Monday, 10 October 2016

Gwydion - Son of Don.

Both Wotan's Krieger and myself have covered the topic of Gwydion, a god found in Welsh Mythology. It would be advantageous to read the posts on his blogs as well as this one. Researching this 'Celtic' god brings up some very interesting points, and once again underlines the fact that Germanic Mythology is really at the root of 'British' Mythology. When reading this it must be pointed out that here I refer to 'Germanic Mythology' as being Northern European, whilst 'Gallo-Celtic' Mythology comes from more southerly areas, obviously picking up some Middle-Eastern stuff since it is far nearer to this area.

Gwydion, as we have said, is Woden; his name begins with a 'silent G' and would be 'Wydion', which is 'Woden'. In Old Welsh the name would appear to have been spelt 'Guidgen' which is even closer to 'Woden' since the 'g' is silent. As W-K has pointed out the name Woden/Wotan/Odin is also spelt 'Guodan' or 'Godan'. The by-name of Woden, Gaut/Geat/Goth tell us that the original root was from 'Got', becoming 'God', and stemming from 'The Good'.  The name 'Jute' may also have the same roots. The 'd' and the 't' have always been interchanged as we find in Woden-Wodan-Wotan.

In all ancient tongues the vowels were not as important as the consonants, as we can gleam from a look at some languages; the vowels changed but the consonants did not. So the true root of 'WODEN'/'ODIN'/'WYDION' would be DN (the 'g' is left out, and the 'y' classed as a vowel since it is interchangeable with 'i'; the 'W' is a 'uu' or double-u and thus a vowel too).  


Gwydion is the son of Don, and again we have the same Root DN. But we can go further still, for Don is the Welsh equivalent of the Irish Danu, whose name again contains the Root DN. In comparing mythologies we come across the problem that many of the names seem to be mixed up, do not tally with their counterparts in another mythology. This has to be kept in mind when we look at this. In Norse Mythology we have the Goddess IDUN(N), who once more has the Root DN in her name. Just as Gwydion is one of the 'Children of Don' we find that the same concept is held in Irish Mythology where we have the Tuatha de Danaan - 'Tribe (Children) of Danu'.

But this goes far deeper than this, for the son of Gwydion is Llew Llaw Gyffes which means 'The Bright One of the Skilful Hand' or 'The Fair One of the Skilful Hand'. His Irish equivalent is Lugh Lamfada. Now, the name 'Lugh' may actually equate to 'Loki' and when we find that Llew (we shall shorten this for ease) is slain by a spear, changes into an Eagle and hangs upon an Oak Tree we seem to have an inversion of the Aryan Myth, where Woden becomes Loki! Now, I say this since in Irish Mythology we find that Lugh (Loki) slays Balor (Balder). This is the correct version. Indeed, up until recently the name 'Llew' was translated as 'Lion' rather than 'Bright'/'Light'/'Fair'. As we can see from various areas where the Aryans have been a Ruling Elite but have gradually been absorbed into the native peoples, their mythology becomes distorted, indeed in many cases inverted.

Gwydion is a magician, prophet, poet and war-lord, and his roles are just the same as that of Woden. There is another quite obscure link to Woden found in the Welsh Triads. Gwydion is named as one of the 'Three Golden Shoemakers of the Island of Britain'. Woden is also quite famous for his 'Golden Shoes', the shoes of his horse Sleipnir. In some legends these are said to be left behind after his Wild Ride. Gwydion is also, like Woden' associated with the Ash-Tree. Caer Gwydion is the Milky Way - the Road to Valhalla.

His sister is Arianrhod whose name is said to mean 'Silver Wheel' and thus refer to her role as Moon Goddess. But she is also seen as the Goddess of the Dawn, equating her with the Morning Star. She is also, as her name suggests Aryan-Wheel which is enlightening. In fact this suggests that the term arian would have meant something else than 'silver' originally.

The Battle of the Trees is said to have been the work of Taliesin whose name means 'Shining Brow'. An interesting piece that he wrote is quoted below -

When I returned from Caer Seon
From contending with Jews
I will come to the city of Llew and Gwydion.

'Contending' means 'to struggle against' or 'to fight'. It can also mean 'to struggle in emulation', the very opposite.  'Caer Seon' is the 'Castle of Sion/Zion'. Unfortunately, Welsh Mythology is a mixture of native tradition and also of Hebrew-Middle eastern tradition. As I have stated before there are strange links to the Old Testament through many Welsh names, particularly in North Wales.

