Sunday, 4 September 2022

The Ancient Solar-Race.


"Rich in royal worth and valour, rich in Holy Vedic Lore,

Dasa-ratha ruled his empire in the happy days of yore,

Loved of men in fair Ayodhya, sprung of ancient Solar Race.....

Twice-born men were free from passion, lust of gold and impure greed,

Faithful to the rites and scriptures, truthful in their word and deed,

Altar blazed in every mansion....

Kshatras bowed to Holy Brahmans, Vaisyas to the Kshatras bowed,

Toiling Sudras lived by labour, of their honest duty proud,

To the Gods and to the Fathers, to each guest in virtue trained,

Rites were done with due devotion as by holy writ ordained....

Pure each caste in due observance, stainless was each ancient rite,

And the nation thrived and prospered by its old and matchless might...

Thus was ruled the ancient city by her monarch true and bold,

As the earth was ruled by Manu in the misty days of old...."

The Ramayana - The Epic of Rama, Prince of India.

We can perhaps learn more about the ways of our own forefathers from this very ancient text from India, a text that hails from the ancient Aryan Race that lived in the area thousands of years ago, a race itself descended from the Ancient Solar Race also known as the Shining Ones. The famous hero, Rama, is here said to have been descended from this Ancient Solar Race, here also referred to as the Twice-Born. This term refers to the 'born-again' who have undergone a Sun-Initiation which is a Death-to-Rebirth Initiation where the Initiate is 'reborn' after a profound mystical and magical experience. Our forefathers would have had a similar religion and way of life, and also the same religious devotion that is mentioned here.

We can go through this list to some some of the most noble traits that sprang from the Ancient Solar Race, those descendants of Manu, Mannus, or whatever other version of this name applies to different sections of the Holy Race -

  • The nation was ruled by a Priest-King who was 'rich in Vedic Lore'; the Priest-King was a philosopher and wise ruler, a 'Rich'.
  • We are told (not quoted) that 'Fathers with their happy households owned there cattle, corn and gold'; this was not 'Feudal System' but a system of freedom and individual ownership, and the people were happy in this. Not a system where - 'You will own nothing - and you will be happy' - where this 'happiness' is a forced drug-induced feudal order where the state controls everyone to the minutest detail. 
  • There was (not quoted) no poverty, and none lived by fraud and thieving, no famine nor was the peace and plenty disturbed - proof that this system does not come about by the Marxist Utopia, but by a system of freedom and adherence to one's roots.
  • The Arya (Twice-Born) was free from 'passion, lust of gold and impure greed', and yet gold was abundant and used, but not something to covet and hoard, as the Dark Joten appear to do in our own Germanic Lore.
  • The 'Twice-Born' were faithful to the 'rites and scriptures' and these were observed as a part of daily life; this was no 'Sunday affair' but an everyday thing where the Gods and Forefathers were honoured in the household and within the tribe and nation.
  • An 'Altar blazed in every mansion'; the term 'mansion' is via the French from Latin, and is a 'house', so the Fire-Altar burned in every household of the Twice-Born. The Ancient Solar Race was the Race of Light and Fire, the Fire representing this Divine Light.This is shown more in Aryan Persia (Iran) where the Cult of Fire was more pronounced, and thus this section of the Aryan Race kept to this most ancient tradition. 
  • The Ancient Caste System was strictly adhered to, each section of the hierarchy being as important as the next, but each level with respect to the higher level - a total harmony of working. This Divine Order was given by Manu, and in the Eddas by Rig who is merely another name for the same ancient figure that appeared here in Middle-Earth to help our Folk in ancient times, and to set down the Divine Order of the Gods. 
  • We are told (not quoted) that their city was guarded by 'troops who never turned in battle' which tells us that the empire lived in peace and plenty, but this was not a universal Golden Age, and this is clear because the Ramayana features great battles as does the Mahabharata, in fact wars using 'weapons of mass destruction' which has been overlooked by some scholars who still hold to the 'caveman-to-civilisation' idea of 'evolution', rather than its cyclic nature.
  • They used horses and elephants for battle.
  • Rama broke the famous Bow of Rudra before which both the Gods and Asuras had 'in righteous terror quailed'. He thus won the hand of Sita, and this is what the Ramayana is mostly based.

I am certainly not one of those who turns to Hinduism as a spiritual path, since this is not the path of the Germanic Folk; but we have much to learn from ancient times which we have lost in our own Germanic Lore. In fact, we really do not know how much of our own Germanic and Norse Lore has been distorted, since most of it comes through the eyes of Christians who may or may not have written the Ancient Lore down to preserve it, or may have placed within it subtle distortions so as to draw the people away from the Pagan-Heathen past. This certainly seems to be the case with one preserved piece of Old English - Dream of the Rood. I had always seen this as a 'heathen' piece hidden in a 'Christian' text, but after studying it again and again it became clear that this is more like a subtle attempt by a Judaeo-Christian writer to replace the image of Woden hanging upon the World Tree with the alien Christ hanging upon the Cross. Hence why we see the image of Woden on the Bleeding Tree at the start, and as this comes towards the end it is the Cross that has replaced the Living Tree, and Christ that has replaced the god Woden. This is why, in some cases, we can learn from Hindu Texts that are just another section of the Indo-European Peoples.

