

Saturday, 30 September 2017

The Heildom

What we refer to as the Heildom or Haeldom is a society or community that is 'whole', that works together as one without division and conflict. This type of society does not exist today, but it is our duty to recreate the society based upon a New Order - The Heildom. There are certain terms that should be understood in regard to the meaning of heil or hael -

- OE hal = base of the word halig which means 'holy'; means 'whole', 'healthy', and 'hale'.

OE hael = 'good luck', 'well-being', 'health', 'happiness'. 

OE haelend = 'saviour', but in truth used in a specific way since the true meaning is 'the healer' or 'he who makes whole'. The 'saviour' is 'he who creates the haeldom'. 

Variants to this are haelo/haelu which are used in the same way. The terms have an 'otherworldly' hint and should not be taken as material 'luck' but as a 'gift' from the Gods - gifu auja. The word auja means 'I desire' and 'denotes a boon granted by the Gods'. (*) 

The phrase Waes thu Hael or Waes Hael is not merely a greeting wishing 'good health' but more of a request that the Gods grant their heil to mankind or to a specific individual, that they favour us through granting such a blessing. Again, this is not a blessing that is specifically 'asked' for, which seems to underline the Judaeo-Christian idea of prayer, but a 'blessing won by correct observance of religious ritual' (*). Here it should be noted that this is the correct ritual and the correct sacrifice which, as I have said before, is a self-sacrifice in that we 'give' in order to 'receive' - the basis of the Gifu-Rune. This is not just a matter of getting the ritual right, but of offering ourselves to the Gods as a 'sacrifice'. This is the essence of the word 'sacrifice' which means 'to make sacred'. (**)

A community or society that is heil works in complete harmony, each section being a part of the greater whole. Nowhere is this more pronounced than in the Aryan Social Order -

The Kon - The king or Sacral King. He is the 'head', the 'brains', the Man of Knowledge (Sage), the 'ruler' (the one who 'measures' and thus makes holy and sacred), the leader who is the incarnation of a God-Force.

The AEthlinga - The Princes or Nobility. These are the caste from which the Sacral King emerges, or in later times the King is elected. They are the Warrior-Caste and the 'arms', the force of action and movement.

The Ceorl - This is the Farmer-Provider Caste, the landsman, the group dedicated to virility and fertility, the 'groin' area which is the area connected to virility, fertility and the continuation of the Tribe, Nation and Race. 

The Thrall - These are the 'legs' of the body; the manual-caste, the 'workers', those who do the hard and manual work. This caste should not be ignored, nor seen as 'inferior' (except in regard to this hierarchy) because they are a necessary part of the whole. Those within this caste (at this time) should try to raise themselves above it, of course. 

This social order is what we see as the heildom where each part is an essential part of the whole, each part knowing its place within the whole, each part working as part of the whole, and for the whole. This is the only society that can work correctly, it is the Right Order of things. When this takes place the Haelend appears, naturally, and his role is to recreate this Right Order, to recreate the Haeldom. When this happens happiness, joy and good health return to a society, the people are happy and there is Strength through Joy.

We can see how this society does not exist today, where our 'multi-culti' society is nothing but conflict, and which has no cohesion through the ties of Blood and Soil. Ill health abounds, illness is indeed seen as 'natural', and even 'wished' (no doubt to attract attention in some). Dis-ease abounds, there is no ease and relaxation, there is only strain and stress. People brag of the illnesses and dis-ease they have, and that their offspring have; they worship dis-ease, bad health and pain. Those who are ill and unhealthy are set up as something to look up to, something to worship - even though much of this is based upon nothing more than an unnatural 'pity for the weak'. 

Conflict between white and colour, conflict between man and woman, conflict between boss and worker, between the rulers and the people, conflict between one religion and another....all of these conflicts have been deliberately created. The cause can be found in one simple idea - Global Socialism and Global Communism. These are but secular extensions of the religious conflict created with the introduction of Judaeo-Christianity. The 'Revolt of the Slaves' as Julius Evola put it, the destruction of the harmony of the Natural Order, the Caste Order, by turning the lower castes against the higher castes (lower in terms of their position in the 'body'). In order to understand the role of Marxist Socialism or Marxist Communism, and thus 'Cultural Marxism' it needs to be recognised that this is nothing but a means to 'divide and conquer'.

Now we must look at the another way. Everything within this 'multi-culti' society is divided, is seen as a 'part' without being able to see the 'whole'. This is like splitting the atom, so that it is now in parts, and can only be seen in parts, without a knowledge of the whole, without seeing the whole 'picture'. This is how we all see things today, we see the parts but we do not see the whole, we break everything into parts and there is no wholeness. One particular case of this is the way that modern man sees the world as a material and physical thing, rather than a Living Being. Modern man has lost touch with the other worlds, has ignored them, or worst still no longer believes they exist or the a 'God' exists. As Nietzsche said 'God is Dead!' - man has killed 'God'. The cosmos is no longer seen as a Living Being of which we are a part, an integral part that should be working in harmony with it. The same goes for the Earth, of which we should be an integral part, should be working in harmony with, not pillaging and raping its resources, and killing off the Earth as this is done. 

