Thursday, 20 October 2016

Woden's Initiation

Recovery of the Runes

"I wot that I hung on the wind-tossed tree
all of nights nine,
wounded by spear, bespoken to Woden,
bespoken myself to myself,
upon that tree of which none telleth
from what roots it doth rise..."
Neither horn they upheld nor handed me bread;
I looked below me -
aloud I cried -
caught up the runes, caught them up wailing,
thence to the ground fell again."
Woden hangs upon Iggdrasil, the World Tree for 9 nights, wounded with a spear, given himself to himself in a self-sacrifice; none know from whence the source of this ancient tree lies (not even modern science!). Woden was given neither drink nor food. From below him he looked to see the Ancient Runes, cried out and caught up the Runes, falling thence to the ground. In another lay the World Tree is called Mimameidr which means 'Tree of Mimir' or 'Tree of Memory'. This hints that Woden has to delve into the 'Ancient Memory' in order to seek the runes. In this section it is Woden himself that is speaking, giving the account of his self-initiation.
This is what most would call a Shamanic Rite in which he searched for knowledge; the term 'rune' mean 'secret', 'hidden', 'mystery', so his search was for hidden knowledge or occult knowledge.

Nine Lays of Power.

 "From the son of Bolthorn, Bestla's father,
I mastered mighty sons nine,
and a drink I had of the dearest mead,
got from out of Odroerir.
Then began I to grow and gain in insight,
to wax eke in wisdom:
from a word to a word I was led to a word,
from a deed to a deed I was led to a deed."
An alternative has it that Woden gained a draught of the 'precious mead' which was 'mixed with magic Odroerir'. Bolthorn is Woden's grandfather and it would seem that these 'Nine Lays of Power' were given to Woden in order to protect him on a quest he was to undertake. In the Lay of Svipdag we find that his dead mother, Groa (*) is awakened by Svipdag and gives him Nine Power-Spells designed to help him through the trials of reaching the World of the Dead - Hel. We can thus assume that Woden's Initiation did not stop at finding the runes, but was intended for a future quest that he had to undertaken, needing the Nine Lays of Power to undertake this quest. These are the Nine Power-Spells -
1. This shakes off any fear he has, so that he can seek the way himself.
2. Wyrd's Magic Songs guards him from all directions when he is met with 'mocking words'.
3. This third one protects him from drowning.
4. This one stays any foemen in their tracks, and stops them from attacking him.
5. This is a loosening spell that breaks fetters and bonds.
6. This one stills the wild seas, calms the wind and water to allow him to fare forth without fear.
7. This one protects him from the cold and frost.
8. This protects from the 'wraith of a Christian wretch'.
9. This one allows him to bandy words with a Thurs, so that he lacks not speech to counter.
We must not forget that Iggdrasil, the World Tree upon which Woden hangs, is not only a tree but also Woden's Steed. The name 'Iggdrasil' means 'Horse of Igg' or 'Steed of Igg'. Igg was a name of Woden before he became known as Woden. This could be understood by his undergoing this Shamanic Initiation as Igg, who then becomes Woden - 'Master of Wod'. In some accounts, such as the ride of Hermod to Hel, the Eight-Legged Steed of Woden (Sleipnir) is used, so in this we may see Woden riding this on his quest. This is important because the Shaman's Drumming mimics the hooves of the Eight-Legged Steed on its Spirit-Journey.

Quest for the Sacred Mead.

We must now move to Woden's gaining a draught of mead from Odroerir, or mixed with Odroerir. Some see Bolthorn's son as Mimir, which would make him Woden's uncle; this is interesting in that in Germania the uncle often taught knowledge. Mimir was wise because he drank from the Spring of Mimir out of the horn Gjoll. In another account Woden pledges his eye in exchange for the drink from the Well of Mimir. It would seem that somehow Mimir then gains himself through drinking from the Eye of Woden. Drinking from the Well of Mimir means drinking from the Well of Memory or Blood Memory.
We could see Woden's Eye as the 'Mind's Eye' or 'Third Eye' which now lies deep in the Blood Memory, atrophied in mankind. But if this refers to Woden himself it does not make sense; for the majority of mankind, yes, but not for one who is the Master of Wod. Of course, it could be symbolic of his 'losing' this eye so that he can look inwards into the Blood Memory. Whatever the case, again Woden gains in wisdom and knowledge.
What is the 'quest' that Woden wishes to undertake? It is the quest to take back the Mead of Inspiration from the Giant Suttung, which is guarded by his daughter Gunnlod. Before we go into this we need to look at the Sacred Mead itself. The Sacred Mead was made from the Blood of Kvasir the Wise, mixed with honey to make it into mead - it is that a source of knowledge and wisdom. There are also other sources of the Sacred Mead, since both the Well of Wyrd and the Well of Mimir are sources of mead. Indeed, this mead runs up the World Tree (Laerad), nurtured by the Wyrd Sisters, from which Heidrun ('Bright-Rune') feeds and who then sustains the Aryan Heroes in Valhalla with this drink. We must remember that this is the 'Waters of Life' which sustain the Heroes.
In order to gain the mead Woden journeys to Suttung's Realm, to Hnitbjorg which means 'Clashing Mountain' reminding us of the Symplegates in Greek Mythology - a symbol for the entrance into another world. He gains access to the mountain by having a hole bored by an augur - Rati (**) - and shape-shifting into a Serpent. Inside he gets drunk and lays three nights with Gunnlod in what can only be described as a Tantric Rite, and escapes with her help, changing into an Eagle. The symbolism is clear in this since the Serpent is an earth-bound creature, whilst the Eagle represents a heavenly bird. The Serpent and Eagle are connected with Iggdrasil and also with the symbolism on the Sutton Hoo Helmet.
The object of the quest was to gain the Sacred Mead, held in the three vats or kettles - Bodn, Son and Odroerir. I have gone into these before in The Three Cauldrons so suffice it to say that the Sacred Mead that he stole from the Giants is the same as the Soma-Madhu of Aryan India, it is the Amrita - the Mead of Immortality. Whereas Woden 'ate' from the Tree of Knowledge to be able to undertake the journey of his quest, the ultimate goal was to 'eat' of the Tree of Life which is to gain immortality. But Woden was a God - an immortal.
Woden was the Archetypal Shaman or Ancestral Shaman, the first to undertake this type of Initiation; this was not for him but for his Folk. This Primal Myth was the prototype for all other myths of this sort, it was that of the Shaman's Initiation - or Priestly Initiation. As the First Shaman he has to lead the way for the shaman-wizards on Middle-Earth to be able to follow. As such he is the Great Initiator - the Primal Initiator.

Three-fold Initiation.

1. Starting at the Hara-Centre which is the lowest cauldron, the Ur-Centre, the next stage is to move upwards along the spinal column (Mount Su-Me-Ru). We move upwards from Bodn. At this point the Initiate takes the form of the Serpent.
2. The next centre is the Solar Plexus/Heart Centre situated along the spinal column, that of Son. This is the Lagu-Centre.
3. Finally we reach the Head-Centre around the Mind's Eye and above; this is Odroerir and the Ansuz-Centre. Here the 'Sacred Marriage' takes place (Woden to Gunnlod). This is the union of opposites - HE/SHE in the lore of Miguel Serrano. At this point the Initiate takes the form of an Eagle.
The stealing of the Sacred Mead is to gain the knowledge of how to achieve Immortality, the creation of the Sun-Man, the Superman, the God-Man. Woden is the Great Initiator whose self-sacrifice enables us to achieve this. But it is only for the noble and the hero, not for the mass of people. As Serrano says, it is for the Vira who are those who feel the Call of the Blood and respond by taking up the Sacred Blood Struggle. The Soma-Madhu in the Rig Vedas tells us what it does to the gods, and this is open to men, but only those who take up the struggle, and who have the will to overcome the limitations of man.

