Friday, 11 March 2022

The Triumph of Evil


The Tarot Card called 'The Devil' shows a 'Shaitanic' figure with an Inverted Pentagram sitting on a 'black cube' (which it should perhaps be, but here a black block). A man and woman are chained to the cube which tells us that they are 'slaves to matter' - the cube being symbolic of matter. 

The hexagon has 6 sides; the cube has 6 sides, and 6 cubed is 6 x 6 x 6; this number 666 is symbolic of Matter. Saturn is the planet associated with materialism.

The pole of Saturn shows a whirling hexagon-figure, showing the link between the hexagon, the Star of David, the Cube and Saturn. In one sense we can see Saturn as the 'Fenris Wolf'; Shaitan has long been associated with the Jackal, which has the same symbolism as the Wolf. It is the Fenris Wolf that 'devours' Woden - the Spirit of Man. Saturn is a planet sometimes associated with the Plague and Epidemics - Loki is also linked to Saturn. 

The Christian Cross is a cube that has been opened out; again, this is symbolic of Matter. Christianity infected the Heathen Folk with the 'virus' of the Religion of Evil. When Woden-Krist hung upon the 'Cross' he was thus 'Crucified in Matter' - he had to enter the world of matter in order to redeem the Spirit of Man; this was a self-sacrifice - himself to himself. 

The story of The Krist given in the New Testament may be partly distorted, but a grain of truth remains hidden away, and can be retrieved through Esoteric Knowledge. The Gnostics claimed that Sophia (The Celestial Virgin - Wisdom) sent Kristos, her 'emanation', to help humanity because Ilda-Baoth (Jehovah) and the 'Six Sons of Matter' were shutting out the Divine Light. This is the same theme as that of Aryan Myths in which the 'Gold' or the 'Cattle' are stolen - the Divine Light is blocked and hidden from Man. 

The Krist is 'baptised with water' in the River Jordan by John the Baptist; at this exact moment there is the 'descent of the Dove' (Dove = 'diver' = 'Avatar) as the 'Holy Spirit' which enters the human body of Krist who thus becomes an 'Avatar' on Earth. With his work that was bringing to an end the 'Kingdom of Matter' of Ilda-Baoth, the Servants of Darkness were stirred up against him and he was put to death on the cross - the Romans were the 'tool' to do this. The material body of 'Jesus' was left to the Earth, but the Krist - the 'Inner Man' - was 'clothed with a body made up of aether (i.e. the Astral Body). This is made clear when he tells his disciples not to touch him after he had 'arisen from the dead'. 

Krist is said to be the 'Son of the Morning Star' - Venus; in our Folkish Lore this is the goddess Freya. Thus, the Greek Sophia would be our own Freya who is the one to send her 'Son' as an Avatar; this does not quite fit with the idea of Frey and Freya being both brother-sister and husband-wife. This being so it would be Nerthus who is the 'Virgin Mother' and the 'Son' would be Ingwe-Krist (Force & Fire) united with Freya (Wisdom). 

The Chi-Rho is made up of Chi (X) and Rho ('R'), the first two letters of Xristos; it seems that we can use either Xristos or Kristos. H.P. Blavatsky tells us that the Chi-Rho is the 'Skull & Crossbones'; it is certainly a Gyfu-Rune and Wyn-Rune or Hagal-Rune and Wyn-Rune. The symbol is of the Wunsc-Frea - the 'Wish-Lord' who is the Wild Hunter-God, Woden. 

When we are told that Krist is the 'Alpha and Omega - The Beginning and the End' we are being shown that this figure is not a one-off historical figure such as 'Jesus Christ' but is an Archetypal Avatar who appears at the beginning of a world-age and again at the end of the world-age - in a different form each time. The Christian Church took the whole thing literally and saw this as a one-off figure of the 'Son of God' when in reality this Heroic Archetype appears again and again, as in the Hindu Lore. 

Krist appeared at the beginning of the Age of Pisces in order to try to aid humanity at this crucial time before the worst of the Age of Darkness set in. He would thus re-appear at the end of the world-age, but in the form of a Warrior-Leader whose task this time was to hold back the Forces of Darkness at the crucial point of the Yuletide of the Great Year Cycle. At this point Woden was 'swallowed' by the Fenris Wolf - the Spirit of Man was 'devoured' by the Dark Powers who were now in almost complete control over the World of Matter. At this critical point of the Great Year Cycle (26,000 years) the return of Wid-Ar is heralded; it is Wid-Ar who breaks open the Jaws of the Wolf to release the Spirit of Woden, and he thus appears again as 'The Son'. Once more the Avatar appears at the 'beginning' of the next cycle - this time the Age of Aquarius.

As far as I can see there is just one reference to an Avatar and that is the piece I have oft quoted from the Short Seeress' Prophecy, where Hama-Heimdall appears as the 'Mighty One' before a Great Flood, and Wid-Ar appears after as 'an e'en Greater One' to destroy the old and herald a New Order and New World. 