In ancient times politics, society, magic, mysticism, & religion were seen as being part of a wholeness, each being necessary and each having a function within the wholeness of that society. This is not so today, and these are all seen as different, as not being linked to the others. The functions of these things were the role of different individuals within that wholeness, each one knowing his place, his role, his part of the Divine Order. When these are seen as separate, as not being linked, then in step the forces that divide, that break apart, that create disorder and chaos. All that is needed is the 'seed' which is introduced into the mind of the masses, the seed known as Christianity where the meek and weak are put above the strong and healthy, the seed known as the 'Communist Manifesto' where the lower castes must overthrow the higher castes, the seed known as 'Anarchy' where leaders are deemed to be unnecessary, the seed known as 'Equality' where no-one is any different than another, and thus no-one has any form of role within a Divine Order, no one can be higher and thus no one can raise himself above the mediocre. (**)

The essence of the Ancient Vedas, as I have been working on lately, is that of the Eternal War between the Forces of Darkness and the Forces of Light, between the Dasyus (Daisyus) and the Arya. Sri Aurobindo gives two roots connected to the name 'Dasyus' -

dasa - 'servant',

das - 'to work'.

This reinforces the fact that these Forces of Darkness were responsible for the creation of Judaeo-Christianity, Marxist Socialism, Marxist Communism, Left-Wing Anarchism, Egalitarianism, etc. since we have here the clear indication of the 'Revolt of the Slaves'. This also infers that these are 'servants', i.e. the 'Servants of the Darkness'. They serve in that they bow down, they obey, they fall beneath the Will of the Dark Lord, as opposed to the Arya who 'worships' his Gods in the sense not of bowing down but the true sense of emulating

Etymologists are often wont to dismiss certain similar roots, and this seems to infer that they cannot see the 'whole' but again only the 'parts'; there are some root-words that do seem to be the same, even though the meanings are different. We should see the heil-ness which is involved in what seems to be different, but is merely a part of the whole. Consider the following -

IE Root *da/*dai 

This seems obviously the root of dasyu/daisyu and it means 'to divide'; not only does this mean 'servant', 'slave', but also 'to divide' or 'those who divide'. We can extend this somewhat. It is quite possible that the Dews who are the enemies of Ahura Mazda and the Arya have the name rooted in *da/dai and are also the 'dividers', those who break up the wholeness. 

These forces are the Joten of Norse Mythology, the Eoten of English Lore, the 'eaters', the forces that 'eat' the souls of the dead, that devour, that return them to the Primal Chaos, that halt the upward evolution towards Immortality. These are the forces that divide, that break down, that devour, that 'eat away', that stop mankind from 'eating of the Tree of Life' that they may 'become as Gods' (the role of Yahweh/El Shaddai in Genesis). These forces 'eat away' at society like a rat gnawing, breaking down, destroying, and then 'leaving the fallen house'. They are the Dasyus, the Dews, the Joten, the enemies of the Arya, the enemies of the Ancient Solar-Race, the enemies of the Divine Light. Indeed, it is the Divine Light that destroys the Joten (Giants), that 'turns them to stone', i.e. that stops them from being active in their role. In Hinduism the Dark Powers became the 'Asuras' which is a word that may be connected to the AEsir; but it is also possible that the A-Suras were the counter-forces to the Suras - the Force of Light (Surya = the Solar Light). The prefix A- negates the meaning of the rest of the word. (Hamasson pointed out that A-braham may well be a negation of 'brahman', the counter-side to the Holy Brahma.)

Most Egyptologists recognise that the high Egyptian Civilisation arose suddenly from nowhere - it appeared as if overnight. Civilisations do seem to appear as if from nowhere, arising as if some higher force were acting within its people. There seems to be some sort of connection, a connection to the Sacred Centre, a connection that had been lost, broken, divided. When reconnected to the Sacred Centre, to the Source, a people appear to become higher in form, producing genius where there had been none, producing people who had a higher consciousness, a higher being. The Heildom is created; but it takes the Heiland to appear to bring about the healing of the people and the land.

From reading between the lines when the Arya conquered lands they seemed to infuse the land with their Sacred Light. They formed a bond between their Sacred Blood and the Sacred Soil on which they lived, the soil taken in conquest and toiled upon in later generations. The Arya were the Ancient Solar Race, the race that Rama was said to have sprung from, as told in the Ramayana. There are strange accounts of very tall men whose countenance shone like a beacon-light. 

This was in the far distant past, since which time this great race fell from grace, mixed its Sacred Blood with other peoples and declined bit by bit over thousands of years until today only the degenerate remains can be seen, and the Power of the Arya dormant in the Blood, awaiting the time for it to awaken again to re-create the Sun-Man, the Sonnenmensch, the Arya. And then the Heildom will be created once more.

Friday, 29 September 2017

The Eternal War of Light and Darkness.

