

Monday, 15 October 2018

The Secret of Halloween

Halloween (31st October) is supposed to be a 'Celtic' festival but has an Old English name - it is a corruption of All Hallows Eve. This has become more popular over the past few years here in England, mainly because it has become yet another time of the year to sell to the consumer-masses. Nevertheless, it is an ancient festival and we are going to look into its roots - in  Germania.

There are certain articles associated with Halloween and these, when analysed, point to an ancient Ancestral Festival of the Dead Heroes. We shall look at these now -

  • The masks - these are a dim remembrance of the Cultic Masks used in Germanic Ritual by the ancient Mannerbunde or Cultic-Warrior Bands. Originally these would be of totem animals such as the Wolf, Bear and the Boar. 
  • The skeletal garb and the skeletal masks, which again were part of the war-band or Heri as told by Tacitus when he referred to a Germanic war-band known as the Harii who were dressed like skeletons and whose appearance was supposed to frighten their enemies. In reality their masks and war-paint would probably have signified that they were invoking their Ancestral Spirits into themselves
  • The weapons such as the Axe (Thunor-Forseti), the Trident (Woden) and the Sword (Tiw) which are still part of the regalia used by children for Halloween.
  • The Pumpkin, which is a rather more modern edition, but the symbolism is that of Light and Order - the role of the young AEthlingas. The hollowed out pumpkin may also be seen as a skull, with associations to the dead.
  • The Xtians have distorted this into a kind of 'devil worship' and the Trident helps this lie on somewhat, being the weapon of the 'Devil'. But the essence of an ancient Festival of the Dead remains hidden in the background. Woden (as the Horned One) was transformed into the 'Devil' and he is the Ancestral God. 
  • 'Trick or Treat' may not be a new thing imported from the USA because it could be a dim recollection of the Sacred Stealright where the youthful warriors were either given something for their role as protectors of the tribe or they would cause a nuisance of themselves in some way or another.
In Odinism, Wotanism and Wodenism we celebrate a festival called The Einheriar or in  WF we also call it the Ancestral Rite. This coincides with the 'Armistice Day' on November 11th, which is a modern corruption set on this day by the Dark Forces. Due to the calender changes by the Xtian Church 11 days , which suggests that this change made the festival of November 11th move 11 days back to October 31st. These are thus one and the same festival. 

We have also the date between these - November 5th - which is obviously some form of ancient Fire-Festival remembered and latched on to 'Guy Fawkes' at some time so as to keep it going. We have thus an 11-day festival with the dates 31st October, 5th November and 11th November as being the key points. 

We have the following ideas from this -

  • This is an Ancestral Rite based upon the Germanic concept of the Ahnenkult (Ancestral Cult) and the Totenkult (Death Cult). This is symbolised by the Deaths Head symbol or Skull & Crossbones. 
  • This is a Fire-Cult which held Fire-Rites remembered in the 'Guy Fawkes Night' festivals. 
  • The rites were held in the autumn period which was known as the Way of the Ancestors. This time of year was when the veil between the Nine Worlds grew thin and the Ancestral Spirits could one again join with the living. 
  • The regalia - masks, weapons, skeletal make-up etc. - were a dim remembrance of the Cultic Warrior Rites based around Ancestral Worship and the Rites of Woden (as the Ancestral God).

The Death's Head derives from the Skull & Crossbones which is clearly associated with the god Woden - the One-Eyed Hunter-God. We have here confirmation that the Ancestral Cults were part of the Woden-Cult

Sunday, 14 October 2018

The Serpents of Wisdom

Following on from The Wisdom of The Serpent I am going to look at the legends about the Serpent-Folk that have come down to us from India, Egypt, Central and South America. There are certain similarities between these legends -

  • These are bearded, white 'gods' who came from outside the area.
  • These 'White Gods' were highly skilled in astronomy, astrology and the occult sciences.
  • They came to these areas after a catastrophic flood that sank their lands, and they came in peace, although some were welcomed in peace and others attacked. 
  • They built great structures in the area they came to and instructed the people in their sciences, possibly to ensure that they were kept into a future they saw as being catastrophic. These people, in the main, left after doing what they had to do.
  • They were 'creators' and 'civilisers' who came to help the people after this flood, or to pass their knowledge to them after their own lands were sank under the waves. 
Firstly, I am going to look at India, and to the Serpent-Folk mentioned in the last post on this blog. The island they occupied could be that of the Atala mentioned in certain texts, a name meaning 'White Island', but which could link to At-al-land, of course. These people were devoted to the serpent Narayana which can be broken into N-Arayana, the 'N' having been used in ancient times as the glyph of a Serpent. But there is another word used for 'serpent', stemming from the IE Root *ang(w)hi or *ng(w)hi both of which could be in some way linked to the name 'Ingui' or 'Ingwe'. I can see, at this time, little evidence to suggest a link between Ingui and the Serpent, though more study may well bring to light a link one day. 