The Immortals.

We need to remember here that mankind has not 'evolved' as the Old Order tries to tell us, rather mankind has 'devolved', gone backwards, we may even say has undergone a 'fall'. In the Golden Age man walked with the Gods; in the Ur-Hyperborea dwelt a Race of God-Men who were translucent, spiritual beings, 'Shining Ones', 'Immortals', of the fairest hue and with the Igneous Blood of the Black Sun - the Ancient Sun that illuminated Hyperborea. Due to a spiritual 'fall' when this Divine Race mixed with the lower species on Earth, the earth's axis tilted and the Golden Age came to an end.
Through the Cycle of the Ages this 'fall' continued apace until we reach the lowest part of the Cosmic Cycle, the lowest point of the Kali Yuga, Warg-Age or Dark Age, when the Ragnarok brings everything down. Mankind is at its lowest point, nearing its 'death', locked into the material world, broken off from the spiritual realms. Yet there is hope, hope in the form of the Race of Hope, the Aryan Man who is an archetype, a primal type that exists today only in the form of 'hope'. The hope of a resurrection, of a rebirth of the Hero. The key to this is the Aryan Gene and the Ancient Runes that can unlock this 'potential'. Our race has fallen as far as it can, and the only way is onwards and upwards, upwards towards the Superman - the God-Man - the Solar Man.
 (*) Groa stems from the Welsh grouch which means 'witch'. She is a 'Wise Woman'.

(**) The name 'Rati' stems from a root meaning 'ecstacy', 'rapture' or even 'orgasm', and with the symbolic serpent there is an obvious sexual connotation to this - a Tantric Rite

Friday, 14 October 2016

Ur-Hyperborea and At-al-land.

I have covered the subject of At-al-land in various posts recently and in the past; I think it is now time to ensure that this subject is put into perspective so that misunderstandings cannot occur. At-al-land is not the Land of Hyperborea, or at least it is not the original Land of Hyperborea. Miguel Serrano postulates that there were five Hyperboreas, but this will not concern us here; this is why I have decided to use the term Ur-Hyperborea for the original one on which dwelt a race of translucent 'blue-blooded' Shining Ones.
Neither is Atlantis the Ur-Hyperborea and is more likely At-al-land or Atland of the North, though even this is not certain. In Plato's description of Atlantis he speaks of an island which is fertile and green and mentions the growing of crops, and also the training of warriors for war. On the Ur-Hyperborea crops were not sown and war was not known, it was a Golden Age of Perfection. So we have to distinguish between the two. I am now going to look at the two concepts separately -


Ur-Hyperborea -

This was the Land of the Golden Age, peopled by a 'Race of Light' whose blood was the Igneous Blood or 'Blue Blood' which coursed through the veins of a translucent race, a perfect race. This land was destroyed in an ancient catastrophe when this race polluted its Divine Blood by interbreeding with men, and thus the Three Giant Maidens appeared (Wyrd Sisters or Norns) and with these came Time - the Cycles of Time. The catastrophe tilted the earth's axis by some 23 1/3 degrees which started the Cycle of Precession.
At the same time as this happened a section of the Hyperborean Race who had not mixed their Divine Blood were sectioned off and as the continent sank they and the land-mass their dwelt upon were moved into a different dimension, into a different 'world'. This is the 'Inner Earth' of Miguel Serrano. This is certainly an over-simplified version but will suit us here. The key to this Aryan Mystery, or Hyperborean Mystery should we say, is that the Perfect Land and the Perfect Race were separated from the physical Earth and physical race that was left.
Miguel Serrano's works suggest that the Ur-Hyperborea existed as the Land of the Gods in the beginning, and that an earthly Hyperborea was created, and this is the one from which the Hyperboreans mixed their blood or took to wives the 'daughters of men'. This makes no real difference to my arguments here.

At-al-land -

Whereas Ur-Hyperborea was situated in the Farthest North (of the time), At-al-land came after this and was in the North-West. What was left of the ancient Hyperborean Race, now somewhat mixed in blood, would have moved down into the area we know as At-al-land - the 'Racial Homeland'. Maybe they scattered even further, but we do not know for sure since this is so long ago. The Mahabharata mentions an Atala - The White Island - which would also be the Island of Albion. (*)
The peoples of Atala were of fair complexion and were devoted to Narayana who was an aspect of the god Vishnu. This is perhaps interesting since the make-up of the name gives us a clue to the next events -
N - This was an ancient glyph of the Serpent, here reaching upwards towards the skies.
Ar(a)yan(a) - Aryan.
The Serpent was an ancient glyph of knowledge and wisdom, and also the ability to regenerate, since it oft sheds its skin, thus regenerating itself. It is noteworthy that here the Serpent is N which reaches upwards. With the 'Fall of Man' the Serpent was made to 'lie on its belly', i.e. become a 'Z', and thus the N-ion (N - aeon) became Z-ion (Zion). The Serpent no longer reached upwards to the heavens, it lay on its belly and slithered across the Earth - the material world. The original Serpent of Knowledge, Wisdom and Immortality was the Aryan Serpent. A land of Seven Islands, situated in the West, was known by the name Amentet by the Egyptians. These 'Serpent-Aryans' can be found in the Nagas of India, the 'Feathered Serpent' (Quetzalcoatl) of the Americas, Votan of the Mayans (of the Race of Chan, or 'Race of Serpents'). (**)
A series of catastrophes, reaching over thousands of years, sank the continent of At-al-land, the last ones being around 3,000 to 4,000 years ago; 5,000 years ago the Isles of the Blest sank around Doggerbank (or rather, I surmise that this happened). We know that many parts of the lands sank, killing untold thousands of people, but many would have escaped, and Occult Legend has it that they moved across to the Gobi Desert where a new and vast civilisation was created.
Since we seem to have evidence that North-West Europeans inhabited the area around the Tarim Basin in China, and that Aryans moved downwards into Iran and India, this may hint that these were some of the survivors of At-al-land. It has been promoted that the DNA of Tutankhamun matches that of North-West Europeans, so we may also assume that some of the survivors fled to Egypt and founded dynasties there. We have also evidence of the White Gods in the Americas. Whether some of these Folk-Wanderings occurred after the destruction of Hyperborea, and later with the destruction of At-al-land we may never know for sure, although new evidence is always arising. Our problem is that the truth is being viciously suppressed.
What we do know from Plato's account of Atlantis is that the High Race once again mixed its blood with lower species, and this was the cause of the sinking of At-al-land. This was, of course, after the remnants of Hyperborea had taken on physical form and fallen into matter; Miguel Serrano suggests that this was a deliberate ploy by the Gods to enter the realm of the Demiurge and wage war in the material world - a dangerous plan but one that would allow mankind to arise again to become the God-Man. Obviously, to do this the ego ('I') had to be developed in Aryan Man, to be able to transmute this into the Absolute I.
What happened to Hyperborea? What has this to do with the 'Inner Earth' which features so much in the works of Miguel Serrano? These are now questions that I shall try to answer. The answer lies in Norse Mythology and the concept of Odainsakr and the Asmegir.

