Friday, 29 September 2017

The Eternal War of Light and Darkness.

I have noted before how the Eternal War between Light and Darkness is not over-emphasised in Norse Mythology, as it is in Zoroastrianism, and as shown by Ari Aurobindo in The Secret of the Vedas in the Ancient Vedas too. The Gnostic teachings are really nothing more than an extension of this same theme since the Dark Powers, led by Ildaboath (said to mean 'Child of Chaos' and another title of Yahweh-Jehovah), steal the Divine Light, or shut out the Divine Light, and it is said that 'Jesus Christ' descended to Earth to free the Light and thus aid mankind in the upward evolution. Both Zoroastrianism and the teachings of Mani tell of the Eternal Struggle between the Light and Dark.

Too many scholars of Norse Mythology infer that there is no 'duality' in the myths, and that this is not a part of the myths, and yet the Eddas are later versions of the Ancient Vedas - the Books of the Arya. The Vedas are the oldest we have and with the Persian Myths (which also feature this battle) they show clearly that a form of 'duality' was present in Aryan Myth. What matters is that we recognise that there is an Eternal Struggle, an Eternal War, between the Light and Dark, the Goten and the Joten. If we fail to recognise this then we cannot possibly counter the Dark Forces that we see today in control of a vast Dark Empire.

The key to understanding this is in the Divine Light which is stolen by the Dark Powers and hidden in a Cave of Darkness, and that it is the work of the Arya to overcome the Dark Powers that guard it and steal or take it back. This key is inherent in so many Aryan Myths, some hidden in 'Fairy Tales' -

  • Sigurd slays the Dragon Fafnir who guards the 'Gold Hoard', symbolic of the Light of the Arya, and retrieves the Gold.
  • The Myth of the Cattle-Raid. The 'cattle' (The Divine Light of the Arya) belonged to the Arya but was stolen by the Serpent of Evil, Ng(w)hi; Trito ('Third') slew the Serpent and retrieved the cattle. 
  • The hvareno, which is the property of the Aryan Nations, is stolen by the Turanians; Kau Kusrau has to dive into a lake to regain the "Aryan Light".
  • Loki steals the Brisingamen Necklace and Hama dives into a lake in order to get it back. This is the Necklace of Freya - the Goddess of Light.
  • The tale of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' is a classic example; as stated before it may well have the meaning of an Sun-Initiation but it is also an Archetypal Myth where a Giant (Ogre) hides the Gold which is 'stolen' by Jack who slays the Giant by cutting the bean-stalk he climbed down on. The Gold coins, the Golden Harp and the Golden Hen are solar symbols, but symbols of the Solar-Light, the Divine Light. At the end we find that the original owner of the Golden Treasure was Jack's father - the treasure belonged to the Arya and was regained by the Arya - Archtypal Myth. The importance of this simple tale cannot be overestimated since there is a 'hidden key' in the chant of the Giant - Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum - this connects to the Feoh-Rune meaning both 'cattle' and 'gold' as I have said. 
  • Beowulf slays a monster and his mother and regains a lost treasure; this is hidden deep beneath the earth in a cave. 

When we recognise the Dasyus and the Turanians not as specific peoples, but as the Forces of Darkness, then all becomes clear. (*) This also goes for the Joten in Norse Mythology; when we see them as the counter-power to the Gods, the Forces of Chaos and Disorder, then we see them in the True Light. Both 'cattle' and 'gold' are symbols of the Divine Light, the Light of the Gods - this is the mystery found in the Feoh-Rune which can means 'cattle' and 'gold'. When we take this out of the context of the material world then the underlying truth shows clearly. (This also proves that the runes are not mere 'mundane' things, but are secrets held within meanings with different levels.)

We can see here how the Eternal Struggle between the Light and Darkness is an Aryan Struggle. The Dark Powers are slain, but this is not the first aim of the quest undertaken, that is to regain the Divine Light which has been stolen and used against the Arya. This is shown over and over again in Aryan Mythology, Aryan Lore, and the hidden work of 'Fairy Tales' and stories told to children, the means to keep them hidden from the prying eyes of the Judaeo-Christian priests. 

In fact, the theme surfaced again recently but has only just come to light; I refer to a piece in the Wulf's Prophecy. It was Hamasson who sent an email mentioning that 'Ar-Kan' could be 'arcane', and in doing so he helped me to see something that has been overlooked in the text -

'Inside the Treasure-Box is hid,
Beneath the Wooden Casket's lid:
Dark Goddess, ruler of our time,
The Torcs from He she seeks to hide.

But she shall hide the rings in vain,
The Golden Torcs are found again:
The age is ended - hail the Dawn!
The Dragon slain - all evil gone.'

Hamasson pointed out that 'arcane' stems from arca meaning 'hidden in a box', and from the IE Root *ark meaning 'to guard' or 'to protect'. This simple idea gave me the key to the text of the prophecy, for this part may well be prophecy but it is Archetypal Myth. And it gives us a clear indication of what is needed to win this Eternal Struggle. 

