"...I saw a star fall from heaven unto the Earth; and to him was given the Key of the Bottomless Pit..."
Revelation 9:1.
"And they had a king over them, which is the Angel of the Bottomless Pit, whose name in the Hebrew is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hat his name Apollyon."
Revelation 9:11.
The term abyss seems to stem from an IE Root *bhudh- meaning 'bottom' or 'base', which suggests that a 'bottomless pit' cannot be called 'The Abyss'. 'Abyss' is usually related to 'Chaos', but the word 'Chaos' stems from the IE Root *gheu- meaning 'to yawn' or 'to gape', a chasm or empty space. This, of course, relates to Ginnungagap - the 'Gaping Void at the Beginning'. Before I go further the Hebrew 'Abaddon' and Greek 'Apollyon both' hint at their links to Ab/Ap which are the root-sounds used of 'water', in an animate sense, i.e. the force that is symbolised by the element we know as 'water'. In both Sumer (Ab-zu) and Babylon (Ap-su) this is a term used of the watery-space 'below' the Earth, i.e. in the Underworld.
IE Root *gheu-
- To Our, to pour a libation.
- Gut, intestine.
- Gust, a gust of wind.
- Gush, to pour out.
- *gheu-ti- 'easily emptied', leaky.
- To yawn, to gape, from which we get *gudam - 'God', and *ghau - Chaos.
- Germanic *go-ma meaning palate, jaw. (i.e. 'gaping').
- To call, to invoke from which we get *ghu-to - 'The Invoked' i.e. a God, OE giddy/gydig - 'giddy', i.e. 'possessed by a God'.
You will note that I have not parted these into sections with differing meanings, since they are all related to 'God', 'Ginnungagap', 'Chaos'. The term - 'To Call' or 'To Invoke' are used in ritual, the term 'Gut' is used here as the 'Gut Feeling', i.e. the Instinctive Mind, and the 'Gust of Wind' is the Primal Movement within Ginnungagap that brings together the Primal Ice and Primal Fire - the Conflict of Opposites that brings Creation into being.
These concepts are some of those contained in the Mysteries of the Gyfu-Rune, which is thus the 'Rune of God' and the 'Rune of Ginnungagap'. This in itself contains the idea of 'Gust of Wind' which is the Primal Movement (AIR), as well as the 'Magical Charge' present in the Void in the beginning - that which become Manifest from the Unmanifest.
The Joten-Forces and Thurs-Forces are forces present within Chaos, and seek to return everything to the Primal Chaos. Thus, this section about opening the 'Bottomless Pit' and allowing these forces to become manifest here on Earth seems to suggest that these are the Forces of Chaos unleashed upon the Earth in our era.
There is yet another reference to a 'star falling from heaven, burning as it were a lamp', and this 'star' is called 'Wormwood'. Back in the spring of 1997 when the Hale-Bopp Comet was clearly visible in the Northern Skies, during my 'Initiation' (which is what it seemed to be to me) I had a vivid dream of a 'star falling from the sky', and this opened up some form of 'gateway' allowing forces into Midgard, which is why I have decided to do this post about these seemingly different ideas, for there has to be a 'line' joining up the 'dots'.
The Hale-Bopp Comet had a profound affect upon some people, including another WF Activist at the same time as I had this experience. It had a more negative effect upon the 'Heaven's Gate' cult, most likely due to the way this cult operated, and the psychological working on the minds of cult-members. But the one thing that this crackpot-cult based their ideas upon was that this was a 'Gateway' into something else. In a sort of Christian way they deemed themselves something 'special' in that a UFO was going to 'save' them in some way, hence no doubt their fanaticism and negative ideas that caused such a tragedy.
The 'Red Dragon' or 'Red Serpent' (Shaitan) is bound for a thousand years, and is cast 'into the bottomless pit'. I'm no scholar of Sumer or Babylon but as far as I know the Abzu/Apsu is the realm of Tiamat who is the 'Goddess of Chaos' who is defeated by Marduk, thus bringing Order out of Chaos. To create a 'New World Order' it is necessary to parody the Creation Myth - Order out of Chaos - which is exactly what is taking place today. This is where the masonic Ordo ab Chaos comes into play.
The motto Ordo ab Chaos not only contains the word ab but also the symbolism of the Double-Headed Eagle (Rule of the Two Worlds) and the Crown as symbolic of that rule. Not every freemason is aware of what is being done, though there is little doubt that they are being used as a 'tool' for these ends; this part of the Global Agenda is obviously behind the Global Corporations who have shape-shifted from their Global Capitalist Agenda (which amassed great wealth in the hands of a few) to a new Global Marxist Agenda where this massed wealth is now used as a control mechanism over the peoples of the world.
'And a great angel come down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
And he laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent, which is the Devil (D'Evil) and Satan (Shaitan-Shaddein), and bound him a thousand years.'
Revelation 20: 1-2.
The 'call' used by Woden as he 'fell' after his shamanic Nine Nights of hanging upon the World Tree was AEPANDI NAM. This is based upon the very same root AEP which is the Ab/Ap used of the Primeval Waters of Chaos. Peryt Shou links this to the 'Cry of Need', and thus it was due to 'need' (necessity) that Woden 'sacrificed himself to himself' in order to recover the Ancient Runes from the Well of Memory. This, it seems, was done during the 'Iron Age', when these Holy Symbols were 'recovered' and from them was created the FUTHARK/FUTHORK - from the chaos was created the Order of the Runes.
The idea that the Holy Runes stem from 'Roman', 'Greek' or 'Etruscan' letters of an alphabet is given credence by establishment scholars but it is made clear in the Eddas that they were recovered by Woden because the need to do so came at a certain time, and this was when we were plunged into the darkest era of the Cosmic Cycle. Is it thus a coincidence that this depiction of 'Woden's Man' is also used with the Swastika, a symbol that arose again in the last century just as the Holy Runes were again 'recovered' by Guido von List who took on the Woden Archetype to do so? He 'recovered' the runes whilst blinded after a cataract operation.

The Eddaic concept of Hel or Hela is one of a world of both Light and Dark Powers, thus nothing to do with the 'Fiery Hell' of the Christians, which owes more to the Jewish 'Gehenna' than to Hel/Hela. The figure of Hel is indeed one of Light & Darkness, and hence why these mysteries are contained in the Haegl-Rune with its meanings of 'Heil' (Light) and "Hail' (Darkness). It always seem strange to me how most runic scholars push the meaning of 'hail' - destruction - rather than that of 'heil' - wholeness, health, heal etc. This seems to stem from the rune-poems which are based upon this meaning, though looking closely the term 'hail' (Ice) is here seen as turning to 'water' and thus connected to the Ice of Niflheim which turns into the 'mist' (water) when acted upon by the Fire of Muspellheim.
There is an esoteric meaning to the idea of this 'star' that falls from heaven and opens the 'Bottomless Pit'. The catastrophic events portrayed with the fall of the 'star' into the 'bottomless pit' can certainly be connected to the events happening today - there is little doubt about that. But to see them in the light of how this is presented in 'Revelation' is to see them as an 'Act of God', as some form of 'judgement' and 'punishment'. This is how such catastrophic events are told in other mythologies, by 'God' or by 'The Gods'. But, if we look at them as being necessary, as being connected to the Need-Rune, and thus to the 'Compulsion of Fate' (Guido von List), and if we recognise this, then this is the key to overcoming these events, and transforming them through a spiritual transformation. This is connected to the Magical Rite of Need - AEPANDI NAM - which will be looked at again in another post.
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