Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Misinformation & Disinformation

 I am not a regular YouTube user since this is another propaganda outlet owned and run by the Globalists, and it is a mine of misinformation and disinformation, as well as 'information overload', where we are bombarded with so much information we do not know what is true and what is false. But I do look sometimes at some of the stuff, just to keep up to date on things going on, and came across a site called 'Wodenism - Truth' which was set up 'to combat misinformation and disinformation'. This site was -

  • Set up around 7 months ago, so is a new site, and this was the only video that it has put up.
  • The group that is supposed to have opened the site is named 'The Woden's Kin - English Polytheist Kindred, they have a website on wodenism.weebly.com which is quite wide in its content. 
There are two quotes on the site which I would like to address -
  • "Wodenists do not believe in magic, divination, nor charms."
  • "Wodenists do not believe in myths...."
Clearly, from the website they use, they believe the runes to be merely an alphabet, and treat it as such. I don't know what they make of the Runic Charms found in the Havamal which are clearly Magical Charms. Nor that divination was used by Germanic Tribes, as Tacitus tells us. They believe myth to be based upon fiction and are merely tales told for enjoyment rather than ETERNAL TRUTHS, which they really are. The problem here is in the dictionary meanings given to 'myth', since they have been devised in times when myth is totally misunderstood. The tone of the writings is that of ridiculing those who do not have this view of Myths - more typical of established academia rather than an alternative one. 

The real problem here is the tone used which says explicitly that 'Wodenists do not believe.....' which implies that all Wodenists are meant, whereas this is merely an opinion of one person or group that classes themselves as 'Wodenist'. We should probably refer to these groups as 'Anglo-Saxon Reconstructionists' since that is what they are doing, whereas 'Wodenism' is timeless, not restricted to one particular era in history. Some weeks ago I placed a post on Telegram which warned of how those who place their whole emphasis upon academic and intellectual study, and reject any form of esoteric study, arise when a religion is in decline. Mystics and Seers found religions, Priests take their place over time, and in time these become tools of power rather than guides, and lastly the academics and intellectuals take their place (in this case as the 'priests').

The problem that I see here is that the phrase 'Wodenists do not.......' is rather more of a command in a sense, since anyone wishing to take upon Wodenism would assume that this is what has to be believed. We are struggling against a system that tries to control everything that we do, and I doubt that we need those 'on our side' doing exactly the same thing. When I was in Odinism there were those who studied the esoteric side, and those who did not, but each was acceptable to the other. Norse Mythology is rife with magic and mysticism, and I have wondered if these 'Anglo-Saxon Reconstructionists' think this does not apply to the English Tribes, just another branch of the Germanic-Nordic Folk. 

This is really not a problem to us, only in that these people have set up a YouTube site specifically to counter 'Misinformation and Disinformation', i.e. an open attack upon those groups that study and use the Esoteric Arts. This implies that groups like WF spread 'misinformation' and 'disinformation' - words that are used by The System against those that oppose them. When our Folk are threatened with total destruction (simple logic would make that clear) we need cooperation between groups and individuals, not the type of stuff that will aid the 'Divide and Conquer' methods of The System. 

Another angle here is that Judaeo-Christianity has in the main lost its Esoteric Christianity, which did once exist side-by-side with the Exoteric Christianity, and in doing so has become less of a spiritual movement and more of a materialistic movement - at least in the Established Church. (One could say it is now more of a Marxist Organisation.) Taking out the Esoteric Wodenism from Wodenism will do much the same thing, leaving it as a material shell with no spiritual energy and power. When Woden's Folk revived Folkish Wodenism here in England back in 1998 this was done through a balance of exoteric and esoteric, and to create a new Folkish Religion suited to the New Age that we are entering. Without the esoteric side, and the means by which individuals can access the Spiritual World all that is left is an 'Exoteric Priesthood' like that of today's Christian Church here in England. The Christian Church persecuted those who practiced magic and mysticism, which proves that they believed in magic and mysticism! 

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