

Friday, 24 September 2021

A New Order


Friedrich Nietzsche proclaimed that 'God is Dead!' and in this he seems to have been absolutely right - mankind has killed off 'God' and the results are becoming rather obvious today. Let us simplify our times by recognising the fundamental battle that we face today, a battle between Material Man and Spiritual Man. Those who today have gained control over the world and our lives have clearly stated that man has no 'soul' nor 'spirit', and has no 'free will'. As such man is no more than a 'programmable animal' or as one Israeli Professor stated, a 'hackable animal'. We can now see the reason why they have developed the internet and created the smart-phone, so as to be able to monitor everything and everywhere that we go, and everything we do, as well as our likes and dislikes etc. etc. With an individual file on each person they can 'understand us better than we do'. 

So the stage we are going through now is the death of democracy and its replacement with a Chinese Communist style government that will be far more 'efficient' for their agenda. Hence why everyone must suffer further and further harshness and discontent until everyone has their spirit of revolt crushed, and they can easily put into place the World State. Rather than the messy revolutions of the past much of this today is done through the 'consent' of the masses, who are so dumbed down that they cannot see the wood for the trees. Those who conform can be used to crush those who do not, and we are seeing this in action today. 

Nietzsche saw this in the light of the 'Ultimate Man' who would be the dumbed-down slave, those who willingly give up their freedom, and the 'Over-Man' (Superman) who would create within himself a 'Master Morality', throwing off the shackles of slavery and becoming the 'solitary' in the first stage, from which in time would develop the Superman. The latter would be those faithful to the Spirit of Man, the former a material shell alone, devoid of soul and spirit. 

This is where we have to step back and think on something that I have said over and over again, and that is their lack of the ability to work within the World of Spirit, which for now they can do only through the cooperation of the traitors of our own people who have aided them in this agenda. This is why I see no point whatever in confronting such a vast power on the material level alone, and in working at the same level as they are doing. If we read into our ancient texts, and the destruction of the world by fire, then perhaps this material world is doomed to destruction anyway. This does not mean the destruction of everything, since the Norse Eddas (and other ancient myths) tell that the Greenland will arise from the cleansing waters that put our Surt's Fire. Greenland was an ancient term used for the Inner Earth so often mentioned by Don Miguel Serrano. The difference between these two worlds lies in the different vibratory levels, the Greenland obviously being a higher spiritual level

The secret of the rising of the 'Inner Earth' lies in the Norse Eddas which tell of a place named Odainsacre which is peopled by the Race of the Asmegir ('Asa-Might'), and which is where dwells Baeldaeg, awaiting his return after Ragnarok. This was the place which was protected after the end of the Golden Age, and where no evil may dwell, since the peoples of this land will repeople the world after the Great Catastrophe. Lif and Lifthrasir dwell in this Holy Land, and they will appear after the Nine Worlds are cleansed by the Fires of Surt. 

According to Madame Blavatsky, in her The Secret Doctrine, the true nature of The Krist was very different than that preached of by the established church. In this alternative view Sophia (The Celestial Virgin) sent Kristos (her emanation) to the help of a perishing humanity from whom Ilda-Baoth (Jehovah) and his Six Sons of Matter were shutting out the Divine Light. This is something that every ancient Indo-European Myth centres around, the stealing of the 'Light' (Cattle or Gold in symbolism) by the Dark Powers. When Ilda-Baoth discovered that Kristos was bringing to an end his Kingdom of Matter he stirred up the people into putting him to death. After three days he arose, clothed in his Body of Light (Astral Body), which is stated in the New Testament. 

She gives us a piece from the Gnostic teachings -

'When he (the spirit of Kristos) shall have collected all the Spiritual, all the Light (that exists in matter), out of Ildabaoth's empire, redemption is accomplished and the end of the world arrived.'

Is this today not exactly what is happening, since those who are faithful to the Spirit of Man and to the Divine Light (The God-Head) are today moving further and further away from the decaying and dying material world, its servants and its corrupt and evil rulers. There is a great rift, a great divide, coming between those who conform with this 'New World Order' and those who oppose it and seek to create a New Order (Spiritual Order). In reality this is not a 'New World Order', it is the culmination of thousands of years of the Old Order, whose time is short, hence why we are seeing such a rush to keep up their agenda and 'finish the job'.

