Wednesday, 18 December 2024
The Yule-Tide
Monday, 16 December 2024
Conflict of Opposites
Conflict of Opposites
Saturday, 14 December 2024
In Days of Yore - Helgi Hundingsbane.
In Days of Yore - Helgi Hundingsbane
Thursday, 5 December 2024
Goden & Joten - Part Two
Goden and Joten - Part Two
Goden & Joten - Part One
Goden and Joten - Part One
Saturday, 22 June 2024
Recreation of the Race
Myths are never restricted by Time and Space, they exist - they are. As Orlaug they were set down in the 'Days of Yore' - Ar Var Alda - the 'Primal Layers' or 'Primal Laws' of the Creation. And there was a Creation, both the creation of the Cosmos and the Creation of Aryan Man, by Woden, Will and Weoh, also named Woden, Hoenir and Lodur. However, unlike the Judaeo-Christian idea of 'Creation' this is not actually a 'one-off' event; creation occurs over and over again at many levels. It is not one particular point in history.
"In imitating the exemplary acts of a god or of a mythic hero, or simply by recounting their adventures, the man of an archaic society detaches himself from profane time and magically re-enters the Great Time, the Sacred Time".
Mercia Eliade - Myths, Dreams and Mysteries.
The key words in understanding that a work is a Primal Myth seems to lie in the Old Norse Ar Var Alda ('In olden times'), and also in the Old English aet frumsceaft ('At the beginning') and in geardagum ('In days of Yore'), the latter having been used until very recently in stories, especially children's tales. It is thus feasible to use any of these at the start of a working related to Primal Myth, and I do so myself when doing the Myth of HelgiH on a regular basis, retelling the Myth of Helgi Hundingsbane.
The term 'yore' is related to our word 'year' and thus to the Ger-Rune (pronounced 'year'), and would likely have originally referred to a 'complete cycle', which is what a year is, of course. This is born out by either the Elder Futhark version or the Anglo-Frisian version (above), and in the latter this is shown as a circle (cycle) but broken into two halves (Light-Dark & Summer-Winter). We are today in the period of the Summer Sunstead and Midsummer, the start of the summer months. We are at the beginning of the Light part of the Year-Cycle, even though the darkness now starts to lengthen.
There is an Ur-Myth (Primal Myth) where we find the Creation of Man, which is the creation by the Gods Woden, Hoenir and Lodur of our own Race. This does not apply to the creation of 'mankind' referring to all races, this is our own unique species of Aryan Man. Let us look at this carefully now but in an entirely different way, in a way sometimes used by speculative writers. Some of these writers see the gods as 'aliens' who come down to Earth and create mankind; we can dismiss the 'alien' bit since this word is used wrongly in most cases. But if we look at our own times we can see that it is not impossible to alter the DNA Code in order to cause mutations in humans. The Covid Vaccination program included methods of changing the rDNA which some scientists insisted did not change the DNA, whilst others insisted that it did. Whatever the case here this can be seen to be a manipulation of the rDNA and DNA in order to create some kind of change in the human species. Thus, it is quite possible that this has happened in the past, and in the Secret Doctrine in regard to the Aryans of Atlantis this new species of Man was created through some kind of genetic mutation. It must also be remembered that this need not be some physical method alone, but can be done through some kind of Psychic Change. This applies also to The System who can use psychic forms of magical change in their mind-control program which can effect changes in the human mind and psyche, and thus lead to physical changes. (Just look around at the 'monsters' and 'mutants' that have been [and are being] created through the work of the Dark Powers.)
Thus, in Norse Mythology we find the Creation of Man done by the Elder Gods - Woden, Hoenir and Lodur. They found Ask and Embla by the shores of the sea, and from these two trees they created Man. Ask and Embla are symbolic of the vegetative state that came to be 'genetically manipulated' in order to create a new species of Man. Trees grow in the Earth, and they grow upwards to the Heavens, thus linking the Earth and the Divine. They are an ideal symbol of the Aryan Man - the upright, noble Race of Man. What was added to the vegetative state from which they were formed was the ability to move, but there were also very important other things given by the Gods. Of course, there is yet another, and more important, meaning the act of creating Man from the Ash-Tree, since this also refers to Iggdrasil - the World Ash. Iggdrasil is thus directly linked to the Creation of Man. Hence this is the White Tree and refers to the White Race. (The Aesc-Rune in the Old English Rune-Poem hints that the Ash-Tree is the World Tree and the Ancestral Tree, as well as the Norse version. This, unlike the Yew-Tree, also tells how mankind must die and be reborn, symbolised by the falling of the leaves of the Ash-Tree, and then the 'rebirth' in the spring of the following year.)
