

Friday, 24 March 2017

The Mask of the Terrible One - Part Two

Adding to the ideas in the earlier post I had the thought that there are eight staves pointing outwards from the centre. These could represent the eight directions of the compass, thus symbolic of throwing out this protective force in all directions. This would be a most powerful means of defence.

We can add to this though, for each stave has three 'cross-staves' which I suggested could be connected to the 24 Runes (8 x 3). But there is yet another possibility, for the Norse used such markings for 'hidden runes' through the numerical value of the runes. Thus, using all of the runic systems, including the Armanen Runes, the three cross-staves would represent the Thorn-Thurs Rune. This rune represents the Hammer of Thunor as a protective symbol; it is symbolic of the destruction of the enemies of Gods and Folk.

The Thurs-Rune is a 'Cursing Rune' and its use is made more powerful through the use of the Thrice-Thurs formula where three Thurs-Runes are used. So the number 3 is here used in a double way to increase the power of the active protection. There are also three prongs to the trident-symbols which are again used in the same numerical way, tripling the effect of this number.

The 'trident' is the Life-Rune known as Eolhx Secg which, according to the Old English Rune Poem, 'grimly wounds' (note the play-on-words here 'grimly'). This at first glance does not seem to fit the idea of 'protection', unless we see this again as active protection. When used in the eight directions as in the Aegishjalmr this would also reinforce the protection to all quarters of the compass.

There is a rather vague reference to the Thurs-Rune 'causing women's sickness'. attributed to the 'Giants'. This is never really explained, but it has to be said that giving birth is not a 'woman's sickness' (as some seem to suggest); the only thing that I can think of is the monthly period which certainly disrupts most women in some way or another. It is just possible that here we have a hidden reference to menstrual blood (the 'Blood of the Moon') used as a powerful magical fluid. In this case the 'Blood of the Moon' would be used in this magical defence through active defence by throwing back the curse or attack.

The Old English Rune Poem sees the rune as symbolic of the thorn which is again a very powerful symbol of protection, a defence against anyone who enters an area protected by a barrier of thorns. It is well known that in ancient times a barrier of hawthorn was built around an area to protect the people inside. The rose was used as symbolic of protection as in the story of Dornrose ('Thorn-Rose') which led to our 'Sleeping Beauty' tale.

Basically the Mask of the Terrible One is the protection of the Hammer of Thunor and the Thorn-Rose, using the Thurs-Rune in its powerful aspect of the 'Cursing-Rune'. It also uses the 24-rune Futhark which again is a powerful force. Since the Eddas tell us that the Runes cannot be used by the Joten, and are the bane of the Joten, then this force can be used effectively against the enemies of Gods and Men. It is also the protection of the Trident of Woden (Rudra-Shiva), which again is a powerful weapon of active protection. This is the most powerful force of Woden-Thunor combined!

The symbol contains the eight-spoked wheel when a circle is drawn around the outside. Here, again, we have the symbol of the whole, of a wholeness and thus the protection of the whole. The wheel also suggests movement and thus action, underlining the idea of active protection. How does one protect oneself when threatened with attack? The most effective means is to make an attack before your opponent can get theirs into play. So the symbol may seem to be 'static' since it is drawn before the threat of attack, but in effect its active power has been set up before an attack can be made.

The AEgishjalmr was used by Fafnir the Dragon before Sigurd slew him and took the Helm of Awe for himself. This suggests that the use by Fafnir was to frighten off intruders, and this was the power used by the Dragon in guarding the Gold-Hoard. Not only did Sigurd slay the Dragon and take the Helm of Awe, but he also drank the Blood of the Dragon and ate the Heart of the Dragon, which suggests that he took into himself the Soul of the Dragon (Heart) and the Spirit of the Dragon (Blood), thus becoming a Dragon-Lord.

