Monday, 10 May 2021

Ingwe - 'The Anointed One'

I have covered some of the meanings of the name 'Ingwe', but will need to first repeat the basic IE Roots that the name stems from -

IE Root *egni- This is the root from which we get - 'to ignite', 'ignition' and igneous, and from which the Vedic name Agni stems from. The link to the ng-root can be found in the Angiras who are connected to Agni. The root means 'fire' in its animate form.

IE Root * ang(w)hi- This root means 'snake' or 'serpent'. Also IE Root *og(w)hi-.

IE Root *eng(w)- This means 'groin' whose symbolism has always been associated with virility and fertility. 

These three basic root-words tell us that Ingwe is the Fiery-Serpent and one of the Shining Ones (Elves). Whether we class the Elves as gods or not does not really matter, and it may well be clearer to see them as 'angels' or 'messengers' - Messengers of the Gods. This class of Divine Beings are thus the link between Gods and Men. Ingwe is the 'Lord of the Elves'. We may perhaps see these ancient beings as somewhat akin to the Annunaki of the Near East, but due to the many distortions that appear over this subject I will not dwell upon it now. It is complex and hard to unravel. 

There is in fact a fourth root-word that we can connect to Ingwe, and here we can see that this one is of vital importance. The IE Root*ong(w)- means 'to anoint', which is what the term 'Krist' means in Greek - it is the equivalent to the title The Anointed One. The word 'Krist' actually stems from the IE Root *ghrei- which means 'to rub', the same meaning as 'to anoint'. Thus, one section of the Folk have used "Krist' and the other 'Ingwe'. This explains how the English came to accept the Krist so easily, since he was already connected to them as a Folk. 

It is said that, in the sacred language, the Hawk or Eagle means a 'Solar-Spirit', whereas the Fish means 'The First Messenger'. We have various figures of the Apkallu who appears a fish-like, Oannes being the best known. Hence 'The Fish' as symbolic of the Solar-Krist, who is 'The First Messenger'. Perhaps this is why the Norwegian Rune-Poem says that 'Krist shaped the heavens in former times'. 

Ingwe is also the Son of Man(nus) and his name means 'Son of...' or 'Offspring of...' The Solar-Krist is said to be the 'offspring of David and the bright and Morning Star' - the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. This is a title used in ancient times of many different personages, or rather of the one true archetype behind these figures. He is actually described as Bootes in Revelation 14:14 -

'...upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of Man, having on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle...'

The Golden Crown is the 'Northern Crown' or Corona Borealis which is just to the left of the, and as Hamasson pointed out once it is more like a 'fallen crown' being upside-down. Bootes is also - 'The Coming One'. In Bootes is Arcturus, from which we get the archetype of the Hyperborean 'King Arctor', and these seven stars of the Northern Crown feature in the Flag of Gondor -

Here the crown is back on the head of the Rightful King, where it belongs and where it was before it was 'toppled' (see 'The Tower' Tarot Card). It seems that the ancient greeks once called the Constellation of Bootes by the name Lycaon or 'The Wolf' whose name means 'Light of On' ('Light of the Sun'). Ingwe is the Crowned and Conquering Son in the form of Wid-Ar the Avenger; this is a complex subject because Wid-Ar is the Son of Woden, but there are hidden links. 

The Gift of Ing is Fire; here we need to look once more at Agni and especially the birth of Agni. I have quoted the following a few times but will do so again, to underline a very important point connected with the arguments above -

'Agni (The Fire) is the son incarnate of Savitri (Heavenly Father) conceived and born of the Virgin Maia and he had the carpenter Twasti (Maker of the Swastika) as his earthly father. In the cave of the One of Two Sticks, which has the name 'The Mother', lives the Goddess Maia, the embodiment of Creative Powers, and gives birth to the Son under the influence of Vayu (The Spirit), the breeze of the wind, without which the fire cannot be lit....

The first spark that came from the Cave of the Sacrum of Maia, by turning the Fire-Twirl Pramantha (The Swastika) represents the birth of Agni. This spark is called 'The Child'.'

