Sunday, 5 July 2015

The Proto-English Theory

I have already discussed the idea that the so-called 'Anglo-Saxon' invasions were not quite what historians have theorised (and they are theories, that is all), and that Germanic peoples were here in these islands well before this time, even down to the time when these islands were part of At-al-land - the Northern Homeland. There is now growing evidence for this, and more and more people are taking up the task of righting the distortions and lies that have been used against the English Folk.

One of the latest to question the idea that these islands were 'Celtic' before the English 'invaded' is an archaeologist named Win Scutt, his argument being that a 'Germanic Language' existed here prior to the Romans. His argument is based upon the knowledge of an area near to Cricklade in the Cotswalds, where there are a number of place-names of interest -

North Cerney

Ampney Crucis

Ampney St. Mary

Ampney St. Peter

South Cerney

Down Ampney

Cerney Wick


Minety (Minet-ey)

Looking at a map of the area we can all clearly see that these villages take up a large area near to the source of the River Thames. From these names he concluded (logically) that the whole area was once a lake or stretch of water which contained numerous small island settlements. The names being Old English means that these settlements were of the Anglo-Saxons. The problem that he found was that a Roman road passes directly through the centre of the area, a road which would have been made after the waters of the lake or stretch of water had gone. This means that the Anglo-Saxons built these settlements before the coming of the Romans

Professor Stephen Oppenheimer of Oxford University also suggested much the same in his work The Origins of the British and suggested that the earlier migrations of the Germanic peoples was around the Stone Age. We would suggest that this goes back even further and that the English were here far earlier than this, as suggested by Tolkien in The Book of Lost Tales.

I have found another problem of this kind, but this relates to the South Wales coast, where we find so many English names scattered amongst the Welsh names (which if the land of England had once been occupied by the Welsh 'Celts' would surely show the same). Here we find Angle Bay and a place named Angle as well as Caldey Island (Tenby) and further west Ramsey Island (St. David's). Now, whoever named these two could not have known the meaning of the Old English suffix -ey since the names mean 'Cald Island Island' and 'Rams Island Island' which obviously make no sense. This means that the names are Old English or Anglo-Saxon and were altered at a much later time. It would not be out of the question that the English occupied certain coastal areas of what is now Wales, since we find proof that the later Vikings did from other place-names. The names certainly suggest a presence of the Anglo-Saxons in ancient times. There is, of course, the more northerly island of Anglesey - Angle's Island

Much of the early 'British' history is taken from Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain) by Geoffrey of Monmouth, and he states in his introduction that the work was taken from '...a very ancient book in the British tongue...which Walter the archdeacon of Oxford brought from Britannia...' Here he refers to a work that Walter brought from 'Britannia' to Oxford, a strange statement to make since Oxford (we have always been told) is actually in Britain.  Yet here Britannia would seem to refer, not to these islands, but to Wales! Further proof of this can be found in a Welsh work called the Book of Llandalff which contains a section called The Privilege of St. Teilio written both in Latin and in Welsh. Here I quote the two versions of an important statement in Latin and Welsh -

'aregibus istis & princibus brittanae' - 'The Kings and Princes of Britannia'.

'breenhined hinn hatouysossiion cymry' - The Kings and Princes of Cymry'.

Here 'Britannia' and 'Cymry' are the same place - 'Cymry' is now spelt Cymru and is the name used by the Welsh for their country - Wales. Again, in the Life of King Alfred the Welsh monk Asser states -

'...Offa...ordered to be made between Britannia and Mercia a great dyke from sea to sea...'

Asser clearly states that Britannia is Wales! Mercia borders Wales on the west side of England. Another clue lies in the name 'East Anglia' which has been seen as the land of the 'East Angles' but the name itself implies that it is the eastern part of Anglia, Anglia being a Latin name for England. So basically the idea of 'Britain' is totally false, and England has always been England. Asser wrote this in 893 before the name 'England' had been used. 

In the Book of Llandaff we also find the statement -

'The borders of Britannia and Anglia towards Hereford...from both parts of Anglia and Britannia...'

This book was written around 1150 CE but it does prove that these islands were not known as 'Britannia' on the part we now call 'Wales'.Further back in time the Welsh monk Gildas wrote -

'...the Saxons received critically the order from the unlucky tyrant to settle (plant their terrible heels) on the eastern part of the island.'

This is a clear indication that the Saxon invaders were to settle in the Eastern part of these islands, and infers that there they would be able to integrate with their own Germanic Kinfolk. The 'unlucky tyrant' would be Vortigern. There is some indication of a better theory to these invasions, and that is that the English Tribes came here to aid their Heathen Germanic Kinfolk and to free them from the growing yoke of Judaeo-Christianity! The name 'The Saxon Shore' was obviously named such because the Saxons lived there already, and not due to Saxon Viking raiders moving off the eastern shores of England. The ideas suggested by Win Scutt (above) suggest that the west side (West Anglia?) was also Germanic well before the Romans. 

We are also left with the probability that much of these islands was inhabited by Germanic peoples, and not just here in England. DNA tests have already suggested this to scientists and archaeologists, and we know that the Scottish Lowlands were once known as Saxony, and that the Frisians occupied 'Dunfries' - 'Town of the Frisians'. We have seen also how parts of Wales are also Germanic in form, Pembrokeshire being known as 'Little England'. We have also discussed how the Picts ('Alban of the Yellow Hair') are Nordic as depicted, and that they were settled in a part of Wales too. It is quite possible that much of the history of the clash between the Britons and Saxons actually took place in Britannia - Wales. We have already looked at this so I shall not repeat myself again. 

The problem with history is that much of it has been distorted for political reasons, and we can see untold examples of this in our times, so finding the truth in older times is even more of a problem. This may also be true of language, since again linguists can only theorize in many cases since verification is impossible. And here we have the problem that linguists may have a set idea of history as given as the established view, and base their own ideas around that set theory - even though it may be a false one. 

This theme has been taken up by Dan Rayner in English Asatru News ( - 'Pure Germanic Britain - The Germanic Nature of the British Isles' and this article is certainly of interest, and adds weight to the controversy which is breaking on this subject. Dan's article puts to rest the 'Celtic Lie' and shows that it was used as a political tool and that the term 'Celts' was not used until very late times for anyone in these islands. 

What is coming to light is that - as we have said for many years now - the English were here in very ancient times, and the 'Anglo-Saxon Invasions' were (like the later Vikings) merely a 'top-up' and most likely (again like the Vikings) in answer to the need to combat the growing influence of Judaeo-Christianity that sought to destroy our own Folk-Religion. 

The YouTube video on the area in the Cotswalds can also be found on the Volkisch Runology Blog - links can be found on the Woden's Folk Website and the Saxon Heathen Website. 

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