in the mountains. Her father got for her a suitor whom she did not wish to wed. 

From thence the plot unfolds, for the Princess reaches eighteen and is taken by the Mountain King - the troll - and imprisoned in a cave deep in the mountain. There she must be forced to marry the Mountain King and be his slave forever. Meanwhile, the suitor picked by the King, together with three comrades, rides into the forest to look for the Princess, since the King has offered a massive reward for the one who frees here from the Troll. They come across the log-cabin and thus the family find out about the Princess. The youngest son, inside the cabin, starts to mess around in mock sword-play, knocking over a lamp in the process. This causes a fire and the whole cabin is destroyed! The father is furious, as may be expected, and tells the young son to leave; he then tells the other two brothers that they must quest to seek the Princess and bring her back to the King to get the reward, the only means to rebuild the burnt-out house. 

Now, the younger brother had already come across the Princess and fell in love with her; he caught up with his two brothers and they went along together for a while. Then the youngest son heard a cry of distress, which his brothers ignored and carried on, so he went to find out the cause of this. He came across an Old Crone whose long nose had stuck in a tree-stump; he widened the gap so that she could get her nose loose. (The sillier the tale the more it is suited to the minds of the young - or others for that matter.) Finding her, of course, was no accident, for she told him that in order to free the Princess he must slay the Troll, but this can only be done with a Magical Sword that lay in a distant lake. She gave to him a map, which turned out to be blank; to use the map it was necessary to ask politely for the place one wished to go - and this, of course, worked. He set off again and found his two brothers.

Before I carry on, here is the best time to recall one of the most important ideas in the story. The youngest son, throughout the long journey, kept finding seemingly useless objects and picking them up, thus ridiculed by his brothers. These were (as far as I recall) - a broken mirror, a metal helmet, a bear-skin, and a ball of twine. In fact, these seemingly useless objects all have a purpose in his quest - the metal helmet serves as a cooking-pot, the bear-skin serves him when he attacks the suitor and his comrades later, the ball of twine serves him when he enters the labyrinth in the mountain, to get out again, and the broken mirror serves him when he has to face the Troll. 

His brothers come across an enchanted piece of the forest where three beautiful maidens give them food and drink; the young son also comes into this place, but he can see through the deception, since they are Three Hags whose food is maggoty and stale, but looks delightful. To cut this short, the young son is split from his brothers and find the Magical Sword; they find the mountain and the Princess imprisoned inside. The young son fights with the Troll, who knocks the Magical Sword from his hand, which then falls across the edge of the mountain. Noting that the Sun has started to rise, he takes the broken mirror and reflects the Light of the Sun onto the Troll, who is turned to stone. The Princess is taken back to her father who gives the reward, from which the father's house is rebuilt. The young son is united with the Princess and they live happily ever after....

We can see from this that it has for its origins the Aryan Myth of the Sun & Light (Princess) being taken and hidden in a Mountain Cave (Darkness). The Folk-Hero or Sun-Hero (The Fool) takes up the Quest for the Hidden Light, slays the 'Troll' (Powers of Darkness) and releases the Princess (The Divine Light of the Sun). 


Contrary to the usual train of thought the Folk-Hero is often not the macho-hero but is a fool or simpleton, the following being three examples -

  • Amlodh - Hamlet.
  • Parsifal.
  • William Tell ('Tell' comes from 'Tol' meaning 'fool' or 'simpleton'. 
The above story is an Archetypal Myth of The Fool; we need now to look at Norse Mythology and Germanic Mythology to trace this theme further. If we trace the 'Folk-Hero' who slays the 'Monster' (Troll or Serpent) this takes us back to Thor. So let us look at the myths that concern Thor -