The whole thing is symbolic and nothing to do with the physical thing 'Golden Torcs' (although this may well be connected to a physical 'find'). It is Archetypal Myth, the Myth of the quest to find the stolen gold, the stolen cattle, the stolen Light of the Arya. Here this is hidden in a 'Treasure-Box' with a wooden lid; it is hidden in the darkness. The 'Dark Goddess' here represents the Forces of Darkness that stole the Light, that has hidden the Light from the Gods and the Arya. The Golden Torcs she sought to hide from 'Him', which at first I assumed to be the Coming Avatar, but which may not mean this specifically. From the text it is prophesied that the Golden Torcs will be found, and this precedes the New Dawn and the slaying of the Dragon of Evil or Serpent of Evil. The 'Dark Goddess' and the 'Dragon' would be one and the same. 

The Archetypal Myth is laid out clearly here, and so the task we have is to regain the Divine Light, and the Divine Knowledge which has been stolen and hidden in the Darkness. Therefore, the use of the term 'arcane' for esoteric and occult knowledge has not been done lightly; it would seem that whoever first adopted the term knew exactly what was meant by this. 'Arcane' refers to the Divine Knowledge and Wisdom of the Arya (the word 'ar-cane' suggests this in itself). It is this quite remarkable that we adopted the term 'Ar-Kan' for our work, and also for our English Rune-Row (The Ar-Kan Runes) well before this ever came to light. 

The finding and recovery of the lost treasure comes before the slaying of the Dragon of Evil and the breaking of the New Dawn. Indeed, this piece is surprising since it exactly mirrors the texts of the Vedas where the sacrifice is made (self-sacrifice) in order to free the 'cattle' and to usher in the New Dawn (Ushas - Goddess of Dawn). There may well also be a deep and inner connection with The Prophecy 88 - meditate upon this carefully.

In fact the key to this 'arcane mystery' may well be even deeper than this; the 'treasure' (Ar-Kan Knowledge) is hidden in the 'Wooden Casket' - arca (The Ar-Casket). Even the term 'casket' may not be random, for this word stems from an Aryan Root *kap meaning 'to hold' or 'to contain' (the container) but also 'to seize' or 'grasp' which suggests something taken or stolen! I am here reminded of the 'Ark of the Covenant' which could well be a direct reference to the Aryan Treasure or Aryan Light stolen from the Arya. Again, rendering the meaning as a physical object merely hides the real meaning hidden within these type of stories. 

There is also an importance in the 'Golden Torcs' since these are twisted strands of Gold. They take a serpentine path and are perhaps connected to the ideas on Agni in the last post that I did on the subject. There are two descriptions here, of 'rings' and 'Golden Torcs', the latter being really 'broken rings'. The ring is complete and the torc incomplete; consider this now.

Fol's Foal falls and twists his feet; the 'Witch-of-the-Eclipse' takes Fol and imprisons him in the Underworld, in the Cave of Darkness. She steals the Golden Ring of Fol. Sinthgunt and Sunna sing charms over the Foal but they achieve nothing. Woden sings charms and rights the Foal's Foot. The Golden Ring is restored to Fol and he is broken out of his prison to rise once more into the heavens. 

The Sun-wheel loses its Golden Ring

The Golden Cross

The Foal's Foot is bent becoming the Fylfot (Swastika)

Fol/Pol is imprisoned in the Cave of Darkness

Woden sings charms of healing that heal the Foal's Foot

The Golden Cross

The Golden Ring restored becoming the Sun-wheel

The treasure is the Light of the Arya - Balder the Sun-God also known as Pol/Fol; the evil 'Witch-of-the-Eclipse' (Loki) imprisons the Golden Sun in the Cave of Darkness. Woden sings charms to heal the Sun and release Him from the prison into the Light, where he continues his path across the heavens.

Pol is here symbolised by the Golden Sun-wheel whilst he is the Golden Sun; when he is imprisoned in the Cave of Darkness his symbol is the Fylfot or Swastika which becomes black - the Black Sun. This is the story of Vishvakarma from Hindu Lore. This is the story of the Sun-God who is 'shorn' of his Golden Rays which become black (Crown of Thorns), is sacrificed himself to himself and is imprisoned in the Cave of Darkness. 

The key is self-sacrifice, the abandonment of egoism and self-gratification, self-aggrandisement; to sacrifice oneself-to-oneself. The gods demand our self-sacrifice to them, to their struggle, to the Eternal Struggle between the Powers of Light and Darkness. Agni-Inga is the one god that works in both the Light and the Darkness, the god associated with the Divine Horse Twins, holding the Power of Light and Darkness in balance. The Mystical Weapon of the Gods is named Albion in which reside the Powers of Light and Darkness.

In order to understand this we have to undergo the Dark Night of the Soul, we have to fall into the Cave of Darkness in order to recognise the Light that is imprisoned there. We have to enter the Cave of Darkness in order to steal back the Divine Light which is the right of the Arya, the quest given to the Arya. Only be retrieving the Light, and slaying the Dragon of Darkness can we awaken the Dawn, awaken the Sleeping-Goddess, and move into the Golden Age. 

(*) There may well be truth in the wars between the Arya and the Turanians, the Arya and the Dasyu, where these peoples are seen as the physical counterparts of the spiritual forces working on another level. 

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