Sunday, 9 October 2016

Germanic Mythology in 'Celtic' Myth.

Whilst researching recently I came across a rather strange pair of names from 'Celtic' mythology. In the History of the Kings of Britain (Geoffrey of Monmouth) I found the following -
'After Hudibras came his son Baldudus who reigned for twenty years and built the city of Caerbadud now called Bath...'
The two names stick out like a 'sore thumb' as the saying goes - Hudibras and Baldudus - Hodr and Balder! And it was Balder (Baldudus also known as Bladud) who founded Bath. Here we have two famous Germanic God-names hidden within ancient British-Celtic Mythology, seeming to suggest that some of the Celtic texts are related to ancient Germanic Lore here in these islands.
The alternative spelling 'Bladud' is used most often and has very interesting roots -
bel/bal/bla = 'bright' (i.e. 'light'),
dud/dydd = 'dark', 'darkness'.
In the name we have the balance of Light & Darkness to Folkish Wodenists suggesting The Hooded Man. He is also associated with a guardian of gates and doorways, a 'Celtic' Janus. Alternatively, like Woden, he is a god of the Gates or Crossroads. He is also - like Balder - associated with the Sun, and in one interesting legend he flies through the air and crash-lands on the Temple of Apollo (Pol). This is no obscure myth but is an integral part of this 'Celtic-British' tradition, for both names come into the lineage of the Guardians of Britain -
Rhud Hudibras - Bladud - Llyr - Bran
Rhud Hudibras is said to stem from the Welsh rhod meaning 'wheel', a title also seen in the Irish Druid named Mog Ruith meaning 'Son of the Wheel'. Now, we have established a connection between Woden and Waendal through the Long Man of Wilmington, and Waendal is Mundilfore. The Long Man is the 'Guardian' and it would seem that both Bladud and his father Hudibras are associated with Janus - the Guardian. Of course, Mundilfore is the 'Turner of the Wheel' - the Cosmic Turner - who turns the Fire-Whisk into Creation.
Like Woden, Hudibras is associated with an Eagle; and like Woden his name contains the root 'Hud' - 'Hood'. Woden is 'The Hooded One'. Thus Hudibras (here seen as Woden) is the father of Baldudus (here seen as Balder). What we have lost is the brother of Balder, yet this can be easily explained through the alternative title of Baldudus - Bladud. In the latter we have the Light (Balder) and Darkness (Hodr) in the same figure.
Bladud is associated with the Wheel of the Sun just as the symbol of Baldaeg is the Sun-Wheel. In one legend of King Arthur, after his death, he is ferried to the magical realm of regeneration (Avallon or Valhalla) by a seer (Merlin), a bard (Taliesin) and a ferryman named Barintus, the latter regarded as being of the lineage of Bladud. Here we have a legend which contains a magician (Woden), a bard (Woden) and a Ferryman (Woden) taking the Once and Future King (Arctor) to Valhalla (Avallon). These figures seem to represent an ancient tradition in these islands relating to the Magical Guardians or Sacral Kings of the Land of Albion (not Britain as scholars would have it). Indeed, we could say that this is an ancient tradition relating to the Magical Guardians or Sacral Kings of the Land of At-al-land. It is also noteworthy that Bladud/Baldudus is associated with wells and springs just as Pol (a German name for Balder) is associated with wells and springs.
The son of Bladud is Llyr or Manannan mac Lir in Ireland; thus we find that the 'Son of Lir' is Manannan - Mannus. Taking this a step further the son of Llyr in Welsh Mythology is Bran, the god whose severed head becomes the Guardian of England, based in the White Mound which is now the Tower of London. Here the head is guarded by Ravens, and interestingly the two remaining Ravens are called 'Huginn' and 'Munin' - The Ravens of Woden! Of course, the 'Son of Mannus' (Man) is Ingwe! The name 'Bran' means 'raven'. The Ravens of Woden guarded the Islands of the Mighty until Arthur dug up the Head of Bran.
In the Battle of the Trees we find a conflict between one order and a New Order, one between Bran and Wydion (Gwydion = Woden). This would seem to hold a legend of a battle between older Germanic Tribes (Bran) and a later incursion using the name Wydion (Woden. Bran is linked to the Alder (older?) Tree and Wydion with the Ash-Tree!
Bran has an alternative spelling of 'Ban' and in a very old article in the original series of the Sword of Wayland I linked the name to 'Banbury' which is the 'Beran-byrig' symbolic of the Sacred Centre of England. If Bran is linked to this it thus emphasises his role as the Ancient Guardian of England. We are reminded of Mimir who has his head severed too, and Mimir is the 'Memory of the Blood'. It is in Mimir's Well that Woden gives his 'Mind's Eye' (Third Eye) where it is held through time, ready to be awakened once more.
We should also consider the Celtic figure of Mabon, whose name means 'son of' just as does Ingwe - he is the Divine Child, as Ingwe is the 'Son of Man'. His tale is simply that of the Divine Child who loses his rightful place in society, is removed from his mother, encounters a series of animal totems which appear to suggest a movement backwards in time to the source or origins, and finally gains this rightful place once more. This is extremely important in view of our knowledge of the Sinking of At-al-land and our search to regain At-al-land and the Golden Age. Here we should note that Geoffrey of Monmouth brings the Roman Janus into the picture, for in some legends Janus is the co-ruler of the Golden Age with Saturn.
Mabon is the son of Modron who is the Goddess of the Land; in fact she is Sovereignty the Guardian of the Land. It is she who gives birth to Mabon who has a human father, i.e. he is both God and Man. Mabon is the equivalent to Ingwe, or a Celtic name for Ingwe. The story of Mabon can be found in the tale of Culhwch and Olwen where we find a number of totem animals who appear to represent older races going back to the oldest of them all, the Salmon of Llyn Llyw who is the one who knows where the Divine Child is imprisoned.

