"But the complex of causes in which I am entangled will recur - it will create me again! I myself am part of these causes of the eternal recurrence.
I shall return, with this sun, with this earth, with this eagle, with this serpent - not to a new life or a better life or a similar life:
I shall return eternally, to the identical and self-same life in the greatest things and in the smallest. to teach once more the eternal recurrence of all things.
To speak once more of the teaching of the great noontide of earth and man, to tell of the Superman once more."
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friedrich Nietzsche.
Nietzsche delved deeply into the human mind, the earth and the cosmos in order to better understand its mysteries. He was a prophet and teacher, the Prophet of the Superman.
"Everything goes, everything returns; the wheel of existence rolls for ever. Everything dies, everything blossoms anew; the year of existence runs on forever.
Everything breaks, everything is joined anew; the same house of existence builds itself forever. Everything departs, everything meets again; the ring of existence is true to itself for ever.
Existence begins in every instant; the ball. There rolls around every Here. The middle is everywhere. The path of eternity is crooked."
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friedrich Nietzsche.
What Nietzsche speaks of is - Eternal Becoming. Julius Evola saw Being as in some way 'superior' to Becoming, since it was the Immovable Centre or Immovable Mover. But this world, this Earth is in a state of Eternal Becoming, which can be summed up as being like a river that flows continuously and yet always remains the same. Being is the 'Sacred Centre' which it is necessary to reconnect to, and thus infuse Becoming with Being. The problem was that Judaeo-Christianity placed some kind of 'transcendent god' over everything, and thus the meaning of the Earth was lost. It does not take much to work out that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Anti-Nature religions on a grand scale, and all sought to destroy the sacred places of Nature-Worship.
Nietzsche also recognised that this was not an infinite universe, that it was finite and had its limits. What he recognised was that everything that happens does so over and over again a number of times (probably in a cycle). This concurs with the idea of Archetypal Myth which recurs over and over again, and yet in doing so not in exactly the same way. Nietzsche recognised himself in various 'historical' figures, each living an Archetypal Myth.
One of the most prominent teachings of Nietzsche is the Will-to-Power; in this he sees that power, and power alone, is the driving-force of existence. Dismissing the objection that 'power corrupts' (which it does, but which will not concern us here since there are different levels of power), everything in life is energy, which itself is power. Life ends where energy ends. This Life-Energy pervades everything, permeates all things, animating them - giving life to them. Woden's Folk equates this with Ingwe - God of Energy, Force and Power - and whose symbolism in this respect is the Horse.

The Will-to-Power can only be achieved by a constant struggle against resistance, a constant overcoming of resistance. It needs obstacles, problems, those things in life which create a resistance. The Will-to-Power is found in the Nyd-Rune - the Rune of Necessity; resistance and the overcoming of resistance, all found in the same symbolism. I have seen it said that this is the very basis of Nietzsche's teachings, the Will-to-Power which is overcoming for the sake of overcoming. If this were so it means ignoring his role as the Prophet of the Superman since it was not merely struggle for the sake of struggle, but the struggle to overcome our human limitations in order to evolve to a higher level. I think the problem with taking this teaching of Will-to-Power as being something the individual does, overcoming a resistance, and then moving beyond to overcome another resistance, is that it sets it in the totally individual level and in a decaying and dying era, when a rampant ego-consciousness becomes pronounces, this merely aids this downward movement.
Whilst self-overcoming is the key to evolving, and the Will-to-Power is necessary in order to continually overcome resistance, just as important is the need for self-sacrifice. The dominant trait in our modern society, based upon rampant individualism as well as the 'collective' consciousness of the 'herd', is self-preservation. Here lies the danger in 'prepping' and 'survivalism', since this can, if allowed to, become solely a means of self-preservation. But it need not be seen as such if the individual cultivates the right frame of mind in which is is used for the Will-to-Power in that it produces obstacles and thus the struggle to overcome those obstacles.
The Myth of Prometheus is the Myth of Self-Sacrifice since it is this Titan who steals the Fire of the Gods for mankind, and is punished for doing so. In Greek Myth Zeus is rather a tyrant, and it is he who punishes Prometheus for this act. But the very basis of Aryan Mythology centres around some form of theft - Woden steals the Sacred Mead for instance, and we have various tales of the Cattle-Raid of the Aryans. Jack steals the magic beans from the Ogre etc. With the Myth of Prometheus if we look upon this as 'fire' then it is a mundane act designed to overcome the outset of an Ice Age. This seems also the case where this 'fire' is brought to mankind by the Gods, such as in the case of Sheaf. But if we take this to mean something far deeper and profound, that this Sacred Fire is in fact the 'Divine Spark of the Gods', then this self-sam act was on of trying to elevate Man to the status of a God. The Promethean Virtue is the Right-to-Steal which was not only the Way of Woden, but also given to the Cultic-Warriors of the Germanic Mannerbund. At a mundane level this may be necessary to live, when one's livelihood is taken completely, but at a higher level this is the 'Thief's Way' of Higher Initiation. This is not 'petty crime' but it goes beyond the Judaeo-Christian values imposed upon our Folk to enslave them to usury and the feudal society.