Throughout the last few decades we have been programmed to accept the idea of a take-over by machines or robots - 'Artificial Intelligence'. H.G.Wells brought this idea into being with his 'War of the Worlds', and since he wrote a book outlining a 'New World Order' it does not seem too far fetched to see him as being one of those pushing this agenda. The latest of this type of thing is the 'Zombie Apocalypse' type of stuff, and again this is being pushed to make people aware of what is coming so as to allow them to get used to it before it even happens. That is what the film industry is today about, having nothing whatever to do with entertainment. 

Even with the most well prepared plans there is always something that could go very wrong, and it has done in the past as history has shown us. In any card game there is always the play of The Joker which can change things completely, always the element of chance. All that can be assessed from any given situation is the probability of it going right, and this can tend to make people rather complacent and too sure of things. And this is when mistakes can happen, or when a chance happening changes everything, alters even the most well-laid plans. The probability of things not going as well as expected must get higher as one deals with a system that gets bigger and bigger...and bigger. 

We can see the power of the press and the media to manipulate a given situation in the fuel crisis that has suddenly hit us today. As far as I can see this is not even about a shortage of drivers, but a shortage of fuel by one company - BP. The press and media have been babbling about fuel and food shortages for a while and this hit the headlines again this week. The masses, predictably, rushed out to fill their tanks and cans en masse and there was chaos at the pumps and long queues of cars, vans and lorries. I would lime to say that we should try to help others in such times but it was on the cards and I had already stocked up so this was not a problem. After decades of food-storing any food shortages can be ridden out too. But my point here is this type of power wielded by the mass-media and the press is the reason why most can be manipulated easily.

The other side to this coin is how these people have gained control of yet another key feature needed for mind-control - psychology and psychiatry. Through human psychology they are in a position to carefully study the human mind, since they have the human material available to them to do so. Decades of its use in advertising, selling stuff to people that they may not need nor in fact want, has allowed them to manipulate the masses easily. Psychology studies the human mind, and through psychiatry they can experiment with different types of mind-altering drugs. This is why out of the 281 individuals involved with SAGE and its offshoots many were psychologists, there to manipulate the minds of the masses in regard to the Covid-19 experiment - which it was, and is ongoing, and will be ongoing well into the future. These psychologists were working on ways to promote their product ('Covid-19'), ways to ensure the masses acted as they wished, and ways to turn those who conformed against those who did not - and this too is ongoing into the future. They had to ensure an ongoing thread of mass-fear and terror which has not been done with good effect. Their other effective way was to ensure that 'Covid-19' was the only thing that we should think about, day after day after day....This the media and press pushed on a daily basis, and this is why I have not discussed this lately, since I feel that doing so regularly only aids their aims. Not only that, it brings into the picture the next thing I would like to discuss - their ensuring a negative attitude in the masses. 

What we need to do is to create a positive mental attitude in everything that we do, not succumb to negative thoughts and negative ideas all of the time. When this started we found Matt Hancock telling everyone to 'imagine they had the virus', and obvious remark that originated through the mind of some System Psychologist who had studied the way that students dealing with illnesses sometimes developed the symptoms themselves because they were dealing with this on a daily basis. Putting this another way, if we centre our whole life around it perhaps we are more likely to get it, or at least the symptoms, which was a boon for them since this meant more 'tests' for them, many of whose results may not have been what they should have been. But the numbers would have been there, which was the aim. A negative mental attitude, coupled with fear, would not help the individual in boosting the immune system. This is why a positive mental attitude is necessary, and this must be built up over time, since we are all affected by this to some degree. 

The Helm of the Terrible One (above symbol) is designed to deflect and send back 'curses' and 'negative attacks' as can be seen from its make-up. This is based  upon the Number 24 (number of runes in CGF) which is doubled through the 'tridents' and the 'cross-staves'. It thus contains the entire power of the 24 runes, being thrown outwards to the eight directions of the compass. The three-staves can also be seen as the Third Rune - Thorn - which is a Rune of Protection, and a powerful rune of the destruction of one's attackers, either physically or on a psychic level. This is not a Rune of Protection in that it merely wards off an attack, for it is designed to send back the attack upon the attacker. It was used as a means to ward off enemies when going into battle, worn on the forehead of the warrior. The 'tridents' are also protective since they represent the Eohls-Secg Rune, which again wards off a psychic attack. It is also the Trident of Woden or Trident of Shiva. Holding the thumb and first two fingers out is said to ward off the 'Evil Eye' - the 'Eye of Sauron'.