This passage relating to the birth of Agni clearly parallels the birth of the Solar-Krist -

  • Agni is 'The Son' of the 'Heavenly Father'.
  • He is born of the Virgin Maia.
  • His father was a carpenter, but here in the sense of the Wooden Swastika or 'Fire-Twirl' which, when spun around, created the Divine Fire at the centre of its axle. (This was an ancient means to create the Need-Fire.)
  • The 'Two Sticks' are the means of creating the Need-Fire, another version of using the Swastika or 'Fire-Twirl'. 
  • In order that 'The Son' may be born it is necessary for the movement of air (Vayu = Spirit) to take place; this is the 'Holy Spirit' and Vayu is the Vedic version of Woden. Woden's role forms part of the Birth of Agni (Ingwe). 
  • The first spark that comes from the 'Cave of the Sacrum' (axle of the Fire-Twirl) is called 'The Child'.

The Holy Symbol of Ingwe

The turning of the Fire-Wheel or Fire-Twirl gives birth to 'The Son' or 'The Divine Child', who is born at the centre of the Fire-Twirl. He is born of the 'Virgin Mother' since she alone can bring forth the 'Divine Child'. 

The Holy Symbol of Ingwe

In the Vedas Agni is described as the supreme and original Angiras, and there are Seven Angiras Rishis who are the Powers of Agni. The Divine Flame kindled by Agni (The Sacrifice) supplies to Indra the lightning-bolt or 'heavenly-stone' by which he destroys the Powers of Darkness. Agni is sometimes called Agni Angiras so we have the root of Ingwe - ng - connected directly to Agni. There are two ideas within Agni Angiras - Knowledge & Action. This is thus the root of the figure of Ingwe, whom we should emulate in order to make ourselves more effective against the Powers of Darkness. 

Agni and the Angiras have the Divine Word - the Satya Mantra - which makes the 'lost Sun to rise in the heavens' (Sri Aurobindo) and bring the Dawn to birth. This is the 'Word of the Illumination' also called the arka a word sometimes used of the Sun (Black Sun?). 

'And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood; and his name is called The Word of God...and out of his mouth goeth a Sharp Sword...and on his thigh written KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS...'

Revelation 19:13-16.

 The Holy Symbol of Ingwe

There are various weapons deemed to be the 'Gift of Ing' and we can find the Gyfu-Rune ('gift') in the Chi-Rho which itself has been said to be an ancient Sumerian Symbol for 'The Shining Ones' (said to be from around 2,500 BCE from Sumer). The symbol has been said by Madam Blavatsky to represent the Skull and Crossbones. It is the Gyfu-Rune and the Wyn-Rune, as we can see in the above glyph. In this the Wyn-Rune, which has the usual meaning 'joy' could well represent the same idea of 'bliss' that we find in the Vedas; the term 'bliss' being given to the highest state of consciousness. This would explain the symbol as used for the Solar-Krist, just as the 'halo' represents both 'enlightenment' and the 'Shining One'. 

In regard to the connection between Ingus (I'll use this form to show the similarity) to AEngus there are some very strange 'coincidences' connected to these two. I think the best way to do this is through 'bullets' to show the points which are important more clearly -

  • AEngus is of the Tuatha de Danaan who some scholars have tried to link to the Danes, no doubt through the similarity of the names Danaan and Dan. 
  • Angul and Dan are brothers according to the Norse Myths.
  • The Myth of AEngus is very similar to that of Ingvi-Frey of Norse Mythology.
  • The Irish tale of The Destruction of De Derga's Hostel is a direct parallel to the tales surrounding the Skylding Dynasty of Denmark.
  • In the Irish Tale the hall is burned down at Midwinter by Ingcel (a one-eyed warrior), and in the Danish Tale by Hjorvarth and Ingeld. 
  • The Irish Celts do not seem to have had the Midwinter Festival as of importance as the Germanic Folk, which brings this tale into question as to whether it originated with a Celtic Folk. 
  • The Tuatha de Danaan were clearly stated in Irish Lore to have come down from the North. 
  • The tales centred around Midwinter are clearly linked to the 'Birth of Krist' at this time of the year. This is the death of the 'Old King' and the birth of the 'New King' - the death of the 'Old Sun' and the birth of the 'New Sun'.
  • The story of Diarmund is interesting in that it centres around Newgrange, and has images related to Ingvi-Frey - the Boar (his brother under and enchantment), the Wagon, and Macc Oc (the figure who looks after Diarmund) dreams of and pursues a maiden, as does Frey dream of an pursue Gerd. 
That we find the figure of Diarmund being slain by a Boar who is his brother under enchantment links this directly with yet another Danish Tale - Hamlet. Here we seem to have now linked the Myth of Ingwe to that of The Divine Fool or The Hooded Man. The Irish name 'Macc Oc' (or 'Macc Og') means 'Son of Og', not so far from 'Son of Igg'. In the English Saga Beowulf we find that Scyld (Skyldingas) is the Son of Sheaf (Scyld Scefing) - the Son of Ingwe. 