I shall turn now to Egypt since this is an area thought to have been the home of a people who came from lands that were sunk in a great flood. Legends tell these people came from Atlantis; if we see this as At-al-land then they were the same as those who went to India from Atala. The important point to note about Egypt is that the first 'Gods' who lived in this area were known as the neturu or neters, a name meaning 'god' we are told, but also a name similar to the IE Root *ne-tr meaning 'snake'. Although I am 'imposing' an IE Root on an area not considered by scholars to be Indo-European, one look at the faces of the ancient pharaohs tells us this may be the right thing to do. Anyway, the IE Root *ne-tr may also give us our own word 'adder' since the original Old English spelling was naedr, and the 'n' was dropped. 

The Edfu Texts tell of the 'Seven Sages' (note the 'Seven Rishis' of India) who came from an island, the 'Homeland of the Primaeval Ones" where the divine inhabitants were drowned. Some went to Egypt as the 'Builder Gods' and there 'illuminated this land when they came forth unitedly'. 

The neteru were nine in number, though the names of these gods can vary somewhat -










This was the 'First Era' which was followed by a 'Second Era' ruled by the Shemsu Hor or 'Followers of Horus'; these two were followed by a third era of the Dynastic Kings. Modern scholars completely ignore the first two eras since these times do not fit in with materialistic science, and go for the Dynastic Era as the only historical era

The Shemsu Hor were also known as the Akku, a name meaning 'Transfigured Beings', 'Shining Ones', or 'Astral Spirits'. E.A. Wallis Budge, in Hieroglyphic Dictionary gives the following for the meaning of Akku -

  • to be bright
  • to be excellent
  • to be wise
  • instructed
  • those who recite formula

The Age of the Gods ended with the rule of Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, and the reign of the 'Followers of Horus' ended with the human Pharaoh Menes, whom some connect to the Manu of India, and thus to Mannaz of Germania. At this point we need to stop and to consider the fact that the end of a reign of Divine Beings (Followers of Horus) brought about a Pharaoh named Menes. We may surmise that at this point there came about the 'Thinking Man', the man possessed of the human 'ego'. Just a thought. Anyway, the pharaohs had as their symbol the Solar Disc (of the Ancient Solar Race) and the Uraeus Serpent (of the Serpent-Folk). Interestingly, the species of cobra used as the Uraeus-Serpent is called Naja Haje - 'naje' is close to 'naga'. 

Moving to Central and South America we have certain figures clearly stated as being 'white', 'bearded' and coming in from another land -

Quetzalcoatl - Mexico
Viracocha - Andes
Cucumatz - Quiche Maya
Kukulkan - Chichen Itza
Votan - Maya

All of these figures have one thing in common, and that is their link to the 'Serpent' or 'Feathered Serpent'. The 'Feathered Serpent' is merely the Winged, Coiled Serpent which was also the symbol of Germania according to the Welsh Mabinogian. 

THis figure, holding 'Twin Serpents' in the pose of the Long Man of Wilmington is thought to be Viracocha. One of the interesting things about this particular figure is that these serpents have 'bird's heads', no doubt symbolic of the 'Feathered Serpent'. 

The figures of the 'Dancing Warriors' on the Sutton Hoo Mask also have 'horns' that seem not unlike serpents, and these also have bird's heads at the end. These are 'Solar Horns' but they also seem to be symbolic of the 'Feathered Serpent'. 

This breacteate found in Sweden has also a 'Dancing God' (Woden, as seen by the right eye being missing) with the same Solar-Horns and Lunar-Horns, and the bird's heads on the Solar-Horns. 

Strangely enough the Sutton Hoo Mask has the Serpent running over the crown of the head, meeting a winged Swan/Eagle/Dragon at the Third Eye. Here both the winged bird and the serpent end with bird's beaks. 

We can see that the Serpent or Feathered Serpent was in ancient times symbolic of the Sun and the Solar Force.  The bird's beaks are thus symbolic of the 'feathered' part of the 'Feathered Serpent'. In Egypt the vulture takes the place of the Eagle, Swan or Winged Coiled Serpent. Both the Uraeus Serpent and the Vulture are found on the headdress of the Pharaoh.

We have three areas - India, Egypt and Central-South America - where the Serpent-Folk appear to have migrated, and where they created advanced civilisations centred around the knowledge they had before a Great Flood destroyed their island homeland - At-al-land, we shall assume. 

Putting these ideas together, if it is correct to think that an ancient Solar-Race lived on a continent known as At-al-land, and that when this  sank (or parts of it sank) the people (or some of them) moved across the seas in 'Serpent Ships' ('Dragon-Ships') to the areas we have covered here, and also to other areas of the world which we have as yet not covered. Invariably, these ancient legends speak of an island in the North (North-West in the case of At-al-land). If this is right then these islands must have this Ancient Wisdom of the Serpent-Folk hidden within its lore - Germanic or Celtic. The stuff from Sutton Hoo and the Wulfinga Tribe seem to prove a continuation of this same symbolism, and the Long Man of Wilmington is part of this same continuum. (*)

The overall shape of the Uffington White Horse ('White Horse of the Wulfingas') is that of a stylised horse; the body of the 'horse' however, could also be seen as a Serpent, especially since we find 'Dragon Hill' just below the hill-figure. Here again we seem to find clues as to a lost Solar Knowledge based upon the Solar-Serpent. 