I have noted before how the Eternal War between Light and Darkness is not over-emphasised in Norse Mythology, as it is in Zoroastrianism, and as shown by Ari Aurobindo in The Secret of the Vedas in the Ancient Vedas too. The Gnostic teachings are really nothing more than an extension of this same theme since the Dark Powers, led by Ildaboath (said to mean 'Child of Chaos' and another title of Yahweh-Jehovah), steal the Divine Light, or shut out the Divine Light, and it is said that 'Jesus Christ' descended to Earth to free the Light and thus aid mankind in the upward evolution. Both Zoroastrianism and the teachings of Mani tell of the Eternal Struggle between the Light and Dark.

Too many scholars of Norse Mythology infer that there is no 'duality' in the myths, and that this is not a part of the myths, and yet the Eddas are later versions of the Ancient Vedas - the Books of the Arya. The Vedas are the oldest we have and with the Persian Myths (which also feature this battle) they show clearly that a form of 'duality' was present in Aryan Myth. What matters is that we recognise that there is an Eternal Struggle, an Eternal War, between the Light and Dark, the Goten and the Joten. If we fail to recognise this then we cannot possibly counter the Dark Forces that we see today in control of a vast Dark Empire.

The key to understanding this is in the Divine Light which is stolen by the Dark Powers and hidden in a Cave of Darkness, and that it is the work of the Arya to overcome the Dark Powers that guard it and steal or take it back. This key is inherent in so many Aryan Myths, some hidden in 'Fairy Tales' -

  • Sigurd slays the Dragon Fafnir who guards the 'Gold Hoard', symbolic of the Light of the Arya, and retrieves the Gold.
  • The Myth of the Cattle-Raid. The 'cattle' (The Divine Light of the Arya) belonged to the Arya but was stolen by the Serpent of Evil, Ng(w)hi; Trito ('Third') slew the Serpent and retrieved the cattle. 
  • The hvareno, which is the property of the Aryan Nations, is stolen by the Turanians; Kau Kusrau has to dive into a lake to regain the "Aryan Light".
  • Loki steals the Brisingamen Necklace and Hama dives into a lake in order to get it back. This is the Necklace of Freya - the Goddess of Light.
  • The tale of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' is a classic example; as stated before it may well have the meaning of an Sun-Initiation but it is also an Archetypal Myth where a Giant (Ogre) hides the Gold which is 'stolen' by Jack who slays the Giant by cutting the bean-stalk he climbed down on. The Gold coins, the Golden Harp and the Golden Hen are solar symbols, but symbols of the Solar-Light, the Divine Light. At the end we find that the original owner of the Golden Treasure was Jack's father - the treasure belonged to the Arya and was regained by the Arya - Archtypal Myth. The importance of this simple tale cannot be overestimated since there is a 'hidden key' in the chant of the Giant - Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum - this connects to the Feoh-Rune meaning both 'cattle' and 'gold' as I have said. 
  • Beowulf slays a monster and his mother and regains a lost treasure; this is hidden deep beneath the earth in a cave. 

When we recognise the Dasyus and the Turanians not as specific peoples, but as the Forces of Darkness, then all becomes clear. (*) This also goes for the Joten in Norse Mythology; when we see them as the counter-power to the Gods, the Forces of Chaos and Disorder, then we see them in the True Light. Both 'cattle' and 'gold' are symbols of the Divine Light, the Light of the Gods - this is the mystery found in the Feoh-Rune which can means 'cattle' and 'gold'. When we take this out of the context of the material world then the underlying truth shows clearly. (This also proves that the runes are not mere 'mundane' things, but are secrets held within meanings with different levels.)

We can see here how the Eternal Struggle between the Light and Darkness is an Aryan Struggle. The Dark Powers are slain, but this is not the first aim of the quest undertaken, that is to regain the Divine Light which has been stolen and used against the Arya. This is shown over and over again in Aryan Mythology, Aryan Lore, and the hidden work of 'Fairy Tales' and stories told to children, the means to keep them hidden from the prying eyes of the Judaeo-Christian priests. 

In fact, the theme surfaced again recently but has only just come to light; I refer to a piece in the Wulf's Prophecy. It was Hamasson who sent an email mentioning that 'Ar-Kan' could be 'arcane', and in doing so he helped me to see something that has been overlooked in the text -

'Inside the Treasure-Box is hid,
Beneath the Wooden Casket's lid:
Dark Goddess, ruler of our time,
The Torcs from He she seeks to hide.

But she shall hide the rings in vain,
The Golden Torcs are found again:
The age is ended - hail the Dawn!
The Dragon slain - all evil gone.'

Hamasson pointed out that 'arcane' stems from arca meaning 'hidden in a box', and from the IE Root *ark meaning 'to guard' or 'to protect'. This simple idea gave me the key to the text of the prophecy, for this part may well be prophecy but it is Archetypal Myth. And it gives us a clear indication of what is needed to win this Eternal Struggle. 