Found on the land
With little maegan (power),
Ask and Embla
Lacking Orlaug,
Ond they had not,
Neither La nor Laeti,
Nor Lito Goda.
Ond gave Woden,
Odr gave Hoenir,
La gave Lodur
And Lito Goda.
It is clear from this that Ask and Embla were already formed of earthly material and the vegetative force - growing as trees.These elements united themselves through the Force of Nature, without any divine interference. This is, as Viktor Rydberg states, earthly matter joined by active matter. This active matter united with the matter of the Primaeval Giant (Ymir), who was filled with the 'Seed of Life' from the Milk of Audhumla (The Cosmic Mother), and the 'green herbs' were created. In order to create the Race of Man the Gods had to become involved.
Thus, the Creator-Gods (Elder Gods) Woden, Will and Weoh, as Woden, Hoenir and Lodurr, 'altered the DNA' of Ask and Embla to create the Race of Man. Now let us look at the 'Gifts of the Gods', and to understand this we also need to look at the Elder Gods themselves.
Lodurr's first gifts are 'La and Laeti' ('Blood' and 'Manner', the latter in the sense of how a being moves and acts), and these transform the 'Ash-Tree' into an animal being having the ability to move. La is the Blood, and Laeti the power of movement, thus transforming the vegetative to the animal being. The next gift given by Lodurr is the Litr Goda which means 'Image of the Gods', i.e. Man was created in the Image of the Gods. To understand this we need to look to the idea of the Astral Body spoken of by Miguel Serrano; it is the Astral Body or Inner Body that is in the Image of the Gods, and this shapes the Outer Form - the physical body. The litr is influenced by the emotions, and through it the blood, so this gives a clue as to how to effect change in oneself. The outer appearance is then affected by the litr; we can see this in the human trait of 'blushing'.
Hoenir gives the gift of odr which is the ego, understanding, and the will; we can recall the child's story of how babies are 'made' - brought by the Stork. For Hoenir is the Stork (or Swan) who fetches the human ego from the World Tree, and brings it to the mother of the unborn child. It would seem that the human egos grow on the World Tree, fall into a mythic pond, to be collected by Heonir (Winged God) and taken to the birth-mother. And here is something of vital importance to us, for as I said earlier, creation is not a one-off event but occurs every moment of time. This is shown clearly here since the 'Gift of Hoenir' is given when the Gods first create Man, but this Mythical Act is re-enacted over and over again with every child born of the Folk. Another Gift of Hoenir is the Will, which is why we can certainly link Hoenir and Willa together.
Woden gives the gift of One - the Spirit. The Spirit thus dwells within the material body, hence why we are Spiritual Beings but clothed in Matter. Clearly, all of these things are important to our being, all of them necessary for our development and our evolution. This includes the ego which should be strengthened into the 'Absolute I' (Miguel Serrano) and not destroyed or submerged into the 'One' as many mainstream religions and disciplines teach.
A few points here on this, if Rydberg is right in that Lodurr is Mundelfore then he is a god of the World Mill, and that of Friction-Fire. He seems to be the equivalent of Matarishvan of the Vedas, 'father' of the Fire-God Agni. In which case the Gift of the Blood here also links to Ingwe and to the Rune of the Blood - Ing. We have here the hint that we are talking of the Fiery Blood of the Gods and its relationship with Ingwe as a God of Fire and Light.
The Divine Essence in Man can be developed in the Heroic Type, and become superior to the earthly elements, and thus the individual becomes a Divine Being. In other words Man was clearly given the ability to become a God! And Man was given this ability to become a God by the Gods who created us! This entails, through a Heroic Life, opening the Higher Centres of the Astral Body, going beyond the lower 'earthly' centres. (Through the Mystical link between the Blood and the Soil it is possible for Man to infuse and spiritualise the Earth. In some way this was linked to the Hvarena - the Glory of Light.)
A point here. The greatest of heroes who have been able to open the Higher Spiritual centres retain their power even after death, and can indeed leave this power in their Burial Mound. This is where the Old English Rune-Poem under the Ken-Rune tells of this 'Fire' (Glory of Light) within the Burial Mound of the AEthlingas. This is the 'Gift of Ing' which is clearly shown on the White Stone of Ing as the Ken-Rune. The Ken-Rune is an Invocation of Fire, but it is also an Invocation of the Heil-Force. The Scyldingas trace their descent back to Scyld, but in a Danish work we find mention of an earlier figure of 'King Lotherus', a Latin form of Lodurr. Scyld is the Son of Sceaf, and here we seem to have hints of a very much deeper mystery when we see Sceaf as Ingwe. This we need not go into here, it is another story.
