Sunday, 9 October 2022

Behold the Destroyer!


"And God created man in his own image.....And God blessed them....Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the Earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth."

Genesis 1 27-28.

This is said to be a 'Creation Myth' but there is one word within this statement that tells a different story - 'replenish'. This word mean 'to fill up again', and can only refer to a time after the Flood. Add to this the statement by 'God' - 'And God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness.....' and we can see some distortion already, and we are hardly into the first book of the Old Testament here! But, the main point here is the command to 'subdue' the Earth and have 'dominion' over all life upon the Earth. From this command every ill and evil upon Middle-Earth has come about. 

It is a great shame that more people do not read the Old Testament since it is a history of violent attacks, wars and genocide against anyone that stands in the way of the 'One God' - whatever name they have called him by. The ancient Heathen Tribes of the area were subjected to attacks, where their sacred groves, standing stones, and stone circles were destroyed. The ancient Kingdoms of Light, such as Sumer, Babylon, Accad, Assyria, Egypt, Persia and then Rome were the target for the most vile hate. Today we find that this hate, which has existed throughout history, has been turned around against the enemies of these descendants of the Servants of Darkness. This is a clever trick used over and over again. 

There is one Nation that in ancient times seems to have incurred the wrath of Yahweh - the Amalekites. No-one seems to know who these people were - if they ever existed - because there is no mention of them outside the Old Testament. But they seem to be used as a kind of 'eternal opposition' to Israel, and such opponents as Hamas have been dubbed 'Amalekites'. According to the Old Testament Joshua destroyed them in battle, whilst Moses raised his arms on a nearby hill. But they did exist well after this.

Rabbi Ben Artzi, an Israeli Mystic, referred to Hamas as 'The Seed of Amalek' and that the Amalekites were the Archetypal enemies of Israel, and that the Torah commands the Jews to 'wipe out the memory of Amalek' - 

'...that thou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; thou shalt not forget it...'

Deuteronomy 25:19.

The commandments require the killing of all the men, women and children and at any time. Rather a drastic measure against a tribe who were said to have attacked the Israelites after their 'Exile' from Egypt. Rabbi Winston, an 'End of Days' expert, stated - 'It also means that Amalek  has gotten into the other Nations and a little bit of Amalek is in everyone.' This seems to infer that anyone who opposes Israel has a 'bit of Amalek' in them, and can thus - through the 'Commandment of God' be totally destroyed. 

'The commandment isn't to conquer Amalek. It is to wipe him out from the world because as long as there is a memory of Amalek in the world the Moschiach (Messiah) cannot come.'

Rabbi Yosef Berger.

This follows Moses declaration that - 'The Eternal will be at war against Amalek throughout the ages.' This infers a 'Holy War of Extermination' (Genocide) against Amalek. 'Amalek was the first of the Nations; but his latter end shall be that he perish for ever.' (Numbers 25:20). The Kenites were also threatened with the same type of thing, they being allied to the Amalekites. According to Jewish traditions stemming from the Talmud, the descendants of Esau (Amalekites) would become the Romans, and to a larger extent, all Europeans

The meaning of the name 'Amalek' is not known and, as stated before, outside of the Old Testament there is not a mention of him. But we do have a Northern Tribe called the Amelungs or Amalians who were associated with the Knights of Bern and the Saga of Dietrich von Bern. Amal is here Gothic for 'vigour' or 'energy', and we also have the Arabic Amal meaning 'HOPE', and possibly a variant meaning 'Giant'. It is possible that the Amalekites were 'Giants' of their time, and we do have accounts of these being the target for wiping out. There is also the Northern name Amala which is a variant of Hamal. The father of one Hamal is named Hagal, and both these name occur in the Second Lay of Helgi Hundingsbane. Hamal gives his name to the Amalians or Amelungs.

The name Hamal is given to an 'Equinox Star' in Aries, because it showed around April 24th; here the name is Arabic, and said to mean 'Head of the Ram'. Of course, we cannot link such names through etymology since these uses Indo-European and Arabic names, but this does not rule out synchronicity which is not an academic science, but it is a Mystic Science. Hama (Heimdall) is associated with the Ram, and he has a sword named 'Head'; Aries the Ram is the constellation we speak of here. 

Here I am being led From a Word to a Word since all this started off with a Telegram Post yesterday where some questions were left open. This started with the name 'Hadding' and the story where he was driven eastwards after a defeat in battle, where he was sheltered by Woden and aided by Hama. As stated yesterday the name 'Hadding' is said to mean 'The Fair-Haired', though an alternative is 'hairy' - exactly the same as 'Esau'. This would mean little if it were not the case that the Tale of Hadding has so many similarities to that of Dietrich von Bern that there is likely a common origin. The alternative name of the Haddings are - Hazdingas, Asdingi or Hasdingaz - all meaning 'long-haired', so we are told. 

What we need to recall here is that Archetypal Myth is something that underlies our history at different times and in different circumstances. What is of importance to us in our time is that HelgiH the Third is Helgi, Prince of the Haddingas. It is the Heardingas who are the tribe mentioned in the Old English Rune-Poem under the Ing-Rune, where Ing 'follows his waen eastwards over the waves'. The movement of Ingwe here follows the Archetypal Myth where he goes east; this is verified in the 'Legend of Cuthman' which is a Christianised form but related to Ingwe - Cuthman - Krist. 

We are no nearer here finding out who the 'Amalekites' were, and they may well be a kind of 'scapegoat' used to crush any opposition to the authority of the 'One-God'. It is clear through the forms of the Abrahamic Religions that none of them tolerate any form of opposition to their outright authority. It seems that until ALL of those who oppose this are destroyed their 'Messiah' cannot appear, so this is indeed important to us. The existence of our Folk is at stake!

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