We need to consider the symbolism of the Serpent which, in some cases, sheds its skins to renew itself, and thus is symbolic of renewal, regeneration and hinting at immortality (in a kind of physical sense where the 'renewal' refers to a 'reincarnation' or 'resurrection' into a new physical form. It is not clear, however, whether this symbolism refers to the idea of a 'willed resurrection' as in the concept of Valhalla or the Boddhisattva, or the 'reincarnation' as the Way of the Ancestors. Since these peoples were the Shemsu Hor or the Shining Ones ('Elves') then we can assume the former to be right. 

The spinal column in the human body is the 'Serpent', shaped like an 'S' from the side as can be seen above, and shaped like an upturned spear looking straight at it. Thus the 'Path of the Serpent' upwards from the Base Centre ending at the Third Eye Centre. Since there are 33 vertebrae (including the sacrum and coccyx) then the 33-Runes actually form the Serpent. Moving from Gar at the base upwards to Feoh at the neck the 33-Runes form the Runic Serpent

There is a negative side to all this, one that has been advanced by David Icke with his 'Aryan Reptilians' where these advanced 'Light-Born Folk' are degraded into the 'Powers of Darkness' that rule over the world today. Others have jumped onto to this 'alternative history' bandwagon and followed on with these 'Aryan Reptilians' into new fields. Not recognising that there is an 'Initiation' and a 'Counter-Initiation', both of which are based upon Occult Knowledge which, of course, can be used for good or for evil. It is probable, though not certain, that much of the Ancient Hidden Knowledge was contained in Egypt where some of the secrets were taken by the Servants of Darkness. 

There is one last point to this and that is the idea that there have, through the ages, been Secret Societies or Secret Occult Societies that have kept hidden the Ancient Solar Wisdom for fear of it getting to the masses where it would either be ridiculed or distorted. This idea also features in the ideas of Guido von List and the Armanen Order, the Armanen being Occult Initiates who kept secret and alive the Ancient Mysteries in Germania. There may be some truth in this, and certainly this seems to hold true of the Counter-Initiation. However, it does not mean that such a 'hidden order' is necessary, nor such a continuum, since in our own times the Hidden Knowledge coming to light has not been passed down to us through some hidden order, but comes through to us from Higher Powers that work in a different world, just as we have the knowledge of the Great White Brotherhood and other ideas of Higher Beings guiding us. It could also be said that certain individuals - Initiates - are reborn to come together at certain times to take up once more the struggle, and in times of need will help the process of saving the Ancient Wisdom - as Manu saved the Vedas from the Great Flood. At such times it often means making the Ancient Wisdom more widely available in order to keep it, with the knowledge that the profane can only dismiss or ridicule it, and yet it will remain intact nonetheless.

(*) There seems to be some evidence to suggest that there was a continuum from the Iceni and other tribes of East Anglia and the Angles ruled by the Wuffingas. The Wolf-Totem belongs both to the Wuffingas and the Iceni Tribe if we consider some of the Iceni Coins. 

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

The Wisdom of the Serpent

In order to understand this post we need to consider the Occult Lore which tells of the movement of the Aryans from the North Polar Regions at some time in the very ancient past. Even then we need to consider if the term 'Aryan' is right or whether we should use the term Hyperboreans which is more likely. Indeed, since the shift seems to have been from a Polar Mythos (Hyperborean) to a Solar Mythos (Aryan) then the Aryans were more likely descendants of the Hyperboreans who underwent a transformation (of consciousness) after a catastrophe that sank At-al-land. So the Aryans, we could surmise (and that is all we can do since there is no proof), left At-al-land at different times after different catastrophic changes to this land in the North Sea. 

According to the Hidden Tradition there was a series of catastrophes that sank the most ancient Ur-Lands and with each catastrophe waves of Folk-wanderings occurred -

Hyperborea - here the inhabitants were the Shining Ones who were a Spiritual Race which was translucent and had Blue Blood - Igneous Blood. This is the 'Fiery Blood' of the High Race of the North. Due to the mixing of the Sacred Blood these peoples became more physical in appearance after a catastrophe when the Earth's axis shifted and an Ice Age set in which caused a southwards wave of peoples from the sinking lands.

At-al-land - the former Hyperboreans settled further south in the area of the North Sea on the vast continent known as At-al-land. These peoples were different in form due to the Earth's changes but they created a new High Civilisation which lasted many thousands of years. Then, it seems, there occurred a massive catastrophe that sank areas of this land, causing some of the peoples there to move away again, though some no doubt remained on what was left and on the islands that remained above the sea. It would appear that it was here that the Aryan Race was created through changes in consciousness, and these were led out of At-al-land by the Aryan Manu and moved across into the Gobi Desert.

The Gobi - there is evidence that another High Civilisation was created in the area now known as the Gobi Desert, and this was the home of the Aryans who left At-al-land after the catastrophe. Again, it would seem that a vast catastrophe wiped away this civilisation too. We should remember here that periods of thousands of years are involved. We can assume that the homeland of the Gobi Aryans was named Shambhalla which comes down to us through Aryan Buddhism (Buddha was an Aryan of the Sakya Tribe which lived in India).