Odainsakr & the Asmegir -

There are accounts of humans trying to reach a land called Odainsakr and I will recount one of them here. The best research on this was done by Viktor Rydberg in his Teutonic Mythology. I will take this from his excellent works -
Erik, a son of a Norwegian King, set out to find Odainsacre which he thought identified with Paradise. To do so he had with him another Erik, a Danish prince. and some helpers. After a long journey they come to a stone bridge guarded by a dragon; Erik of Norway seized one of his men, took up his sword, and rushed at the dragon. Both were swept into the jaws of the dragon, at which Erik of Denmark returned home. But they survived and found themselves in a wondrous land. They found a tower suspended in the air, with a ladder which reached up to it. Inside this was a room with a table laden with good food, and beds to rest upon.
They ate and then rested, and whilst Erik slept a 'beautiful lad' came to him; he told Erik that he was the angel that guarded the Gates of Paradise, and he was also his Guardian Angel. He asked Erik if he wished to stay or to return, to which Erik replied that he would return. At this the angel told Erik that this was not Paradise, for only pure spirits dwelt there, but bordered the Land of Paradise.
We can see in this account that Erik entered another world, another dimension, another realm if you like. This seems clear because he -
1. Gets into it through the mouth of a dragon.
2. Inside it is a tower that is suspended, and reached only by a ladder, i.e. it defies our physical laws and thus must be a realm with other laws, or none.
Going through the Norse Sagas we find references to this world of Odainsakr and we can put together a picture of what this means -
  • There is a Land of Flowers bordered by a river (River Gjoll over which is the Gjaller Bridge).
  • On the other side of the river is a Land of the Battle-Fallen (which must have preceded the creation of Valhalla, perhaps (as Rydberg suggests) when Woden was banished.
  • There are two different and distinct Jotenheims, one of which is a Subterranean Jotenheim in which is the Well of Wyrd and Mimir's Well.
  • Odainsakr is the land where disease, old age and death cannot exist, it is a land of perfection, peace and total harmony. No evil can exist there.
  • The entrance to Odainsakr is on the Farthest North.
  • It is ruled over by Mimir; in it is Mimir's Grove/Treasure-Mimir's Grove. This is where Lif and Lifthrasir dwell.
  • This is also the realm of the Asmegir whose name means 'Asa-Powers'.
  • When Baldaeg dies the Asmegir eagerly await his coming; he is welcomed by a sacrifice where the Soma-Madhu is drunk - the 'Waters of Life'.
  • These realms are in Hel/Hela which is the 'Hidden Land' or 'Coincealed Land' and which has nothing whatever to do with the Judaeo-Christian 'Hell' which is based upon the Jewish 'Gehenna'.
  • Odainsakr is called Jorth lifanda manna which translates as 'The Earth of Living Men'. This is important since it is actually referred to as 'Earth' and Miguel Serrano calls this the Inner Earth. But there is also (maybe) a play-on-words here for - 'manna' is the name used for the 'divine inspiration' mentioned in the New Testament (in regard to the White Stone in fact) - the 'Hidden Man-na'. This would thus read - The Earth of the Living Manna'. The 'Waters of Life' spring from these lands.
  • In one part Odainsakr is said to have existed through the ages.
We can deduce from this that Odainsakr is the Ur-Hyperborea which moved into another dimension/realm when the great catastrophe happened. This world moved as a prestine world of perfection, together with the Golden Race which was also pure and unblemished. Only the pure and unblemished could enter this land, and no evil or violence could enter this world. This is why the Land of the Fallen Heroes was separate, another part of the Inner World, because its warriors had to train for war and combat, train for the Eternal War. Lif and Lifthrasir, and the Asmegir, are the Coming Race that will repopulate the New Hyperborea, the Hyperborea risen from the Underworld, the New Earth after the cleansing by Fire and Flood.
Over the Asmegir ruled Baldaeg, and I have shown before how his symbolism in the Underworld is the Fylfot-Swastika; as the Sun-God he is thus very likely the Black Sun that illuminates Odainsakr. This is the Swastika of the Return. There are further secrets that we can look at now regarding this Hidden World.
As I said, this world is ruled by the Wise Mimir - the Severed Head! In the land beside this, in Hela's realm, is the Glittering Plain, In part of this land is the Well of Wyrd (Urd's Well), and Wyrd (as I have sought to show) can be equated with Morgana, who sent the 'Bearded Head' (Hale-Bopp Comet) to us in order to herald the building of the New Babylon in the North and to herald the appearance of the Third Sargon (Last Avatar). We have seen how the Hale-Bopp Comet has been linked to the sinking of At-al-land throughout the Cycle of the Ages. It was also responsible for the formation of Woden's Folk in 1998. We are now at the Ragnarok.

The Seven Sons of Mimir -

Their legend is that of the Seven Sleepers and they are linked to the Seven Swords of Wayland Lore in Folkish Wodenism. Before Ragnarok they 'spring up' or 'get into lively motion', the trigger for this is the sound of the Gjallar-Horn which announces the destruction of the worlds. At this time Woden consults the Head of Mimir. The Legend of the Seven Sleepers is one in which they lie asleep through the ages in a cave; this is near to the ocean maelstrom caused by Hvergelmir ('The Roaring Cauldron'). It seems clear that the Seven Sons of Mimir sleep in a cave in the northern part of Mimir's lands, near to the Fountain of Hvergelmir, which causes the maelstrom, and thus would be in a parallel-world in the same area as the maelstrom.
Rydberg traces these Sons of Mimir to Sindre-Dvalin and his kin, and in the same area dwells Mimir's daughter, Nat. He also suggests that when Mimir is slain due to the First War of the AEsir and Vanir, the World Tree loses its guardian and thus decays and withers, physically and morally, just as does the world of men and the earth.
Sindre-Dvalin is the enemy of Loki, a hero-figure, and when he awakens at Ragnarok he rides a horse named Modhinn. Of course, the Seven Sleepers are connected to the concept of the resurrection of the dead. When the arise they take up the Seven Swords of Mimir (Wayland) to protect the Inner World.

Litr Godha -

This is usually misunderstood, its meaning said to be 'good complexion'. Indeed, this is the meaning but it goes far deeper that the physical sense. Litr refers to the Inner Being or Astral Body. It was the litr godha or 'Form of the Gods' that dwelt within the physical body and which gave shape and character to the outer form. This is why in Greece we find the perfected bodies which reflected the litr godha - the 'Form of the Gods' - which was the inner form. This was given to Ask and Embla by Lodur, who is not Loki as has been suggested. He also gave la which is connected to 'blood' and to the Lagu-Rune. We are not told that Lodur also gives laeti but this is mentioned in a previous stanza so we can assume this. Laeti is connected to 'movement'  and 'action', and here we can see that Ask and Embla (static trees) become human through movement, action and motion, which does not exist in the plant world. (Notice we see no mention of 'apes' in all this!)
It should be obvious that in today's world the Litr Godha does not exist in the mass of people, obvious even more so in the number of 'mutants', 'degenerates' and 'low-lifes' that bear no resemblance to the images of the Gods of the Ancient World. Most of these could be seen as the 'monsters of chaos' which wage war against the Gods & Man at Ragnarok. These people have lost their Litr Godha (Astral Body - Body of Light).
Rydberg equates Lodhur with Mundilfore, who we know as Waendal; it is he who gives us the 'Blood', the 'Fire' (heat) that gives us life and energy. He also gives to us the 'Inner Form of the Gods' which we can now see as the Aryan Archetype, the Perfected Man, which once walked the Earth and dwelt in Hyperborea. Through mixing with the lower races, and then through further degeneration as the Kali-Yuga/Warg-Age set in, the Litr Godha was corrupted, lost altogether in most, and (like the Third Eye) no longer worked to show an outer form of the Perfect Man - the Aryan Man. At the end of the Warg-Age we can only 'resurrect' this Astral Body, recreate it from within. This is the Divine Form of the gods, the tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed Archetypal Aryan which today does not exists as such - it has to be re-created, resurrected from within.
(*) It would be advantageous to read The Final Battalion published by the 55 Club in relation to much of this, since this excellent book covers the subject of the Folk-Wanderings. Also Teutonic Mythology by Viktor Rydberg which seems to be one of the best interpretations of Norse Mythology.
(**) The Serpent-Aryan idea does not suggest the 'Reptilian Aryans' of David Icke which is disinformation on a grand scale; it is a shame that David Icke had to bring into his works this type of stuff since his 'conspiracy' work details a great deal about the 'New World Order' the 'Illuminati' and the 'Elders of Zion', stuff that is negated by his ideas on 'Reptilian Aryans' and 'Aliens'.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Hale-Bopp Comet Mystery

Wotan's Krieger's German ancestry has allowed him to translate many German texts into English which has helped tremendously in our work. One of these was part of the Prophecies of Sajaha which are certainly an eye-opening to us, being almost exact as to how our modern society is - corrupt, degenerate and ruled by an evil power that seeks our destruction. I am not going to try to cover these prophecies but to make mention of a certain part of this which is up on a site by David Icke.

