Monday, 7 March 2022

Sacred Geometry


This is the drawing by Leonardo da Vinci called The Vitruvian Man, named after Vitruvio, architect to Julius Caesar and Augustus. Clearly, the idea behind this is the human body which is set down in ratio, which was the way ancient architecture was done. In the above figure we can find three clear symbols -

1. The Cross or Tau-Cross.

2. The Eohls-Rune.

3. The Calc-Rune.

The sketching is done so cleverly as to fit each separate symbol into the whole, all three symbols being integrated and yet separated. I'm not saying that da Vinci drew these as runes, but they do form runes nonetheless. There is a fourth symbol which can be made from the Calc-Rune and the Cross above this; and if the straight legs are removed this makes what Miguel Serrano called Das Wotanskreuz or Das Munsterkreuz (Manu). 

I don't pretend to know anything about Sacred Geometry except that it is based upon the ratio of one part to another part. When we look at Norse Mythology we find that it is an act of 'sacrificial slaying' that creates the Cosmos - Ymir is slain and cut into pieces to form the Cosmos. The Cosmos is thus based upon the same ratio as that of Man. 

It seems obvious that Freemasonry was originally a Guild of Masons, as the name itself suggests, and that these guilds were aware of the nature of Sacred Geometry. Some of the great cities around the world were built upon Sacred Measurement; in The Sacred Triangle of Pagan Iceland Einar Palsson recognises the use of the 3:4:5 Triangle associated with Pythagoras in the measurements of Iceland when it was occupied by the Vikings. According to Nigel Pennick the Druid's Cord, made up of 13 sections with 12 Knots, was used to create a 3:4:5 Triangle and a 5:4:4 Triangle (seventh part of a circle). 

The Cording of the Temple was a rite by which a Sacred Area (Weoh) was laid out using the Sacred Cord (as stated of the Druids, but this would have been of wider use). Very often this Sacred Weoh was corded off itself, no doubt using the same cord it was measured with. The Weoh seems to have been a triangle, but of what kind I do not know. 

Equilateral Triangle

An Equal-Sided Triangle has three angles each of 60 degrees; 60 x 60 x 60 = 216,000 which, when multiplied by 2 equals 432,000, the number of Einheriar that march out of Valhalla at Ragnarok. In the past WF has used the Folk-Ring (Sacred Circle) and a Holy Weoh - Equal-Sided Triangle - with three Folk-Comrades chanting 'Woden' - 'Willa' - 'Weoh' at each point of the Triangle. 

A Masonic Ritual has been used to lay down the 'Foundation Stone' when a new project is set up, or a new building (based on Sacred Geometry) is being built. It seems that in Iceland a specific rock outcrop or stone was used as the first marker, rather than laying a stone. Palsson sees the three points of the 3:4:5 Triangle relating to - 

Pole-Star (North) - Woden,

Sirius (South) - Ingwe-Frey & Freya.

Capricorn - The Primeval Hill (Horn of Plenty) - Skapker Heidrunar ('Measuring Vessel of Heidrunar (The Goat). 

It is interesting to note how he relates Frey & Freya to Sirius, since this star has always been related to Venus in some way. Osiris and Isis of the Egyptian Myths were associated with both Venus and Sirius. 

The 3:4:5 Triangle has a right-angle (90 Degrees) - Sirius; the bottom left angle is  54 Degrees - Capricorn; and the top angle is 36 degrees - Pole Star. Capricorn is also the 'Northern Gateway to the Gods'. It is associated with Fire (27 x 2 = 54) where the Number 27 is both 'Fire' and 'Kingship'. The three sides are as follows -

3 - Father.

4 - Mother.

5 - Son. 

This works out thus -

3 x 3 = 9.

4 x 4 = 16.

5 x 5 = 25.

When we add the 'Father' - 9 - to the 'Mother' - 16 - we get 25 - 'The Son'. The 'Horn of Plenty' was in Capricorn (Heidruna) which is the Cave of Midwinter, the Womb of the Mother, which fits perfectly with they idea of Ingwe (Agni) being born in the 'Cave of the Mother' (Primeval Hill) - 'The Son'. This, as stated, is associated with Fire and with Kingship. Thus, the Birth of Krist at the Winter Sunstead - Midwinter. This is not merely a 'play-on-words' of 'The Son' and 'The Sun' but is an Archetypal Myth. Fitting for us is 'The Son' as the 'God of Grain' (Scef-Ingwe).

Sacred Geometry was used by the ancients to create harmony through their buildings and temples, and obviously this was also done in Iceland; we find this in the ancient stone circles etc. too. There is a sacred connection between Man, the Earth and the Cosmos, and this is reflected in Sacred Geometry.

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