The Folk-Wanderings following the fall of the Gobi Civilisation seem to have been into an area around what is today known as India. This was not the later 'Aryan Invasion' but the civilisation built around Harappan which is now considered to be Vedic-Aryan and not an 'indigenous' form which was later overrun by Aryans. The later incursions into the area seem to have replaced an earlier Aryan Civilisation. We find in the Aryan Vedas the most profound and deep wisdom of the ancient world which was created by a very high and sophisticated science which we shall call the Aryan Science.

This Aryan Civilisation centred around the Himalayas and Tibet, as well as the area today known as Iran (Land of the Aryan). It was in the area of Tibet-India of the Himalayas that legend tells us secret caverns within the Earth were used to hold written accounts of these ancient times. We do know that this was true since during World War II the Germans made treks into the wilderness of Tibet and brought back hundreds of books, most of which have 'disappeared'. 

Sometime during these Folk-Wanderings the Aryans went into Egypt, Central and South America, and Easter Island, as well as other areas that have left traces of these peoples. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that Western Occultists such as Madame Blavatsky, George Gurdjieff, Aleister Crowley and many others of fame travelled to these areas - Egypt, Tibet and India - to rediscover this ancient knowledge for the Europeans. This itself indicates that the Ancient Seers were all too well aware of the coming Dark Age when this knowledge would be lost here in the West, but would be held in secret places in the East and in the Americas where it could be found again in our times.

The Mayan Stela shown on this blog on many occasions tells a story to us in itself; it appears to show the Aryan Thunder-God holding Twin-Hammers in a boat ('ark') with a White Stone in the bottom and Twin-Serpents coiling around the sides of the boat. It is the serpents that will concern us here.

Esoteric Tradition holds that the Nagas ('Serpent-Folk') were the descendants of a prehistoric race whose homeland was destroyed by a great cataclysm some  10,000 years ago. This time-span indicates a link to the sinking of At-al-land, which is what we shall assume to be the case. An ancient papyrus in the Leningrad Hermitage mentions the 'Island of the Serpents' and states - 

'After you leave my island you will not find it again and this place will vanish under the sea's waves.'

This island was one known as Naga Dwipa, and these "Serpent-Folk' appear tp have been Vedic Aryans whose totem was the Hooded Serpent - the Cobra. They were Initiates and Guardians of the Ancient Esoteric Knowledge. What is interesting here is that the Naga Chief, Takshaka, was a patron of medicine and healing, and expert in poisons and antidotes to poisons. The Naga Symbol was that of a Coiled Serpent, or Coiled Serpents around a central rod, the symbol known as the Caduceus of Mercury to the Greeks. This same symbol can be found in India related to Shiva. 

I am here reminded of certain links to Woden -

  • Votan of South American Legend was of the Race of Chan ('Race of the Serpent') and came from Tullan or Tula (Thule). Questzalcoatl of the Aztecs was known as 'The Feathered Serpent'. Kukulkan was also associated with the Serpent. 
  • In a vivid dream of January 1st 1999 Woden was seated before a Hooded Serpent (Cobra) in a sandy cave, thus linking him to the Serpent-Cults.
  • Woden is shown as a healer in both the Merseburg Charm and in the Old English Nine Herbs Charm; but in the latter he cures bites from the venom of the serpent

Our own English word 'snake' could well derive from a combination of 'S' - the movement of the Serpent across the Earth - and 'Nake' which is too close to 'Naga' for comfort. The Old English word is snaca which is also close to S-Naga. In fact the letter 'N' seems, like 'S' and 'Z' to have been used as symbolic of the Serpent in ancient times. The mention of Votan, obviously 'Wotan' of Germania, is important since the word for 'serpent' - Chan - is very much like the Kan-Rune which itself means 'Fire-Serpent' or 'Fire-Dragon' at one level. The term Naga actually means 'Wise Serpent'. In fact, the term 'Naga' would in ancient times have had the vowels left out, leaving the significant ng which forms the basis of Ing-Ingui which is ng

We should now consider the link between the 'Celtic Druids' and the Serpent, a link that we may apply to the Germano-Celts rather than the Gallo-Celts of the South. Rather than seeing these 'Wise Serpents' as a 'pre-Aryan' people dispossessed by the Aryans the truth seems to be that these were Aryans akin to the Vedic Aryans of India. We have an ancient legend given in the Prose Edda of how Woden led his people out of the area known as 'Troy' (which may have been the now famed 'Asaport' which was in Armenia [now Turkey] which has an advanced technology found by archaeologists). He led them back into Northern Europe which was their Ur-Lands. We can thus see a movement outwards, eastward and southward, and a movement back into Northern Europe led by Woden.