"Of all the realms/empires one returns twice - and always in a different location. The vibration derived of the Bab-Chomet causes this."

The 'Bab-Chomet'! Immediately I thought of the 'Bop-Comet' or 'Hale-Bopp Comet' since this is very much the same. This might not be obvious to others but to me it stuck out because of the experience I had in the spring of 1997. At the time I was meditating on the Comet and the thought of 'Baphomet' came into my head, and then 'Bopp-Comet'. Indeed, here we have the prefix 'Bap' in the name 'Bab-Chomet'. The interchange of 'c' and 'h' are valid since we find such words as 'Cerne' and 'Herne' being mere differences of culture and area.
As a matter of interest I tapped the name 'Bap-Chomet' into Bing Search and it came up with 'Baphomet'. Most people probably know 'Baphomet' as the satanic figure of Eliphas Levi, but the original was said to be worshipped by the Knights Templar as a severed head. So it would appear that these two are totally different conceptions, the Knight's Templar obviously being the more exact, since they actually used this image.
Getting back to the above quote, it refers obviously to Babylon, and in particular to the Empire of Sargon which would be 'resurrected' in the North. This part of the prophecy suggests that it is the Hale-Bopp Comet that sends out vibration to cause this to happen. What we have to remember is that the Hale-Bopp Comet showed to me the Mysteries of HelgiH and in the Third Sargon we have the same archetype - the Last Avatar. Fancifully, we could break down the English version of his name - SARGON - thus -

S = Sieg = Victory.
Ar-Gon = Aryan.

We have thus, in the name SARGON - Aryan Victory! The root words do give this as anyone can check, since Ar-Gon is the same as Ar-Gan, and Gan is a more southerly form of the Germanic 'Kan', thus Ar-Kan, and the suffix '-yan' is Gon/Gan/Kan. Of course, this is mere 'coincidence', perhaps 'meaningful coincidence'.

As I have shown before, the Hale-Bopp Comet is linked to the coming of the 'Son of Man' which will be as in the time of Noah and the Flood, i.e when the Hale-Bopp Comet came past before. It is thus linked to the Third Sargon who again is the same archetype. There is a strange tale written about the Knight's Templar, one which features the severed head of a woman. It seems that the figure of the head of a woman was found by the Inquisition. We shall now look into this mystery.

The head was of silver and inside it were two head-bones which turned out to be that of a small woman; they were wrapped in white linen with a red cloth around it - Red and White are the colours of the Templar Cross. A label was attached on which was written - CAPUT LVIIIm. (*) This translates as 'Head 58m', which seems rather obscure. But it may be that the 'm' is not a letter but the sign for Virgo, which is like an 'm'. Thus the meaning would change to - 'Head 58 Virgo'. On interrogation one knight told the Inquisition that this head had nothing to do with the male head worshipped by the Templars. A later story seems to give the name Yse to the woman of the head.
In the list of charges brought against the Templars some of them concerned the Severed Head, and in reading these it would seem that they are similar to the properties given to the 'Holy Grail'. There may be a link to the Cauldron of Bran which some Celtic scholars equate with the Holy Grail. Whatever the case we cannot but see the Norse God, Mimir, as being linked through his Severed Head. Woden consults this prior to Ragnarok. The woman's head and the head-bones are symbolic of the Death's Head or Skull & Crossbones. This developed into the flag of the 'pirates' which features a one-eyed figure (Woden?) having a patch over the other eye.

Unfortunately, the subject of the Knight's Templar is so complicated since there are so many different and conflicting opinions as to who they were and what they were doing. It would appear that they were linked to a sinister organisation called the Priory of Sion (Zion) but broke with this to go their own way; we do not know why this happened. Some of the stuff here has come from The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' which is a rather spurious work which seeks to show that the 'Bloodline of Jesus' was within the Merovingian Kings and thus pave the way for a 'Jewish Messiah' in our times. The 'proof' of this seems to contradict this and prove that the Merovingians were Wolsungas and nothing to do with the 'Bloodline of Christ'. However, we are concerned here with the coming of an Aryan Saviour.
The inference here is that the 'Severed Head' is actually the Hale-Bopp Comet, which is sometimes seen as a 'Bearded Head'. Just to the east of the figure of the Long Man of Wilmington is a comet-shaped mound named Hunter's Burgh. This is connected to Herne the Hunter as Woden. I have mentioned before how I see this area as being a 'Time-Clock' which would be awoken by the appearance of the Hale-Bopp Comet. It has the following markers to this -

1. The hill-figure which is Waendal-Woden and is shaped as the Ear-Rune/Cweorp-Rune/Irminsul.
2. A phallus-shaped mound just above it, which is a long mound with a round area towards the North.
3. The phallus-shaped mound points towards the White Horse on 'Hindover Hill' - the White Horse of the Last Avatar. There is also a mound on Hindover Hill.
4. To the East is Hunter's Burgh which is the comet-shaped mound.
5. The 1600-year old Yew Tree in Wilmington (World Tree).

We have here a clear connection between Waendal (Woden) - The Hale-Bopp Comet - The Last Avatar - The White Horse - The Severed Head. I have mentioned that I considered the Comet to be Sleipnir - the Eight-legged Steed of Woden - and here we have a White Horse and Phallus (Windover Hill Mound). I feel that we are nearer to the point considering the area as a Time-Clock of the Future than a marker of the past, since the symbolism seems to be that of the appearance of the Last Avatar, and thus the end-beginning of a cycle. Since the comet would seem to have appeared last at the time of the sinking of the last remnants of At-al-land then it could not be a remembrance of this due to the differing symbolism. The Avatar appears at the end of this cycle.

Looking through some of the posts on Aryan-Myth-and-Metahistory by Wotan's Krieger I noticed that he mentioned that the 33-Rune row may have been earlier than the CGF, something I hinted at in one of my last blogs (I had not noticed his then). Looking at his remarks it does seem feasible that the rune-row was shortened just as was done with the Younger Futhark. Whatever the case the Rune of the Long Man only appears in the 33-Rune row. Do we perhaps have a clue as to the area around the Long Man being far older than the scholars suggest - maybe as far back as the last remnants of At-al-land?

The Empire of Sargon 'returns' but not in the South; it appears again in the North, by the Midnight Mountain. It's return is heralded by the Hale-Bopp Comet whose 'vibrations' cause this to happen. It has to be significant that the clues to this are held in the South of England, in the South Saxon Mark, where it's appearance is etched into the landscape. If Baphomet was a 'severed head' then this was symbolic of the Great Comet; it is thus not so strange that this 'Severed Head' poured out the Mysteries of HelgiH when it appeared in the northern skies.

At the same time as the Comet appeared I had the dream of it being 'sent by Morgana' and that it was linked to the 'Horn of Plenty' - Capricorn. Looking once more at this there are some new links here -
  • The 'Horn of Plenty' is linked to the 'cauldron' and thus to the Holy Graal.
  • The 'severed head' is linked to Bran, whose 'cauldron' has been linked to the Holy Graal.
  • The last four runes of the 33-Rune Row are the Graal-Runes/Four Hallows. Thus they are linked to Tir Na N'Og which is the 'Land of Youth', also known as the 'Island of Apples', a land which (like At-al-land) sank beneath the waves (Wotan's Krieger relates more of this). The link is through the Tuatha de Danaan who came 'from the Isles in the North' or 'from the skies'. It should be noted that the name 'Tir Na N'Og' has the word 'Og' meaning 'youth' but this could be interpreted as the 'Land of Og' - the Land of Igg/Ing?