In one of our magazines from a few years ago Offa Whitesun suggested that the 'Gold-Hoard' guarded by the Dragon was the 'Ancestral Memory' of the Folk, which had to be carefully guarded lest it be stolen and used against the Folk. If this is right then Sigurd would have slain the Guardian Dragon, taken upon himself the role of the Guardian Dragon, and thus become the most powerful Leader of the Folk in that he himself represented the Soul of the Folk. He was the Folk in its entirety.

This puts another slant on the whole thing, for if the AEgishjalmr was the protective symbol used to protect the Ancestral Memory, then its passing to Sigurd would be a most natural process since he would have need of it in his new role as Guardian of the Folk-Memory ('Blood Memory'). This would explain why he took the symbol and why he ate the heart and drank the blood of the Dragon, that it would make him become the Dragon-Lord whose role was the Guardian of the Blood Memory. It is thus Sigurd the Wolsunga who will awaken the Blood Memory of the Folk. We can guess that this was the reason why Woden spawned the Wolsunga Tribe as the Divine Race of Woden.

One more point I feel needs mentioning. If this is right then the AEgishjalmr is the Protector of the Blood Memory - the Protector of the Ancestral Memory. In this role it is not only a most powerful symbol, but a symbol that we need to adopt in a very effective way in today's world, a world where we stand alone and on the brink of destruction.

The Trident of Woden is also the Thunderbolt of Thunor, the powerful weapon of the Gods against the Joten. This is the weapon of the Lightning-War used as a defence against aggression.

In the above we see Woden wielding the Trident, riding his eight-legged steed Sleipnir. We also see the symbolism repeated on the top of his hat and on the back of his steed. Interestingly, both Woden and the horse are looking backwards which may suggest into the past. This gives further proof that here we see the protection of the Ancestral Memory - the past. The eight legs of the steed are sets of four bound by rings, which could suggest that they move together but in different worlds. Woden, we must not forget, is the Ancestral God. The Sun-Symbol shown on this picture suggests a connection to the 'Gold', since gold has always been symbolic of the Sun. Woden looks back into the 'Gold-Hoard', the Ancestral Memory of the Folk.

One last thought here. In many legends of the Arya the Serpent/Dragon is a very important symbol, usually a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. The Serpent/Dragon was used as a symbol of the High Adepts who brought civilisation to all areas of the world after a Great Flood destroyed it. The Dragon was to be found on the prow and rear of the ships used by the Vikings, usually seen as a symbol of protection again. This would seem to be based once more on active protection since it would appear that the Vikings always removed the symbols when reaching land, most likely in order not to act against the Land-Spirits of the land. This, it seems, was also done by the earlier Anglo-Saxons, and even the later Norman invaders. The Serpent/Dragon was itself used as a protective symbol.

Rudra-Shiva was certainly associated with the Hooded Serpent (Cobra) as this serpent is sacred to Shiva. I have shown how the Hooded Serpent is also linked to Woden, and we also know that the Serpent was sacred to Votan of South America, who was of the Race of Chan - 'Chan' meaning 'serpent'. (We should note that the word 'chan' connects to the Kan-Rune and thus to 'knowledge', 'wisdom' and to 'kingship', as well as to the Serpent/Dragon - the 'Fire-Serpent'.

This, as stated before, is the Mask of Igg the Terrible, the name Igg or Ygg referring to the Aryan God who offered himself up to the self-sacrifice upon the World Tree - Iggdrasil. Thus, when we dissect the word Igg-dra-sil we get the following inner meaning -

Igg - Woden as 'The Terrible One'.

Dra - 'to twist', 'to turn' or 'to coil', suggesting the Coiled Serpent or Dragon.

Sil - 'column' or 'Sun-Column'.

The name suggests 'The Dragon-Column of Igg'.

Wherever we find the 'Gold-Hoard' it is buried within the Earth; this is true of the finds throughout the land. This is also true of Smaug, the dragon who guards the gold of the dwarves in Tolkien's The Hobbit. The dwarves mine the gold from the Earth, and the gold is buried within the Earth, where it is guarded by the Dragon. This suggest something 'within', something hidden deep 'within' the Earth, parallel to that hidden deep within the human make-up, mind, or consciousness. The AEgishjalmr is used by the Guardian Dragon to ward off anyone who seeks to steal the Gold-Hoard (which the Dragon stole in the first place), and Sigurd takes this role from the Dragon, thus perhaps regaining the Ancestral Memory.