We can assume that remnants of the same peoples still lived in parts of Northern Europe and that the two fused together, as the Aesir and Vanir fused together in mythology (history follows Archetypal Myth). Thus, there is no need for an 'invasion theory' (*) which seems to be the case with modern establishment scholars when they cannot explain something which they do not understand. It is the Ancient Wisdom held by these Serpent-Folk that we find hidden in the secrets held by the Druids who, as we have shown again and again, were not all 'Celtic' but were Germanic (like the Tegeingl). We can also assume that the Serpent Wisdom was transmitted by these Heathen Folk to the new religious Faith of Krist. 

(*) These 'invasion theories' invariably see the incoming incursions to be the 'Aryans' who destroy an already-existing 'high civilisation'. Here Archetypal Myth tells a far different tale, since these 'high civilisations' were the dying remnants of a once 'High Civilisation' that was in decline and degeneracy, and which was invaded by Barbarians who then founded a new 'High Civilisation' from the ruins and remains of the old one. Both the dying and recreated civilisations were Aryan as in India.

The Nagas were clearly Aryan Initiates ('Twice-Born') and the Serpent is symbolic of the Energising Creative Force of the Cosmos. Clearly, the Nagas were a highly advanced people ('Caucasian' in appearance) who were descendants of the Folk of At-al-land, and who possessed an abundance of this Creative Force or Creative Energy and were thus 'creators'. Having said that, we can relate this to Woden-Rudra/Shiva as a Force of Destruction-to Re-creation, and also to the Vedic Agni who we know as Ingui. 

The Ing-Rune forms part of the Caduceus of Mercury or Staff of Hermes which in India was known as a Naga-Coil and was made up of two 3 1/2 coiled serpents facing each other - the Kundalini-Serpent or Fire-Serpent. This is the force that moves up and down the Spinal Column in man, symbolised by the 'squirrel' Ratatosk in Norse Lore. Interestingly, the word rata used in 'Ratatosk' and also 'Rati' in that of the Myth of Knit Mountain, is akin to rasa in Sanskrit which means 'vital essence' or 'elexir' and rasayana means 'Elexir of Life'. This all relates to the Serpent-Force which was the power of the Naga Aryans. 

The Pine-Cone at the top of the winged staff (Irminsul) represents the Pineal Gland. Latest scientific experiments point to the Pineal Gland secreting a powerful drug called DMT which is an 'hallucinogen', but which in reality causes altered states of consciousness whence the mind can travel into different worlds of being. What was once secreted naturally was later found in certain plant-forms which were 'given by the gods' in order to produce these effects which materialistic science shuns as creating 'hallucinations'. (**) The top of this shows a Sun-Orb symbolic of the Solar-Wisdom of the Nagas. 

(**) The word 'hallucination' is said to mean 'delusion', 'error' or 'perception of things that do not exist' and yet, in earlier works the same word means 'a wandering of the mind' a far different meaning to the later (deliberately distorted) version. 

The Jewel in the Cobra's Head is the Pineal Gland or 'Third Eye' and this is known to contain crystals; the crystal gives us the colours and essence of the rainbow. The link between Midgard (Pineal Gland-Third Eye) and the Gods is thus the Rainbow-Bridge. The rainbow was known as 'Indra's Bow' in early times. The 'Pot of Gold' at the 'end of the rainbow' is thus the Solar Wisdom of the Ancients or 'enlightenment'. A 'pot' could be seen as a 'cauldron', and in this case Odroerir.

The Fylfot-Swastika is this all-pervasive Life-Energy in motion; this is the Serpent-Force in motion. The word 'Aryan' stems from -

Ar - 'movement', or 'motion' and 

Yan - 'to generate'.

Thus, the Aryan is the 'Generator of Motion' who has an abundance of this Life-Energy or Cosmic-Energy which is the Creative Energy of Pure Consciousness and thus the highest state of consciousness. This is a formative and organising Force of Order, the opposite of entropy which is disorganising and disintegrating. Here we see the Force of Light and Order against the Force of Darkness and Chaos. This is why the Arya exists as the polar-opposite force to the Joten who are the Forces of Darkness and Chaos - Force of Entropy. The Sun is the Sacred Symbol of the Arya, and the Aryan Nagas were the Ancient Solar-Race mentioned in the Ramayana.

Agni is the link between the Gods and Man; in a sense he is a 'messenger' between the Gods and Man. Since Ingui is akin to Agni, and he has the Ing-Rune as his symbol, then Ingui is linked to the DNA Spiral or 'Double-Helix'. Some modern research has concluded that the DNA is like an antenna that receives information from the Cosmic Energy-Field (Shakti). Agni is the God of the Need-Fire who kindles the Need-Fire or Friction-Fire, and thus associated with the Swastika which is the 'motion' of this Creative Force. In this we come near to the idea of Mundilfore (Father of Hama-Ingui-Agni) or Waendal who whirls the Cosmos into being through turning the 'Fire-Twirl' (Cweorth-Rune).

We can find parallels here with the 'Churning of the Ocean' which is similar to the 'Fire-Twirl' which moves forwards and backwards - symbolic of the Twin-Forces of attraction-repulsion needed to create. Through these simple images we thus see no need for a 'Big-Bang' at the beginning which is the dogma of modern science. We see the same in Norse Mythology when Ice meets Fire (attraction-repulsion), driven by the 'wind' or 'movement of air' needed to break the stasis, and from this forms the nebulae which are the Centres of Creation in the Cosmos. 

