Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Thule - The Polar Centre


The Path of the Sun from East to West each day and each year is the 'reality' that we see but this is not the only 'reality', since the Sun is the Still Centre around which everything turns, just as the Sun is at the middle of the movement of the Signs of the Zodiac. With the Yule-Point being at the bottom this is where the Sun is 'renewed' each year, just as this is seen in the daily path of the Sun. 

What we need to recall here is that the Solar-Cycle existed only after the end of the Golden Age of Being, whence Becoming replaced Being. The aim has to be to reconnect to Being, whilst still being subject to the Cycle of Becoming. To 'stamp Becoming with Being' as Hegel stated. This is why Miguel Serrano pushed the theme of the Swastika as the 'Swastika of the Return' - to Thule. Thule has to be awakened in the Blood-Memory. Thule here is at the North. Hel, the Goddess of Death, was reached through the north of the world - nidr ok nordr liggr Helvegr - "down and north leads the Hel-Way". North is seen here in the context of the Solar-Cycle.

The Ring is here symbolic of the Folk, at the Sacred Centre of which is the Sun-King. The Sun-King radiates energy and force outwards; the centre is everywhere, the circumference nowhere. This is far different in structure than the Pyramid-Structure of the Globalists, where 'they' form the top parts, and 'we' are all at the very bottom. The Sacred Ring is based upon energy and force from a Sacred Centre - Thule. The Sun is here the Immovable Mover, that which is still, around which the movement of the Folk-Wheel turns. 

It is my own belief that Bael-Daeg is the Black Sun, held in the Nether-World (Hel) through the Cycle of the Ages, after the sinking of Thule and the ending of the Golden Age. The term bale can mean 'fire' but in a special sense of 'to blacken with fire'. It is thus a 'blackening', hence the Black Sun. One of the symbols used is the Black Swastika, another the 12-spoked Black Sun. The Old English daeg means 'day', in the sense of a 24-hour day, thus its use at the end of each day of the week. It thus means Day and Night. Bael-Daeg in Norse Mythology is not seen as the daily Sun 'dying' at the end of each day and rising anew the next morning at Dawn. He returns only after Ragnarok. 

The Black Sun used here may hint at this being held in the Nether-World by the twin Nyd-Runes, Nyd or Nith being the Nether-World. It is significant that Bael-Daeg plays no part whatever in any of the Norse Myths, except for his death at the hands of Blind Hod, aided, of course, by Loki the Trickster. There is no hint of a daily cycle of the Sun, but in Greek Myth it is Helios that is the Sun-God, and Apollo is the God of Hyperborea - the Far North. It seems we have the Golden Sun and its 'Death and Rebirth' and the Black Sun which sinks with the sinking of Thule-Hyperborea. The Black Sun is the Hidden Sun, it is the Midnight Sun. 

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