

Wednesday 2 March 2022

CERN & The Portals


What I am going to say here is not verifiable I am afraid, so it is not meant to be taken as fact but as speculation. This needs to be made clear, but there are certain things that do appear rather strange - to say the least. This concerns the CERN project and its 'particle accelerators'. CERN, it should be noted, was the birthplace of the World Wide Web. 

The Shiva Statue was said to have been the scene of a 'ritual' of some kind, where 'hooded figures' were seen around the statue. According to the Guardian, this was a hoax, and CERN itself launched an investigation to find out who was responsible. According to their report “pranking scientists” were suspected. 

“The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online.” – January 31, 2001 Titor’s world-lines were effectively timelines, branches in the multiverse, each representing the infinite possible courses of events. According to his story, CERN would go on to create microsingularities, which would then be harnessed to essentially open “portals” into these other world lines, or timelines, allowing for backward travel through time.


The loading screen on CERN’s website reminds one somewhat of John Titor’s insignia, which he shared online back in 2000-2001. You can compare the two in the image below -

Unfortunately, much stuff written about CERN and other System Projects is that the 'Conspiracy Theorists' step in with some really weird stuff, and thus put off any relevant discussion on these subjects. This is no doubt a deliberate disinformation ploy. The gist of this is that CERN are opening portals in space for some reason or other - and this could in fact be the means to allow the Dark Forces from the Shadow-World to enter into Middle-Earth. 'Time-Travel' may well be the 'outer' form of this, in order to shift suspicion of what they are trying to do, but there does seem to be something in this which should awaken alarm bells!

This photo is allegedly that of the skies over CERN in June 2016, just after a sinister Advanced WAKEfield Experiment on July 16th 2016 - the 'AWAKE' experiment. Now, is this really a coincidence, that suddenly we have the 'WOKE' people appear in every section of The System? I have mentioned before how these people have suddenly 'WOKE' as if they are under the control of these Dark Forces, and here we have the clue to maybe why this is so. Of course, as with everything these Dark Powers do, this is a sick parody of how the ancients used their mind-power to enter different worlds, whilst here they use billions of pounds worth of high-tech equipment to work on the physical level to do so. 


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