The Swastika was also known as the Pramantha or 'Fire-Twirl', from which the name Prometheus may also derive. The name 'Prometheus' can also mean 'foresight', which is also a very important concept to us today. We certainly need some kind of 'foresight' if we are to counter the swift and drastic changes that are coming upon us over the next decade or so.
The Divine Fire stolen from the Gods is symbolic, and here we can see in this symbolism the Divine Wisdom and Truth which is 'stolen' and given to Man. In the case of the Greeks this was seen to have been withheld from Man by a more tyrant-type god. How far this idea was influenced by that of the Old Testament we shall probably never know, but in Genesis we find that 'God' withholds Divine Knowledge (Tree of Knowledge) and Immortality (Tree of Life) from Man. In both English Lore (Sheaf) and Vedic Lore (Agni) we find that the Gods send down this Divine Fire to Man.
The Holy Swastika is the Feuerquirl (fire-whisk) with which Mundilfore twirled the Cosmos into being. The Fire-Quirl can be found in the Cweorth-Rune as above, and Waendal (Mundilfore) in the figure of the Long Man of Wilmington. This is the Fire of Creation, but also the Fire of Destruction, as found in the figure of Shiva and the 'Dance of Destruction'. Let us look at the idea of 'Friction-Fire' -
- The first means to produce fire was flint upon flint - stone upon stone.
- The next one we find is wood-upon-wood, where one stick is rubbed against another in some way to produce fire-from-friction.
- Then we go to flint and steel, where steel is driven against a piece of flint to produce a spark.
- Then we have steel upon steel, where a knife is used against a ferro-rod to produce a spark.
In each case here the 'spark of fire' is contained within the means to produce that fire. Although we can see that it is the friction that produces the spark and the fire from it, we can only assume that this 'spark', this 'fire' is already contained in the materials we use to do so. If we rub our hands briskly together they will warm up, which we do unconsciously on a cold day. Where does that heat come from? From the friction used? But it is possible to feel heat in an area of the body through the imagination, and this has certainly been done by some yogis and others, and was known as the 'Bear's Breath' in the North. Ingwe (Divine Fire) needs the Power of Woden (Breath-Air) in order to burn.
I have looked at the Myth of Sheaf in the sense of having a deeper meaning, but maybe it is time to look at this again in the sense of it having far more importance. It is not just the myth of a culture-hero, nor that of an English divine ancestor - this is an Aryan Archetype to which the name 'Scef' was given by the English Folk. Like Hama-Heimdall this figure is an Aryan Archetype that appears over and over again in different forms. Ingwe-Scef-Hama-Hengest - rolling on through the Ring of Recurrence. Lets look at the symbolism again -
- Fire - The Divine Knowledge of the Sun, Light, Truth.
- Sheaf of Corn - This Divine Knowledge is then harnessed by Man to create a Higher Civilisation.
- Weapons - the means to conquer and gain the territory needed to create such a Higher Civilisation.
- The Boat - the means of travel between the worlds, bringing this Divine Knowledge to Man from the Gods.
Let us now take the hypothetical idea that a Higher Civilisation arises in some area of Europe, heirs to the ancient civilisation of Sumer, Babylon etc. Such a civilisation becomes so advanced that it surpasses everything we find within an Old Order that is decaying and dying. It seems to appear suddenly, in an instance, and yet for nearly one hundred years the way is being prepared for it, by people such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Guido von List and many, many others. This is where the 'occult' comes into play, which may confuse the issue somewhat if one thinks as the 'occult' as one thing alone, but when thought of in terms of delving into the Hidden Knowledge and 'stealing' this knowledge, then things become far clearer. It is this 'Theft of the Hidden Knowledge' that is the key to understanding how Aryan Man seeks to become 'as Gods', and thus infuses the Earth with the Divine.
What we today see as Higher Civilisations are no doubt mere remnants of a far more widespread Higher Civilisation that existed - we see this as 'Atlantis' (At-al-Land) at one level, and of Thule-Hyperborea in far more ancient times. These scattered 'higher civilisations' that appeared, disappeared, and arose again somewhere else are merely remnants of something far greater, and maybe at one time world-wide - who knows? At least we can surmise that Thule-Hyperborea existed as a massive civilisation in the North (wherever North was at that ancient time), and this was cut off from other areas which served to keep its people 'pure' and thus maintain such a High Civilisation.