If we go back to the start, and to the quote from Mercea Eliade, then in order to affect a regeneration and a recreation of our Folk it is necessary to re-enact the Primal Myth of Creation, or to 'relive' this Primal Myth through repeating it at regular intervals. This simple piece from the Eddas could help to recreate that which is being destroyed; by linking our present situation to the Ur-Time and to the Ur-Myth they become one, time and space are dissolved and a 'New Creation' takes place.
Sunday, 7 April 2024
Press Liars & Deceivers.
Yesterday I visited Wayland's Smithy with a few friends and comrades, and whilst I was there decided to take a look at the famous 'Swastika' that some of the low-life newspapers accused 'Far-Right' groups of carving into the trees. This was even taken up by one of the so-called 'pagan' groups in England.
This notice has now appeared on the site of the Long Barrow, which is something new since the newspaper smears. It seems strange how most of the graffiti there, i.e. carving of names, has been there many years if not decades, and yet nothing whatever was said about this before. This alone tells us that the National Trust is less concerned about the welfare of the trees (which it tries to tell us) and more about making something out of the downright smears and lies of the British Press.
"Neo-Nazis hold rituals on National Trust land and carve swastikas into trees.'
The Mirror.
"Far-right fanatics perform masked torchlit rituals and carve swastikas on trees to take back 'ancient land'."
The Telegraph.
"Far-right groups vandalise ancient monuments."
The Wild Hunt.
The Truth Will Set Us All Free!
Friday, 9 February 2024
The Sound of Silence
Wid-Ar is called 'The Silent God' but this has never really been explained, though I have read many ideas about it, all of which has to be guesswork I am afraid, since Norse Myths say nothing of this as far as I can tell. The term 'silence' invokes the idea of 'stillness' and a 'lack of vibration'; thinking is done by 'brain-waves' which is 'vibration'. Thus being silent is to still the thoughts which in most people are turbulent and hard to control. The Hindus tell us that the 'Sound of Silence' is to still the mind to hear the Sound of the Primordial Ocean. The term Primordial Ocean is used to mean the Primal Sound-Vibration or Sound-Wave - AUM/OM/YM. In Hinduism this is symbolised by the Conch Shell, and it is a fact that a shell, when held to the ear, seems to give the sense of the waves of the seas. It is perhaps significant here that a shell has a spiral form. Presumably, the Primordial Ocean is the Apsu (Sumer) or Absu (Babylon), seen in the term Aep in Norse Lore, the basis of the term Aep-andi Nam - the 'Cry of Need'. (*)
(*) This term must then mean 'Aep' (Primordial Waters) and 'Anda' (Vital Breath).
When Woden is swallowed by the Fenris Wolf this is not just symbolic of his being 'swallowed' by Chaos, since though this is so the meaning goes far deeper than this. It is true, Old Chaos returns at the end of a Cosmic Cycle, and this is how things are today; this is where the Cosmic Joker comes into play, since all this infers a return to the Source of Creation - the Void or Ginnungagap. Ginn is the Cosmic Joker and Ginnar is a name of Woden who is a form of 'emanation' of this Ur-Force. When Woden is swallowed by the Fenris Wolf ('Wolf of the Fens') he is thus returned to the Source - The Void. This is why it is important to understand the concept of the Egyptian Rite called The Opening of the Mouth.
The Opening of the Mouth was done originally by Horus on his father Osiris who was slain by his brother Set. Straightway we see in this the Myth of Hamlet where the Father is slain by the Brother, and the Son avenges his father by slaying his uncle. The ritual was done originally by using an apse which was a piece of (meteoric) iron shaped like the Great Bear Constellation. The aim of this rite was to allow the Soul-Spirit of the Father to 'escape' the body and then 'enter' the Son, who thus became the resurrection of the Father. 'The Father and The Son are one!' This is exactly what we see with Wid-Ar who rips open the Wolf's Jaws to allow the Spirit of Woden to escape; Woden is thus resurrected as Wid-Ar the Silent. Here Wid-Ar is linked to the Sound of Silence whence is heard the Sound of the Primordial Ocean. In order that a resurrection and renewal can take place it is necessary to return to the Source of Creation.
YR = YM = YMIR = The Primordial Sound
- Thule-Hyperborea.
- The 'Swan-Knight', which is Lohengrin, though to have been originally from the Legend of Sceaf, and thus linked to Ingwe.