The secret of getting through these times is HOPE and every ancient prophecy tells of a time when a Warrior Avatar will appear to put an end to this and to destroy the Powers of Darkness. No, we should not sit back and wait for this to happen, for we have work to do here and now, before this figure will appear at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. This is the time for the Lone Wolf, for the 'solitary' of Nietzsche and the Sajaha Prophecies, a time when we will sometimes be alone, and have to work on our own initiative. Evolution cannot take place without a struggle, so even those who have created this situation are necessary in order that an upward evolution of man can take place. 

Over the last decades things have become too easy, too comfortable, and this has made us slightly 'soft' and 'weak' compared to previous generations who had to put up with so much hardship. This is why we have had to promote a new Way of Life in which we need to realise that the 'good times' are coming to an end. This we are now being told, but few people (unfortunately) can actually see this, nor what is really going on in the world around them. This is a chance we have to not only pursue a Spiritual Path, but to use the workings of the physical world as part of our Spiritual Evolution. What they are doing can be looked at in a different light when we see this as a challenge, as a struggle for our survival, not only as individuals but as a Nation and a Race. 

This is one of the things that we should not overlook, that whilst they promote a 'World State' or a 'Global Village' and everything they do to further this end makes more and more problems, brings more and more hardships and suffering, the answer we have is to - Think National - Act Local - and to show how their system is creating these problems and that we must revert to the Natural Order, where every form of life has its own boundaries and territory, and that this is natural and right. That is not to say that we try to keep the old worn-out 'nations' most of which were created artificially to further these global aims, but that we revive the old Tribal Nations living within natural boundaries and not man-made boundaries for some political end. We must look backwards in order to create a new future for our Folk. 

We do not need to look far for the solutions to our problems, on how to go about affecting changes that will be for the good of the Folk, for the Ancient Runes contain these solutions. Rune of the Folkland - the enclosure, the tribal boundaries, the idea of the right to a piece of land to work, for one's tribe and family, not for some money-grabbing 'lord' where the land-worker is a 'tenant', owning nothing but working hard to live and giving most to another who sits back and takes from this hard work. (*) This rune represents the Mystical Link between the Blood and the Soil which we have to regain - our link with Nature and the Earth. This is the Gift of Ing. This rune can bond a people together, like-minded attracted to like-minded. It works through the Blood and through the Soil (Earth). 

(*) 'You will own nothing - and you WILL be happy!' - Klaus Schwab.

Those in firm control know full well how the measures being imposed will not be at all popular, this being the reason they need 'puppets' seemingly running their 'local' governments around the world. It is these people who will take the blame for everything. One of the most effective methods that have been using against us is to lay the blame upon those who have for decades actively opposed their aims. Wherever the blame is laid it is not upon the 'Communists' or 'Global Socialists' who are behind these schemes. And the Global Bankers and Global Corporations stay well out of the limelight, funding the schemes of their so-called 'opponents' from behind the scene. It is clearly noticeable that the blame that was first being laid at the feet of the 'Communists' and 'Global Socialists' has slowly been replaced by its being placed upon those opposed to both Global Capitalism and Global Socialism. This is a clever ploy that few have seen through.

The way that they are achieving their global agenda is through the fierce dedication of their 'activists' who work tirelessly in their pursuit of their aims. These people are fused with an ideal and a purpose, something that we have need of emulating if we are to counter their aims. By the process of 'Information Overload' they overload the minds of the masses so that eventually they do not know what to believe and what not to believe. This is why we find such conflicting news, changing from one day to the next, and why we see a constant battle waged between 'them' and 'us', no doubt both sides to some extent manipulated, as they have always done. By such methods the majority of people 'keep out of it', and it is this majority that we need to look to in order to affect some small changes to the odds. 