The tales of Bladud, Mabon and Merlin have many similarities and it is hard not to see these being similar archetypes, or perhaps ancient tales which have through time lost part of their true meaning. The son of Bladud, Llyr, is the 'King Lear' who is supposed to have given his name to Leicester. He is supposed to have been buried in the River Sour and was linked to Janus through this tale. Mabon's tale also shows traces of the same one as Parsifal, which is not surprising. What we need to be careful of is to consider the influence of alien hands (the later Druids or 'truth-benders') on certain 'Celtic' myths, since I have shown elsewhere of the influence of the Old Testament on certain 'Celtic' works. We need to consider the role of the 'Anti-Race' in this, and that their role is to invert everything Aryan through their religion and work.

Perhaps the most overlooked prophesies, those that come from these islands, are the Prophecies of Merlin recorded by Geoffrey of Monmouth. These contain various obscure prophecies using the imagery of fabulous and mythical beasts. In it we find one where 'Orion shall unsheathe his sword' which is one found in Germanic Prophecy too. The same verses tell of various planets going off course, which (naturally) would cause chaos in our solar system if it did occur. This is not the place to go into these prophecies, but we shall feature them in a future post, although (as I said) they are obscure, maybe even more so that Nostradamus.
One of the things that came into my mind was the clear link between England, the English and Bootes (the Constellation of Ingwe). The most famous legend that has for centuries been told and retold is that of the Celtic 'King Arthur'. Yet this would seem to have been used against the English in one sense, which leads me to question not only 'why' but also if it was not yet another distortion of Aryan Myth, partly used to promote the spirituality of the 'Grail', partly to emphasise a 'Celtic Britain', suppressing the Germanic Roots of these islands, but also maybe to hide the true origins of the myth. Arthur may well be 'Arth Vawr' or 'Great Bear' but there is also the possibility that his legend relates to Bootes (Ingwe) through the brightest star - Arcturus. In which case the legend may well go way back to Ingwe and his reign in At-al-land.

Whatever the case more and more proof is arising to show that these islands are predominantly Germanic in nature, and that the English dwelt in this area when it was not an island but a large continent which stuck out from Europe into the North Sea and across to the Atlantic Ocean, an area known as At-al-land, whose sinking has come down to us through Plato who named it 'Atlantis'. The root of the word 'Atlantis' goes deeper than the root atl meaning 'water' (from the Americas) because it can be broken into -

Atl = At-al = Race,

Lant = Land

Is - probably, like 'us' this is a Latin suffix added on to a Germanic Name.

There may well be a link with the Greek god Atlas, who is the brother of Albion, the old name of these lands. Albion, as I have mentioned many times, can mean 'White Island' or 'Island of the Elves' ('Radiant Ones' or 'Shining Ones'). Ingwe, of course, is Lord of the High Elves.

Lastly, it is not unusual to see variations of god-names, or even names of gods transformed into humans. We have the clear example of Heathcyn and Herebald which appear in Beowulf, names which suggest Hodr & Baldaeg. The roots of both names are obviously Hod & Bald, and whatever variations are used does not change the essence.

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