Thursday, 28 September 2017

Triumph of the Will

The White Stone of Ing in which we have the clear statement - "Gift of Ing" - and the "Gift of Ing" is Fire as I have shown in former posts. I have equated this with the Fire-Serpent and thus with the Kundalini-Force. Having recently skimmed through a book called The Secret of the Vedas by Sri Aurobindo I have come to realise that the nature of the god Ingwe (Ing) is far more complicated, and indeed far more important to us in our struggle, than the figure we have seen so far in this work. 

The "Gift of Ing" is FIRE! Ing or Ingwe is a FIRE-GOD, and as I have said before, he is akin to the Vedic God known as Agni. Agni is one of the most important gods of the Vedas, indeed through this book by Sri Aurobindo we find that he is much more than the scholars have shown. Firstly I will talk about the book itself, which upturns much of the work of the Vedic 'scholars'.

Sri Aurobindo looks at the Vedas from an entirely different perspective than the 'Western' scholars who are usually quoted. Indeed, I am inclined to agree that it was these Western scholars who have been responsible for the truth of the Vedas not being revealed before. We have to remember that these scholars of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were well fed with the materialism of the West, and thus blind to the spiritual nature of these Ancient Aryan Texts. 

Perhaps the worst thing that could have happened was the way in which these texts were seen as the triumph of the light-skinned people over the dark-skinned people of India, the triumph of the Aryan over the Dravidian. Now, the texts do show a clash between the two, but this is at a very shallow level, and certainly does not give the true meaning which is clear in the texts - that the Vedas were a record of the Eternal Struggle between the Forces of Light (The Arya) and the Forces of Darkness (The Dasyu). This is quite simple, and when seen in the light of the work of The Secret of the Vedas it is the basis of the Vedas, and the measures involved are aimed at the Arya and the Forces of Light, and what is needed in order to fight and triumph over the Forces of Darkness. As with our modern day, by seeing this in a wrong light the real Forces of Darkness go unnoticed and can work their evil without coming into the Light. 

A good deal of this book relates to the Vedic God, Agni, and thus this is where we need to start in order to understand the nature, and the importance of Ingwe. Aurobindo quotes 28 Hymns to Agni, showing the importance of this Vedic God. The illuminating phrases quoted throughout this post are either from the Vedas or from the comments by Aurobindo, and are not mine. Firstly, I am going to go through the nature of Agni from the book in a list form, which should make it easier to understand -

  • Agni is the Guardian of the Truth of Rita. Rita is the Truth-Consciousness.
  • Agni is the Vital Force, the Force of Life, the Vital Energy, symbolised by the Horse, and in particular - the White Horse.
  • He is the Light of Truth.
  • In the Vedas the recovery of the Light is done by the Angiras, the Seven Sages related to Agni.
  • The quest is for the Lost Sun of the Arya, the Hidden Sun, the Lost Sun of Truth, the Secret Light (note: this, of course, is the Black Sun) which is concealed in the Darkness.
  • The Angiras Rishis represent the human hero who has lost his divinity, fallen from the spiritual heights, and who must ascend to find the Word, to bring to birth the Divine Dawn, to rise from the mortal to the Immortal, from falsehood to truth.
  • The Angiras possess 'The Word'. They represent the conquest of Truth and Immortality.
  • Agni leads us to the path of Truth, he is the Warrior-Hero of Action.
  • He works in the Light of the Superconscious but also in the Darkness of the Subconscious - in the Light and Darkness - and partakes of the Light and Darkness.
  • Agni comes in the form of Golden Light, gold being the Solar Light of the Truth.
  • The Powers of Light - Arya Varna - wage an Eternal War against the Powers of Darkness - Dasa Varna. The Dasa Varna are the enemies of the Spiritual Light, they devour the Light, they divide in order to conquer, the distort, lie and are the Servants of Falsehood. The term dasa means 'servant'.
  • The Aryan Light is the Light of the Sun, but it is the Hidden Sun, the Sun concealed in the Darkness which has to be 'stolen' from the Darkness, and brought into the Light of Day.
  • The essence of the Arya is to sacrifice in the clear sense of self-sacrifice and not what we see as 'sacrifice' today. His is the ascent, the journey, the battle against the Powers of Darkness.
  • The Powers of Darkness are the vrka (Wargs) who steal the Light, the obstructors (nid), and spoiler of the Word, they are the 'eaters' of the Light, dividing and devouring, the enemy, the thief, the evil-thinker.
  • Agni is the 'Warrior of Light'.
  • He is the 'Lord of Immortality'.
  • He is the essence, the 'sap' that carries the Life-Force.
  • He is the Divine Will.
  • He is Knowledge and Force, the Light of Knowledge, and the Flame of Action.
  • He is the Power of Conscious Being - the Will.
  • He is the Lord of Light and Will.
  • He is Force and Love united, illuminated by Knowledge.
  • Agni is the 'beginning and the end' (words of Aurobindo).
  • He is Light (The Cows) and Force (The Horse).
  • He is associated with the Aswins - the Horse Twins - who are themselves associated with Power and Light, Knowledge and Will, Consciousness and Energy.
  • The Greek Twins Castor and Pollox are seen as akin to the Vedic Kashtri ('The Shining One') and Purudansas ('Manifold in Action'), Light and Force.