I used to watch some YouTube on this but like the mainstream news and media this is under their control and they have the power to take down any opposition at one stroke - which they will no doubt do one day. For now we have 'censorship' of what they do not wish to go up, but there has been so much taken down over the last few years that even this is becoming a tool to create a conflict between those who conform and those who do not - yet another conflict they are manipulating for their purpose. This is where, as I stated earlier, they have switched the blame from those who are intent on this agenda to those who opposed their ideals and purpose. 

Opposition to these aims cannot merely be just that of being opposed, since any effective opposition must be centred around a purpose and around ideals and an ideology. This is not so with the opposition we see today, since those organisations and movements that did have purpose, ideals and an ideology have been banned, crushed, or merely made ineffective. As yet no religious movement has become strong enough to be effective, and there is seemingly no form of cooperation between groups, though this may not be a bad thing at this particular time. This is why it is so important today for us to continue to build a weltanshauung that gives a purpose, ideals and an ideology, just a Don Miguel Serrano built up a weltanshauung which could be left to his followers to bring to fruition. This was the very basis of everything that our enemies achieved, starting with the ideas of Karl Marx (and others) who left a 'bible' for his followers to study and to take up as 'activists'. When one of their schemes failed (as they have always done because their ideals are 'pie-in-the-sky') another individual took up the cause and wrote yet another treatise on how their aims could be achieved, this time in a different way. This is how 'Cultural Marxism' replaced 'Revolutionary Marxism', and how they have changed the rules to suit the same agenda. 

Our concentration must be centred around the ideal of a New Order built around a knowledge of our ancient past, ancient history, and our origins as a race which lie in the most ancient Solar Race. Thule is an ideal and not just a landmass sunk into the seas in ancient times. This ideal lies in the concept of Odainsacre which is of the future, and which will come into being when its time is right. This Cycle of the Ages must turn full circle until it reaches the end, which is not really an ending but a new beginning. This 'ending' has to come about in order that there can be a 'new beginning', the events of today must happen because they need to happen in order that the Old Order can be destroyed and a New Order arise from the ashes of its destruction. 

Friday, 17 September 2021

The Awakening of Thule

"The submergence of Thule was not of the waters, but of the blood. Sooner or later its Adepts will seek to awaken Thule once more."

'Ultima Thule - The Vanished Northern Homeland' - Bernard King.

The Sun of Thule


The idea of a vanished 'homeland' immediately brings into mind the sinking of Atlantis under the waters; we know that At-al-land, in the North Sea around the area now known as 'Dogger Bank' once existed above the waters. But Bernard King here reminds us that the lost Land of Thule (in the Far North) was sunk into the Blood and not the 'waters' - what on Earth does he mean by this statement? First I would like to look at the word Thule and various root-words linked to this -

Thula (ON) - to endure, to tolerate, to suffer.

Thule (ON - a sage or a seer.

Thyle (OE) - a dandy, a jester, a buffoon.

The first two meanings are fairly straightforward, and we could well equate the lost Thule with 'suffering' in the physical and mental sense; we could also say that Thule has 'endured' since it has not been lost to us at all. The idea of a 'sage' or a 'seer' can also be connected to Thule, maybe even the Seven Sages of the Ancients. The third meaning, found in Old English, is a little more complicated, but perhaps the most interesting of the three. We shall go back to this later, since first I would like to point out the importance of the statement made by Bernard King.

What he is saying clearly is that Thule is within us, not something lost forever but something that can be awoken. This is a crucial concept to us at this time, for the Dark Powers use a very clever technique of keeping our attention to all matters outside and ensuring that people do not look within themselves for the answers we need to overcome the destruction of our people. 'Know Thyself' was the Delphic Oracle of the Greeks, and to do so we need to look within. The Krist exclaimed - 'The Kingdom of heaven is within', in contradiction to the church teachings. The Sacred Blood of our Folk is indeed the 'water' that flows around our bodies, but (as Don Miguel states) it was once the Igneous Blood of the Black Sun. 