- In this link to Ingwe, Tolkien writes into the Legend of Hengest and Horse the Myth of Hamlet, and the sister of Hengest and Horse is Swana ('Swan') found in Frisian Lore.
- The Swan-Maidens or Valkyries associated both with a Swan and also the Raven or Crow.
- The Legend of Wayland the Smith where he and his brothers are wed to Swan-Maidens. It has been said that Wayland's Smithy is aligned with Deneb, the central star of Cygnus the Swan.
- The Elder God Hoenir is linked to the Stork and the bringing of the babies to the mother, but an alternative to the Stork is the Swan.
- The highest chakra in the Chakra System has the tone HAMSA which means 'Swan'.
- This is why the Swan is the symbol we use for the Odroerir-Centre in the ALU-ULA Exercise.
- Twin Serpents intertwining.
- A ladder.
- A rope.
- A tree that is used to climb upwards.
- The 'chimney' down which 'Santa Claus' descends to bring presents to the good children. The chimney is the 'centre' or 'hearth' of the house. The fireplace or 'Inglenook' is likely named after the Fire-God, Ingwe.
Wednesday, 7 February 2024
The Mysteries of Heil
The Abbot of Cerne was named Aelfric, one of the three foremost scholars of the tenth and eleventh centuries. We have this quote from Aelfric -
"There, near at hand to the Holy Man, there was a pleasant hill adorned with plants, with all fairness and full smooth."
This 'Holy Man' seems to mean the Heil-Giant, and the words do convey the meaning 'Holy-Giant', the term 'Heil' can mean 'Holy'. In one of his works, Lives of the Saints, he dwelt a great deal upon the figure of Saint Edmund and the Severed Head guarded by a Wolf. Also, in the martyrdom of St Alban we find that he escaped death by causing a stream to dry up, and then reactivating its spring by pure 'spiritual power', and was afterwards beheaded, as was St. Edmund. It has been said that at some time a 'Severed Head' could have been linked to the Giant.
The figure was also called Helia recorded by a French monk named Gotselin who migrated to England in 1053. The name appears to be female, but it has variations - Helia, Helis or Helith. The French monk no doubt got this information from earlier Saxon accounts. Interestingly, in view of this religious abbey being built next to the Giant, this is also the case with the Long Man in Wilmington. It is also interesting to note that St. Edwold, the brother of King Edmund of Anglia, fled to Dorset around 870 CE and lived as a hermit in the Cerne Valley. The legendary founder of the earlier religious house was St. Augustine in the sixth century. He travelled to Dorset from Kent to 'suppress idol-worshippers at Cerne'.
An account written by Walter de Hemingford in 1297 begins - 'In the district of Dorset...where the god Helith was once worshipped..." In the Golden Legend written earlier in the thirteenth century the same story is told, set ' a certain town inhabited by wicked people...' who worshipped an idol called Heil or Hele. Since we find the names associated with a 'Holy Man' they could be related to the Old English helig meaning 'holy'.
Long ago William Stukely saw the hill-figure as 'Hercules', and Professor Stuart Piggot took up this idea in later times. But Piggott links the name Helith with Harlequin which Kris Kershaw relates to Herla's Kin and in doing so links this to King Herla and to Herian, a name of Woden as the Wild Huntsman. This in fact gives weight to my own ideas on Waendal, since the figure also links to the Harlequin (Jester-Fool) and to the Wild Huntsman. As 'Winter-Woden' this is the Wild Hunter-God named Helethkin from the Old English heoloth-cynn. Hercules is a Greek form of this figure, which gave rise to the idea that the hill-figure was Roman. The problem is that many scholars started with the idea this was 'Roman' (from the Greek) and then tried to prove it so by finding the 'Lion's Skin' held by Hercules. The figure today is thought to date from the Anglo-Saxon times!
Even though the name of the area in which the abbey is found is Cerne or Cernel, relating the Giant to Herne is not so far from being right, since Herne the Hunter is the Wild Huntsman as shown in his legend from Windsor. 'Cerne' is in fact a Celtic word for 'horn', as 'Herne' is the Saxon equivalent. The 'nipples' of the Giant are offset in the same pattern as the top two stars of Orion the Hunter. Since the 'Phallus of Orion' - Three Stars of Orion - can represent 'Frigg's Distaff' and the 'Three Sisters of Wyrd, then the three Pyramids of Egypt are also based upon the Three Stars of Orion as Robert Bauval has discovered. Also, of interest here, is that another 'speculative writer' (don't forget most of our history is 'guesswork'), Andrew Collins, has equated the same three pyramids of Egypt with Cygnus the Swan - thus we have Orion (Heil Giant) and Cygnus (Long Man) again linked in some mysterious way.