Materialistic science has to have a 'Big-Bang' to explain the outward-movement, but Aryan Science recognises not one but infinite 'worlds' or 'dimensions of being', and that there is a movement of energy between these worlds. This movement of energy seems to be linked to the symbol of the Spiral, which seems to move this energy from one level/dimension to another.

The spiral in all of its varied forms seems to symbolise this movement of energy between the worlds of being. We could see the above (almost always related to 'The Goddess' as usual) as the Hindu Trimurti of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva, or the Vedic Trimurti of Surya-Vayu-Agni. Agni, as can be seen here, is clearly related to the original Shiva in the form of Rudra which is why, in the Vedas, Agni and Rudra are sometimes interchanged or seen as two forms of the same. This itself is interesting in view of my previous ideas on Woden-Ingui. There are also fundamental reasons for this pairing since Woden represents the Warrior-God and Ingui the Fertility God. Many scholars seem to differentiate between these two concepts, break them apart, and yet the ancients seem to have linked the two firmly together, as seen in the Wild Hunt where the Warrior-Gods leads the Wild Army, but which is also related to the fertility of the crops and the tribe too. War and the breeding of offspring go together and are inseparable.

The Serpent represents three levels -

The energising Creative Force of the Cosmos or Supreme Universal Spirit, the Hindus seeing this as Shakti - the Female Force.

At the human level this represents consciousness reaching towards wisdom and enlightenment.

At the physical and lower level this is symbolic of fertility and thus regeneration.

Why does Woden seek knowledge, and thus wisdom, and thus understanding? Because he eats of the 'Tree of Knowledge' thus gaining the knowledge of 'Good and Evil' (knowledge of opposites) which allows him to give Nature a 'helping hand' and thus shortcutting the Evolution of Man. Whereas our evolving would come about naturally, Woden is the God who shortcuts this process by giving Nature a 'shove' and thus short-cutting our evolutionary process. This is why he is a most important God, and why we name ourselves after this God.

It is not necessary for a physical change in man to come about through physical mutation itself; the process seems to entail a change in the state of consciousness which has to be won through struggle. This is the Naga-Wisdom which we have inherited through our DNA Code, passing back through At-al-land to Hyperborea in an unbroken continuum. In a different 'world' or 'dimension' there exist different laws, or no laws at all, and within another realm lay the Archetypal Images of which there is an Aryan Archetype. It has been found by scientists that the electrical field around a plant-seed is not in fact shaped as the seed, but as the adult plant. This is a serious find since it infers that the 'seed' is thus the physical shape but there is also an Archetypal Image the shape of the plant as it is meant to be, and thus this Archetypal Image exists not in the physical but in an Archetypal World as the 'Formative Force' or the energy that forces growth in the plant. This also seems proven when we find that the 'aura' of a person who has lost, say, a limb, shows up with the limb intact. Thus, the 'aura' is no more than this Archetypal Image that exists in what we could term the Astral World. 

Now we can see why this Ancient Serpent-Wisdom has been kept through the ages, and is today surfacing once more here in Europe. What Don Miguel Serrano stated was right in that the creation of the Sun-Man has to be done by the creation of the 'Son of Man', of giving birth to a 'child', but in the secret sense of creating the Astral Body (or recreating it) which is the creation of the Archetypal Image in a different world, the creation of the Aryan Archetype which will thus be 'transmitted' to the DNA in Man, thus creating the 'New Man'. The 'Son of Man' is Ingui and this process is linked to 'Fire' and the 'Creative Fire', and thus to the 'Fire-Serpent'. This is why the change is not a 'mutation' as such, but a 'transformation' through a change in the state of consciousness, and Woden is the God of Wisdom - the Serpent-God - who 'shortcuts' the evolutionary process for us through his teachings and his guidance. Woden guides us in this evolutionary jump towards the Sonnenmensch.

It is my feeling that the Hagal-Rune or 'Seed of Life' is the Key to this Mystery, since the 'Seed of Life' is a blueprint for the 'Tree of Life' and both are associated with the 'Krist-All' (Crystal). This particular rune has poems within which are the 'corn' (seed) and the 'serpent' (sickness of snakes), as well as being the Ice-Crystal or Snowflake Form which forms the basis of life-patterns. The Ur-Rune is also related to these ideas as the 'Ur-Form' or 'Archetypal Pattern' which forms the finished product. These need not concern us here but they do form part of the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag and will be dealt with in a post on that site at a later time. 

The word Wyrd is not just related to 'fate' or to 'destiny' since the term means 'to become'; this is the State of Becoming which forms the basis of the transformation from Man to Superman. Again, we see this not as some physical transformation through an 'act of Nature' but as a willed transformation based upon the worth of the individual who strives to overcome, who strives to go beyond the human to the super-human. Wyrd not only means 'to become' but means 'worth' - this evolutionary jump is related to struggle and to the individual overcoming. It is also a fact that Wyrd stems from the Aryan Root *war/*wal which originally meant 'to coil', 'to wind', 'to twist' and is thus related to the Coiled Serpent and the Spiral, which, as I said, seems to be the shape needed to move energy from one world into another - this energy is needed to create the Superman. (***)

(***) A copper wire which is wound into a spiral form gains properties that it did not have before, and this means that it is transformed in some subtle way. 