Now let us look at the word thyle which means 'a dandy', 'a jester' or 'a buffoon' which all basically mean a 'fool' or 'simpleton'. The root-word tol  means 'fool' or 'simpleton' and gives rise to the name 'Tell' - William Tell is the famous Swiss Archer-Hero. William Tell is a form of the archetypal Robin Hood or The Hooded Man, and relates back to AEgil the Archer, brother of Wayland the Smith. Indeed, this also relates to a very early form of Woden as The Hooded Man; here he is an archer-god connected to Orion the Hunter. In a sense here we are seeing that the awakening of the archetype of The Hooded Man is directly associated with the awakening of Thule. There are other hints of this too, all connected to Woden's Folk and to our work over the last 23 years or so.

Gateway to Thule

The symbol of Thule, as shown in the runic works of Don Miguel, is the White Swan which in itself is the symbol of the Highest Initiation. The figure of the Long Man of Wilmington represents Cygnus the Swan, and faces north which hints that this is the Gateway to Thule. The figure itself is an aspect of Woden as The Waendal who is the Guardian of the Gateway to Thule (the 'gate' is represented by the twin-staves). In our Wodenic Lore the White Swan is symbolic of the Odroerir-Centre or Head-Centre of the ALU-ULA Formula, the runic-sound being Ansuz. 

The Herne Giant or Heil as the Saxons here in Southern England called him, represents the constellation of Orion the Hunter, and in the Tarot Card called The Fool the figure itself seems to represent Orion-Herne-Woden whilst the dog at his heels represents Sirius, the Dog-Star.

The Legend of Hamlet, which originally comes down to us from Denmark, is the Legend of The Pure Fool. This is indeed The Hooded Man, and some of the records around Robin Hood show a link with Orion the Hunter, what does not come through is the link with The Fool. This legend is widespread, even though it differs slightly in form; it is that of Osiris, Set and Horus in Egypt.

  • The father is slain by his brother, who sometimes takes his wife after this act.
  • The son swears vengeance for the slaying of his father, and so as not to alert the uncle to what he plans he takes the role of a simpleton or fool.
  • The son avenges the slaying of his father by slaying the uncle.

The 'Gateway to Thule' or 'Portal to Thule' is also represented by the Sun-Ship or Swan-Ship which sails upon the Waters of Chaos & Dissolution at the end of a world-age. Since we are in the liminal period between world-ages, passed out of the Age of Pisces, and as yet not entering the Age of Aquarius, this is the period when the Swan-Ship sails. This 'gateway' is the 'Gateway to the Gods' and is also seen in the Cweorth-Rune -

The secret of Thule is that of a complete transformation of Man into the Superman, the Sun-Man. Here we see the importance of the Black Sun which is symbolic of an implosion, and unfolding from within. It is from within that this power is awakened, and whilst our minds are totally focussed outwards this cannot be awoken. The secret of The Hooded Man Archetype is held in its inner concept of suffering just as the 'son' suffered through the murder of his father, and we today 'suffer' through the destruction of our Folk. Like the Archetypal Fool we have to 'endure' this, to 'tolerate' what is something that is not good for us, but which will in the end prove to be beneficial in that it provides us with the struggle needed to evolve. 

The Thule Swastika represents the turning of time, against the flow of time (again as Don Miguel pointed out), the backwards-turning flow of time against the time that moves ever-onwards towards decay and death. This represents the turning-backwards towards the Ur-Time, towards the Primal Time or 'First Time' (Ar-Var-Alda) - the 'Time of the Gods'. The symbol itself is a 'broken' wheel, a wheel that 'breaks' and is 'renewed' time after time after time, every moving backwards to the 'future' - a future time when Thule awakens and arises renewed from the Sacred Blood of the Folk. 

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

An Alternative Go-Kit


I use an alternative set-up which can be used as a set, or different parts taken where this suits the occasion and aim of the training. This set comprises -

  • A Water-Bottle Carrier (shoulder-bag).
  • A Survival Bag (Bum-Bag) (*)
  • A Bum-Bag.
(*) I shall refrain from using the US term 'Fanny-Bag' since it would not be suited to the English meaning of the word, which is totally different.

The Water-Carrier -

The water-carrier is carried on one shoulder, the Survival Bag (Bum-Bag) is carried across the back from the other shoulder, and the Bum-Bag is carried where it is usually meant to be. 

This is a cheap water-carrier which is carried on one shoulder, and can be strapped to the belt by two loops on the back of it. This would hold some of the weight, since water is one of the heaviest things that we need to carry. 