Don Miguel Serrano sees Saturn as being in some way 'chained' (as was Kronus) or 'enslaved' by the Demiurge. In this sense Saturn is the 'Bound Giant', but whose original form was that of the God of the Golden Age. Miguel Serrano sees his regaining this status to reign over a new Golden Age; since Saturn is the 'Lord of the Rings' this may in some way be related to the melting of the Rings of Ice - maybe. Saturn is transformed into Shaitan; Saturn is associated with Lead and thus Lead (Saturn) has to be transmuted into Gold - hence the alchemical concept that arose to try to achieve this. 


"Sacrifice cattle, little and big: after a child...But not now." Book of the Law 3: 12-13.

Aleister Crowley was a Servant of Shaitan, as he admitted, even spelling the name as I have done here. His life was one of sexual degeneracy that led to the outburst of 'free love' in the 1960s, and of drug-abuse, which was yet another problem that arose at the same time. The Book of the Law is often said to be 'Anarcho-Fascist' which is probably right in some ways, and it seems to have led to a kind of 'counter-revolution' opposed to equality etc. but which was equally leading young people down the wrong path. There is one of the strangest things here that concerns Crowley and the quote above -

"Sacrifice cattle, little and big..." - In 2001 a viral-epidemic called 'Foot and Mouth' disease ended in over Six Million cows and sheep being mass-slaughtered by 'Men-in-White' who officiated in their slaughter and burning (Holocaust). Even some of the papers mentioned this as some form of 'Ritual Killing' with the sight of the 'Men in White Coats'. (*)

"...after a child...But not now..." Sarah Payne was brutally sexually assaulted and murdered in West Sussex on July 2nd 2000, the year before the Cattle-Sacrifice. Now, Sarah Payne was an unknown ordinary child but this generated a massive public outcry, and also a funeral fit for a 'Princess' - which were the words used by the media and press. (This was also the case with the death of Princess Diana on August 31st 1997.)

Then again in 2001, the same year as the Cattle-Sacrifice, we find the fall of the Twin Towers which ended the 'Age of Capitalism' with the fall of the buildings associated with this. We find references to ancient forms of the Sacrifice of an Ox at the start of a new world-age, something that is here reflected in the Cattle-Sacrifice of 2001. I am not here suggesting that these events are conscious forms but I am suggesting that these have an underlying unconscious form that suggests some form of Dark Powers working at a hidden level. 

Since the 'Twin Towers' and the 'Cattle-Sacrifice' were done with conscious intention this seems to fit the concept of a 'new creation' in the form of a 'Giant-Slaying' (Ymir) in order to create a 'New World Order'. Is it not strange that once again we have a Virus-Epidemic, this time in cattle & sheep? 

(*) We are all aware of the press & media coverage of the 'Covid-19 Pandemic' and the lies told to us by these outlets, politicians, academics and the NHS in many ways covering up the truth. From what we have been told after the 'Foot and Mouth' affair this too was blown out of all proportion, and ended with quite healthy cattle & sheep being slaughtered as well as those affected. 


Back in 2012 NASA was busy looking for 'X-Points' which are portals into other dimensions; these are at points where the Earth's Magnetic Field crosses the Sun's Magnetic Field. We do know that NASA was home to a number of occultists such as Jack Parsons, a follower of Crowley and member of the O.T.O. So we should not be surprised in what was going on back then, since there were no doubt still O.T.O Members within the organisation. I have covered the work of CERN on these 'portals' and no doubt this is a refinement of what was already been done with Dark Sorcery and Dark Ritual. 

It seems clear now as to why there had been an acceleration of the Global Agenda, and as to why there have suddenly appeared WOKE individuals who are busy furthering this agenda. So far the agenda has not really touched religion to any extent, but this is a future part of the Global Agenda, and is no doubt connected to the appearance of the 'Messiah' who is 'prophesied' to a appear. This seems also to infer, that as predicted, the 'Dark Lord' himself would manifest on Earth. (*)

This Dark Sorcery is done through psycho-sexual magic, mind-altering drugs, a degenerate and perverted outlook on life, and sometimes on blood-sacrifice as I have shown here. This does not need to be done openly, since any form of violence and war will suffice, as well as terrorist atrocities like the Twin-Towers, and cattle slaughter like the Foot & Mouth. There has hardly been a moment when some kind of violent disorder, revolt or war has not been going on for decades now. The Geoffrey Epstein affair with its centre around many well-known figures within The System should suffice to show what we are dealing with in regard to the perversion that is rife within the Establishment. 

(*) There have already been moves towards a World Religion which will be made up of the major religions of the world, centred around Judaism, Christianity and Islam whose religions are all rooted in Judaism. At this time this is not at the top of the Global Agenda - but it soon will be. Those who hide behind religion rather than taking up the struggle for freedom will then have nowhere to hide. 

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