Friday, 4 March 2022

The Great Old Ones

 "And the Elder Lords opened their eyes and beheld the abominations of those who ravaged the Earth. In their wrath they set their hands against the Old Ones, staying them in the midst of their iniquity and casting them forth from the Earth to the Void beyond the planes where Chaos reigns and form abideth not. And the Elder Lords set their seal upon the Gateway and the power of the Old Ones prevailed not against its might....

Beyond the Gate dwell now the Old Ones: not in the spaces known to men but in the angles betwixt them. Outside Earth's plane they linger and await the time of their return; for the Earth has known them and shall know them in time yet to come."

The Necronomicon.

The science fiction writer, H.P. Lovecraft, had vivid nightmares of the 'Old Ones' or 'Great Old Ones' who were the Forces of Darkness and Chaos, and whom his dreams saw as trying once again to enter our world of being. We can gleam something of this when we recognise 'ye true symbol of the Old Ones - 'Ye Sign of Voor' - as the sign used in 'Black Metal' or 'Heavy Metal' where the two middle fingers are held back by the thumb, showing a 'Horned God'. The key to summoning these Dar Powers lies in star-knowledge and using the same seasonal rites as we ourselves use, opening 'portals' or 'gateways' through which these Dark Demonic entities can move between the worlds. 

What is to be noted in the last article about such 'portals' is that not only is high-tech equipment used, but also magical ritual and sorcery, as shown by the ritual at CERN. Obviously, this is not kept that secret, since few will even consider seeing anything in this type of thing, and most will not believe in other worlds and universes anyway. 

Slumber watcher till the spheres

Six and twenty thousand years,

Have revolved 'ere I return

To the spot where now I burn.

Stars that soothe and stars that bless,

With a sweet forgetfulness.

Only when my round is o'er

Shall the past disturb thy door.

'Polaris' - H.P Lovecraft.

It seems that it is this 26,000 years - seven stations of the Pole Star - which mark the return of the Old Ones; this is also the time for 'He Who Returns' - Wid-Ar the Avenger. 

The above symbol is said to be that of the 'Sign of the Elder Gods', the Gods of Light and Order. This looks like a 'Flame' within an 'Eye', but there are different variations of this, and in 'The Necronomicon' book of that name the Five-Pointed Star moves the opposite way, and the central symbolism is of Twin Germanic Ken-Runes around a stylised Sig-Rune -

Sign of the Elder Gods

The 'Sign of the Old Ones' is on the left, and clearly it is not a coincidence that it has been encouraged with some youth-cults, especially those aligned towards the Satanic Cults. It seems that the famous Elizabethan Occultist, John Dee, used the Enochian Language to summon such demonic forces; this seems likely in view of the fact that Aleister Crowley used the Enochian Magic too. The roots of the 'Necronomicon' seem to lie in Akkadia, Babylonia, Persia and Israel, which suggests that such Dark Magical practice was used within the Aryan Civilisations which corrupted and destroyed the ancient Kingdoms of Light. We find such modern occultists as Kenneth Grant (O.T.O.) working with the reverse side of the Cabalistic Tree of Life - the are known as 'Daath' or the Shadow-World. 

These people have come a long way since the old magical practices, though these are still used today as we see in the CERN rituals. There was also a report that the CERN experiments were based around anti-gravity and even 'time-travel', which seems to indicate a knowledge of what German Scientists were doing in the war-time Germany - the project known as Die Cloche. 

So much has been written about this, so much information and disinformation that it is hard to find the truth behind what was actually going on at this time. But we do know that the US, Russian and British used German Scientists after World War II, such as Viktor Schauberger (being the most famous I think). These Dark Forces always need to use that which has been created by someone else, and they never create - only destroy. What we have to remember is that the Vril-Force or 'Zero Point Energy' permeates everything, working within the different universes, and thus can be used not only by the God-Forces but also by the Demonic Forces. 

In 'The Ninth Arch Kenneth' Grant talks of Dark Energy Matter Spiders that existed on the reverse side of the Tree of Life. In 'Outside the Circles of Time' he speaks of the 'World Mind' and of an awakening of those who have the 'Pineal Gland reawakened - a material manifestation of the Ajna Chakra...this Eye will perceive the Net, perception leads inevitably to union...' We find that occultists and 'new-agers' concern themselves with the awakening of the third, the chakras, and kundalini. This being a material manifestation indicates that this is not a Spiritual Awakening at all, but a sick parody and copy (as usual). It is then said that the 'Star-Brothers' will come, seemingly entering our world from another dimension or universe - perhaps indicating the reason for the CERN 'AWAKE' experiment, and why the 'WOKE' (Servants of Darkness) have suddenly been handed control over the world. This is just part of a far wider and more sinister Web of Control, since there are Dark Sorcerers working beyond and behind these people.

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