The whole thing is symbolic and nothing to do with the physical thing 'Golden Torcs' (although this may well be connected to a physical 'find'). It is Archetypal Myth, the Myth of the quest to find the stolen gold, the stolen cattle, the stolen Light of the Arya. Here this is hidden in a 'Treasure-Box' with a wooden lid; it is hidden in the darkness. The 'Dark Goddess' here represents the Forces of Darkness that stole the Light, that has hidden the Light from the Gods and the Arya. The Golden Torcs she sought to hide from 'Him', which at first I assumed to be the Coming Avatar, but which may not mean this specifically. From the text it is prophesied that the Golden Torcs will be found, and this precedes the New Dawn and the slaying of the Dragon of Evil or Serpent of Evil. The 'Dark Goddess' and the 'Dragon' would be one and the same. 

The Archetypal Myth is laid out clearly here, and so the task we have is to regain the Divine Light, and the Divine Knowledge which has been stolen and hidden in the Darkness. Therefore, the use of the term 'arcane' for esoteric and occult knowledge has not been done lightly; it would seem that whoever first adopted the term knew exactly what was meant by this. 'Arcane' refers to the Divine Knowledge and Wisdom of the Arya (the word 'ar-cane' suggests this in itself). It is this quite remarkable that we adopted the term 'Ar-Kan' for our work, and also for our English Rune-Row (The Ar-Kan Runes) well before this ever came to light. 

The finding and recovery of the lost treasure comes before the slaying of the Dragon of Evil and the breaking of the New Dawn. Indeed, this piece is surprising since it exactly mirrors the texts of the Vedas where the sacrifice is made (self-sacrifice) in order to free the 'cattle' and to usher in the New Dawn (Ushas - Goddess of Dawn). There may well also be a deep and inner connection with The Prophecy 88 - meditate upon this carefully.

In fact the key to this 'arcane mystery' may well be even deeper than this; the 'treasure' (Ar-Kan Knowledge) is hidden in the 'Wooden Casket' - arca (The Ar-Casket). Even the term 'casket' may not be random, for this word stems from an Aryan Root *kap meaning 'to hold' or 'to contain' (the container) but also 'to seize' or 'grasp' which suggests something taken or stolen! I am here reminded of the 'Ark of the Covenant' which could well be a direct reference to the Aryan Treasure or Aryan Light stolen from the Arya. Again, rendering the meaning as a physical object merely hides the real meaning hidden within these type of stories. 

There is also an importance in the 'Golden Torcs' since these are twisted strands of Gold. They take a serpentine path and are perhaps connected to the ideas on Agni in the last post that I did on the subject. There are two descriptions here, of 'rings' and 'Golden Torcs', the latter being really 'broken rings'. The ring is complete and the torc incomplete; consider this now.

Fol's Foal falls and twists his feet; the 'Witch-of-the-Eclipse' takes Fol and imprisons him in the Underworld, in the Cave of Darkness. She steals the Golden Ring of Fol. Sinthgunt and Sunna sing charms over the Foal but they achieve nothing. Woden sings charms and rights the Foal's Foot. The Golden Ring is restored to Fol and he is broken out of his prison to rise once more into the heavens. 

The Sun-wheel loses its Golden Ring

The Golden Cross

The Foal's Foot is bent becoming the Fylfot (Swastika)

Fol/Pol is imprisoned in the Cave of Darkness

Woden sings charms of healing that heal the Foal's Foot

The Golden Cross

The Golden Ring restored becoming the Sun-wheel

The treasure is the Light of the Arya - Balder the Sun-God also known as Pol/Fol; the evil 'Witch-of-the-Eclipse' (Loki) imprisons the Golden Sun in the Cave of Darkness. Woden sings charms to heal the Sun and release Him from the prison into the Light, where he continues his path across the heavens.

Pol is here symbolised by the Golden Sun-wheel whilst he is the Golden Sun; when he is imprisoned in the Cave of Darkness his symbol is the Fylfot or Swastika which becomes black - the Black Sun. This is the story of Vishvakarma from Hindu Lore. This is the story of the Sun-God who is 'shorn' of his Golden Rays which become black (Crown of Thorns), is sacrificed himself to himself and is imprisoned in the Cave of Darkness. 

The key is self-sacrifice, the abandonment of egoism and self-gratification, self-aggrandisement; to sacrifice oneself-to-oneself. The gods demand our self-sacrifice to them, to their struggle, to the Eternal Struggle between the Powers of Light and Darkness. Agni-Inga is the one god that works in both the Light and the Darkness, the god associated with the Divine Horse Twins, holding the Power of Light and Darkness in balance. The Mystical Weapon of the Gods is named Albion in which reside the Powers of Light and Darkness.

In order to understand this we have to undergo the Dark Night of the Soul, we have to fall into the Cave of Darkness in order to recognise the Light that is imprisoned there. We have to enter the Cave of Darkness in order to steal back the Divine Light which is the right of the Arya, the quest given to the Arya. Only be retrieving the Light, and slaying the Dragon of Darkness can we awaken the Dawn, awaken the Sleeping-Goddess, and move into the Golden Age. 

(*) There may well be truth in the wars between the Arya and the Turanians, the Arya and the Dasyu, where these peoples are seen as the physical counterparts of the spiritual forces working on another level. 