Contents of the Water-Carrier -

  • A stainless-steel water-bottle & stainless-steel mug with folding handle. These are carried in the main compartment. The mug fits over the top of the bottle, easier than over the bottom where it is a tight fit into the compartment.
  • Tea/Coffee/Suger/Dried Milk, and two spoons. These are carried in the small front compartment.

The Bum-Bag -

This is carried across the back over the 'bum' ('ass' or 'butt') and is a lightweight bag from Jack Wolfskin, given to me as a present by my daughter some years ago.

Contents of the Bum-Bag -

The large central compartment has in it - 

  • A small tarp.
  • A Poncho for when it rains or to use to build a shelter.
One side-compartment has in it -

  • Various pieces of paracord and cordage, as well as a piece of fat wood for fire-lighting.
The other side-compartment has in it -

  • A lock-knife.
The Bum-Bag contains enough to make a quick shelter using a tarp and bivvy and the cordage for a ridge-line and guy-lines.

The Survival Bag - 

This is carried over the opposite shoulder to the Water-Carrier, and is a bit heavier than the Bum-Bag.

Contents of the Shoulder Bag -

  • Survival Knife with Ferro-Rod and Sharpener.
  • Gas Canister & Fire-Lighting Kit inside canister cover.
  • A waterproof bivvy-bag which is non-breathable and thus used to store kit in to keep dry or for an emergency bivvy-shelter; this could even be cut into half in an extreme emergency and made into a single 'tarp'. 
These go into the main compartment with a collapsable dog-bowl for water for the dog.

  • Tent Pegs.
  • Survival Bag (*).
  • Bic Lighter.
  • Blow-pipe (for fire-starting).
(*) I bought a set of two of these for £1.00 from Poundland some years ago and they both held up well to use. Buying from other sources at dearer prices these, and the DPM ones tend to tear too easily, so this is carried only because it may serve some purpose, perhaps as a cover on a fire-reflector.

These go into the smaller front compartment.

  • Compass.
  • Tampons (fire-lighting as cotton-wool).
  • Batteries (for Garmin GPS on outside of the pack).
  • Fishing-hooks in container.
These go into one of the side-compartments.

  • A camping stove.

This goes into the other side compartment.

On the outside of the pack are two pieces of fat-wood, and a Garmin GPS Tracker, simple but very good in use. The compass is also necessary since GPS needs batteries.

This set-up means that any one, two or all of these can be carried depending upon the needs of the time. The use of a gas-stove is because at certain times of the year it is quite dangerous to light a fire to boil water or cook and have to leave it and move on. It is also quicker and cleaner to use a gas-stove, and does not rely upon dry wood for a fire. Best on the move.

Some tips -

The gas-canister that I use is a very small one, here a Coleman Extreme 2.0 (I00gm) which is propane-butane and thus burns in lower temperatures, useful in the colder months of the year. These are available for £16.00 from or for £4.00 from Milletts or Blacks - which would you choose? On the right of the canister is a cheap adapter (cheap on Amazon) which not only adapts a non-screw canister to a screw-canister, but also transfers gas from one canister to another. The larger cans of Coleman Propane (300gm) can be bought as a set of 6 for about £4.00 each, and thus 3 small cans (100gm) could be filled from one 300gm canister - a good saving. These would be propane and not propane-butane, but would still work, though not so efficiently in cold weather. The process could be dangerous so ensure you know what you are doing! 

I use this set-up when I take the dog for a walk, and thus have the means to take a break to make tea/coffee, and to shelter from the rain if necessary. Again, getting out and about is essential for us as a Nature-Religion. The idea of Body-Mind-Spirit in a harmonious working depends upon physical fitness and a healthy body for the spirit to work through. This is even more essential in a time of potential illness. I have collected my kit over many, many years, and also some of it is from kit I bought for the kids when they were young, and which I use myself rather than throw it out. But anyone can make up a simple and cheap kit from second-hand stuff if necessary. 

Note of Caution - Here in England (as usual) it is illegal to carry a 'weapon' in public, and although our kit is made up of 'tools' they can easily make out that a knife or axe is a 'weapon'. It is thus safest to carry such items at the bottom of any pack or bag where it is not easily got out. In the car these should be carried in the boot of the car or in a compartment at the back of an SUV - not next to you in the glove-compartment or on the passenger seat! 

