Wednesday, 7 February 2024

The Mysteries of Heil


The Abbot of Cerne  was named Aelfric, one of the three foremost scholars of the tenth and eleventh centuries. We have this quote from Aelfric -

"There, near at hand to the Holy Man, there was a pleasant hill adorned with plants, with all fairness and full smooth."

This 'Holy Man' seems to mean the Heil-Giant, and the words do convey the meaning 'Holy-Giant', the term 'Heil' can mean 'Holy'. In one of his works, Lives of the Saints, he dwelt a great deal upon the figure of Saint Edmund and the Severed Head guarded by a Wolf. Also, in the martyrdom of St Alban we find that he escaped death by causing a stream to dry up, and then reactivating its spring by pure 'spiritual power', and was afterwards beheaded, as was St. Edmund. It has been said that at some time a 'Severed Head' could have been linked to the Giant. 

The figure was also called Helia recorded by a French monk named Gotselin who migrated to England in 1053. The name appears to be female, but it has variations - Helia, Helis or Helith. The French monk no doubt got this information from earlier Saxon accounts. Interestingly, in view of this religious abbey being built next to the Giant, this is also the case with the Long Man in Wilmington. It is also interesting to note that St. Edwold, the brother of King Edmund of Anglia, fled to Dorset around 870 CE and lived as a hermit in the Cerne Valley. The legendary founder of the earlier religious house was St. Augustine in the sixth century. He travelled to Dorset from Kent to 'suppress idol-worshippers at Cerne'. 

An account written by Walter de Hemingford in 1297 begins - 'In the district of Dorset...where the god Helith was once worshipped..." In  the Golden Legend written earlier in the thirteenth century the same story is told, set ' a certain town inhabited by wicked people...' who worshipped an idol called Heil or Hele. Since we find the names associated with a 'Holy Man' they could be related to the Old English helig meaning 'holy'. 

Long ago William Stukely saw the hill-figure as 'Hercules', and Professor Stuart Piggot took up this idea in later times. But Piggott links the name Helith with Harlequin which Kris Kershaw relates to Herla's Kin and in doing so links this to King Herla and to Herian, a name of Woden as the Wild Huntsman. This in fact gives weight to my own ideas on Waendal, since the figure also links to the Harlequin (Jester-Fool) and to the Wild Huntsman. As 'Winter-Woden' this is the Wild Hunter-God named Helethkin from the Old English heoloth-cynn. Hercules is a Greek form of this figure, which gave rise to the idea that the hill-figure was Roman. The problem is that many scholars started with the idea this was 'Roman' (from the Greek) and then tried to prove it so by finding the 'Lion's Skin' held by Hercules. The figure today is thought to date from the Anglo-Saxon times!

Even though the name of the area in which the abbey is found is Cerne or Cernel, relating the Giant to Herne is not so far from being right, since Herne the Hunter is the Wild Huntsman as shown in his legend from Windsor. 'Cerne' is in fact a Celtic word for 'horn', as 'Herne' is the Saxon equivalent. The 'nipples' of the Giant are offset in the same pattern as the top two stars of Orion the Hunter. Since the 'Phallus of Orion' - Three Stars of Orion - can represent 'Frigg's Distaff' and the 'Three Sisters of Wyrd, then the three Pyramids of Egypt are also based upon the Three Stars of Orion as Robert Bauval has discovered. Also, of interest here, is that another 'speculative writer' (don't forget most of our history is 'guesswork'), Andrew Collins, has equated the same three pyramids of Egypt with Cygnus the Swan - thus we have Orion (Heil Giant) and Cygnus (Long Man) again linked in some mysterious way. 

There is yet another synchronicity involved here. There is a 'Severed Head' linked to the Heil Giant, recorded in some old drawings of the figure. The Long Man was once called The Green Man and the 'Severed Head' is directly linked to the Legend of the Green Giant, where Gawain beheads the Green Giant. We have the 'beheading' of the White Hart connected to the Long Man! Thus both figures may be linked to the image of the 'Severed Head'. 