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Triumph of the Will

The White Stone of Ing in which we have the clear statement - "Gift of Ing" - and the "Gift of Ing" is Fire as I have shown in former posts. I have equated this with the Fire-Serpent and thus with the Kundalini-Force. Having recently skimmed through a book called The Secret of the Vedas by Sri Aurobindo I have come to realise that the nature of the god Ingwe (Ing) is far more complicated, and indeed far more important to us in our struggle, than the figure we have seen so far in this work. 

The "Gift of Ing" is FIRE! Ing or Ingwe is a FIRE-GOD, and as I have said before, he is akin to the Vedic God known as Agni. Agni is one of the most important gods of the Vedas, indeed through this book by Sri Aurobindo we find that he is much more than the scholars have shown. Firstly I will talk about the book itself, which upturns much of the work of the Vedic 'scholars'.

Sri Aurobindo looks at the Vedas from an entirely different perspective than the 'Western' scholars who are usually quoted. Indeed, I am inclined to agree that it was these Western scholars who have been responsible for the truth of the Vedas not being revealed before. We have to remember that these scholars of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were well fed with the materialism of the West, and thus blind to the spiritual nature of these Ancient Aryan Texts. 

Perhaps the worst thing that could have happened was the way in which these texts were seen as the triumph of the light-skinned people over the dark-skinned people of India, the triumph of the Aryan over the Dravidian. Now, the texts do show a clash between the two, but this is at a very shallow level, and certainly does not give the true meaning which is clear in the texts - that the Vedas were a record of the Eternal Struggle between the Forces of Light (The Arya) and the Forces of Darkness (The Dasyu). This is quite simple, and when seen in the light of the work of The Secret of the Vedas it is the basis of the Vedas, and the measures involved are aimed at the Arya and the Forces of Light, and what is needed in order to fight and triumph over the Forces of Darkness. As with our modern day, by seeing this in a wrong light the real Forces of Darkness go unnoticed and can work their evil without coming into the Light. 

A good deal of this book relates to the Vedic God, Agni, and thus this is where we need to start in order to understand the nature, and the importance of Ingwe. Aurobindo quotes 28 Hymns to Agni, showing the importance of this Vedic God. The illuminating phrases quoted throughout this post are either from the Vedas or from the comments by Aurobindo, and are not mine. Firstly, I am going to go through the nature of Agni from the book in a list form, which should make it easier to understand -

  • Agni is the Guardian of the Truth of Rita. Rita is the Truth-Consciousness.
  • Agni is the Vital Force, the Force of Life, the Vital Energy, symbolised by the Horse, and in particular - the White Horse.
  • He is the Light of Truth.
  • In the Vedas the recovery of the Light is done by the Angiras, the Seven Sages related to Agni.
  • The quest is for the Lost Sun of the Arya, the Hidden Sun, the Lost Sun of Truth, the Secret Light (note: this, of course, is the Black Sun) which is concealed in the Darkness.
  • The Angiras Rishis represent the human hero who has lost his divinity, fallen from the spiritual heights, and who must ascend to find the Word, to bring to birth the Divine Dawn, to rise from the mortal to the Immortal, from falsehood to truth.
  • The Angiras possess 'The Word'. They represent the conquest of Truth and Immortality.
  • Agni leads us to the path of Truth, he is the Warrior-Hero of Action.
  • He works in the Light of the Superconscious but also in the Darkness of the Subconscious - in the Light and Darkness - and partakes of the Light and Darkness.
  • Agni comes in the form of Golden Light, gold being the Solar Light of the Truth.
  • The Powers of Light - Arya Varna - wage an Eternal War against the Powers of Darkness - Dasa Varna. The Dasa Varna are the enemies of the Spiritual Light, they devour the Light, they divide in order to conquer, the distort, lie and are the Servants of Falsehood. The term dasa means 'servant'.
  • The Aryan Light is the Light of the Sun, but it is the Hidden Sun, the Sun concealed in the Darkness which has to be 'stolen' from the Darkness, and brought into the Light of Day.
  • The essence of the Arya is to sacrifice in the clear sense of self-sacrifice and not what we see as 'sacrifice' today. His is the ascent, the journey, the battle against the Powers of Darkness.
  • The Powers of Darkness are the vrka (Wargs) who steal the Light, the obstructors (nid), and spoiler of the Word, they are the 'eaters' of the Light, dividing and devouring, the enemy, the thief, the evil-thinker.
  • Agni is the 'Warrior of Light'.
  • He is the 'Lord of Immortality'.
  • He is the essence, the 'sap' that carries the Life-Force.
  • He is the Divine Will.
  • He is Knowledge and Force, the Light of Knowledge, and the Flame of Action.
  • He is the Power of Conscious Being - the Will.
  • He is the Lord of Light and Will.
  • He is Force and Love united, illuminated by Knowledge.
  • Agni is the 'beginning and the end' (words of Aurobindo).
  • He is Light (The Cows) and Force (The Horse).
  • He is associated with the Aswins - the Horse Twins - who are themselves associated with Power and Light, Knowledge and Will, Consciousness and Energy.
  • The Greek Twins Castor and Pollox are seen as akin to the Vedic Kashtri ('The Shining One') and Purudansas ('Manifold in Action'), Light and Force.

