Monday, 13 January 2025

Kalki Avatar

Kalki Avatar

We do not know when Kalki Avatar will appear since it seems that no actual dates have been recorded, only certain hints in different sources. What we do know is that he will appear at the very end of the Kali Yuga (Dark Age) and that certain signs herald his coming. In the spring of 1997 I was given the Helgi Mysteries whence HelgiH is seen as the Germanic name for Kalki, and thus these may give some clue, although this is still rather vague. I am going to compare what happened in 1997 to what we know about Kalki Avatar.

  • Kalki's birth will be heralded by a 'New Star' - the 'Birth-Star' - called Khadya Ashwini, and which is not really 'new' but appears every 6,000 years. On the night of Sunday March 23rd, whilst watching the Hale-Bopp Comet, I saw a Golden Light in the sky passing from East to West, with another Golden Thread towards the North. The East-West Golden Thread turned into a mighty Golden Sword, pointing towards the West. At the end of this Golden Sword was a bright star, the brightest that I have even seen, which appeared suddenly, stayed for about 10 minutes, and then shot upwards towards the North. As this happened the Sword of Light changed direction and pointed towards the East. "For as the lightning cometh out of the East, and shineth even unto the West, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be."  (Matthew 24:27). Let us recall here that the Warrior Krist is the same archetype as Kalki Avatar. 
  • It seems unlikely that a 'new star' appears every 6,000 years but it is possible that this could refer to a comet, and here we have the Hale-Bopp Comet which is said to return every 4,000 years. There is also a reference to 'But as the days of No-e were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be' which suggests the time of the Great Flood, dated around 4,000 years ago again, the last time the Hale-Bopp Comet is said to have passed. 
  • The 'Birth Star' of Kalki - Khadya Ashwini - is named after the Divine Horse Twins (Aswins) and is the head of Aries. This in itself is interesting since March 23rd, the date of this experience, is in Aries which we see as a Ram. 
  • It seems that the reason why the White Horse was used as symbolic of Kalki is due to the link to the Aswins. At the time when the Helgi Mysteries were given one of my thoughts was that the Hale-Bopp Comet was 'Baphomet' (Bab-Komet or Bopp-Comet), but another intuitive idea was that this was Sleipnir - Woden's Steed. Sleipnir is the 'White Horse' of the Wild Hunter-God, and it is also Ygg-dra-sil - the 'Steed of Ygg' (Woden). This is the 'White Tree' and the 'White Steed'. 
  • The last part of the film series 'The Omen' ('The Final Conflict') actually shows a star-formation in Cassiopeia (the area the Hale-Bopp Comet was at the time), the conjunction which took place over the South of England (Angel Isle). This heralded the Birth of the Warrior-Krist. The date - March 24th.
  • There is also a 'rare eclipse' that was said to come with the Birth of Kalki, and there was a Lunar Eclipse on March 23rd, but also a more important Solar Eclipse two years later on August 11th 1999. This one was important in that it traversed a line right across Europe and the ancient Aryan Lands in the East. 
  • On August 11th 1999 the 'Sign of the Son of Man' (Ing-Rune - Solar-Cross) appeared in the heavens with the Solar Eclipse. This was a sign of the 'Second Coming', the coming of the 'Son of Man' - the Warrior-Krist. It was also predicted by Nostradamus, whose quatrain on the subject had the 'Great King of Terror' (Solar Eclipse) re-awakening the 'King of the Angles' (here 'Ingwe' or 'King Arthur' as the 'Once and Future King'). He was only one month out on his dating! 
  • The Kali Yuga appears to have started after the Great War of the Mahabharata after which Krishna disappeared from the Earth. It is very often overlooked that this war - a brother's war like World War I and World War II - had massive 'weapons of destruction' that could slay tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. This does not fit in with the modern 'evolution theory', and suggests that there were vastly greater ancient civilisations that perished, much like ours will in the future. Flying chariots were also used, and the 'weapons of mass destruction' were called Astra Weapons, and wielded by both sides of the conflict. The war was fought between the Karavas and the Pandavas, with Arjuna leading the Pandavas, given advice by the god Krishna, an Avatar of Vishnu. The massive power of the Astra Weapons can be seen when both Arjuna and Ashwathama (an Immortal Warrior) wield these weapons against each other, but if they collided the Earth would be totally destroyed, so Arjuna holds his back, but Ashwathama does not, aiming it at the womb of the pregnant Uttara, wife of Arjuna, to destroy the Pandava Lineage. For this Arjuna curses him. Tolkien also uses the theme of three mighty battles before the Dark Forces are destroyed.
  • Norse Mythology speaks of Ragnarok, a battle that takes place in the future, but there is an account of the Battle of Bravellir which Saxo portrays as apocalyptic chaos. The account of this battle parallels that of the Kurukshetra War in the Mahabharata. Stig Wikander noted some remarkable parallels between the two wars, and Dumezil expanded on these. Unfortunately, historians often fail to recognise that these are Archetypal Myths, and as such are part of the 'Eternal Recurrence' of Nietzsche, so they will naturally repeat over and over again (in slightly differing forms) in the Cycle of the Ages. This is why we have far more imagery in the Battle of Bravellir than we do of the Ragnarok - the former was in the past, the latter in the future. 

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