Friday, 7 May 2021

Ingwe & The Fiery-Serpent


It is known that ancient Aryan Tribes had a Cult of Fire but it does not seem clear as to where this originated. I am here going to put my own view on this, a view that makes the god Ingwe even more important to us now. To do this I will first take a look at the Old Testament and to the serpent that is invariably seen as an evil beast whose actions went against that of El Shaddai (Yahweh). It was the Serpent of Eden that tempted Eve, and thus caused the wrath of Yahweh against Adam and Eve. The problem here lies in the translation of the Hebrew word into 'serpent', because this seems to have three distinct meanings -

  • Serpent.
  • Diviner.
  • Shining One.
Straightway we can see here something that stands out - "Shining One". If we delve deeper into certain Old Testament terms we find that the term 'Seraphim' can mean "Fiery Serpent". Throughout this book there are clear references to a specific race of beings who shine with light, or shine like 'brass' or 'fire'. These always appear to the prophets and other religious leaders, and when we move to the New Testament this same type of description is made of the Son of Man. 

Some Hebrew scholars have noted that this Fiery Serpent seems to have originated as the Uraeus Serpent found on the headgear of the Kings and Pharaohs of Egypt, and can also be found in Ancient Babylon, and back to Ancient Sumer. This is firmly in accord with the fact that the two places where the Israelites were held captive were Egypt and Babylon, which is clearly where the original writings on this came from. They did not originate in Israel but were taken from Aryan sources long before the time we find the Old Testament writings.

Throughout Central and South America we find reference to beings known as the Winged Serpent or Fiery Serpent, notably in the figures of Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan and Wotan. Wotan was of the Race of Chan, a name meaning 'Serpent', and this is near to our own Kan-Rune which can mean 'serpent' or 'dragon', as well as 'fire'. We shall look at this later in the post. There have been scholars who have noted that there was a Serpent Cult in Northern Europe, and the idea that St Patrick drove the serpents out of Ireland is likely to have been symbolic of the destruction of the Serpent Cults there. But these cults go back into very ancient times, indeed to a race that preceded the Aryan Race maybe. The Aryans were the descendants of the Serpent Race; I think we can safely assume this to be right. 

The Hebrew name Nachash is important in that it is similar to the Nagas of ancient India, a Serpent-Race. It is here important to remember, as I have pointed out a few times, that the letter N was in ancient times symbolic of the Serpent. The letter S or Z also represents the Serpent, as does the Sig-el Rune in our Ar-Kan Rune-Lag System. The IE Root *serp- means 'to crawl, to creep, from which the word 'serpent' stems. It is possible that the term nach could be related to an ancient root-sound nch or ng, in which case we are moving towards a link to Ingwe and also to the Ing-Rune symbolism of Twin Serpents. Since the Greek term aggelos means 'angel' ('Shining One') and is pronounced 'angelos', then the names Ing and Igg may well go back to the same origins, linking Woden to Ingwe. Igg the Terrle was an ancient name of Woden, and there are other ideas that link these two.

I have shown before how Woden, Wodan, and Odin have the Root-Stem DN when the vowels are left out ('w' is double 'u' and thus counted as a vowel); this Root-Stem also applies to the following -

E-DIN - Sumer, the 'Land of the Shining Ones'.

IDUN - Goddess of Light and Immortality.

EDEN - The 'Garden of Eden'.

ADON - The Old Testament name meaning 'Lord'. 

In the Old Testament the Elohim seem to be the 'Shining Ones', and the term The Lord could well have been used like the term Ba-al (Bel) used in Sumer and Babylon of Marduk (Marutuk). In Sumer we find Enki ('Engi') is the god who aids mankind, whilst Enlil does his best to violently oppose and destroy. We should recall the Norse title Ingvi Frey which means 'Ing-Lord', where 'Frey' means 'Lord'; of course, a 'lord' is a 'loaf-ward' and thus connected to the idea of a provider thus part of the 'provider caste', which Ingwe clearly was. We can thus equate Ingwe with The Lord.

We can see here how the Old Testament names have been misused rather than used for their original purpose and meaning. Where the Serpent of Eden encourages Adam and Eve to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, and thus know 'good and evil' (become self-conscious or conscious of the self). Going to the next step they could eat of the Tree of Life and thus become 'as gods', thus evolving into the 'God-Man'. The Krist of the New Testament stated clearly that 'to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Tree of Life.' Yahweh seeks to hinder the evolution of man, whilst the Solar-Krist seeks to aid the evolution of man, this is the clear difference, and why in Matthew we find that Krist attacks the Scribes and Pharisees (Priesthood) and accuses them of slaying the ancient prophets. The Serpent of Eden is thus a Shining One or a Fiery Serpent. 