As you can see from this Agni is far more important than most scholars give credit, and thus, relating this to Ingwe we can now see the importance of this god-force and the Age of Ing which we have entered, and also for the English Folk since we can trace our ancestry directly to Ingwe. Aurobindo also gives and interesting point when he considers the Vedic god named Rudra, from which the later Shiva developed. He tells us that Rudra is 'The Violent One' who leads the upward evolution of the conscious being, battles all evil, smites the Great Enemy of Gods and Arya, the most terrible of the Gods (Ugr), and is intolerant of all defect or stumbling.

Agni the Kumara is on earth the 'child' of the forces of the Rudras, the Maruts, the violent powers and the Children of Rudra. We have shown many times before how the Rudras, Maruts and Rudra himself are connected to the Cultic Mannerbunde and also to Woden as the One-Eyed Hunter-God. Rudra is a Vedic god and not developed from the mixture of Dravidians. Agni and the Maruts are leaders of the fierce struggle upwards towards the heavens and to the Immortals. He is also the supreme healer, heals wounds, evil and suffering. He is the -

  • Master of the Force of Action.
  • Yogin of Peace and Meditation.
In short, the role of Rudra is the role of Woden-Odin-Wotan. He is a God of the Storm, of the Lightning-War, but also a God of Peace and Tranquility, of Silence and Solitude. Rudra is also the Lord of the Animals, and as I have shown on the last Ar-Kan Rune-Lag blog-post he is also connected to the Cweorth-Rune and Ear-Rune, in particular the Cweorth-Rune as the Fire-Twirl. The Force and Thought of Man comes from Rudra-Woden.

Aurobindo also gives some other insights into Agni -

  • He is movement, and in particular serpentine movement, i.e. the Fire-Serpent or Kundalini.
  • He is the Flaming Will.
  • He is the Flaming Force of Knowledge.
  • He initiates movement and action.
  • He is the Light of Divine Knowledge.
  • He works in the Light and in the Darkness.
  • He is the Son of Force.
  • He is associated with the White Steed.
  • He is the Luminous Will.
  • He is the Flame of Will.
  • He is the Divine Will, the Priest, the Warrior and the Leader of the Quest, the Journey.
  • The White Steed is symbol of the Vital Force, the Life-Force.
  • He is the King of Immortality.

I have emphasised the word WILL since this is the key to Agni, and thus the key to Ingwe; he is the Fiery-Will, the Divine Will, the figure known as Will/Vili in the tripartite-god Woden-Will-Weoh. His is the Triumph of the Will, the force that drives us to victory, the energy needed for the struggle against the Powers of Darkness, the Will-to-Power of Friedrich Nietzsche. From the name 'Ing' we have the essence of action, of movement, of the force of action backed by the force of knowledge, and above all the Force of Truth that will overcome all objects. He is the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, for he (Ing) is the 'Son of Man(nus)' associated with Bootes and the star Arcturus - for he is the Once and Future King. 

The Son of Man is the Sun of Man, the Light within that is concealed in the darkness of matter. The Light is hidden in the Cave of Darkness where it is hidden from the Gods and Man, concealed by the Powers of Darkness. It is through the Will that the Powers of Darkness are overcome and the Light is freed, and the Dawn is born from the Darkness. Agni, like Woden, has to work in the Darkness in order to free the Divine Light. This is thus the role of Ingwe too who works as Woden in his earthly manifestation, as Agni is the 'Child of Rudra'. 

The 'Gift of Ing' is FIRE, and it is also, and most importantly, the WILL. This is the key to our struggle, the WILL. Nothing can stand in the way of the Will-to-Power. This is the Age of Ing and his power is growing within the Soul of the Folk; as in the spr-ing the 'sap' is rising, the Power of Ingwe, calling us to action as much as to seek the knowledge needed to make action effective. The 'Coming Man' riding a White Horse, represents the growing energy of the age, the Power of Ingwe. 

He rides a White Horse and wears the Red Garb of the War-God, the Fiery-Red garb of Agni, the Fire-God, of Ingwe, bringing the Fire of the Gods, the Wrath of the Gods. This is the Sacred Flame that burns in our hearts, in our blood, in our soul. This is the Flame of Knowledge that we keep alight into the future, and the Flame of Action which spurs us into action, the will-to-power, the will-to-action, the force that drives us, yet we know not whence it came, or whence it dwells, for it is the Hidden God, the Hidden Flame, the Flame of the Black Sun. 

Monday, 25 September 2017

The Lightning-Bolt of Higher Consciousness

Most people will know that Agni is a Vedic Fire-God, and indeed perhaps the most important god in the Rig Veda since he appears in so many stanzas of these sacred texts. His name gives us many words connected to fire - ignite, ignition etc., these coming through Greek to Latin and into our language much later. Agni was one of three important gods in the most ancient Vedas -

Agni - Fire,

Vayu - Air,

Soma - Water.

