Thursday, 5 December 2024

Goden & Joten - Part Two

 Goden and Joten - Part Two

Slumber Watcher 'til the spheres
Six and Twenty Thousand years;
Shall revolve 'ere I return
To the spot where now I burn.
Stars that soothe and stars that bless
With a sweet forgetfulness,
Only when my round is o'er
Will the past disturb thy door.

Howard Philip Lovecraft

There are some today who are promoting the idea that the sinking of Atlantis was due to these 'Formless Ones' or 'Great Old Ones'. There is a work that appears to be a 'channeling' - the Emerald Tablet of Thoth. Now, I would guess that around 99% of such 'channelings' are merely wishful-thinking on the part of the individual, a means today of making them feel important in a world of mediocrity. But certain works of the past seem to be genuine 'channeling', the most famous of which I would say could be Aleister Crowley's 'Book of the Law', which most certainly contains prophecy, and has most certainly created change in the world - for good or evil. So 'channeling' need not be dismissed as fraud, which is why I am going to quote this piece from the Emerald Tablet of Thoth -

"Fell from the Light into the Darkness, some who had risen to heights among men. Proud they became because of their knowledge, proud were they of their place among men. Deep delved they into the forbidden, opened the gateway that led below. Sought they to gain ever more knowledge, but seeking to bring it up from below. He who descends below must have balance, else he is by lack of our Light. Opened they then, by their knowledge, pathways forbidden to men.....Sown sank Atlantis beneath the dark waves, shattered the gateway that had been opened, shattered the doorway that led down below...."

As with many ancient accounts of 'The Flood', this can be caused by 'God' in order to chastise man, or by 'The Gods', to do the same, or it can be a natural process, or it can be the work of dark, destructive forces. Whatever the case, at the end of a world-age, or a Cycle of the Ages, there is a massive cataclysm that destroys the dominant power of the time. And this dominant power has been responsible for evoking Dark Forces of Chaos and Disorder, either through Dark Sorcery, or in our modern times through high-tech means like CERN. (Here we should note that a figure of Shiva can be found outside the complex, and that CERN seems to be CERNUNNOS - a God of the Gauls, a Horned God. This seems to be yet another example of the use of Heathen Gods who have been distorted to suit their own ends. There are dark sides to these Ancient Gods.) 

This work of channeling also tells of the fleeing of those dwelling in Atlantis (in a flying machine), and the place they fled to - Egypt, then known as KHEM - the 'Black Land'. Pride comes before a fall - and this is how the sinking of Numenor/Atalante is seen in Tolkien's works, where the Kings of Men - the Numenorean Kings - became so proud as to challenge the Gods and to conquer the Land of the Immortals - to become immortal themselves. Now, we do have a Greek Myth of Tantalus, a mortal being who tried to steal the Ambrosia (Drink of Immortality) for personal gain. The Nectar of Immortality can only be given to the great Heroes of the Folk, as with Hercules who was offered this by Athene. 

"He Who Dwells in the Abyss - emerged from The Void to offer the Atlanteans forbidden knowledge."

As is clearly stated in the 'Emerald Tablet' - 'he who descends below must have balance' - the Balance of Light and Darkness, or he will be swamped by the Darkness and drawn into its Dark Net. Those who seek to open the gateway to 'below' are engulfed by the Darkness, and they then act in a way typical of the powers that control the world today - psychopaths in many cases. Those people today are devoid of all feeling, shown in their drive to achieve a set agenda at all costs, no matter what the pain and suffering. Yet, though engulfed in the Darkness, this pain and suffering can be seen as a challenge - a great struggle by which the individual (and the Folk) can overcome all human limitations to become the Overman or Superman. Through the evil of the Dark Joten, the Children of Godan may overcome and rise above the world in ruins, lifting themselves Above the Ruins, as 'Men Against Time' - Time - The Great Destroyer of the Worlds! 

There is a legend in India of a land named Tripura, originally a Land in the North, but which, after being destroyed by Shiva, arose again in the Land of the West. These locations fit with Thule-Hyperborea and At-al-land. This legend is interesting in that this can only take place when the Three Lands are aligned, suggesting that such cataclysms take place when certain stars-planets are in alignment. Lovecraft's poem about the Pole Star tells us that this returns to its former position every 26,000 years or seven stations of the Pole Star. This is also said to be the time at which Wid-Ar the Avenger returns. 

Much of this stuff revolves around a 'balance' - the 'Balance of the Power of Light and the Power of Darkness. Or, put another way, the 'Balance of Opposites. This is exactly how it was at the be-ginn-ing, since Ice and Fire were in balance, and the 'conflict' between these two opposing forces resulted in their fusion, from which Creation arose. This is the stuff of The Hooded Man Prophecy, which also gives sound advice upon how to trick the 'ruling powers' into not recognising the intentions of 'The Hooded Man' - 'The Fool'. The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness must be forged into a wholeness within the movement that will successfully counter these Dark Forces. The archetype of 'The Fool' or 'The Hooded Man' (*) is a balance of Order and Chaos, since he is the one to bring Justice and Order, and yet he dwells and works from the 'Chaos' of the Wild Walds. He is the 'Wolf's Head' (outcast), the Dog of the Outside, who dwells outside the order of society. This is the role of the ancient Germanic Mannerbunde, working in the 'liminal' are, neither in one nor the other. The 'Balance of Light and Darkness' comes at this liminal period, whether it be Dawn-Dusk, the Spring Evennight, or the Winter Evennight, which are the periods when the Light and Darkness are in balance. 

(*) The Hooded Man Prophecy is a multi-layered one, and more and more things are coming to light as to why this arose at this time of the Cycle of the Ages. It is more than a prophecy, it is a means to the balance of the mind, the balance of the individual, the balance of the Folk. It gives advice on how to work in secret to combat forces that are insurmountable at this point of time, telling us how to stay in the 'shadows', even though we work in the 'Light'. It also shows the way to the creation of a resistance to these Evil Powers, one based upon a balance of opposites within the wholeness - the Halgadom. This balance is found in the Haegl-Rune and Hagal-Rune, the balance of Light and Darkness within the Heil - wholeness. 

These ideas give us a grounding in what is happening today, and thus be able to build a counter to these Dark Forces. A Spiritual Movement is needed since this is a spiritual sickness amongst our Folk, and the aid of the Gods, Goddesses, Divine Wights, and the Ancestors is needed too, since we cannot do this alone. Our Enemy uses Occult Forces, and like Woden we too need to gain knowledge of these Occult Forces; the Ancient Runes are the key to our own Arcane Knowledge. The origins of our Gods and our Folk, and the Divine Spark given to the Germanic Folk by the Elder Gods is of vital importance. The Age of Heroes must produce new Folk-Heroes; in invoking the Ancient Heroes we bring them back to life within the Folk. The Gods grant to the greatest of Aryan Heroes the Gift of Immortality. 

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