The Survival Bag

The Survival Bag

Woden's Folk was created on April 21st 1998 and one of the first things that we did was to encourage anyone coming into our religion to make themselves ready for any form of future problems such as disasters, food-shortages, catastrophes or social breakdown. We set a date for 2012 to do this as a group, simply because it was a date banded around that some saw as a time for disaster to happen - nothing did happen, which was the case back in 1999 too. However, I doubt if any of us thought of a 'pandemic' (if we can call it that) which was the catalyst for drastic changes in 2020-2021. But this has happened and it has proven to be an ongoing process that is part of a Global Agenda for changes forced upon us against the will of the people. I think most people are thoroughly pissed of about having this forced down their throats day after day, and nothing else bar the odd change in news that is merely an offshoot of this agenda. The world today revolves around 'Covid-19' - not here it doesn't!

I took a week off to go wild-camping in a woodland in Sussex, and during this time I did some thinking about how we can all get our lives back and how we can ensure the physical survival of our family and folk. Positive-thinking is a word much used, but one which we should all take heed of now, because dwelling upon the negative only attracts negative entities which create disorder and disharmony in the individual or group. We all know that there are threats of 'food-shortages' (truthfully there are none around here) and this is banded about to scare people into going out and bulk-buying, and thus create a shortage. But since we set ourselves the task some 20-odd years ago this has no effect. Or it should not have for those who did prepare. This is one point of importance, it is no good waiting until something does happen, this must be done in order to prepare for future problems. 

What I would like to start off with here is to show others a Survival Bag which I keep ready - some call this a 'Go-Bag' or a 'Bug-Out Bag'. This is kept ready for when anything does happen, but unlike some I do not keep it filled and ready and not use it until something happens. This is used as a Training-Bag and taken out to train in wild-camping and how to cope with sleeping outdoors, cooking outdoors, and generally using techniques that are today called 'survival', but which were not long ago all part of the daily living process. Modern living is made easy, and we need to get out of the habit of having it too easy - struggle is the watchword for evolving. Using the kit kept in the bag means it is -

  • Tested again and again, ensuring that it does work when it is really needed.
  • Something that becomes second-nature when using.
  • Not something that is a waste of money sitting there doing nothing.

The backpack that I use is an urban DPM bag which was fairly cheap, and thus had to have a couple of modifications to make it easier to carry. There was no chest-strap, so I made one up, and one of the waist-straps was useless in that it pulled through and came loose, so I cut a short stick to push through and hold it fast. These changes have done the trick. Those who can afford better should pay more and get better, but for now this will do fine for my purpose. The pack is a medium-size molle pack.

Contents of the Survival Bag -

Back Row -

  • Two-Season Sleeping-Bag - this is not really for autumn-winter, but my own view is that it is better than nothing at all, and can be modified to suit colder conditions. A 5-season bag would be far more bulky, but could be carried on the person if needed. (We shall look at this later.)
  • A waterproof-breathable bivvy-bag - this one is not Goretex, but was one I bought some 40 years ago as a hooped-bivvy; I took the hoop out and put it in a lighter bag. 
  • A small DPM tarp.
  • A waterproof bag containing para-cord, cordage, burgess, and tent-pegs for shelter-building.
  • A fire-starting tin which contains a ferro-rod (steel-striker), 2 night-lights, vaseline (petroleum jelly used to start a fire), two different types of eco fire-lighters, one of which can be shaved off as tinder, tampons (for cotton wool) and a piece of fat-wood, plus a Bic lighter.
The above fit into the rear compartment of the backpack, with the first-aid kit on the top of these, ready when necessary since this is one thing that could be needed at any time. 

  • A stainless-steel water-bottle.
  • A stainless steel cooking-pot, lid, and mesh cover, inside of which is a stainless-steel cup and spoon-fork set.
  • Coffee/Tea Bags. 

These fit into the centre compartment of the backpack.

Front Row -

  • A small collapsable water-carrier.
  • A small drinking straw for drinking polluted water.
  • A mini-toothbrush.
  • A lightweight and easy-to-dry towel.
  • A muslin bag (for water filtration).
These fit into the centre compartment with the bottle-cooking-tea/coffee making kit. The first aid kit fits into the rear compartment. The folding sit-mat under the first aid kit fits onto the outside of the pack.