Interestingly, the Four Hallows come from this lost land - the Sword (Cweorth), the Dagda's Couldron (Calc), the Stone of Destiny (Stan) and the Spear of Lugh (Gar). These came from - Gorias, Murias, Finias and Falias. These were the Four Mystical Cities of this land. Somewhere hidden in all this is a mystery linked to the Holy Graal. I have mentioned before about a work by S.F. Bennett who suggested that the area around the Long Man is a setting for an episode in the Petit Saint Graal a story about Peredur, a Welsh version of Parsifal - the Divine Fool. I will not repeat this here as it is in an earlier blog, but suffice it to say here we do have a link to the Holy Graal. There are some interesting symbols that we can look at though -
  • A Chessboard. This has 64 squares, 16 pieces for each side, all connected to the Sacred Number 8. It I also connected to the Square of 4 (16) and the Cube of 4 (64). So we are also concerned here with the Number 4.
  • The Star Woman wearing a Red Dress strewn with sparkling stars; she has inherited the Chessboard of Morgana, according to Emma Jung. The 'Chessboard of Morgana' - was not Morgana the one who was said to have sent the Comet to us?
  • The Hind - Hindover Hill where the White Horse is to be found.
What we do not have within the tale is reference to 'Hunter's Burgh', although Peredur acts as a huntsman so maybe there is a hint here. The other symbols, a river, a sacred grove and an uninhabited castle can also be found in this area of Sussex, so here we do seem to have a re-enactment of part of the Graal-Mythos in the landscape. Parsifal is The Hooded Man or the Pure Fool and the Long Man of Wilmington is the April Fool. It is not quite clear how the 'chessboard' features in this landscape. We have to remember that the counter-initiation always counterfeits its work, stealing from the True Initiation, and thus we find the 'chessboard' features prominently in Freemasonry. It is certainly symbolic of the battle between Light (White) and Dark (Black). Just for the record, in the tale Peredur defeats a 'Black Man' who appears from the mound. Here we have the triumph of Light over Darkness. His other acts seem to be centred around his foolishness as the 'Pure Fool'.

It would seem that the 'vibration' of the Hale-Bopp Comet awoke ancient forces centred around this area of the land. Forces that would ensure a new Imperium, a new Empire of the North. This is linked to the 'Resurrection of Ingwe' and the Rising of At-al-land which come with the process of the return of the Third Sargon (Aryan Victory). The Third Sargon will bear within himself the Power of Light and the Power of Darkness, the Sun and the Lightning, but his Second Coming will be that of a God-Force that will be more Lightning than Sun, since he has to be strong enough to deal conclusively with the Forces of Evil.

 (*) Here we again have a certain 'synchronicity' since in this post we are dealing with The Hooded Man and the Last Avatar. 58 is the number featured in The Hooded Man Prophecy. It adds to 'R-O-B-I-N in English Gematria. Virgo is 'The Virgin' who brings forth the Divine Child. It is also noteworthy that the term 'CAPUT' adds to 61 which is the number of WODEN.

The Black Sun & the Resurrection of Ingwe

"When the Ice of the Darkest of Night melts away under the Fire of the Black Sun of the Inner Earth, the poison apple will fall away, and the Sleeping Goddess shall awaken, throw off the White Wolf Skin, and arise renewed by the Golden Apples of the Immortals. When the Moon is under her feet and she is clothed in the Golden Sun, she shall bring forth the Divine Child of Light who will lead the English in their Divine Mission against the Children of Darkness."
'The Prophecy 88' - November 9th 2014.
Researching more about our English past and that of the Divine Ancestor of the English I realised a point that has been obvious but which I overlooked in these works. In the above prophecy, given to me about two years ago, it is the Black Sun that awakens the 'Sleeping Goddess' (Idunn) who then brings forth the 'Divine Child of Light' who is the Last Avatar, of course. Past research has linked the Divine Child to Wid-Ar, The Hooded Man, HelgiH and to Ingwe. It is to the last one of these that we shall look at now - Ingwe - whose name means 'son of' and who is 'The Son of Man'.
To understand what I am saying here we need to return to an old part of the work dealing with one of the Prophecies of Nostradamus. This is the one quoted below -
'In the year 1999 and seven months, from the sky shall come the Great King of Terror. He will bring back to life the Great King of Angolmois. Before and after Mars shall reign supreme.'
Nostradamus : Century 10.
I have looked at this before but to make things clear will go through it again. In August 1999, one month out from the prophecy, the Solar Eclipse over Europe occurred; this is the 'Great King of Terror' mentioned by Nostradamus. This is also the Black Sun. This, it is said, brings back to life (i.e 'resurrects') the 'Great King of Angolmois', this, in the text I have, being an anagram of the Old French 'Mongolois' - which it is certainly not since the letter 'A' is missed out and an 'o' substituted! Far easier to see this as it is  - Angol- mois - 'Angol' being the English. Here we have the Great King of the English being 'resurrected' - this is the Resurrection of Ingwe.
The Prophecy 88 thus renews that of the one of Nostradamus, and not only that it's content also link to the Solar Eclipse of August 11th 1999 since we have the Black Sun in Leo the Lion (in the White Dragon in Wodenic Lore); in the same house of the zodiac we also had the planet Venus which is the woman 'clothed with the Sun, and the Moon under her feet'. Venus is here seen as the Goddess of Dawn linked to the Waene-Goddess, Freya. Indeed, although the phrase 'when the Moon is under her feet, and she is clothed with the Golden Sun' refers to a time of the year when, at dawn, the planet Venus is seen this way, this also applies to the time when the Sun and the Moon are 'conjoined' (Solar Eclipse).
I have shown the following runic-formula on many occasions but it is necessary to repeat it here to show that this fits in not only with prophecy, but also hidden within our own rune-rows -
Tiwas - The Sky-Father/The Sun.
Berkana - The Birth-Mother/The Earth Mother/ The Moon.
Ehwas - The Divine Marriage of the Sun and the Moon (Solar Eclipse).
Mannaz - The 'offspring' of the Divine Marriage - the Manu of the Aryans.
Lagu - The Flood/The Great Dissolution/The Waters of Chaos.
Ingwas - The Son/The Son of Man/The Divine Child of Light.
Dagaz - The New Dawn/The Rising of the Golden Age.
Odal - The Rising of At-al-land (Atlantis)/The Coming Race.
The coming of the 'Son of Man' (Ingwe) is after the flood, but we have shown that the 'Flood' may be more symbolic of the 'Flood of Migrants' (words from the press and media) into Europe - the Land of the Gods. The Bifrost Bridge was broken and the outlanders entered the Land of the Gods. Significantly, the above rune-row is the third and the last in the Common Germanic Futhark. Perhaps the Fourth AEttir of the English Rune-Row is the means to win the struggle?
In Norse Mythology it is Loki the Joten who is responsible for the theft of the Golden Apples and the abduction of Idunn. The gods have to force Loki to undo his dirty work and get her back. The symbolism of this myth is interesting, for she is turned into a 'nut' in order to get her away from the 'Giants' (Joten). The 'nut' is in itself a 'seed' and thus the symbolism suggests the 'Seed of Resurrection' or the 'Seed of Rebirth'. In the alternative version of Ragnarok, 'Odin's Raven Song', Idunn is equated with Nanna who is a Moon-Goddess and wife of Baldaeg. So well-known was Nanna at one time that the term is used for a Grandmother.
It is also interesting that none of the gods can awaken the 'Sleeping Goddess' (Idunn-Nanna) and under the orders of Odin they have to 'sleep on it', i.e. they have to let Wyrd take its course. This suggests that Odin recognised that she would awaken only at a certain time of the Cosmic Cycle, just as an Avatar appears at his appointed time. They could not force the matter! In this case it was the Black Sun of the Solar Eclipse that would awaken the Sleeping Goddess, who would then bring forth the 'King of the English' - Ingwe. This would bring into being the New Age - the Age of Ingwe.
Around the Solar Eclipse is always a 'halo' or 'corona' - a crown. This is an interesting part of this happening since the Guardian Goddess of England wears a White Wolf-Skin and a Golden Crown - according to a certain Initiate who was with us many years ago. 'Britannia' is the Guardian Goddess of England, and the Wolf-Goddess is the Guardian Goddess of the English, as we have see from past articles which refer to Norse Sagas. Both of these should be seen as facets of the same - Idunn.
Hamasson has also suggested that the English Ing-Rune is the Edel-Rune with a 'Crown', which is the Crowned and Conquering Son or the Crowned and Avenging Son. We have the crown linked to the 'Sleeping Goddess' and to the 'Son'. We also have the motif in Norse Myth of Woden Being swallowed by the Fenris Wolf; here we may see Woden (The Sun) being 'swallowed' by the Wolf (The Moon - wolves howl at the Moon). As in the Egyptian Rite of the Opening of the Mouth Wid-Ar prises open the jaws of the Great Wolf and allows the Spirit of Woden to escape. The Spirit of Woden enters his Son, Wid-Ar who is thus akin to Horus, son of Osiris. At a galactic level this could have been played out with the 2012 Sun moving into the Dark Rift of the Milky Way.
As I stated before the Solar Eclipse of August 1999 was the 'conception' of the Age of Ingwe; just nine months later (May 2000) was the planetary conjunction of the 'Cross of Ingwe' which was the 'birth' of the Age of Ingwe. Of course, before and after the 1999 Solar Eclipse wars were waged on the planet, as prophesied by Nostradamus in this quatrain. Mars, of course, is the God of War mentioned, but his Greek name is Aries. The name 'Aries' must be associated with Arya/Aryan and his Ram-Totem suggests a link to Hama-Heimdall.