The Skull and Crossbones is thought to be symbolic of the Wild Huntsman, and is certainly linked to Death and Destruction (to resurrection and renewal). Both Gawain and Parsifal are linked to the Graal-Quest, and the name Ga-Wain (Gavin) could be rendered Ga-Wyn, thus the Gyfu-Rune and Wyn-Rune making up the Chi-Rho which Mdme. Blavatsky says is the Skull and Crossbones - just pure guesswork, of course. 

In 1764 it was reported that 'three numbers' were found within the Giant's legs, and in 1774 an illustration in a book by Hutchin showed three letters as well. Research has been done on this through various scans of the areas, but nothing conclusive has been found, nor do we know if or when such letters and numbers were on the Giant. Hutchins version of the symbols seem to show the letters - I : n: g, though later research seems to look like I : n ; D, and the numbers 1 : 7. Since we find no evidence of letters and numbers on other hill-figures in England these would no doubt be later editions (if they ever existed). Hutchin's version of the numbers is 7 : 9 : 8. It is hardly likely that the date 1798 is shown here, since this was decades before Hutchins wrote in 1764. The earlier version of the letters - ing - would also seem to be more likely than i-n-D, since why use a capital letter for the 'D'. The 'i' can be a capital 'I' or a 'J' from the version we have from Hutchins. 

It has also been found that the phallus has later been lengthened, originally being the navel and phallus. The Trendle next to the Giant could have been a Temple of Heil maybe having an idol of the God within its boundaries. When we count the circles for the navel and phallus we have a link to the Three Stars of Orion, and above these the two top stars, offset as are the nipples.The two offset stars have the same form as the constellation of Orion - that is when we view this as the Seven Stars of Orion. As Hamasson once pointed out, these create the Wolf-Hook Rune. 

What has tended to cloud the issue here is the academic dogma that everything here in Britain in pre-Roman times was 'Celtic'. This area was in fact where the Belgae dwelt and Caesar stated these were mainly Germanic Tribes. There is really no difference, bar language, between the 'Celts' and 'Germanics', but the term 'Germanic' is today mainly taboo amongst academia due to the association with National Socialist Germany. Decades of propaganda have made anything 'Germanic' as being a 'no-no', and thus acts to destroy a great part of our own English History. 

The weapon of the Irish God, The Dagda, is a Club; this has the properties of being able to deal Death at one end, and resurrection and new life at the other end. This is indeed interesting in that the Club is symbolic of the Tree in one sense, and the Wilmington Yew-Tree ('Tree of the Helmed Waendal') can be, like all Yew-Trees, symbolic of Death (in the churchyards) and of resurrection and new life (it is evergreen). Being 1,600 years old this dates back to early Anglo-Saxon times. The club shown on the hill-figure is clearly tree-like in that it shows where branches have been cut off to make the weapon. 

Like the Long Man, desecrated by the idiots known as 'Trinny and Susannah', and later by a phallus being drawn upon it, the Heil Giant was desecrated in the summer of 1989 by a Durex balloon bearing the slogan 'You're safer with Durex' landing upon the left fist, followed by an advertising poster campaign. As usual the ignorant corporations got it wrong in stating the figure was 'Bronze Age'. Then a 'Covid Mask' appeared as a publicity stunt. What with the Global Corporations and their stunts, and the 'New Age' approach to such ancient figures, things started to become distorted, and these hill figures became a mockery - nothing out of the ordinary here! 

The figure of Waendal wields a Club, and is that of 'The Joker' or 'The Jester' as shown in  the card-packs. It also resembles the Harlequin, which is one of the forms of the Wild Huntsman, the other being 'The Joker'. It is very likely that in the Long Man and the Heil Giant we have both forms of the Wild Hunter-God (Woden) - the April Fool (Joker) and the Herla-Kin (winter version as Orion the Hunter). From this we can work out that the name Heil was used for the Wild Hunter-God, and relates, no doubt, to the meaning of 'Hail' found in the Haegl-Rune - Hail = Destruction, Heil = Recreation i.e. to make 'whole again'. 

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