  • A survival knife with a ferro-rod in the sheath.
  • A Gransfors Bruks mini-axe.
  • A Bahco folding-saw (not shown).
A backpack cover and AA Batteries which fit a Garmin GPS go into the small upper compartment on the front, and a video-camera is fitted to the front molly for use in taking photos/videos when out training. 

As you can see the pack is not large, and just enough to carry the minimum needed to be able to 'live rough' if necessary. There are other important things such as spare socks/underwear which are kept ready for use but not put in when doing a day-training session. 

There is one thing that many 'preppers' overlook, and that is the obvious that, when faced with an emergency situation, what one does will depend upon what the situation is. The idea of taking up a 'Bug-Out Bag' and getting off into the wild is not something that would be the first thing that I would do -

  • If possible stay where you are, in your own home where you feel (relatively) safe and sound, and have the amenities to cope there.
  • If this becomes impossible then take the car/SUV/van/truck (or better still a camper-van if you have one) which would already have been set up for your survival with some kit kept in it
  • As a last resort take up the ready-kitted Bug-Out Bag and get off as quickly as possible. Add to the bag whatever else you can carry at the time. There are places on the outside to carry a larger sleeping-bag and a roll-mat, and you can carry something along in the hand. 

There are certain things that are necessary when thinking of surviving something that suddenly comes upon us and forced instant change, and forces us out of our comfort-zone -

  • The first thing that anyone needs is shelter, since getting out of the wet and cold is a must, as well as getting out of the hot sun at the other extreme. Shelter is the first priority.
  • Fire is the next priority, since we need warmth, and this is needed to boil water to make it drinkable, and to dry wet clothes in bad weather. Why we carry stainless steel bottles, cooking-pots and cups is so that they can be used to boil water in for various purposes, and cooking directly on the fire.
  • It is said that you can survive 30 days without food and only 3 days without water, so water is the next priority. Carry the water-bottle in your backpack, and also more water if you can possibly do so. The idea, like taking shelter-building and fire-lighting kit, is that it is best to have something to start off with, and thus give time to find what is needed from the wild. 
  • There is a need to learn what plants are edible, and how to hunt and fish if possible. There are many common plants and trees that have parts that can be eaten. 
  • The individual needs to keep clean and thus stay healthy, so there is a need to carry some toiletries with you, and spare clothes. What you will be able to take will depend upon the circumstances.

Here is a tip that may become useful for those who do see problems in the future, and since the lunatics have now taken over the asylum then these problems seem to be inevitable. If you can find a piece of woodland, or another area where the public rarely go, then create your own base-camp that could be used straightway when something does go off. The above is a wooden shelter built in a local woodland, the only thing needed being the 6' x 4' milar-tarp that goes over a sideline attached to two pine trees. This is 'good-to-go' as our US friends say!

Practicing wild-camping and outdoor survival need not be done as a purely physical activity, though it will certainly improve fitness and health, for it can also be a form of spiritual training since it does involve intense concentration, and the ability to become a craftsman in what you are doing. This also tends to help the individual become self-reliant since it means creating one's own shelter, fire, cooking facilities etc. It is creative in many ways. It also involves positive-thinking, since the individual is becoming aware of how to overcome obstacles and problems, and is taking control of one's own life, rather than the mass of people who are led along like sheep. Taking control of one's life is the most important thing in today's world where there are hidden powers that seek total control over our lives. Also, giving our full concentration to such positive tasks means that our minds are centred upon something positive, and not full of the daily propaganda that is being fed to everyone. 

One thing that is noticeable when we feel 'down' or a bit 'depressed', is that in focusing the mind upon positive tasks the mind moves away from its lowly state, and we feel better for this. Dwelling upon their agenda, even when opposing it, merely helps to aid their task of making this whole thing something that is never-ending and something we cannot get away from. We can get away from this, through preparing ourselves for what next they have in store for us. They have made their 'cult' a way-of-life for most, now let us take back control and run our lives in the most natural way, getting out into Nature and learning outdoor skills, readying ourselves for what they throw at us next.