Monday, 16 December 2024

Conflict of Opposites

 Conflict of Opposites

The 'Creation Myth' of Norse Mythology is based upon Ginnungagap as 'The Void', but as I have said before this is not really 'nothing' since it is a Magically-Charged Void, and this is named 'Ginn' from which springs 'Ginn-ung' ('Offspring of Ginn') and 'Gap' is the Gaping Chasm to Void. Put another way, Ginn is the Primal Consciousness that permeates The Void. To the North is Ice, to the South is Fire, and this is 'ok gustr' - 'without wind'. Clearly, it is the movement of 'wind' that brings together the two opposites, out of which a 'rime' is created. The very basis of all life is this Conflict of Opposites. The Primal Consciousness within The Void is the moving force that brings together the two opposites, to create a third. 

Now we move the the Doctrine of Hegel - Thesis vs Antithesis = Synthesis. I have to admit I know little of Hegel but it seems likely his work centred around a more spiritual approach, whereas that of Karl Marx, who too on the same idea, was based on a totally materialistic basis. This is the 'Conflict of Opposites' sited above, that results in the 'synthesis' of the two opposing forces - they are fused together as one. But Karl Marx was just one important figure in the Hidden Agenda, and one that clearly knew well that what he was doing would not destroy Capitalism, but fuse it together with Marxism - which has happened in our own era, clear for all to see. 

The Occult Symbol known as 'Baphomet', originating I believe in Eliphas Levi, is not the same as the Templar 'head', but is in itself an Occult Sysmbol of this 'Fusion of Opposites' -

1. White Moon - Black Moon: the hands point upwards and downwards to these symbols, which are 'White Man - Black Man' (Man and Moon are linked in the Germanic Tongue). On the arm is 'Solve et Coagula' - a formula for breaking down and running together the Black Man and White Man. 

2. The figure is androgyne - Man and Woman fused together.

3. The figure sits upon the Globe of the World, symbolic of world domination. 

4. There are other Occult Symbols but we need not go into these here.

Over the past decades some of the most important happenings point to a Global Agenda based upon this 'Conflict of Opposites', and agenda that will produce a 'third force' - a New World Order. 

1. The conflict of Capitalism and Marxism is now fusing together in the 'Great Reset'; Capitalism was created in order to put the world's wealth in the hands of an 'Elite', and Marxism was created to produce the 'proles', the slaves needed for these Elites to control in their Global Order.

2. The conflict of Man and Woman has seen the fusion of male-female over the last few decades.

3. The conflict of White and Black has seen the fusion of these races (in part) already, the move towards a 'Race of Tan' predicted by Count Kalergi. 

4. The conflict of parent-child creates a situation in which children appear to grow up quickly and miss the important childhood, and where some adults do not seem to mature at all.

5. The conflict of Judaeo-Christianity and Islam will result in their fusion into a new World Religion. The other religions are also pitted against each other and they too will fuse into the new World Religion. 

The method used by the Occult Powers is 'Conflict Management', by backing both sides at the same time whilst guiding the outcome through ensuring that one side is stronger than the other (if necessary), and the outcome is assured. With this knowledge we can see more clearly the 'progress' of history throughout the last few hundred years. It is thus very hard to counter such a force since whatever is done can be manipulated and used in this 'Conflict of Opposites'. This should have become clear with the emergence of 'Tommy Robinson' and the rise of the 'Far Right' (sic.) here in England. The conflict of 'Christian-Zionism' emerges as the opposing force to Islamic Militancy, and thus paves the day for a World Religion. It would seem that a counter-force needs to be based upon a Balance of Opposites. This seems clear in The Hooded Man Prophecy - the Power of Light and Darkness in balance. 

I have covered this subject before but felt the need to do so again so that we too do not fall into the same trap by creating a 'conflict' that will have the same result. I see the need to expose what is being done against us today, and to explain how our religion has been subject to distortion in the past. But I see no point whatever in keep attacking others for what they are doing or have done in the past, since in doing so all we do is to create a 'Victim Mentality' in ourselves. Do we need to whinge and whine about our plight, instead of creating a positive and strong movement that will ensure our freedom and survival? 

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