As you can see these are three of the 'elements' as they are termed, the other being 'Earth', and also 'Spirit' when we see things in a non-materialistic form. When looking at these gods we are looking at the most ancient form of the gods, before we find the gods being seen in much more numerous form. Also, in doing so we should consider that Norse Mythology has a very similar idea in the form of a more ancient triple-god form -

Logi - Fire,

Kari - Air,

AEgir - Water.

These are very ancient forms since they are said to be the offspring of Fornjotr, also known as Mistblindi, a Frost-Giant said to have been born after the 'Flood', a term denoting a very, very ancient time in pre-history. We should not see Logi as Loki, since these two are pitted together in the realm of Utgard-Loki, where Loki loses to Logi, the latter representing Wild-Fire.

Now, in at least one source Agni was cursed into being a god of destruction by fire, but was released somewhat and thus only a small part of his role was to destroy by fire. Nevertheless, he does have this destructive aspect which should not be overlooked. So, we have a very similar triple-god form in both the ancient Vedas and the later Norse Myths. We should bear in mind here that the Joten or 'Giants' are very primal chaotic forces which is borne out when we find Logi as the God of Wild-Fire, which can be a very destructive form of fire. It may well be that Loki was a later form of this who held to this destructive and chaotic aspect since he was of Joten-stock.

Agni has three sons, all of whom embrace some aspect of fire and thus seem to be different aspects of Agni -

Pavaka - Electric Fire (Lightning),

Pavamana - Friction-Fire,

Suchi - Fire of the Sun.

Agni is also a god who is protector of the home, and this was most likely the role of Ingwe since we find the inglenook at the side of the hearth which is the central fire of the home. Ingwe, like Agni, must have been seen as the 'protective fire' of the hearth, representing also the Sun at the Sacred Centre.

Gods do not just 'disappear', so these ancient god-forms would appear over and over again throughout time in slightly varied form. Agni has often been linked to Hama-Heimdall, both being born of Nine Mothers (Wave-Maidens), or in the case of Agni sometimes Seven Mothers. Hama is the god who brings the Caste System to mankind, the Sacred Law of the Gods that brings order through a hierarchical system. 

One interesting thing here is the birth of Hama/Agni through 'Nine Wave-Maidens', since we can see this as 'waves' of water, or we can also see this as 'sound-waves'. Pythagoras deemed that the planets made sounds which he deemed the 'Music of the Spheres'. In Norse Mythology creation came into being through sound (Aurgalmir), and was destroyed by sound (Bargalmir). In many 'primitive' societies the name is never given because the knowledge of the name infers that it could be used to harm or destroy the individual. The name is a 'sound'. 

Not so long ago it was revealed that NASA had discovered the 'Sound of the Sun', and true to form a number of YouTube videos appeared stating that NASA had discovered that this was the 'Sound of Om'. Although NASA never said anything of the sort this became 'fact' to some people. In reality what NASA had done was to convert certain waves into sound, compressed this, and thus allowed it to become a 'sound' audible to the human ear. The first small section could be seen as 'Om', although it is far from a clear sound of 'Om'. But this is only a very small section of the sounds, and should be considered in light of the manipulation done by NASA. 

Ymir is the First Giant, and he is the equivalent to Augalmir in that he may be considered to be the 'Sound of Creation'. We can find the Vedic 'OM' in our English Rune-Row as 'YR'; this must represent Ymir. The sound 'y' in these should be sounded as the French 'u' in 'lune', and our English 'lunar'; in Old English the sound of the word 'cyning' ('king') is 'kooning',and this is how the Yr-Rune should be sounded. The alternative spelling of 'OM' is 'AUM' which is the same as AU-galmr, but it should also be noted that the 'g' is often pronounced as a 'y' (as in Gotland which is 'Yot-land'). Thus 'Au-yalmr' can be truncated into 'Om' quite easily. Aum becomes Amun (Egypt) and Amen (Biblical).

In Tolkien's Mythology Ingwe is the High Lord of the Elves (Vanyar), the Vanyar being also called Ingwer based upon a root *inga meaning 'top' or 'highest point'. The name Ingwe stemming from ing- ('first') and *we ('man'), thus meaning 'The First Man'. So, where is the link between the Elves (Shining Ones or Illuminated Ones) and Man? To find this we need to go back to Agni.

One of the names of Agni is Angiras (Ang-iras) which straightway reminds us of Ing/Ingwe. The Angiras were the Seven Rishis who were seers and wise men of very ancient times (I have covered this before). These are Vedic Rishis (Sages) who had Divine Knowledge, were mediators (messengers) between Gods and Men, and the first of the Fire-Gods (Agni-Devas). There is an interesting aspect to the name 'Angiras' which is a female name in Hinduism, and which one source gives the meaning - 'Of the mythical Luminous Race'. This, I have to add, is not the usual interpretation of the name, but I feel that it should perhaps not be dismissed since (as we shall see) it has a ring of truth.