It is also significant that as a protective symbol the AEgishjalmr is worn on the forehead, i.e. at the point of the Mind's Eye (Third Eye). This is the point of the awakening into higher consciousness through the arising of the Fire-Serpent (Kundalini). It is also the point on the head, the head being the seat of the mind, and of the memory. This again may point to this being the Guardian of the Ancestral Memory. (In the Three Cauldrons the point of the 'Third Eye' is symbolised by the Ansuz-Rune which is the Rune of the Ancestral Memory.)

When Sigurd the Wolsunga burns his hand on the fire after taking out and cooking the Heart of the Dragon the eating of the Blood of the Dragon (on the heart) allows him to understand the Language of the Birds. This subtle symbolism tells us that in doing so he has regained the ability to communicate with Nature, an ability lost to mankind when we lost the use of the Third Eye. The Third Eye was lost in the Well of Mimir or Well of Memory. In guarding this 'Gold Hoard' or 'Ancestral Memory' the Dragon takes this role into himself, and so the 'Blood of the Dragon' has the ability to regain this Ancestral Memory, and this entails the opening of the Third Eye.

Before we lose track of the very basic meaning of the symbol, the Mask of Igg, we should remember that the mask refers to the change of role of the All-Father who is a shape-shifter who has many guises. This is just one of his many roles, but it is one that is becoming every more important today when our Folk have lost their way and their survival hangs in the balance.

One last and not least important idea that arises when we use the rune-name Thorn, for the Hammer of Thunor is not only a weapon of protection, for it refers to the role of Thunor as the Virile Male Hero-God, God of Fertility whose hammer is used to hallow the Sacred Wedding. Fertility is something that is of extreme importance when we consider that our Folk are not producing offspring for the future, and that the enemies of our Folk know this and realise that this will lead to the extinction of our Race. This Rune of Protection works at many levels and no doubt this has only scratched the surface.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Death and the Afterlife

Materialistic science denies the existence of spiritual realms, believing in the material world around us, the world which the majority of people see and experience. What cannot be seen does not exist - how many times have we heard this statement. There are plenty of things that cannot be seen, such as air, gases, electricity, magnetism etc. but these can be measured by electronic means, so to materialistic scientists they do exist. What about the 'Black Hole'? No-one has ever found a 'Black Hole' for this concept is merely a theory. Scientists can merely measure other factors and surmise that these are caused by a 'Black Hole'.

Quantum science has discovered that matter can pass in and out of the material world, and thus surmise that there must be other worlds. This is one step towards recognising that there are other worlds, and that these are peopled by other types of being. A step in the right direction. It has also been discovered that the universe is linked by threads, very mush like the Web of Wyrd which our ancestors believed in. Rather than a mechanical universe, it is more like a 'giant thought'. Basically, as the ancients knew, everything is linked, and everything has consciousness to some degree.

This is where the Aryan Science differed from today's materialistic science, for ancient science was based firmly on consciousness, states of consciousness, and how to attain higher states of consciousness. In the fabled Golden Age, higher beings would walk the earth of the Ur-Lands of Hyperborea, beings known as the Shining Ones because they were far more spiritual with bodies that were translucent and not dense as ours are today. After the Great Catastrophe the Ur-Lands of Hyperborea were removed into a different dimension; simply put the vibrations of this land were changed from that of the material Earth.

The cause of the Great Catastrophe seems to be the mixing of the Igneous Blood of the Shining Ones with the lower species of mankind upon the Earth. Thus the Shining Ones who mixed their blood with the 'daughters of men' became famous and renowned, but they had lost their true spirituality and their ancient powers would atrophy as the ages rolled by, until today these powers are at their lowest, and there are so few Higher Men here on Earth. Miguel Serrano suggests this was a deliberate plan by the Gods to counter the growing power of the Lord of Darkness - the 'Demiurge' as he puts it.