Totem of Ingwe

In regard to the idea that the Shining Ones (Elves) were the "Messengers of the Gods' I have in an old post linked the name Ratatosk (Rata-Tusk) with the name Rati which was the auger used to bore into Knit Mountain in the myth that parallels that of Agni using a Bolt of Fire to smash into the mountain to retrieve the 'Mead of Inspiration'. Rati is thus Hama-Heimdall who has connections to Agni-Ingwe, and is the 'squirrel' that runs up and down Iggdrasil carrying messages between the Serpent and the Eagle. Rati is the 'Messenger of the Gods, just as we know that Agni is the 'Messenger of the Gods'. 

Of course, through the root-sound 'Rati' we can trace this back to the Rad/Rat Rune and thus to the various meanings of this rune. This rune is connected to the Solar-Krist as we have shown in previous posts which featured the Dream of the Rood. The rune itself shows the figure of the Solar-Krist hanging from the World Column or World Pillar. Here he hangs not for some fictitious 'sins of the people' but to gain the Knowledge of the Runes - the Hidden Knowledge. I will not go further into this idea since it is something that can go into a new post on the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag Blog. 

When we see the term 'angels' used we can now assume that this refers to the Shining Ones or 'Messengers of the Gods', and this then could apply to the 'angels' who 'opened the Seven Seals' in Revelation. The 'resurrected' Ingwe was linked to the Black Sun (Solar Eclipse of August 1999) and this heralded the Age of Ingwe, the 'Age of the Son'. We can apply this to both Ingwe and to Wid-Ar, both of whom can be called 'The Son'. The problem with our mythology, mainly Norse Mythology, is the (as Viktor Rydberg shows) fact that those who wrote these down used many names for the same gods and heroes of old. There are both a name but also various titles, which we can see clearly in the term 'Ingvi-Frey' who is either 'Son of Frey' ('Son of The Lord' - an enlightening title) or 'Lord Ingvi'. The word frea means 'lord', but as I have said in the last post this refers to a 'Loaf-Ward' - connected to the Provider-Caste, as was Ingwe. 

From my writings there seems to be a lot of confusion about the Gods and the Shining Ones, and much overlapping of roles. However, I do not see this as a problem, since I feel that we do not need to 'analyse' these Gods and Shining Ones, and that the mystique surrounding them does not need to be penetrated - if, that is, we could do so anyway. Our world today, fuelled by progressive science, feels that it knows everything, and yet we know very little about the world and the worlds. We can never know everything, nor do I think we need to know everything; from the work of various Woden Initiates we can see that these things come together from very different angles, certain individuals seeming to be meant to find certain secrets. 

Two Roman historians held that England was in ancient times shaped like a 'diamond' - like the Germanic Ing-Rune. We have seen how the Danish influence may well come into Ireland through the Tuatha de Danaan, and the Danes certainly influenced the English by the place-names scattered across the East of England and the Dane-Law. We know that both Harold Godwinsson and Hereward the Wake were half-Danish, and we even have the equivalent to the old Danish capital here in England, in Leicestershire - Leire (Lejre). Hama-Heimdall is Rig-Hama or Rik-Hama who was the god who gave the 'Divine Spark' (Fire) to Man, and created the Divine Order of the Gods - the Caste System. At the very end of the tale we find a strange reference that does not fit the text - Dan and Danp

Apart from the IE Root *ghrei- which means 'to rub' or 'to anoint', and which gives rise to 'Christ', there is another IE Root *greue- which means also 'to rub', but which has the alternative meaning 'to grind'. Here I am reminded of the Ior-Rune which seems to (at one level) represent a mill, and which is like the Haegl-Rune with the X ('Gifu') further up. 