The Angiras were first used in the Vedas in connection with the coming of the Dawn and the 'Cows', two mythical ideas which are always connected. The Dawn is the Goddess Ushas (Eostra/Ostara), and the Cows are the Rays of the Sun in one sense. This was also a title of Agni as Agni Angiras. The word ang is merely a nasalised form of ag, spoken through the nose as well as the mouth. This is interesting in that the form 'ag' is thus spoken through the mouth, whilst the form 'ang' is spoken through the nose ('n') and the mouth ('g'). This is also true of Agni' but here the sounds are reversed - mouth & nose. Interestingly, the word A-GN-I contains the Root *gn which (like *kn) refers to knowledge, wisdom and links to the Ken-Rune. 

The Angiras are symbolic of a force, an energy, indeed they are referred to as the Sons of Force and the Sons of Energy. This links directly to the god Ing since the suffix -ing gives the meaning of some form of force or action, like 'go-ing', runn-ing', 'mov-ing', 'climb-ing', 'rac-ing' or 'do-ing'. The suffix suggests that the word is symbolic of action, movement, and thus power and energy. There are certain Vedic words connected to Agni and the roots of the name -

agni - fire,

angati - fire,

angara - a burning coal,

angiras - flaming/glowing/shining/brilliant.

Agni and the Angiras symbolise the force or energy of action, of movement, of the light - these are the Forces of Light. The Angiras are the Luminous Sages, for they are seers, men of knowledge, wisdom and understanding, the Forces of Light that wage the Eternal War against the 'Sons of Darkness and Matter'. The Sanskrit suri means 'seer' and is of the same root as Surya the Hindu Sun-God. Agni Angiras represents both Knowledge and Action. In fact, Agni Angiras, and thus Ingwe, represent Divine Consciousness - Light & Power working in harmony

Agni and the Angiras are also associated with the following -

The Dawn-Goddess Ushas.

The Rays of the Dawn.

The Maruts - gods of storm and the lightning who unite within themselves the power of Vayu (Woden - Air), the wind, the breath, the Word.

Force of Agni as the Divine Sage or Seer. 

Eternal Youth of Agni.

The Word which is the wisdom of the seer. 

Indra in his role as the Lightning-Bolt that destroys the 'Demons of Darkness'. 

According to Sri Aurobindo the Divine Word is the Satya Mantra or Arka, the latter sometimes being used for the Sun, the Word of Illumination. The word Arka I have just covered in the latest 'Sword of Wayland' magazine which has just been published. It relates to Arya/Aryan and 'ka' is the 'soul' in Egyptian Lore. We could see this as the Aryan Spirit.

The wife of Agni is Swaha and from this name we can gleam certain concepts of interest -

The Aryan Root *swar means -

To murmur, to buzz, to hum, to speak. (This gives one meaning of 'musical notes' when it is used as a girl's name.)

To shine, to glow, to burn (relating to Agni and also giving the Gujurati meaning to the girl's name Swar - 'Self-shining'.)

To swing, to bind, also to hang by a string, to swing.

The Sanskrit swa means 'self', and we are thus moving into the realms of higher consciousness. In Tibet the word svaha means 'so be it' rooted in su ('well') and ah ('to call'). 

Ingwe is not just a 'God of the English' but he is the power and force behind our evolutionary drive, our drive to achieve higher states of consciousness, and in this he links to Woden. Woden is named after wod or od which relates to divine inspiration, ecstasy, divine madness. But are told that he gives ond which is 'Vital Breath', since (like Vayu) he is associated with air and with spirit. Ingwe seems to combine the roles of Fire and Air, two elements that need each other since fire cannot be kindled without oxygen in the air. 

Agni is the 'Messenger of the Gods'; this is interesting in view of the Greek term angel which means 'messenger'; the Greek 'gg' is pronounced 'ng', thus Igg and Ing are likely the same. The 'Angles' are thus the 'Messengers of the Gods', they are the go-between for Ingwe and Man, but also the go-between for the communication of Man with the Gods. This is the exact role of Agni in Vedic Lore. 

Ang - AEng - Eng - Ing - Ong - OEng - Ung

These give us the earlier forms of Ingwe in these islands - Angus, AEngus, Oengus, and they show the importance of this god-force, and that he was the God of At-al-land in very early times. 

Ingwe is the force that supplies the Lightning-Bolt for Thunor (Indra), and Thunor is the god who is primarily concerned with waging the Eternal War against the Joten - the Forces of Chaos and Darkness. Ingwe is the God of Light, the God of Illumination, the God who is the door to Higher Consciousness. He is both knowledge and action; he combines the two forces needed today to strike back against the Sons of Darkness and Matter - Knowledge & Action. There is no point in gaining knowledge, and thus wisdom, and thus understanding ('see-ing') if we do not take some form of action. Thus the idea put forward by Jonathon Bowden of the creation of a 'New Man' based upon the original idea by Lord Byron - the Cultured Thug! I would put it a little differently and term this the Thinking Warrior combining the man who has knowledge, wisdom and understanding but who has the ability to fight when necessary. 

The Lightning-Bolt symbol is connected to both Thunor and Woden; it is symbolic of the breaking through the barriers of consciousness, breaking through into a state of higher consciousness. Remember - this is the Age of Ingwe and in these times we can achieve an evolutionary jump in which mankind can break through into a higher state of consciousness. And thus defeat the Powers of Darkness and Matter.