There is a Welsh word gwyddonydd which means 'scientist' and here we may well have a hint that Gwydion was originally a god of Aryan Science as well as his other roles - he certainly was a god who did everything to acquire knowledge. Here it should be noted that the original spelling of 'Gwydion' is the correct one, the later 'Gwyddion' (Gwythion) is a later interpretation. His name has been equated with Mercury Uiducus which seems to stem from *Uidugenos which is another angle to look at.

I am not aware of Idunn being known outside Scandinavian Mythology, since she does not seem to feature under this name in German Mythology. Since some have speculated that the Tuatha de Danaan came over from Scandinavia then finding Danu/Don here suggests that this name came from Scandinavia originally. Her name can also be found in England as I have shown before, since the 'Dane Hills' in Leicester are named after her (under the name 'Black Annis' a corruption of 'Anu', the 'D' being lost). The Tuatha de Danaan are linked to the Mystical Number 9 which is the basis of Norse Mythology. They are also said to have appeared in a 'Flying Object', which we need not go into here. They are also connected to the Four Hallows which lie at the root of the Holy Graal Mythus.

Going back to the Root DN of Wydion/Woden and Danu/Don/Idun(n), this may well have been an original pairing of a very ancient God-Goddess. Since these islands were once part of a larger European Continent, part of the western areas called At-al-land which were hit by vast catastrophes over a period of thousands of years, we can deduce that the Germanic Lore stayed on here even though thousands would have had to uproot and move, and outsider people may well have moved in. The majority of the people would have been Germanic, and the later 'Anglo-Saxon Invasions' were merely a return of a certain section of these Germanic Folk who brought back with them the true Aryan Mythology and Aryan Knowledge. In the process they waged a Holy War against the Joten who had upturned the Ancient Lore, distorted much of it, and introduced an alien religion into the Islands of the Mighty.

W-K mentions that Gwydion was introduced by Belgic Tribes, known to be Germano-Celtic, or a mixture of Germanic and Gallic maybe. Whether there is any link between the Belgae and the Fir Bolg of Irish Mythology we cannot tell, but the names are much the same.

Looking at this map reconstructing the lost lands of what we have called At-al-land we can see that the larger borders are of Germanic-Norse, from Belgium upwards, so this would have the most links to England and Scotland. It is quite possible that Ireland was ripped away from the mainland at a later time than the first catastrophes - a theme that Tolkien takes up in his Book of Lost Tales - Volume II.

With the sinking of At-al-land the peoples there would have scattered to different parts of the world, no doubt moving across the lands that were still linked to the European mainland, but also sailing off in their Swan-Ships or Dragon-Ships to other areas of the world. It is clear that the ruling elite of the Egyptians was at certain times Aryan, and we also know of the moves to Persia and India, as well as conjectured moves into the Himalayas of Tibet; we also have the Tocharians in the Tarim Basin, fitting with the legends of a great Aryan Civilisation being set up in the Gobi, when it was not a desert. But we also have the legends of the White Gods of the Americas, and especially the 'Inkas' whose proper title is 'Ingas', in whose area is the Atacama Giant (Chile) which so much resembles a stylized Long Man of Wilmington and the Cerne Abbas Giant (Herne Giant).

The Herne Giant (Dorset)

The Long Man of Wilmington (Sussex)

The Atacama Giant (Chile)

This is why it is so important to regain our true history and not the distorted history taught to our people in schools, colleges and universities today. The lands of At-al-land were most likely the centre of an advanced civilisation which crashed after a massive catastrophe that sank much of it in one go, then a process of thousands of years of further catastrophes resulted in these islands being completely split from the rest, and the only part of these lands left standing above the seas. Around 5,000 years ago the 'Isles of the Blest' perhaps stood where Dogger Bank is today, the last remaining stronghold of the most ancient Aryan Druid Religion of these lands. We can perhaps see now why our Ancient Lore and our English History has been distorted - to hide the truth of the great Germanic past of these islands, and even further back to the 'Atlanteans' and before that the Hyperboreans - for the Atlanteans were a remnant of the most ancient Hyperboreans.

The 'White God' of the Mayans
(Showing the markings as on the Stone of Ing - X - XX)

 Idunn is the Goddess of Regeneration and of Renewal (Resurrection) who guards the Golden Apples of Immortality. That she is associated with Golden Apples links her to Avallon (Valhalla) and also to the Legend of the Sleeping King - Woden-Arktor. It is no doubt one of her Golden Apples that saves the Divine Race of the Wolsungas from extinction. The powerful wizard, magician, seer, poet and war-god (Woden-Wydion) has been here in these islands for many thousands of years, his Woden Initiates have worn the Golden Torc in these lands in honour of his being 'God of the Hanged'.

 The Golden Torc

(The twisted cord of the God of the Hanged, worn around the NECK)

"From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be King."

Lord of the Rings

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