Those who remained pure would have remained in Hyperborea, but those who were left upon the changed Earth would have lost much of their power, and would thus have needed some form of spiritual training in order to hold on to what powers they had left. As the ages passed this training would have been more and more necessary, and only for the Elite of the Race. Only the higher castes were based upon the Sun-Initiation. The lost Hyperborea is probably the  same as Odainsacre based in Hela's Realm, a pure land of Light and Life where Baldaeg the Sun-God rules. This is the Inner Earth of Miguel Serrano, a world parallel to our Earth.

If we look at the Buddhist texts we find that the concept of the bodhisattva is that of a Higher Spiritual Being who incarnates at will in order to aid mankind at some stage. Whereas the Buddha achieved what is known as nirvana through his spiritual enlightenment, and thus reached a stage where he moved into a higher dimension, the bodhisattva moves to another world but awaits his time to resurrect upon the Earth in order to aid mankind. This concept we can find in our own Valhalla, which I am going to look at here.

Materialistic science insists that consciousness can be found only in the physical body; this seems to have been proven wrong through what are termed 'near death experiences' (NDE's) where the subject is clinically dead and yet later revives having a knowledge of what happened, or having seen things that would seem impossible to see unless consciousness was still present. The idea that consciousness exists only in the physical, and thus dies with the physical body, was totally alien to our ancestors who believed wholeheartedly in life after 'death'. The idea of a 'heaven' came into being at a later time through Judaeo-Christianity, and this had nothing whatever to do with Valhalla but more to do with a means of controlling the people. This concept of 'heaven' distorted the true belief in afterlife that our ancestors held to.

We can surmise that there are different realms of the 'afterlife', each of these being totally different -

Realm of the Gods - This would be where the Higher Spiritual Beings such as 'Buddha' would go to after attaining enlightenment. From this world mankind is still guided by the Shining Ones.

Valhalla - This is where the Fallen Warriors go, those who fought and died in the Eternal Struggle against the Joten. The Saxons and Vikings struggled in their time against the growing power of the Religion of Evil which had begun to dominate Europe at that time. The need for the Heroic Warrior to go to Valhalla, to train with the Gods and then to 'resurrect' again on Earth to continue the same struggle seems obvious. The Gods wage this war at a higher level - the 'War in the Heavens' - but there is obviously a need for the Heroic Warrior on Earth to fight the battle on the material plane. This is why Valhalla is such an important concept to us. This corresponds to the idea of the Bodhisattva or Tulka who incarnates at will in order to return to aid mankind. The Einheriar are the Chosen Warriors of Woden who fight the Everlasting Battle; these are the warriors that either prepare the way for a coming Folk-Fuhrer or an Avatar, or fight beside the Folk-Fuhrer or Avatar.

Ancestral Realm - The Solar Heroes would gain a place in Asgard or Valhalla, but there has to be a realm where those who do not struggle in this battle are reborn or reincarnated into their family or tribe. This seems clear from experiences people have had with being reborn into a family. It is usually said that the grandparent is reborn into the grandchildren, but we have no proof of this idea.

Hela - The 'Evil Dead' - the White Traitors and those who commit the most vile crimes, those who have been 'ground' by the 'Eaters of the Dead' (Eoten), will go to the Dark Hel where they return to the Primal Chaos, return to the source whence they came. This is not the place of 'eternal damnation' which the Christians distorted it into, but a return to the Chaos whence all things arise. We have to remember that Hel is said to be the offspring of Loki the Joten and is both black and white, light and dark, alive and dead. Hela has different realms of the dead.

The key to the idea of immortality is the recreation of the Astral Body or Star Body which has been lost through the mixing of the blood with lower-mankind. According to Miguel Serrano not everyone would have this Astral Body and only through an alchemical transformation can this be re-built. This, he says, is the 'Son of Man'. We can, of course, equate this idea with the runes Mann and Ing but this will not concern us here.