In this clipping which I have shown so many times before Mars and Saturn are seen on the horizontal plane, the planets of War and Disaster. On the vertical plane are the Sun-Moon union (with Venus, not shown) in the House of the White Dragon, and the planet Uranus (*) in Aquarius, the ruling house of the New Age. The planet Uranus has always been associated with the Sky-God and with the Gods of Light & Order. The symbol of Aquarius, the Water-Bearer, shows her spilling the Waters of Chaos upon the Earth, the Waters of Dissolution, and we are witness to this today in the Dissolution of the Races. This is our greatest challenge, not to lose the Aryan Gene that is the basis of the creation of the New Man - the God-Man. In the midst of the Chaos around us an Age of Heroes is born, the Age of Ingwe. We can see the Germanic Ing-Rune in the clipping, as well as the Cross of Ingwe.
(*) Uranus = Ur-An-Us = The 'Primal Master of Fire'. UR means 'primal', AN means 'master' and Us means 'to burn'.
There are those who would cast out the English Cross, but when we consider the symbol of the Tegeingl (Deceangli) whose were based in Engelfield which is now Flintshire/Dyfed in North Wales, this is a Black Cross (Black Sun?) and four black birds which was associated with the 'Angli' or 'Ingl'. The 'Fleur-de-Lys' is the Irminsul of the Saxons.

The Cross of Ingwe

In the above Black Sun Crop Circle the four 'balls' are positioned as a 'Square', but if they are joined by two lines across the centre they make an X-Cross. The newspaper clipping is twisted from the normal zodiac by putting Leo the Lion at the top, thus making a +-Cross. The above X-Cross is still made up of the 'Four Beasts of the Apocalypse' - The Lion (leo) - The Man (Aquarius), and The Eagle (Aquila, which became Scorpio the Scorpion) - Taurus the Bull. The above positions this as the Solar Zodiac would be with an X-Cross, but it also has the Polar Zodiac through using the four Sig-Rune 'extensions' to the outer ring.
There is also a hint of something else here, since the four extended Sig-Runes come at points which cross at the junctions of two signs each -
Capricorn-Sagittarius and Cancer-Gemini.
Libra-Virgo and Pisces-Aries.
The Capricorn-Sagittarius area is the 'Gateway to the Gods' as I have shown before, and its 'anti-centre' is Cancer-Gemini. Pisces is the world-age we are now leaving, as we move into the Age of Aquarius. Aries was the previous world-age associated with the Ram. Here Capricorn-Sagittarius is at the north, the polar region.

The Resurrection of Ingwe comes at the same time as the Resurrection of At-al-land; they are connected since Ingwe would have been the God-Man who ruled over At-al-land. There is another interesting point about the name 'At-al-land' which I think I have mentioned before. There is another meaning to at-al -

at - to go (connected to the period gone through the revolving year).

al - beyond.

At-al-land is thus the land that goes 'beyond' the 'revolving year' - the zodiac. It is 'beyond' in the sense of being in another world or dimension, just like Hyperborea was said to be 'beyond' the north winds, beyond 'boreas'. This is why Hyperborea cannot be reached 'by land or by sea', since it exists 'beyond' the physical world. At-al-land is outside the Cycles of Time.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Gwydion - Son of Don.

Both Wotan's Krieger and myself have covered the topic of Gwydion, a god found in Welsh Mythology. It would be advantageous to read the posts on his blogs as well as this one. Researching this 'Celtic' god brings up some very interesting points, and once again underlines the fact that Germanic Mythology is really at the root of 'British' Mythology. When reading this it must be pointed out that here I refer to 'Germanic Mythology' as being Northern European, whilst 'Gallo-Celtic' Mythology comes from more southerly areas, obviously picking up some Middle-Eastern stuff since it is far nearer to this area.

Gwydion, as we have said, is Woden; his name begins with a 'silent G' and would be 'Wydion', which is 'Woden'. In Old Welsh the name would appear to have been spelt 'Guidgen' which is even closer to 'Woden' since the 'g' is silent. As W-K has pointed out the name Woden/Wotan/Odin is also spelt 'Guodan' or 'Godan'. The by-name of Woden, Gaut/Geat/Goth tell us that the original root was from 'Got', becoming 'God', and stemming from 'The Good'.  The name 'Jute' may also have the same roots. The 'd' and the 't' have always been interchanged as we find in Woden-Wodan-Wotan.

In all ancient tongues the vowels were not as important as the consonants, as we can gleam from a look at some languages; the vowels changed but the consonants did not. So the true root of 'WODEN'/'ODIN'/'WYDION' would be DN (the 'g' is left out, and the 'y' classed as a vowel since it is interchangeable with 'i'; the 'W' is a 'uu' or double-u and thus a vowel too).  


Gwydion is the son of Don, and again we have the same Root DN. But we can go further still, for Don is the Welsh equivalent of the Irish Danu, whose name again contains the Root DN. In comparing mythologies we come across the problem that many of the names seem to be mixed up, do not tally with their counterparts in another mythology. This has to be kept in mind when we look at this. In Norse Mythology we have the Goddess IDUN(N), who once more has the Root DN in her name. Just as Gwydion is one of the 'Children of Don' we find that the same concept is held in Irish Mythology where we have the Tuatha de Danaan - 'Tribe (Children) of Danu'.