The 'aura' which I have mentioned which seems to exist in the Astral World is thus the Cosmic Creative Force which creates matter, energy and life. The Aryan Archetype exists in this world and is 'built' in this world as the 'Son of Man'; this is the formative-force that impinges upon the physical world to create the change from Man to Superman. 

Note 1 - In relation to the 'Blood-Memory' which forms such an important part of the work of Miguel Serrano some fore-thinking scientists have discovered that water has the ability to hold 'memory'. Since the blood is the 'waters of the body' this may well prove this to be true (though we need no proof ourselves). It would seem that water-vapour in the air stores memory through electrical impulses given off by human emotions

Note 2 - The labyrinth or spiral form has been used, it would seem, for certain rituals, and thus we see why the 'spiral' has the ability to move energy (and thus 'communication') between the worlds. These would form the basis for communication with other worlds, and for raising energy from other worlds. 

Note 3 -    Surya - Sun - Creation
                 Vayu - Air - Preservation
                 Agni - Fire - Destruction (-to-recreation).

It should be noted here how Guido von List was far nearer to the mark than many of the texts/scholars who see the process as Creation-Preservation-Destruction, since he added the fourth element of 're-Creation' or as he put it - Arising - Being - Passing away to New Arising. This is the process of Birth-Life-Death-Rebirth which is a threefold process extended to the fourfold process. The process as Creation-Preservation-Destruction is far nearer to the idea of an ending rather than the truth of a 'new beginning'. This is an important point we must never overlook. 

Note 4 -

The Gift of Ing - The Serpent-Force

The process of the Formative Force can be found within the Gar-Rune, for when it is extended in any direction it still creates a never-ending X-Ing pattern that retains the same meaning - 'Gift of Ing'. The 'Diamond-Body' can be found in the Germanic Ing-Rune. According to the Holy White Stone of Ing this 'gift' is not only 'Fire' (Ken-Rune) but also the 'Serpent' (Kan-Rune). The stone also shows the Pattern of DNA and all this is connected to the Aryan Archetype and the Aryan Gene. The DNA is a spiral-form and can thus draw energy from this Archetypal Realm. The creation of the 'Son of Man' or 'Astral Body' is done in the 'Astral Realm' and the transformation is 'communicated' to the DNA which creates the change in vibration altering Man into Superman. An alternative form of the Gar-Rune shows the ends of the X as bent, forming two 'S' shapes across the Germanic Ing-Rune - Twin Serpents! 

The Holy White Stone of Ing

The shape of the markings around the runic inscription are that of the Ing-Rune where the centre is rounded, although in this case it is squared (no doubt for ease of carving). This is made up of an two Edel-Runes fused as one, and denotes a link to the Divine Twins who are themselves associated with New Creation and to the Kindling of the Need-Fire. 

Friday, 5 October 2018

The Hearg

The hearg seems to have different meanings to different scholars, but the nearest I can find to a real meaning is 'a pile of stones'. This is what most people see as an 'altar' made of stones piled on top of each other. This is how Wulfgar and I saw it when we set up Woden's Hearg. I stumbled across the most likely meaning by sheer accident (or maybe this came at the 'right time').

The hearg is far more than just a 'pile of stones' as I am about to show; it has a very deep and significant meaning to Heathenism. The term hearg became our modern 'harrow' and must have been pronounced in a similar way. But the term 'harrow' stems from the same root as the word 'harry', from the Gmc *heri/*here meaning 'to harry', 'to plunder', 'to raid' or 'to pillage'. At first glance this may seem odd, both words having (as it would seem) different meanings, but I am going to suggest that the Gmc *heri/*here may originally have had another meaning, which I will show here.

The Greek god named Hermes is a God of the Dead, just like Woden, and he also has similar associations with the crossroads and with boundaries. Indeed, a 'pile of stones' marking out a boundary was called a Herma, originally Hermes, which gives us the clue to this mystery. Woden is associated with boundaries and with crossroads, and this is a vitally important point to consider here, for a 'boundary' is neither 'in' nor 'out' - it is in-between. The cross roads was where the Warg-Tree or Gallows-Tree was placed, honoured to Woden whose role here can be seen in the figures such as the 'Green Man' where the tongue hangs out, as does the tongue of a hanged man. 

The boundary is a 'doorway' or 'gateway', neither in nor out but in a state of 'in-betweenness'. This is where the term Hedge Witch (Haegtessa) stems, for the witch is neither in this world nor the next, is in-between the worlds since the hedge forms a boundary. The 'pile of stones' marks a boundary, a point of in-betweenness, the liminal state between the worlds, worlds which come together at this point. There are boundaries between -

Months - the New Moon forms the boundary between the months, neither in one nor the next.

