Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Goten vs Joten


For the sake of making this Cosmic War clear I am going to use Vedic Lore rather than our own Germanic Lore; this is because in regard to the Hindu Texts we find interpretations which seem to make this clearer. Firstly, a list of the 'Joten Forces' according to Sri Aurobino -

Dasyus - The Dividers, plunderers, destroyers.

Danavas - Sons of the 'Mother of Division'.

Rakshasas - Eaters & devourers, wolves, tearers, hurters and haters.

Vritra - The Serpent of Evil, the 'grand adversary'.

Vala & Panis - stealers and concealers of the Higher Light.

It should be noted how these ancient Vedic beings have parallels to Norse and Germanic Mythology. For example, the Rakshasas, as 'eaters and devourers' parallel the Eoten/Joten; and as 'wolves & tearers' they parallel the Fenris Wolf and other Wargs. The term 'warg' is used of a wolf, but originates in the concept of 'to tear'. The Serpent of Evil is obviously the Midgard Serpent. What is not so clear in Norse Mythology, and perhaps the most important concept, is the 'dividers', since this is the essence of the Great Enemy - to divide. The Arya - by definition - is the race that 'fits together', thus healing the wounds made by the Joten. The Gods represent as aspect of the Universal Godhead or Divine Being, thus 'All Gods Are One God' as some Hindu Texts state. 

One of the most fundamental myths throughout the Indo-European Mythology is the 'Myth of the Cattle-Raid', where the cattle are stolen and the Gods (or a Hero aided by a God) have to get them back. We can understand this better through Vedic Lore and the root-name for the 'cow' (cattle) - go; this root-word can mean both 'cow' and 'light'. If we apply this to the term ghrta meaning 'ghee' or 'clarified butter' (from the cow), this root-word also means 'light' (from ghr meaning 'to shine'. What we have is a simple word-play where the non-initiate sees this as the 'cattle-raid' on a wholly material level (which was a common thing) but the initiate sees into this as meaning 'light' and the 'Theft of the Divine Light'. The 'cattle-raid' in regard to the theft of 'cows' is for the scholar and academic, whilst the 'cattle-raid' in its hidden meaning, that of the 'Theft of the Divine Light, is for the Mystic and 'Seer'. 

In the Vedas, according to Sri Aurobindo, the 'cow' refers to the 'Divine Light' in its esoteric meaning, and the 'horse' refers to Power and Energy, very often in regard to the Vedic Fire-God, Agni. Here we see that this Cosmic War is between the 'Children of Light' and the 'Sons of Darkness and Division'; when seen this way everything that happens around us today - ruled by the latter - fits nicely into a pattern. As we can see in our own Feoh-Rune and the 'Jack & The Beanstalk Myth' the theft of the 'cows' was later transferred to the 'Theft of the Gold', where the 'gold' is symbolic of the 'Divine Light (of the Sun)'. It is down to the Divine Hero to retrieve the stolen gold which is being hoarded by a 'Dragon', and in the process to slay the dragon. 

We can see this Cosmic War in a slightly different form where Mdme Blavatsky takes the Gnostic Kristian works to show how the 'Divine Light' was shut off from mankind, and Sophia - Goddess of Wisdom - sent down her 'emanation' - The Krist - to lead mankind back to the Divine Light. The 'Sons of Darkness and Division' - guided by Ildabaoth (Shaddein) - slew The Krist because he was exposing the Sons of Darkness and their aims. This is exactly the same theme but substituting 'The Krist' for 'The Gods'. I would guess that we can see our own Freya as a 'Goddess of Wisdom' though this is not emphasised in Norse Mythology.

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