It is clear that the level of consciousness and thus the vibratory level that controls the 'afterlife' experience and entry into the realms of the dead. What we need to remember is that our own tradition shows us the way here, for the term Wyrd means not only 'to become' but also 'worth'. Thus, our lives are in a state of Eternal Becoming, and it is through our deeds that our 'worth' is assessed, and when we lead an honourable life, a life dedicated to the struggle of our Folk and our Gods, we can enter Valhalla and feast with the Gods. There we shall train with the Einheriar for the Everlasting Battle, and be resurrected upon Earth to fight again on this level.

Death is not an end but a new beginning; it seems to be a change in the vibratory level of the individual. There are those who will be devoured by the Primal Chaos - the White Traitors and those who have forsaken their race and their gods. These are not our concern. These we have no time for. It is the remnants of our Folk who are still open to new ideas, who are not self-centred and uncaring as to what happens in the future.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

The Triquetra & Triskele

The Triskele is made up of three 'legs' or 'arms'; in the case of the above symbol it has three spirals. The symbol is not limited to Celtic Tradition as some would have it, so I am here going to make some suggestions as to its meaning to the Germanic Folk. A similar symbol is the Horn Triskelion which is made up of three horns. These are the 'Three Cauldrons' featured in another article, those of Bodn, Son, and Odroerir. This symbol may thus be linked to the Three Cauldrons which are Power-Centres or Energy-Centres of the body, connected to the awakening of the Fire-Serpent.

Since there are three spirals we can connect each one to an energy-centre, each centre working as a spiral energy. Each spiral is a coil which may symbolise the Coiled Serpent (Kundalini); since we have a form of three-armed swastika here there is a hint of the movement of energy.

The Triquetra is usually called the 'Celtic Knot' but again this is not restricted to Celtic Tradition and features in Norse and Germanic Tradition. It has been linked to the Valknut, but rather than  three triangles fused together this shape here is made up of three half-circles, which is symbolic of three circles, an alternative to the Valknut. The Horn Triskelion is the same symbol as the above, but made up of three horns. There is a hint that we have here a symbol of Three Worlds which are fused together, and this has the same meaning as the Valknut, which again is fused together as one. This concept is important since the ancient Germanic Folk saw the Nine Worlds as being linked together, and not as separate entities.

In the above we have the figure of Woden holding his spear, Gungnir, presiding over what seems to be a human sacrifice (the man lying over the 'mound'); above him are two birds (ravens?), and a Valknut. In the scene, to the left, is a warrior hanging from a tree by his neck. The whole scene seems to be dedicated to Woden as the Hanged God, God of the Hanged. It seems clear that the Valknut, as the Knot of the Slain, is connected to Woden as God of the Hanged.

I have shown in a previous article how the Three Energy-Centres are used at the point of death in order to gain entry into Valhalla, and thus for the Warrior-Hero to become immortal and live with the Gods.

The term 'Valknut' stems from -

WAL/VAL - to twist, coil, turn, i.e. to spiral, thus linked to 'spirit'.

KNUT - 'knot', 'twisted cord'.

It can also mean -

WALK - to choke, to strangle, i.e. the 'Wolf'.

KNUT - 'knot', 'twisted cord'.

The symbol is here clearly associated with 'strangling', the hangman's noose, and thus the Hanged God, who is Woden the Wolf-God and Raven-God. The idea of 'to coil' and 'spiral' takes us back to the Triskele which is obviously a similar symbol to the Valknut.

The Triskele Symbol can be found at the entrance to New Grange, a large mound associated with the Tuatha de Danaan ('Tribe of Danaan'). Since this barrow seems to be associated with the planet Venus and to the 'Resurrection of the Hero' then the symbol must be associated with this resurrection and to the Entry to Valhalla - the Home of the Immortals. The Tuatha de Danaan were said to have gone underground (into the Inner Earth according to Miguel Serrano) and become the Siddhe ('Shee'). The Siddhe were the 'Immortals' or 'Sages' (Siddhas of Vedic India).