The Letter 'X' has the shape of the Greek Letter 'Chi' which is why we get the name 'Chi-Rho'. This letter is used as the first letter of 'Christ' or 'Xrist', and the name could thus have originally been pronounced with the 'ch' being like 'loch' or the Old English sound represented by 'h'. This in itself is interesting in that the Norwegian Rune-Poem mentions Kristr only once, and that is under Hagal. In fact we find the Old English and Frisian sound hr used in this very way, as in the name Raedbad (H-Raedbad). We find two women 'grinding at the mill' in the New Testament, and Hagal is mentioned as the mentor to Helgi, who dresses as a woman at the mill. Helgi is a very similar archetypal avatar.

With what is happening at a global level, many Christians are now questioning as to why their church is going along with what they see as being the unfolding of the 'End-Times' and the control of the Satanic Powers under a 'World Government'. Some Catholics have even come out against this and consider the Pope to be part of this world conspiracy. There is even a text in the New Testament that suggests this -

'When ye therefore shall see the Abomination of Desolation, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the Holy Place (whoso readeth, let him understand)...

Matthew 24:15.

Now, the 'Holy Place' to Christians could either be Jerusalem, or it could be Rome - the Vatican. And the 'Abomination of Desolation' - Shaitan? Certainly, this appears to fit with what is happening globally since at the time great catastrophes and wars rock the world. The gap between our own ideas and the ideas of some of the Christians is thus coming closer, though I would say that many Christians still have not recognised the true nature of their faith and its roots. I think this is perhaps due to the nature of most of the opposition to globalism which tends to revolve around 'economics' and not on the ultimate aim of a 'World Religion' made up from the Abrahamic Religions united, and with the others being fused into these by various means. But some are moving back to the Krist-Religion which was the original form based upon the old Heathen Myths of Krist. 

For those pagans and heathens who thus reject any idea of a 'Krist' at all, even though both Woden and Ingwe have much in common, the root-meaning of The Anointed One suggests that Ingwe was indeed the Archetypal Krist who is the 'Reborn Sun' who arises at the Darkest Hour - Midwinter. Here again, we have a clue as to the nature of this archetype, for the Solar-Krist is born at the Midwinter - the Twelve Nights of Yule - and dies and is 'resurrected' at Easter, in the Spring (New Dawn) of the following year. Here we gleam a clue to these mysteries which have been/are being manifested in our times. The 'spring' period is associated with the Divine Fool (April Fool) as we know, and thus to the Coming Man - Parsifal. This is why the 'Second Coming' is spoken of, since this is of the Warrior-Krist as found in Revelation. This, of course, is the Mystery of the Once and Future King, who will clearly 'come again' at some time in the future - not too far distant future if these events are anything to go by.

Woden is 'swallowed' by the Fenris Wolf, and even here we find a link to a very ancient myth, for the 'Wolf of the Fens' is linked to Grendel in Beowulf, whose name means 'to grind' - we are back to the same root as 'anoint' or 'rub'. Woden is the Midwinter Sun who is 'swallowed by the Wolf', and who is replaced by the New Sun - Wid-Ar the Avenger. The term 'to grind' is thus linked to the Cycle of the Ages or the 'Precession of the Equinoxes' - 'two women grinding at the mill'. This clearly refers to our time. Also in Beowulf we find the idea of the Hun-Sword passing to the Engel-Kin and to Hengest when 'winter is gone', i.e. in the spring of the year. Hengest here represents the 'resurrection' at the Dawn-Time of the Age of Aquarius - the Geist of Ingwe. Ingwe is associated with the rising of the sap (blood) which happens in the spring of the year, and which brings back to life that which was dormant over the winter. 

Ingwe - The Awakener of the Blood

Addition (12th May 2021) -

In regard to the link between Ingwe & Krist there is yet another root which seems to confirm this theory. In the New Testament Krist is referred to as the Lamb of God which is a rather strange title, but one which seems to be rather the Ram of God (a hidden meaning). There is an IE Root ag(w)h-no which means 'lamb', from which we get the Old English eanian which has the meaning 'to bring forth young'. 

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