But this goes far deeper than this, for the son of Gwydion is Llew Llaw Gyffes which means 'The Bright One of the Skilful Hand' or 'The Fair One of the Skilful Hand'. His Irish equivalent is Lugh Lamfada. Now, the name 'Lugh' may actually equate to 'Loki' and when we find that Llew (we shall shorten this for ease) is slain by a spear, changes into an Eagle and hangs upon an Oak Tree we seem to have an inversion of the Aryan Myth, where Woden becomes Loki! Now, I say this since in Irish Mythology we find that Lugh (Loki) slays Balor (Balder). This is the correct version. Indeed, up until recently the name 'Llew' was translated as 'Lion' rather than 'Bright'/'Light'/'Fair'. As we can see from various areas where the Aryans have been a Ruling Elite but have gradually been absorbed into the native peoples, their mythology becomes distorted, indeed in many cases inverted.

Gwydion is a magician, prophet, poet and war-lord, and his roles are just the same as that of Woden. There is another quite obscure link to Woden found in the Welsh Triads. Gwydion is named as one of the 'Three Golden Shoemakers of the Island of Britain'. Woden is also quite famous for his 'Golden Shoes', the shoes of his horse Sleipnir. In some legends these are said to be left behind after his Wild Ride. Gwydion is also, like Woden' associated with the Ash-Tree. Caer Gwydion is the Milky Way - the Road to Valhalla.

His sister is Arianrhod whose name is said to mean 'Silver Wheel' and thus refer to her role as Moon Goddess. But she is also seen as the Goddess of the Dawn, equating her with the Morning Star. She is also, as her name suggests Aryan-Wheel which is enlightening. In fact this suggests that the term arian would have meant something else than 'silver' originally.

The Battle of the Trees is said to have been the work of Taliesin whose name means 'Shining Brow'. An interesting piece that he wrote is quoted below -

When I returned from Caer Seon
From contending with Jews
I will come to the city of Llew and Gwydion.

'Contending' means 'to struggle against' or 'to fight'. It can also mean 'to struggle in emulation', the very opposite.  'Caer Seon' is the 'Castle of Sion/Zion'. Unfortunately, Welsh Mythology is a mixture of native tradition and also of Hebrew-Middle eastern tradition. As I have stated before there are strange links to the Old Testament through many Welsh names, particularly in North Wales.

There is a Welsh word gwyddonydd which means 'scientist' and here we may well have a hint that Gwydion was originally a god of Aryan Science as well as his other roles - he certainly was a god who did everything to acquire knowledge. Here it should be noted that the original spelling of 'Gwydion' is the correct one, the later 'Gwyddion' (Gwythion) is a later interpretation. His name has been equated with Mercury Uiducus which seems to stem from *Uidugenos which is another angle to look at.

I am not aware of Idunn being known outside Scandinavian Mythology, since she does not seem to feature under this name in German Mythology. Since some have speculated that the Tuatha de Danaan came over from Scandinavia then finding Danu/Don here suggests that this name came from Scandinavia originally. Her name can also be found in England as I have shown before, since the 'Dane Hills' in Leicester are named after her (under the name 'Black Annis' a corruption of 'Anu', the 'D' being lost). The Tuatha de Danaan are linked to the Mystical Number 9 which is the basis of Norse Mythology. They are also said to have appeared in a 'Flying Object', which we need not go into here. They are also connected to the Four Hallows which lie at the root of the Holy Graal Mythus.

Going back to the Root DN of Wydion/Woden and Danu/Don/Idun(n), this may well have been an original pairing of a very ancient God-Goddess. Since these islands were once part of a larger European Continent, part of the western areas called At-al-land which were hit by vast catastrophes over a period of thousands of years, we can deduce that the Germanic Lore stayed on here even though thousands would have had to uproot and move, and outsider people may well have moved in. The majority of the people would have been Germanic, and the later 'Anglo-Saxon Invasions' were merely a return of a certain section of these Germanic Folk who brought back with them the true Aryan Mythology and Aryan Knowledge. In the process they waged a Holy War against the Joten who had upturned the Ancient Lore, distorted much of it, and introduced an alien religion into the Islands of the Mighty.

W-K mentions that Gwydion was introduced by Belgic Tribes, known to be Germano-Celtic, or a mixture of Germanic and Gallic maybe. Whether there is any link between the Belgae and the Fir Bolg of Irish Mythology we cannot tell, but the names are much the same.

Looking at this map reconstructing the lost lands of what we have called At-al-land we can see that the larger borders are of Germanic-Norse, from Belgium upwards, so this would have the most links to England and Scotland. It is quite possible that Ireland was ripped away from the mainland at a later time than the first catastrophes - a theme that Tolkien takes up in his Book of Lost Tales - Volume II.

With the sinking of At-al-land the peoples there would have scattered to different parts of the world, no doubt moving across the lands that were still linked to the European mainland, but also sailing off in their Swan-Ships or Dragon-Ships to other areas of the world. It is clear that the ruling elite of the Egyptians was at certain times Aryan, and we also know of the moves to Persia and India, as well as conjectured moves into the Himalayas of Tibet; we also have the Tocharians in the Tarim Basin, fitting with the legends of a great Aryan Civilisation being set up in the Gobi, when it was not a desert. But we also have the legends of the White Gods of the Americas, and especially the 'Inkas' whose proper title is 'Ingas', in whose area is the Atacama Giant (Chile) which so much resembles a stylized Long Man of Wilmington and the Cerne Abbas Giant (Herne Giant).

The Herne Giant (Dorset)

The Long Man of Wilmington (Sussex)

The Atacama Giant (Chile)

This is why it is so important to regain our true history and not the distorted history taught to our people in schools, colleges and universities today. The lands of At-al-land were most likely the centre of an advanced civilisation which crashed after a massive catastrophe that sank much of it in one go, then a process of thousands of years of further catastrophes resulted in these islands being completely split from the rest, and the only part of these lands left standing above the seas. Around 5,000 years ago the 'Isles of the Blest' perhaps stood where Dogger Bank is today, the last remaining stronghold of the most ancient Aryan Druid Religion of these lands. We can perhaps see now why our Ancient Lore and our English History has been distorted - to hide the truth of the great Germanic past of these islands, and even further back to the 'Atlanteans' and before that the Hyperboreans - for the Atlanteans were a remnant of the most ancient Hyperboreans.

The 'White God' of the Mayans
(Showing the markings as on the Stone of Ing - X - XX)

 Idunn is the Goddess of Regeneration and of Renewal (Resurrection) who guards the Golden Apples of Immortality. That she is associated with Golden Apples links her to Avallon (Valhalla) and also to the Legend of the Sleeping King - Woden-Arktor. It is no doubt one of her Golden Apples that saves the Divine Race of the Wolsungas from extinction. The powerful wizard, magician, seer, poet and war-god (Woden-Wydion) has been here in these islands for many thousands of years, his Woden Initiates have worn the Golden Torc in these lands in honour of his being 'God of the Hanged'.

 The Golden Torc

(The twisted cord of the God of the Hanged, worn around the NECK)

"From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be King."

Lord of the Rings

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Germanic Mythology in 'Celtic' Myth.