The Triskele can be found as a four-spiral version on a pre-Viking stone at Martebo, Gotland in Sweden. On the same stone seems to be an S-Swastika and a Flower of Life symbol, as well as an eight-armed figure.

The Aryan Avatar

The Wild Hunt

This post was sparked by a re-reading of one of Wotan's Krieger's posts on Aryan Myth and Metahistory. The above painting was by the German artist Franz von Stuck and is called The Wild Hunt. This was painted in 1899, ten years after painting a similar work called Die Wilde Jagd in which the figure he painted looks remarkably like Adolf Hitler.

Die Wilde Jagd (close-up)

As Wotan's Krieger has pointed out, the first is titled in German but the second is titled in English. Is this really a co-incidence? Wotan's Krieger suggests that the second painting is of the Last Avatar. The first painting - Die Wilde Jagd - was, as I said, painted in 1889 the exact year of Hitler's birth! The second was painted in 1899 and here lies another 'coincidence', for this is 100 years prior to the year 1999 when (as I have pointed out) the Black Sun (solar eclipse) brought back to life the King of the Angles (Ingwe/Wid-Ar). This prophecy was that of Nostradamus.

Wotan's Krieger has hit upon something of extreme importance here, if this is more than mere 'coincidence'. Nostradamus, a Jewish Seer, came very  close in a number of his prophesies -

'This man will be called by a barbaric name that three sisters will receive from destiny. He will speak then to a great people in words and deeds, more than any other will have fame and renown.'

Century 1:76

The 'barbaric name' was obviously 'Hitler' whose name is a variation of 'Heidler' meaning 'Heathen'. Since his forename means 'Noble Wolf' then the name in full is 'Heathen Noble Wolf' - you cannot get more 'barbaric' than that. He did speak to a 'great people' in his 'words and deeds', and 'more than any other will have fame and renown', few (even his sworn enemies) do not know his name, and his enemies bring back his name over and over again into our times. The 'Three Sisters' are the Norns or Sisters of Wyrd, the Norns give us the name of ths famous hub of German National Socialism - Nuremburg.

'In the deepest part of Western Europe a child will be born of poor family, who by his speech will entice many peoples. His reputation will grow even greater in the Kingdom of the East.'

Century Three: 35

The 'deepest part of Western Europe' is Austria and Hitler's speeches certainly enticed many peoples, not only in Germany. Indeed, although he has been demonised here in the West, in the East he remains a figure of great importance, indeed in many areas he was recognised as an Avatar.

'Various sects will arise in Germany which will come close to a happy paganism. The heart captive, the returns small, they will return to pay the true tithe'.

Century Three: 76

Germany became heathen and returned to Christianity after its defeat in World War II.

'Near the Rhine from the Norican mountains will be born a great man of the people, come too late. He will defend Poland and Hungary and they will never know what became of him.'

Century Three: 58

Some of this is certainly not true of Adolf Hitler, but he was 'born a great man of the people' and he fulfilled his Archetypal Myth when 'they will never know what became of him', just as Frederick Barbarossa and King Arthur, both of these being the Once and Future King, the Avatar that lies 'sleeping' to be awakened again when the time is right. when  the stars are aligned in the right position.

And moving onwards -

'A new set of philosophers despising death, gold, honours and riches will not be limited by the mountains of Germany, in their following will be crowds and support'.

Century Three: 67

Wotan's Krieger mentions a figure called Mabus who is named in the Prophecies of Nostradamus and who is sometimes seen as the 'Third Anti-Christ'. Mabus is a name that seems to be linked to the Welsh Mabon who is the 'Divine Child' whose name and essence is linked to Ingwe, for both mean 'son of' or 'offspring of'. Indeed, in the well-known version of these prophecies (Erika Cheetham' we find that the quatrain mentioning Mabus has the possible interpretation headed - 'WORLD LEADER POSSIBLY THIRD ANTICHRIST' and Century Ten: 72 mentioning the year 1999 and the 'King of Angolmois' has the interpretation headed - 'WAR IN 1999 - THIRD ANTICHRIST'. This 'Anti-Christ' would be seen as the enemy of the Old Order.