Many Vedic scholars have also noted that this ancient Vedic Lore could not have originated in the area of India, but seems to have its origins within the Arctic Circle in the Far North. This, of course, fits with the Germanic Legend of Thule, and the Legend of Hyperborea, and so the Ancient Wisdom originated with the Ancient Solar Race that first lived on the Polar Continent of Hyperborea. After a massive catastrophe that seemingly threw the Earth from its original axis, ending the fabled Golden Age, these peoples left the Primordial Land and moved further south, due to the ever-increasing ice and cold that swept across the Northlands. It was thousands of years later that the remnants of the same Northern Folk moved back into Northern Europe - which was the Ur-Land in the first place. 

One thing that stands out from the story of Rama is that this was perhaps the end of a golden era of peace and plenty, since from the very start to find that intrigue has set in. Through this intrigue Rama is exiled with his bride Sita, and has to dwell in the wilderness for a time - maybe an ancient image of the Germanic Mannerbunde where the Noble Son has to leave the bounds of society and go into the wild to live and survive, and the returns as the King, rightfully leading his people. 

One thing that does stand out here is the similarity between certain figures in Greek History and that of the Hindus; we find a 'Jabali the Sceptic' who 'denied heaven and the here-after', just as some Greek Scholars did the same. This hints that the era we are speaking of was not quite the 'Golden Age' portrayed at the start of the epic, but had already begun to degenerate as the Cycle of the Ages moved ever-downwards. The beginning of an era when the Gods and Forefathers were not honoured seems to be found here; the start to a downward cycle towards the Kali Yuga. In one part Bharat , the brother of Rama, greets him as 'Arya', a telling piece where the nature of the High-Born Race can be seen. It is through his being a descendant of the Ancient Solar Race that Rama answers Jabali and his his false reasoning. This marks the point when 'reason' has begun to emerge over the 'intuition' that had been the norm before this time. Rama contrasts the 'true and upright Arya' from the 'scheming worldly-wise'. What Rama tells him is that Truth is above all 'reasoning' and the Truth is found in the Ancient Lore of the Vedas. It is clear that Jubali, who is said to be a rishi is not a 'seer' as the name means, but his ilk have degenerated in time to using reason rather than 'seeing' the Truth. He mentions the gods Agni, Vayu and Indra.

We are given a glimpse how the Aryans of India and the Aryans of Persia were originally one and the same people. Rama comes to the 'Hermitage of Atri' where mention is made of the 'sacred agni-hotra' which is a sacred fire-altar where the family rites are observed. Like our own Ingwe, Agni was obviously a 'God of the Hearth'; we still call the hearth-side the 'Inglenook'. Thus, the Sacred Fire-Altar is dedicated to Agni.

The tragedy of the wife of Rama comes about through here love and affection for her husband, where this ideal woman starts to feel suspicion against Lakshman, the brother of Rama. This all-to-human tale has a sad and tragic side to it, and tells us even more about this ancient time when the golden eras were coming to an end, and war and strife was coming to the world. Sita steps onto a pyre, but is protected by the God of Fire, and comes from the pyre unscathed. They are once more united in love. Here, at the end of the saga, we find them leaving in an Aerial Car - a 'flying car' -

"Sailing o'er the cloudless ether Rama's Pushpa chariot came...."

Thus Rama regained his rightful throne, held for fourteen years for him by his faithful brother Bharat. Quickly pushed aside are the references to this 'Aerial Chariot', as were the references to the Tuatha De Danaan coming to Tara in Ireland in the same type of 'flying machine'. Rama then ushered in an era of peace and plenty throughout his Empire of Light, an age with long life and no disease, where crime and lies were no more, and the seasons were in harmony. All this tells us that there have been various Kingdoms of Light which have been like mini 'golden ages' and that through the Dark Forces these come to and end, the seasons are confounded, and disease and death are rife - as we today are experiencing for ourselves. 

At the end of this epic, which through an added supplement ended on a sadder and darker note, we find the knowledge that the Vedas were handed down by word of mouth through awesome feats of memory. We learn that this consisted of seven books, 500 cantos, and 24,000 couplets, and that the recital of the poem took 25 days to complete! This is the same method as used by the Germanic Folk; at one time, though, the survival of such texts must have been threatened for some reason, and they were then written down. How much was changed or distorted in the process we do not know, but India was not, like Europe, subject to the Judaeo-Christian oppression and destruction of the Ancient Texts.

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