Before I go further I would point out that the Aryan Root *gan- is equivalent to the Germanic Root * kan- and we can see this when we compare the Greek word gnosis and the English word knowledge which have the same meanings, one using gn and the other kn. We can thus perhaps safely assume that the root-sounds ng and nk are also interchangeable. We find this is the Vedic Agni where gn is used, and compare this to Ingwe where ng is used; scholars hold that ng is the original form. The 'offshoots' of Agni are the Angiras which seems to underline this point. 

IE Root *egni- = 'fire' (animate form). This is the root of Agni.

IE Root * ang(w)hi- = 'snake'.

IE Root *eng(w)- = 'groin'.

These are the three roots of the name Ingwe which clearly indicate a link to the Fiery Serpent. We can see in a piece in the New Testament how the teachings of the Solar Krist have been distorted, or in this case completely overlooked -

"The light of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light."

Matthew 6:22.

This statement clearly relates to the Third Eye, and since the awakening of the Third Eye is related to the awakening of the Fiery Serpent (Kundalini) then this is the secret of the ancient Serpent-Cults and the 'Shining Ones' or 'Fiery Serpents'. Man has the ability to recreate this ancient Solar-Race, and that is the Destiny of Man which is unfolding today. 

The Symbol of Ingwe is the White Dragon which is the Fiery Serpent or the Serpent of Light & Purity. This symbolism represents the 'coil' or 'spiral' and thus the gateway between the world of Man and the world of the Gods. The 'tail' of the White Dragon represents the 'Fire-Tongue of the Dragon'. Ingwe is the 'Lord of the Elves' and the Elves are the 'Shining Ones', thus linked to the very ancient Fiery Serpents. We know from the White Stone of Ing (Firestone) that the 'Gift of Ing' is Fire, and the   discovery of the meaning of this ancient rune-stone in our time was obviously not a coincidence, more a 'synchronicity'. Ingwe is the Messenger of the Gods.

The Ing-Rune is the DNA Spiral or Twin-Serpents; this is a very complex rune which we have featured before so need not go into this again. This is a rune with a fusion - Ur-Fusion and Kan-Fusion, i.e. Origins and Fire. The above is the Kan-Fusion version, whilst the Ur-Fusion is turned sideways; the latter creates the sexual act of creation which is where the difference lies. It is made up of two Gifu-Runes, and also two Edel-Runes. The whole rune is related to gifts given to man by the gods, especially Ingwe.

Ur-Fusion of Ing-Rune

It should be noted that there is a synchronicity here too, since we have the sequence X-X or G-G which may relate to Ing-Igg. Iggdrasil can be rendered as the 'Steed of Igg' but it can also be seen as -

Igg - Ing.

Dra - Dragon-Serpent-Fiery Serpent.

Sil - Sun.

Thus, the Solar-Serpent of Igg (Ing). Or the Solar Serpent of The Terrible One. We have seen how the Igg's Helm is associated with Rudra-Shiva which has the eight tridents, symbolic of the Lord Shiva. With all of this symbolism we are going back into the mists of time, to a very ancient period of human history. 

What we are talking about with the Race of Light and the descriptions that have come down to us of this ancient Solar Race is connected to the accounts given by people who have had Out-of-Body-Experiences or Near-Death-Experiences, where when moved into another world or dimension they tell of objects and beings that emit light. That is, they are not 'light' as we would see it, but they give out light; some scientists have noted this in body-cells which give off light, so we have clear ground for believing that these Fiery Serpents were 'Light-Beings'. UFO experiences also sometimes feature this as part of the accounts given. We know that the body, and other living things, give off an 'aura of light', and this must be also linked to what is said here.

There is also a dark side to the serpent symbolism since the 'Serpent of Evil' can also stem from the Hebrew Nachash which has an alternative meaning (I believe) in 'Deceiver'. We have the 'Red Dragon' or 'Red Serpent' of Revelation which is the Serpent of Shaitan (El Shaddai) - the Great Red Dragon. This symbolism can be found in both Persia and in Egypt. Loki has a name which is related to 'liar' and to deceiver', and also to the 'serpent' (Tolkien shows this in the word 'loka'). 

Throughout this time of the greatest darkness and chaos we should all bear in mind that this is the End-Time, but that every 'ending' is merely a 'new beginning', and even though things seem to be going ever-downwards and that hope sometimes seems to be lost, these dark times are merely the way to the New Dawn and to the change from the Dark Age to a new Golden Age, and to a new Race of Man. I will always remember the dying words of my brother, who was very much unlike me and not at all religious; his final whisper to us was - 'Death is not an end - it is just a new beginning'. Clearly, he had seen something that made him say this, so there is always Hope and there is always a light at the end of the dark tunnel. We should loom to the Fiery-Serpent to guide us through these times, and to use the Wisdom of Woden (The Runes) to show us the way each time we are lost as to what to do or which way to go. 

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