Whilst researching recently I came across a rather strange pair of names from 'Celtic' mythology. In the History of the Kings of Britain (Geoffrey of Monmouth) I found the following -
'After Hudibras came his son Baldudus who reigned for twenty years and built the city of Caerbadud now called Bath...'
The two names stick out like a 'sore thumb' as the saying goes - Hudibras and Baldudus - Hodr and Balder! And it was Balder (Baldudus also known as Bladud) who founded Bath. Here we have two famous Germanic God-names hidden within ancient British-Celtic Mythology, seeming to suggest that some of the Celtic texts are related to ancient Germanic Lore here in these islands.
The alternative spelling 'Bladud' is used most often and has very interesting roots -
bel/bal/bla = 'bright' (i.e. 'light'),
dud/dydd = 'dark', 'darkness'.
In the name we have the balance of Light & Darkness to Folkish Wodenists suggesting The Hooded Man. He is also associated with a guardian of gates and doorways, a 'Celtic' Janus. Alternatively, like Woden, he is a god of the Gates or Crossroads. He is also - like Balder - associated with the Sun, and in one interesting legend he flies through the air and crash-lands on the Temple of Apollo (Pol). This is no obscure myth but is an integral part of this 'Celtic-British' tradition, for both names come into the lineage of the Guardians of Britain -
Rhud Hudibras - Bladud - Llyr - Bran
Rhud Hudibras is said to stem from the Welsh rhod meaning 'wheel', a title also seen in the Irish Druid named Mog Ruith meaning 'Son of the Wheel'. Now, we have established a connection between Woden and Waendal through the Long Man of Wilmington, and Waendal is Mundilfore. The Long Man is the 'Guardian' and it would seem that both Bladud and his father Hudibras are associated with Janus - the Guardian. Of course, Mundilfore is the 'Turner of the Wheel' - the Cosmic Turner - who turns the Fire-Whisk into Creation.
Like Woden, Hudibras is associated with an Eagle; and like Woden his name contains the root 'Hud' - 'Hood'. Woden is 'The Hooded One'. Thus Hudibras (here seen as Woden) is the father of Baldudus (here seen as Balder). What we have lost is the brother of Balder, yet this can be easily explained through the alternative title of Baldudus - Bladud. In the latter we have the Light (Balder) and Darkness (Hodr) in the same figure.
Bladud is associated with the Wheel of the Sun just as the symbol of Baldaeg is the Sun-Wheel. In one legend of King Arthur, after his death, he is ferried to the magical realm of regeneration (Avallon or Valhalla) by a seer (Merlin), a bard (Taliesin) and a ferryman named Barintus, the latter regarded as being of the lineage of Bladud. Here we have a legend which contains a magician (Woden), a bard (Woden) and a Ferryman (Woden) taking the Once and Future King (Arctor) to Valhalla (Avallon). These figures seem to represent an ancient tradition in these islands relating to the Magical Guardians or Sacral Kings of the Land of Albion (not Britain as scholars would have it). Indeed, we could say that this is an ancient tradition relating to the Magical Guardians or Sacral Kings of the Land of At-al-land. It is also noteworthy that Bladud/Baldudus is associated with wells and springs just as Pol (a German name for Balder) is associated with wells and springs.
The son of Bladud is Llyr or Manannan mac Lir in Ireland; thus we find that the 'Son of Lir' is Manannan - Mannus. Taking this a step further the son of Llyr in Welsh Mythology is Bran, the god whose severed head becomes the Guardian of England, based in the White Mound which is now the Tower of London. Here the head is guarded by Ravens, and interestingly the two remaining Ravens are called 'Huginn' and 'Munin' - The Ravens of Woden! Of course, the 'Son of Mannus' (Man) is Ingwe! The name 'Bran' means 'raven'. The Ravens of Woden guarded the Islands of the Mighty until Arthur dug up the Head of Bran.
In the Battle of the Trees we find a conflict between one order and a New Order, one between Bran and Wydion (Gwydion = Woden). This would seem to hold a legend of a battle between older Germanic Tribes (Bran) and a later incursion using the name Wydion (Woden. Bran is linked to the Alder (older?) Tree and Wydion with the Ash-Tree!
Bran has an alternative spelling of 'Ban' and in a very old article in the original series of the Sword of Wayland I linked the name to 'Banbury' which is the 'Beran-byrig' symbolic of the Sacred Centre of England. If Bran is linked to this it thus emphasises his role as the Ancient Guardian of England. We are reminded of Mimir who has his head severed too, and Mimir is the 'Memory of the Blood'. It is in Mimir's Well that Woden gives his 'Mind's Eye' (Third Eye) where it is held through time, ready to be awakened once more.
We should also consider the Celtic figure of Mabon, whose name means 'son of' just as does Ingwe - he is the Divine Child, as Ingwe is the 'Son of Man'. His tale is simply that of the Divine Child who loses his rightful place in society, is removed from his mother, encounters a series of animal totems which appear to suggest a movement backwards in time to the source or origins, and finally gains this rightful place once more. This is extremely important in view of our knowledge of the Sinking of At-al-land and our search to regain At-al-land and the Golden Age. Here we should note that Geoffrey of Monmouth brings the Roman Janus into the picture, for in some legends Janus is the co-ruler of the Golden Age with Saturn.
Mabon is the son of Modron who is the Goddess of the Land; in fact she is Sovereignty the Guardian of the Land. It is she who gives birth to Mabon who has a human father, i.e. he is both God and Man. Mabon is the equivalent to Ingwe, or a Celtic name for Ingwe. The story of Mabon can be found in the tale of Culhwch and Olwen where we find a number of totem animals who appear to represent older races going back to the oldest of them all, the Salmon of Llyn Llyw who is the one who knows where the Divine Child is imprisoned.

The tales of Bladud, Mabon and Merlin have many similarities and it is hard not to see these being similar archetypes, or perhaps ancient tales which have through time lost part of their true meaning. The son of Bladud, Llyr, is the 'King Lear' who is supposed to have given his name to Leicester. He is supposed to have been buried in the River Sour and was linked to Janus through this tale. Mabon's tale also shows traces of the same one as Parsifal, which is not surprising. What we need to be careful of is to consider the influence of alien hands (the later Druids or 'truth-benders') on certain 'Celtic' myths, since I have shown elsewhere of the influence of the Old Testament on certain 'Celtic' works. We need to consider the role of the 'Anti-Race' in this, and that their role is to invert everything Aryan through their religion and work.

Perhaps the most overlooked prophesies, those that come from these islands, are the Prophecies of Merlin recorded by Geoffrey of Monmouth. These contain various obscure prophecies using the imagery of fabulous and mythical beasts. In it we find one where 'Orion shall unsheathe his sword' which is one found in Germanic Prophecy too. The same verses tell of various planets going off course, which (naturally) would cause chaos in our solar system if it did occur. This is not the place to go into these prophecies, but we shall feature them in a future post, although (as I said) they are obscure, maybe even more so that Nostradamus.
One of the things that came into my mind was the clear link between England, the English and Bootes (the Constellation of Ingwe). The most famous legend that has for centuries been told and retold is that of the Celtic 'King Arthur'. Yet this would seem to have been used against the English in one sense, which leads me to question not only 'why' but also if it was not yet another distortion of Aryan Myth, partly used to promote the spirituality of the 'Grail', partly to emphasise a 'Celtic Britain', suppressing the Germanic Roots of these islands, but also maybe to hide the true origins of the myth. Arthur may well be 'Arth Vawr' or 'Great Bear' but there is also the possibility that his legend relates to Bootes (Ingwe) through the brightest star - Arcturus. In which case the legend may well go way back to Ingwe and his reign in At-al-land.

Whatever the case more and more proof is arising to show that these islands are predominantly Germanic in nature, and that the English dwelt in this area when it was not an island but a large continent which stuck out from Europe into the North Sea and across to the Atlantic Ocean, an area known as At-al-land, whose sinking has come down to us through Plato who named it 'Atlantis'. The root of the word 'Atlantis' goes deeper than the root atl meaning 'water' (from the Americas) because it can be broken into -

Atl = At-al = Race,

Lant = Land

Is - probably, like 'us' this is a Latin suffix added on to a Germanic Name.

There may well be a link with the Greek god Atlas, who is the brother of Albion, the old name of these lands. Albion, as I have mentioned many times, can mean 'White Island' or 'Island of the Elves' ('Radiant Ones' or 'Shining Ones'). Ingwe, of course, is Lord of the High Elves.

Lastly, it is not unusual to see variations of god-names, or even names of gods transformed into humans. We have the clear example of Heathcyn and Herebald which appear in Beowulf, names which suggest Hodr & Baldaeg. The roots of both names are obviously Hod & Bald, and whatever variations are used does not change the essence.