The Will-to-Power is self-overcoming and not self-preservation; it is the continual overcoming, the struggle against all odds, which in itself leads to spiritual purification. Creative work 'raises the spirit' we are told, and someone with energy and fire is said to have 'spirit'; indeed, this is more often associated with someone who is rather defiant! 'God is Dead!' declared Nietzsche and thus came the necessity to create 'New Gods'. for our of destruction must come a New Creation. This seems to be the sense in which he looks at nihilism.
Nietzsche could not have been an atheist, since an atheist believes in no God; to declare that 'God is Dead' means a belief in God in the first place! But Nietzsche seems to foresee that with the 'Death of God' would come nihilism - the 'rejection of established authority and institutions'. This state set in just after World War II in a big way. We can see this in groups such as the 'Hell's Angels' and similar Biker Groups that appeared at this time, sporting the Swastika, not in any way an ideological symbol - but to shock! There is a similarity in modern 'Satanism' where 'Satan' is seen as the 'Adversary', the antithesis of 'God', and thus it is the shock-factor involved in a youth taking this up. Many of us have been through these things in the past, no doubt, at one level or another, at least when we were young and developing. But those forces that were victorious in World War II set out to use this nihilism to their own advantage. It shows an astute recognition in what is developing! World War II was the "Twilight of the Gods" - the Gotterdamerung!
Nietzsche saw nihilism as necessary, or maybe he just foresaw what would come into being without the Divine. The rejection of established authority and institutions must come in order that the Old Order be destroyed and swept away, leaving a clean sheet for a New Order. In doing so a 'godless' period will come into being (as it has), before which a 'New God' must be created, or in the case of Nietzsche - the Man-God or Superman. However, true to form the 'death' of God in this form has also be recognised and acted upon through the start to the creation of a 'World Religion'. In the meantime, since it seems necessary for man to have some form of religion, we have been offered various forms of 'new religion' such as the 'Covid Religion', complete with its shrines or temples and its 'martyrs' who died from it. These are mere distractions in order to pave the way for their coming 'World Religion' and 'World Messiah' - nothing changes.
Of course, nihilism can be harnessed against the New World Order which is now the world's 'authority and institutions'. This seems to be the theme of 'The Joker' which ends in nihilism and the drive to destroy for the sake of destroying. Figures such as Attila the Hun seem to embody such a destructive force, his being aimed at the Judaeo-Christian Empire. When Hengest took up the Sword of Attila as the 'Ravager of the Islands' he embodied much the same role; in one sense these, like Genghis Khan, were 'Men in Time' according to the ideas of Savitri Devi. The Viking invasions in Europe were also aimed against the growing Judaeo-Christian church, this time not Rome, but the 'Holy Roman Empire' being extended by Charlemagne. This was maybe why none of these were very long-lasting, and Judaeo-Christianity continued to develop and grow further and further around the world. In order to reverse the process it will take a Man Against Time.
The 'Death of God' brings into force a whole new way of thinking, since all being 'equal' before God gives the sense of some future 'redemption', and the taking away of responsibility for ourselves to a 'higher being'. Take this away - and we are left to our own devices. In some Greek Myths the Hero, though driven on and backed by a God, rejects that God in favour of his own actions - as did Prometheus when he stole the Fire of the Gods. Indeed, it was the most well-known Hero-God - Hercules - that freed him from his chains. It is such catastrophic events like World War II that trigger this nihilistic action; and we can see that this will be the result of the events that surround us today. This is known, and it is used, for they will certainly expect some form of reaction against such oppression and terror used against the people. Ordo ab Chao - they bring disorder and chaos and step in with the solution.

When the 'Black Sun' (Solar Eclipse) allowed the Resurrection of Ingwe this was the conception of a New Age - the Age of Ing. This was a transition period between world-ages. But Ingwe represents more than this, since this is the 'Resurrection of the Divine Fire within Aryan Man'. The 'Gift of Ing' is FIRE - the Divine Fire - and it is this we should cultivate and 'fan' through the Spirit of Woden (wind-air). The English developed the 33 Runes here in these islands, and they contain the 9 Sacred Runes that represent the Sacrum and Coccyx at the base of the spine - they relate to the Fire-Serpent. In these extra runes we have the Grail Runes and in some forms of the Grail Mythos it is Logres (England) that is 'The Wasteland'.
First comes 'The Quest', then comes the 'Healing of the King and the Land', and from there the evolving into the God-Man takes form; that the God-Man may then walk the 'New Earth'.
If this is seen as the White Stone of Ing or 'The Firestone' than it contains the Kan-Fusion Ing-Rune of FIRE. It contains Man and his reflection in the Lower-World. It contains the Horse-Rune and its reflection in the Lower-World - the Rune of Energy and Force. It is this Fiery-Essence held within the Sacred Stone that seems to be connected to the idea of the Grail - as a Stone, that is. We'll leave this for now but I think this has some importance to our struggle today.
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