Saturday, 15 October 2022

The Red Rose & The Red Dragon.

In the above photo we see 'King Arthur's Round Table' in Winchester; it shows 12 Green Segments with what may be a 13th hidden behind the figure of the 'King'. In the centre is a large Red Rose within which is a much smaller White Rose. I am going to show here how the Myth of the Island Dragons (the Eternal Battle between the Red Dragon-Red Rose of Juda-Rome and the White Dragon-White Rose of Germania) has not only been played out in our English History, but that the figure of 'King Arthur' has more than likely been taken from a British Leader and made into an 'Emperor', even perhaps based upon 'King David of Israel' - or more precisely, what this figure will represent at the End-Time.

In 1485 Henry Tudor (Red Rose - Red Dragon) defeated King Richard III of England (White Rose - White Boar). In mythical terms the Red Dragon defeated the White Dragon. King Richard III was then vilified and has since been further smeared through 'archeological finds'; he has been demonised as an English King. One of the accusations against him was that he had two nephews locked in the Tower and murdered; this, it would seem, fulfilled a prophecy of 'two crimes' that would be committed, a prophecy from the Welsh Mabinogian. However, the 'two crimes' that actually happened were fulfilled by two of King Richards allies who suddenly switched sides! The crime of treason! Whatever the truth of this, and no doubt we shall never know this fully, there seems to have been some 'hidden hand' working in the background here - not the first time, and certainly not the last time. 

This is the 'Brit-Am Rose' which is the Symbol of Israel to the Brit-Am organisation which continues the spread of the '12 Tribes of Israel' deception of the 'British Israelites'. This was taken from the Tudor Rose in fact, which is perhaps not so surprising in view of what I have said about the Eternal Conflict between the Island Dragons. But...this rose above has 6 petals and not 5, the True Rose having only 5 petals - 6s seem to crop up everywhere there is something sinister being pushed. 

"The rose of virtue sent us from on high shall shine in sceptres state eternally" - The motto on the Red Rose of Henry VII, who, incidentally, bred a rose especially for his reign.

This is the Red Rose of the Tudors, and according to Brit-Am the other symbols are the 'breastplates' of the High Priest when he served in the Temple of Jerusalem. This is the symbolism used by Henry Tudor of the Red Dragon and Red Rose. It is said to be the 'Rose of Jacob', and in the above motto (which was in Latin but I'll not bother you folk with that) this 'rose of virtue' 'shall shine in sceptres state eternally' - a phrase which they apply to the 'King of Israel' and his 'Eternal Rule'. Also, I mentioned that the 'Round Table' had 12 segments with a hidden 13th - these numbers figure on the Brit-Am site as the 12-13 Tribes of Israel! 

The Red Rose - White Rose were said to be the union of the two, yet the small rose (White Rose) is clearly dominated by the larger Red Rose. You will note also that the 6-petalled Red-White Rose of Brit-Am has only 5 green 'diamonds', the bottom one is missing. This makes a Pentagram or 5-Pointed Star when these are joined up. 

This is the 'Rose of Israel' and is clearly based upon the Number 6-6-6! Let us look at the name 'Britain'. Brit-Ain - 'Berith' is Hebrew for 'Covenant' and 'Ain' is Hebrew for 'Eye' - Covenant of the Eye. Of course, the 'Eye' could be linked to the Masonic 'Eye' ('Eye of God') and the 'Eye of Sauron'. 

I have, some years ago, been into the idea that in ancient Britain an alien priesthood ruled, possible posing as the 'Druids', and that these were responsible for the 'blood sacrifices' which were recorded at certain times and certain places. William Blake seems to suggest that 'Zion' trod these lands in ancient times, and there does seem evidence for this, though it is not the subject of this post. I will cover this later since it is important, but for now that must wait.

The Symbol of Ingwe - the White Dragon - is thus of the greatest importance to our Eternal Struggle; it would seem important that this symbol is more widely used amongst the English. It rose anew with the 'English Awakening' some 10 years ago, but has faded slightly today. This is maybe inevitable since a new 'Awakening' will come as the White Dragon rises again. The White Dragon and the White Rose of Albion are the prime English Symbols.

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