We find some bracteates that contain both the Fylfot-Swastika and the ALU formula, though this one shown here appears to contain the Fylfot-Swastika and the runes A-L-L rather than ALU. I'll look at this later since it is important.
This one (above) contains the Fylfot-Swastika and ULA (ALU backwards); it also seems to have the Aesc-Rune doubled. The arms are in the shape of half of the Fylfot-Swastika. The Swastika here is shown in its Sunwise form.
Root *alu- : used in words related to sorcery, magic, possession and intoxication or divine madness.
Root *al- :
- beyond,
- to wander,
- to grow, nourish,
- to grind, to mill,
- all.
Study this symbol very closely and the runes (in a slightly different form) can be found - AEsc - Lagu - Ur. The Swastika may thus symbolise the movement and motion of this Magical Force. In this case ALU.
And in this version we find the same three runes but this time in reverse - ULA. Again, this suggests the movement and motion of this Magical Force. In the two versions of the Fylfot-Swastika we find the same ALU-ULA formula as on the Norfolk urn. In both of the above we find the ALU or ULA repeated 4 times.
So when we find another version - ALUGOD - with the Fylfot-Swastika on the same talisman this really emphasises the links between these two symbols. This could also be seen as ALL-GOD, suggesting 'All-Father'. I have mentioned before the links between ALU and ILU, and Tolkien's 'All-Father' is Iluvater - 'The One'.