There is yet another synchronicity involved here. There is a 'Severed Head' linked to the Heil Giant, recorded in some old drawings of the figure. The Long Man was once called The Green Man and the 'Severed Head' is directly linked to the Legend of the Green Giant, where Gawain beheads the Green Giant. We have the 'beheading' of the White Hart connected to the Long Man! Thus both figures may be linked to the image of the 'Severed Head'.
The Skull and Crossbones is thought to be symbolic of the Wild Huntsman, and is certainly linked to Death and Destruction (to resurrection and renewal). Both Gawain and Parsifal are linked to the Graal-Quest, and the name Ga-Wain (Gavin) could be rendered Ga-Wyn, thus the Gyfu-Rune and Wyn-Rune making up the Chi-Rho which Mdme. Blavatsky says is the Skull and Crossbones - just pure guesswork, of course.
In 1764 it was reported that 'three numbers' were found within the Giant's legs, and in 1774 an illustration in a book by Hutchin showed three letters as well. Research has been done on this through various scans of the areas, but nothing conclusive has been found, nor do we know if or when such letters and numbers were on the Giant. Hutchins version of the symbols seem to show the letters - I : n: g, though later research seems to look like I : n ; D, and the numbers 1 : 7. Since we find no evidence of letters and numbers on other hill-figures in England these would no doubt be later editions (if they ever existed). Hutchin's version of the numbers is 7 : 9 : 8. It is hardly likely that the date 1798 is shown here, since this was decades before Hutchins wrote in 1764. The earlier version of the letters - ing - would also seem to be more likely than i-n-D, since why use a capital letter for the 'D'. The 'i' can be a capital 'I' or a 'J' from the version we have from Hutchins.
It has also been found that the phallus has later been lengthened, originally being the navel and phallus. The Trendle next to the Giant could have been a Temple of Heil maybe having an idol of the God within its boundaries. When we count the circles for the navel and phallus we have a link to the Three Stars of Orion, and above these the two top stars, offset as are the nipples.The two offset stars have the same form as the constellation of Orion - that is when we view this as the Seven Stars of Orion. As Hamasson once pointed out, these create the Wolf-Hook Rune.
What has tended to cloud the issue here is the academic dogma that everything here in Britain in pre-Roman times was 'Celtic'. This area was in fact where the Belgae dwelt and Caesar stated these were mainly Germanic Tribes. There is really no difference, bar language, between the 'Celts' and 'Germanics', but the term 'Germanic' is today mainly taboo amongst academia due to the association with National Socialist Germany. Decades of propaganda have made anything 'Germanic' as being a 'no-no', and thus acts to destroy a great part of our own English History.
The weapon of the Irish God, The Dagda, is a Club; this has the properties of being able to deal Death at one end, and resurrection and new life at the other end. This is indeed interesting in that the Club is symbolic of the Tree in one sense, and the Wilmington Yew-Tree ('Tree of the Helmed Waendal') can be, like all Yew-Trees, symbolic of Death (in the churchyards) and of resurrection and new life (it is evergreen). Being 1,600 years old this dates back to early Anglo-Saxon times. The club shown on the hill-figure is clearly tree-like in that it shows where branches have been cut off to make the weapon.
Like the Long Man, desecrated by the idiots known as 'Trinny and Susannah', and later by a phallus being drawn upon it, the Heil Giant was desecrated in the summer of 1989 by a Durex balloon bearing the slogan 'You're safer with Durex' landing upon the left fist, followed by an advertising poster campaign. As usual the ignorant corporations got it wrong in stating the figure was 'Bronze Age'. Then a 'Covid Mask' appeared as a publicity stunt. What with the Global Corporations and their stunts, and the 'New Age' approach to such ancient figures, things started to become distorted, and these hill figures became a mockery - nothing out of the ordinary here!
The figure of Waendal wields a Club, and is that of 'The Joker' or 'The Jester' as shown in the card-packs. It also resembles the Harlequin, which is one of the forms of the Wild Huntsman, the other being 'The Joker'. It is very likely that in the Long Man and the Heil Giant we have both forms of the Wild Hunter-God (Woden) - the April Fool (Joker) and the Herla-Kin (winter version as Orion the Hunter). From this we can work out that the name Heil was used for the Wild Hunter-God, and relates, no doubt, to the meaning of 'Hail' found in the Haegl-Rune - Hail = Destruction, Heil = Recreation i.e. to make 'whole again'.