Seasons - Walpurgis Night (Spring) and All-Hallows (Autumn) form the boundary-points between the seasons.

Year - Midwinter and Midsummer form the boundary-points of the Year. Again, these are in-between.

It may also be no coincidence that 'midweek' is Woden's Day, and this is the mid-point of the 7-day week. This marks the central point of the week, neither in one half, nor the other.

This is why these points of the year were so important, for at these times the barriers between the worlds became thinner, and contact between the worlds of the living and the dead became easier. This is when the Ancestral Spirits were able to 'possess' the young Mannerbunde Warriors who actually became the Dead Ancestors.

Thus, the hearg is far more than an 'altar' or a mere 'pile of stones' since it is a boundary-point between the worlds of the living and the dead. It is a 'Doorway to the Land of the Dead'. This is why it is so important to place the hearg in the right place, and not just anywhere. 

This brings me to the point mentioned earlier, for the original meaning of heri/here could well have been linked not only to raiding, plundering etc. but to the liminal state of consciousness whence the young Cultic-Warrior was 'possessed' by the Spirit of the Dead and hence in a state of hearg. The account that Tacitus gives of the Harii suggests just that since these young warriors looked like the Dead Ancestors as the went first into the battle-fray. Being 'dead' they would have had no fear of death at all - they were already 'dead'.

It would have been the case that the Saxon Irminsul would have been placed at a 'boundary-point', and Irmin-Ermin is also Arman-Herman so we can equate this with the Greek Hermes, though Hermes is not Woden although he has some similar traits. 

To we Hallowed Warriors of Woden Hergian the hearg is a sacred place at which we can give honour to the High God of the Folk - 'We Are The Folk!'. Woden is the Bundesgott - God of the Bund. This is why we have erected Woden's Hearg in honour of Woden; our worship takes place in the open air, just as our Ancestors honoured the Gods and Goddesses in the open air. 

The Stan-Rune

The 'stone' is a marker-stone or a boundary-stone and has the same role as the 'pile of stones' for it is neither in one nor the other, neither in one land nor the other land - it is in-between. The Stan-Rune has many runes bound within its symbolism, these I have shown before and need not go over again here; there are two Peorth-Runes within this which will concern us. Peorth is Beorc opened out in 'birth', a 'birth-rune', also a 'doorway' or 'entry' from one world (the womb) into another world. Indeed, both Peorth and Beorc can be found within this rune-shape. As Hamasson pointed out our Indo-European Folk were well aware of this when they named lands that included the term '-stan' within their language - Pakistan, Hindustan, Afghanistan, etc. But, here the word 'stan' has come to mean the land whereas originally it was the boundary-stone that marked one land from another. The Stan-Rune is thus the key to the mysteries of the 'boundary' - the 'in-betweenness'. 

It seems clear that the 'Stone Age' was never the primitive age of 'savages' that scholars would have us believe, but an advanced age of science and technology, albeit a far different science and technology than we have today. Stone was not just a 'piece of rock' or 'pile of stones' but was used for a specific purpose, no doubt depending upon what type of stone was used. Today quartz crystal is used to power watches and this rock formed many of the ancient works of the 'un-hewn stone'. 'Crystal' was the first form of radio which could be made by anyone; crystal was thus used to pick up 'sound-waves'. This is just one example of the use of 'rocks' or 'crystals'. 

There is another rune that could be seen to be connected with boundaries, and that is the Haegl-Rune. This is the Rune of the Haegtessa, as mentioned before, the 'Hedge-Witch'. The reason this is so is because the 'hedge' is named after the wood used for hedge-making - the Hawthorn Tree. The name's first part - 'haw' - is associated with 'haeg' or 'hag' and this is a thorn-tree which itself is a protective barrier. The phonetic similarity between 'haeg', 'haegl' and 'hearg' should not be overlooked. The Haegl-Rune is definitely connected with the term 'hallow'. These are subtle links between different words. The 'snowflake' pattern of the Hagal-Rune is the 'Krist-All' as we find within the Armanen System.

Todays scholars would see the 'pile of stones' as a boundary-marker at a purely physical level, marking the boundaries of two different areas of land. Maybe this did develop into this type of 'boundary-marker' but that does not invalidate the original meaning as a boundary between worlds which became lost in time as the Age of Darkness set in. Darkness means ignorance - 'Ignorance is Strength' (Orwell). 

A word of caution here; in Occult Lore the magician would mark out a 'boundary' around him when he was working, just as we do when we do the Hammer Rite to mark our 'boundary' around us. This 'boundary' is a protective measure used to keep out 'unwanted wights'; it should not need emphasising that where we have this 'in-betweenness' this is a gateway to another world, and that, like this world, not everything in it is good and benevolent towards us - there are 'evil' wights too, and Dark Forces that seek entry to our world. This is why we 'banish' these type of forces by creating a barrier, a boundary through which they cannot enter. 'Possession' can work for good but it can also be used by 'Evil Wights' who wish to enter our world - this needs to be heeded when doing rites, and is why some rites are most certainly not suitable for children to take part in. When we do our 'Wheel of the Year' Rites they are for all, but some rites have to be restricted.