  • When the dwarf Brock was making Thor's Hammer he was stung by Loki who assumed the shape of a gadfly. The shaft of the hammer was thus made too short. Some feel that this is a clever dig at the 'phallic' nature of Thor's Hammer.
  • On his journey to Utgard with Loki, Thor slays his goats and revives them magically, but the sly Loki entices Thialfi to break the bone of one of them to eat the marrow - thus one of Thor's Goats is lame! Thor and Loki sleep in a Giant's Glove which they think is a house. This giant, Skrymir, slept and his snoring kept Thor awake, to which the Thunder-God dealt him three mighty blows, which only made the giant ask if a leaf had fallen upon him. 
  • In the hall of Utgard-Loki Thor is seemingly made to look a fool when he is matched against three opponents, though these are Wildfire, drinking from a horn whose other end was the ocean, trying to lift a 'cat' which was the Midgard Serpent, and Old Age. 
  • When Thor's Hammer was stolen he dressed as a woman to regain it from the Giants. 
From these examples, and others we can find within Norse Mythology, Thor is sometimes portrayed as being rather 'foolish', or seeming to be foolish. Like the young son in the tale above, although he appears to be a 'fool' in fact he is very wise indeed. We can see this in the tale where every one of the seemingly useless objects has some purpose in his quest to find the Princess. His 'foolish' actions seem to harm, but underlying this is the theme that everything turns out right in the end. In the Norse Myths it is Loki that causes the problems, and Thor that sets them right. This seems to show that the original tale of 'The Fool' has been broken into two different figures - Loki and Thor. That this does link to Thor seems to be clear when we compare him with the Greek Hero, Hercules; Hercules wantonly slays his own wide and children in a most foolish act. 

The 'saviour' is always the man dressed in 'motley garb'; he is either The Clown or The Harlequin, two aspects of 'The Fool'. The Harlequin is more related to Woden as the Wild Hunter-God. But we see here the link between Thor and 'The Fool', since he is the Folk-Hero. The term 'fool' stems from the Latin follis which means 'wind-bag', and folles meaning 'puffed cheeks'; hence the 'raspberry' blown by the Jester. The Fool is 'silly', a word derived from the Germanic selig meaning 'holy' or 'blessed'. 
The one thing that stands out is that the 'saviour' is a madman, a fool, is 'possessed', is 'The Innocent Fool'. 

The Long Man of Wilmington is the 'April Fool'; this is the force that we all feel with the advent of the Spring, a wantonness and irresponsibility, something 'childlike' in its essence. At this time the Sun enters Aries the Ram. 'The Fool' is 'Pure Being' and this force - The Cosmic Joker - arises at the end of a Cycle of the Ages as Old Chaos (The Void) returns. He is the Be-Ginn-Ing and the End - the First and the Last, and yet he is Number 0. He is 'The Hooded Man', for Robin Hood dresses in Lincoln Green, he is the 'Green Man'; the Long Man was once called 'The Green Man'. 

Wid-Ar is the Silent God since he is Pure Being, an aspect of Pure No-Thing-Ness; the unformulated impulse takes place in The Silence - an absence of vibration and movement - Ginnungagap. This is above The Abyss where the opposites are united. Wid-Ar the Silent waits his time to manifest as Wid-Ar the Avenger - the 'Saviour of the World'. Ginn is the Jester or Fool - the Cosmic Joker. This is why the name Wid-Ar stems from one meaning 'wide' since this is the 'Wide-Land' spoken of in Aryan Lore - as high state of consciousness. AR is the Black Sun, the Source of Everything. AR - VAR - ALDA. 

The Silent God is called Hoor-par-Kraat (Egypt) or Harpocrates (Greece), and he is 'Horus the Child' seen above with his finger on the bottom lip of his mouth. This is where the gesture of the finger placed over the mouth (shhhh) as a sign to keep silent. Horus, like Wid-Ar is the Son of the Sun, and both are Avenging Gods. The father of Horus (Osiris) is slain by his brother (Set) and Horus sets out to avenge this death by slaying Set. This is the tale of 'The Fool' - Hamlet. The Egyptian Heru  is the basis of the name 'Horus'. 'Heru' is related to the word 'Arya'. He is silent because he has not uttered The Word.