Die Wilde Jagd

On January 1st 1989 Woden appeared to me in a dream in which he showed me the Mysteries of the Star and the Snake and the Mysteries of The Hooded Man. The star was the Morning Star - the Star of the Resurrection - and the Snake was the Hooded Serpent or Hooded One who initiated these Mysteries. Indeed..........The Hooded Man is coming to the forest....

The Wild Hunt (close-up)

'In the year 1999, and seven months, from the sky will come the Great King of Terror. He will bring back to life the Great King of Angol-mois. Before and after Mars reigns happily.'

Century Ten:72

The sword Hunlafing Hildeleoman (Hun-Bequest - Battle-Flame) was placed in the lap of Hengest whose Wyrd bade him conquer the Islands of the Mighty and throw off the yoke of the 'Religion of Evil' (Judaeo-Christianity). The Sword passed from the 'Hun' (Germany - the Fatherland) to the 'Son' (England - the Land of Ingwe).

Not until the Wild Hunt rides here in England will the English Folk awaken to their peril and rise up anew to face their True Destiny. If what Wotan's Krieger says is right then as I have always maintained, the Last Avatar will arise here in England.

The Mask of The Terrible One

The 'Fair Angles'

The subject of the 'Fair Angles' has been covered before in one of my earlier blogs. This started through a find by my comrade Hamasson who noticed a 'Romano-British' or 'Celtic' tribe called the Deceangli by the Romans and Tegeingle by the Welsh. I am going to go over some of the same stuff here because it will make the argument clearer, but there is a good deal of material here that was not in the earlier post.

According to 'The History Files' the 'Gangani and Deceangli were warlike Celtic Tribes situated in the extreme north of modern Wales'. Remember, everything that preceded the Romans in these islands was 'Celtic'. Indeed, since this is so (sic) the name 'Deceangli' must derive from a 'Celtic' source (ignoring the fact it is a Roman name). Thus

de = 'from'

ieangli - 'Gangani'.

The word 'Gangani' stemming from a Proto-Celtic *kanki meaning 'branch'. This is the name given to the Gangani Tribe who are assumed to have split into the Gangani and Deceangli. 'Branch' of what we are not told! But the name means - 'Branch from' or 'From Branch'.

It would seem that the Gangani occupied the area of the Lleyn Peninsular on the North-West coast of Wales, the name 'Lleyn' having derived from the older name for Leinster (Ireland) - Laigin. (This is a very important point which should be kept in mind for later.) In Ireland the Gangani were also known as the Concani. The Deceangli were said to be part of the Gangani who split off to form a tribe dwelling in the area of the north-west and north-east of Clwyd and of northern Gwynedd, including Anglesey. The Deceangli had their principle tribal centre at Canovium which is modern Caerhun in Gwynedd.

Summing up this first part, the Deceangli seem to have come from the area now known as Leinster in Ireland, where they moved across to Gwynedd, Anglesey and Clwyd in North Wales. They formed part of a tribal grouping or alliance called by the name Gangani which means merely 'branch from'.

In 60 CE the Roman Governor, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, attacked Anglesey to destroy the power of the Druids; it would seem that the 'Druidic Power' stemmed from Anglesey at this time. His forces massacred the Deceangli forces, killing their Druids, and destroyed their Sacred Groves. Paulinus had to swiftly withdraw his troops due to the rebellion of Boudicca of the Iceni Tribe of East Anglia. In 78-79 CE another Roman Governor, Julius Agricola, attacked the Deceangli in Anglesey.

