Saturday, 8 August 2015

The Aryan Wanderings.

We are told that the art of acupuncture originated in China, most giving the date of around 2000 years ago with a few claiming some 4000 years ago. The Chinese, unlike our ancestors, recorded everything in writing so that it would be available to those to come - our forebears passed on their knowledge through the spoken word mainly, especially in very early times. The Chinese still use acupuncture today, and this practice is sometimes frowned upon by our medical profession.

In 1991 the body of a European Man was found in the mountainous region between Austria and Italy; this man had brown eyes and was of Blood Group 'O' which suggests a Mediterranean origin. He is affectionately known as Otzi the Iceman since he was found frozen in Ice, which preserved the body for posterity. What is interesting is that he had 61 tattoos on his body, nothing unusual except that many can be seen to be placed upon various acupuncture points. He is dated as 5,300 years old, which is at least 1500 years before the Chinese are supposed to have invented acupuncture.

What suggests that these points were acupuncture or 'pressure' points used to relieve pain (as they can be used today) is that some of the tattoos were placed on the lower back and joints where he suffered from joint and spinal degeneration. 

'The tattoos may have demarcated the locations for acupuncture treatment, or perhaps the tattoos were the treatment.' 

'The Man in the Ice' - Conrad Spindler.

The above shows the type of tattoo marks on the body of the Iceman. They are clearly not there just for design as they are simple lines rather than drawings. 

The Chinese have long tried to maintain that they had no contact with Europeans in the very early ages, but it is coming to light that this is not so. The bodies of many mummies of Caucasian origin (Western European is likely by the looks of the mummies) were found in the Tarim Basin and these may have been the Tocharians of history and legend. These mummies were heavily tattooed with strange mythical animals, and they wore the 'pointy-hats' which are Scythian-Germanic. (Of course, these are the usual 'Celtic' origin since they wear Tartan, despite the fact that the Scots do not claim Celtic descent but Scythian, and despite the fact that similar tartan designs were used in the Iron Age in Jutland and other areas of Germania.) 

The above photo shows one of the fair-haired mummies, obviously of Northern European origin - the hair is even plaited in the Germanic way.

This photo shows the tattoos on the upper body of another mummy, extremely well preserved for the age.

The importance of these finds, some around 4000 years old, is that there were Aryans in this region in ancient times. This gives credence to the occult legend that when Atlantis sank the Manu of the Aryans led them into the Gobi Desert where a vast and mighty civilisation was built. This was eventually destroyed by a catastrophe, and is long before these later peoples existed. 

There are legends of a long-lost tribe in ancient times known by the Chinese as the Wusun/Usun - a name which means 'Descendants of the Raven' for in Wusun Legend their ancestors were the Raven and the Wolf. These people had blue/green eyes and red/gold hair and some say that from their name was derived the title Sacae-Sun - from Saka-Usuni. The Chinese sometimes referred to the Scythians (Saka) as the Se Nation. There is a possibility that the mummies could be linked with these people, but we cannot be sure. 

Ptolomey mentions a Scythian people sprung from the Sakai, and he uses the title 'Saxones' for these people. We do know that a section of the Skythian Nation entered India, and another settled in Armenia, the latter being the Saccasani

The above shows what is sometimes known as 'Doggerland' which was the landmass in the North Sea, of which these islands were a part. We can see clearly how these islands would have been made up of both a Southern European Race and a Northern European Race, both part of the White Race, of course. The Eastern part of these lands would have been more Germanic-Nordic, linked to Northern Europe thus. What we need to ask is - 'What happened to the peoples of these lands when the catastrophic changes took place?' 

We can assume a mass migration southwards, since some of this time coincided with the last Ice Age and the frozen North. This would have displaced other peoples in Europe who would be pushed further south, pushing others even further, and maybe into China, India and Tibet since these lands also have legends of ancient White Men - as does South and Central America. 

Since this catastrophic change happened around these islands then the movement of peoples must have included the peoples of these islands. The catastrophes happened over a period of thousands of years, though such changes would have meant instant catastrophes, the evidence of which we have in volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis - all of which cause great destruction and death, as well as the problems that come after these events. 

From the above (conjectured) map we can see no evidence of England being shaped like a diamond, which is how two Roman historians described it. However, that does not negate their ideas since at one time it could, through the results of these catastrophic changes, been diamond-shaped, thus giving it the name Ing-Land (through the diamond-shaped rune named Ingwas.

In certain Aryan Indian texts the most ancient 'White Island' was actually referred to as Atala whose root is At-al (-a) meaning 'race' or family'. This is a coincidence when we find the earlier name Albion ('white') used for England. Although we refer to the White Island as being Thule-Hyperborea originally, which 'sank' (into another dimension) in the most ancient times at the end of the Golden Age, the same concept was later used of other Germanic Lands and Cultures that arose, including that of the much later Atalland. The name of the original Ur-Lands was used long after its memory had faded, but also remained in the Blood Memory that can be awoken. 

If we look at it this way then the Golden Age still exists but in a different world than ours; it 'sank' into the Blood Memory which means that it can be awoken again through certain spiritual exercises. This is where the legend of the new arising of Atlantis comes into play since although this may be a physical happening, it is also symbolic of the awakening of the Blood Memory

The Aryan Wanderings are held in legend where a Race of Giants appears in various parts of the world, bringing culture and civilisation, the lore of the stars and advanced Aryan Science to many different peoples. In some cases these 'giants' were slaughtered by the native peoples, even though the tales tell only of their aid and help to these peoples. But there have always been those who hate that which holds beauty and high intelligence, and those less well gifted who become jealous and hold only hatred within their hearts. This Race of Giants no longer exists but it once did, and the memory of these advanced beings, god like Shining-Ones, exists within the Blood of our Folk, to be awakened in order that the new Golden Age may come into being.

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