As you can see from this Agni is far more important than most scholars give credit, and thus, relating this to Ingwe we can now see the importance of this god-force and the Age of Ing which we have entered, and also for the English Folk since we can trace our ancestry directly to Ingwe. Aurobindo also gives and interesting point when he considers the Vedic god named Rudra, from which the later Shiva developed. He tells us that Rudra is 'The Violent One' who leads the upward evolution of the conscious being, battles all evil, smites the Great Enemy of Gods and Arya, the most terrible of the Gods (Ugr), and is intolerant of all defect or stumbling.

Agni the Kumara is on earth the 'child' of the forces of the Rudras, the Maruts, the violent powers and the Children of Rudra. We have shown many times before how the Rudras, Maruts and Rudra himself are connected to the Cultic Mannerbunde and also to Woden as the One-Eyed Hunter-God. Rudra is a Vedic god and not developed from the mixture of Dravidians. Agni and the Maruts are leaders of the fierce struggle upwards towards the heavens and to the Immortals. He is also the supreme healer, heals wounds, evil and suffering. He is the -

  • Master of the Force of Action.
  • Yogin of Peace and Meditation.
In short, the role of Rudra is the role of Woden-Odin-Wotan. He is a God of the Storm, of the Lightning-War, but also a God of Peace and Tranquility, of Silence and Solitude. Rudra is also the Lord of the Animals, and as I have shown on the last Ar-Kan Rune-Lag blog-post he is also connected to the Cweorth-Rune and Ear-Rune, in particular the Cweorth-Rune as the Fire-Twirl. The Force and Thought of Man comes from Rudra-Woden.

Aurobindo also gives some other insights into Agni -

  • He is movement, and in particular serpentine movement, i.e. the Fire-Serpent or Kundalini.
  • He is the Flaming Will.
  • He is the Flaming Force of Knowledge.
  • He initiates movement and action.
  • He is the Light of Divine Knowledge.
  • He works in the Light and in the Darkness.
  • He is the Son of Force.
  • He is associated with the White Steed.
  • He is the Luminous Will.
  • He is the Flame of Will.
  • He is the Divine Will, the Priest, the Warrior and the Leader of the Quest, the Journey.
  • The White Steed is symbol of the Vital Force, the Life-Force.
  • He is the King of Immortality.

I have emphasised the word WILL since this is the key to Agni, and thus the key to Ingwe; he is the Fiery-Will, the Divine Will, the figure known as Will/Vili in the tripartite-god Woden-Will-Weoh. His is the Triumph of the Will, the force that drives us to victory, the energy needed for the struggle against the Powers of Darkness, the Will-to-Power of Friedrich Nietzsche. From the name 'Ing' we have the essence of action, of movement, of the force of action backed by the force of knowledge, and above all the Force of Truth that will overcome all objects. He is the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, for he (Ing) is the 'Son of Man(nus)' associated with Bootes and the star Arcturus - for he is the Once and Future King. 

The Son of Man is the Sun of Man, the Light within that is concealed in the darkness of matter. The Light is hidden in the Cave of Darkness where it is hidden from the Gods and Man, concealed by the Powers of Darkness. It is through the Will that the Powers of Darkness are overcome and the Light is freed, and the Dawn is born from the Darkness. Agni, like Woden, has to work in the Darkness in order to free the Divine Light. This is thus the role of Ingwe too who works as Woden in his earthly manifestation, as Agni is the 'Child of Rudra'. 

The 'Gift of Ing' is FIRE, and it is also, and most importantly, the WILL. This is the key to our struggle, the WILL. Nothing can stand in the way of the Will-to-Power. This is the Age of Ing and his power is growing within the Soul of the Folk; as in the spr-ing the 'sap' is rising, the Power of Ingwe, calling us to action as much as to seek the knowledge needed to make action effective. The 'Coming Man' riding a White Horse, represents the growing energy of the age, the Power of Ingwe. 

He rides a White Horse and wears the Red Garb of the War-God, the Fiery-Red garb of Agni, the Fire-God, of Ingwe, bringing the Fire of the Gods, the Wrath of the Gods. This is the Sacred Flame that burns in our hearts, in our blood, in our soul. This is the Flame of Knowledge that we keep alight into the future, and the Flame of Action which spurs us into action, the will-to-power, the will-to-action, the force that drives us, yet we know not whence it came, or whence it dwells, for it is the Hidden God, the Hidden Flame, the Flame of the Black Sun. 

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