When Edward I invaded North Wales at a much later time he founded the Cantref of Tegeingl which in English is called 'Englefield'. This was incorporated into the area known as Flintshire. As Hamasson pointed out, the name Tegeingl means 'Fair Ingl' in Welsh, thus Deceangli would be rendered 'Fair Angles' since 'Angli' is the Roman name for the Angles or English. Since the English named the area 'Englefield', another rendering of 'Angle-field' then we can be almost certain this 'Celtic' tribe was really the Germanic Tribe known to us as the 'Angles', who gave their name to England'.

Now, there is also rather a 'coincidence' in the 'Celtic' meanings of the term Deceangli -

de - 'from'

congani/cangi = 'estuary' (Remember this meaning for later - 'estuary').

This is taken from Rhys' Celtic Britain with the latter meaning of cangi/caing meaning 'estuary' coming from Guert's Origins Celticum.

The 'coincidence' lies in one of the usual renderings of the name 'Angle', deriving from the Latin Anglii meaning 'those who dwell by the narrow water (estuary)'. The word ang meaning 'narrow', it would seem.

The Welsh teg/tege definitely means 'fair', giving us the following names in Wales -

Tegid - 'Fair',

Tegwen - 'Fair White',

Tegan - 'Fair'.

We have a clear reference from a Christian Priest who first saw the Angles and referred to them as 'Angels' due to their fair appearance. So the name 'Fair Angles' or 'Fair Ingl' (a variation of 'Angle/Engel') referred to a people fairer than the others in that area of Wales.

I mentioned in the original post that when living in North Wales the local newspaper The North Wales Weekly News posted a piece on the findings of a blood-group survey of the Conway Valley (the area of the Tegeingl) which had a strong Scandinavian Blood Group 'A', which as assumed to be from the 'Vikings', but which may have been earlier due to the presence of the Tegeingl. When I wrote a 'Letter to the Editor' mentioning the links to the White Dragon of the English I was smeared by someone within the paper in order to hush the whole thing up; unknown to the one who wrote it  was the fact that I worked there!

Some years ago a young Irishman named 'Tommy' wrote a letter to me outlining a newspaper article that related an archaeological find under the Viking settlement of Dublin, a find that purported to have discovered an 'Anglo-Saxon Settlement' under the Viking settlement! 'Tommy' mentioned that this was soon 'hushed up' due to its being rather an 'embarrassment' for the Irish Government, with the climate of the times. I had no contact with 'Tommy' after that and could not verify this. However, recently I came across a post which stated that in 1999 the Irish Times reported a find of a pre-Viking house 'built in the Anglo-Saxon style' in Temple Bar in Dublin, found during a construction project in Copper Lane.

Now, the Irish chronicles tell of the Dubgaill (translated as 'Dark Foreigners') invaded the area of what became known as Dublin, warring with the Findgaill (translated as 'Fair Foreigners') who already dwelt there. An alternative name of these seems to be Dubgenti (translated as 'Dark Gentiles') and Findgenti (translated as 'Fair Gentiles'). The translations are rather strange, since they are vague and the term 'Gaill' seems to have been seen as Gael in the sense of 'Welsh' - i.e. 'foreigner'.

There is a strange 'coincidence' here because the 'Fair Gaill' were the original dwellers, who were invaded by the 'Dark Gaill' who were presumable Danish Vikings, or even Norwegian Norsemen. We are not told who the 'Fair Gaill' are.

Summing up this last part we have an earlier Anglo-Saxon (Angle) settlement in the area later known as Dublin, which is itself in the Province of Leinster (remember?) and is at the mouth of the River Lilley, directly opposite to what is now Holyhead on the Island of Anglesey ('Isle of the Angles'). To show how things get twisted due to establishment historians and archaeologists dogma, the name 'Anglesey' has been said to derive from a 'Viking' word 'Ongle', no doubt due to the Viking name 'Orme' used for the 'Great Orme' and 'Little Orme' near Llandudno. The more obvious 'Angle's Island' did not fit with the norm because it referred to the 'English'.

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